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Sunday, 29 April 2018
Une de ces nuits ...
... je viens d'entendre une querelle dans la rue, devant la porte où je dormais.
D'abord, j'ai cru que c'était entre une copine abusée et un copain abuseur, après je me suis dit que ça sonne davantage comme un enfant ou comme une mineure avec un père trop sévère.
Qu'il ait été fâché et qu'il ait voulu forcer la progéniture de rentrer, vite, ça se comprend, alors. Mais si après il prendra la même supériorité pour la forcer à un avortement, ce serait abusif. L'avortement l'est en soi, et en pas mal de cas, abus parental d'une jeune mère est impliqué./HGL
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Can Spirits Move Matter?
As some of my readers already know, I am a Young Earth Creationist. I believe God created Heaven and Earth 5199 BC, or possibly 5500 or 5509 BC. That is - more than seven but definitely less then eight millennia ago.
As some of my readers also know, there is a problem for specifically creation of Heaven and of Fourth Day objects so recently, coming from modern theories of cosmology, which say that some objects of the type we consider as created on Fourth Day, some Fix Stars, are 13 point something milliards or - in America - billions of light years away.
Now, if they are that far, or were when the light left them, the light should have taken 13 point something milliards or billions of years to reach us, meaning they existed some milliards or billons of years before Day Four.
My solution is obviously : Geocentrism eliminates a lot of higher rungs in cosmic distance ladder - every object beyond those which reflect sunlight on the side turned to the sun.
And Tychonian Geocentrism - the one which observations do not refute fairly directly - involves some funny planetary orbits, such they can hardly be the pure chance interplay of merely inertias and gravitations. Hence, as some of my readers know, I postulate as solution for this, something which I also believe on other grounds.
Angels move celestial objects : Sun and Moon, and among the Stars, both Fix Stars and Planets, both Exoplanets and Comets and probably Meteoroids too. As long as they don't crash down on Earth.
Now, some have argued, God doesn't allow spirits to do that, or if He did, He would only allow such movements which coincided with what astronomers predict from gravitation and such.
Not such very funny orbits as, for instance, a pentagram for Venus:
Venus Pentagram
Farsoonerite : 8.III.2014
He gives a nice description:
Look down on the plane of the Solar System from above the Earth. Track the Earth so it always appears directly below you, but don't turn along with it. With the passage of each year, you will see the Sun go around the Earth. As the Sun goes around the Earth 8 times, Venus goes around the Sun 13 times, and traces out the pretty curve shown here.
If Earth is actually in the middle and unmoving, this curve of Venus looks too deliberate, for their taste.
Well, if angels can move objects, why can't one of the angels have the task of moving Venus?
Some seem to have a problem with this. Now, here is the point, this problem interferes with other good points of apologetics too, including that aliens are most probably demons.
CMI : Can spirits manifest physically?
Published: 24 April 2018
Gary Bates in his answer quotes John Keel:
“The devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.”
The angels don't have lesser natural capacities ... ergo, they (or rather, some of them, others are adoring God above celestial objects or guardng us from harm to soul or body) can be "manning" objects God created on Day Four as easily as demons can be "manning" a simulacrum of spaceships which they assembled themselves.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
St Paul of the Cross
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Paraguay ...
It seems Mario Abdo is both against abortion and for ending bitternesses of the former war or dictatorship.
I am trying to recall a poem about the Jesuits in Paraguay - meanwhile it seems they did a good work and God likes the sound of Guaraní.
Poem Found!
To the Jesuits
by G. K. Chesterton
I Think it was Logical the West was Allied with Zia ul Haq
I think it was a good thing the Taliban helped to oust the Soviets from Afghanistan, and that happened partly because of him. Therefore the fall, or apparent fall, of Communism too.
It would have been logical for the West to be loyal to his memory and be his or their allies - except in a case where Muslims like they and he persecute Christians.
It would be sad if execution of Asia Bibi were to destroy the otherwise good relations, I am not saying those Muslims right now have, but had and could have again, with the West./HGL
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Je viens de parler avec une enseignante
Elle ne venait pas de comprendre en quoi la présence d'autres points de vues selon les religions ou a-religions auraient pu me gâcher la vie dans l'école laïque de Suède.
Ça dit assez long sur la compétence qu'elle aurait eu de gérer une situation si elle se serait produit dans sa propre classe - je ne suis pas sûr qu'elle a des élèves en adolescence (si on parle alors d'enseignants), mais ...
Bon. L'école de Videdal (Videudâle ou Vidédâle, les deux prononciations ou entre les deux sont acceptables) était, comme toute école suédoise publique, une école laïque. Elle se trouvait en quartier chic à Malmö (prononcez Malmeu).
Or, Malmö est une ville majoritairement très laïque : athées et libre-penseurs. Il y a eu très peu de Catholiques ou d'Orthodoxes à l'école, pas de Juifs identifiés comme tels, aucun Musulman, et ce n'est pas avec les Catholiques ou Orthodoxes que j'avais des problèmes. La classe était composé, à part moi, des gens qui étaient Luthériens pro forma et la plupart non-croyante (comme un Catholique typique de Paris) ou encore des Pentecôtistes de tendance moderniste ou Athées. Ni les athées, ni les modernistes parmi les Chrétiens étaient très pour le créationnisme - même pour la tolérer.
Ni pour le Moyen Âge. Ni pour ma préférence pour rôles de genre traditionnels.
Imaginez des Mélenchonistes très embourgeoisés, ça vous donnera l'idée.
Donc, ça en plus du fait que je vivait dans un cartier moins chic que celui où se trouvait l'école ... j'ai été le but des quolibets, et un de mes harceleurs était fils d'une enseignante. On s'est pas arrêtés quand on me faisait vraiment mal, les enseignants (qui trouvaient mes positions problématiques) n'ont pas fait suffisamment pour les arrêter non plus. Ergo, j'allais mal.
La solution? En premier temps, j'ai eu la chance des chances. J'ai eu scolarité à maison. Une des plus heureuses périodes de ma vie, et il m'est arrivé aussi de converser au moins une fois poliment avec une personne autrement parmi mes harceleurs. Ceci à la fin de huitième année (comptant CM1 comme première), mais pour neuvième année, j'ai dû prendre, à défaut de la même école, au moins une autre, pas chrétienne non plus, soit une école pour handicapés mentaux, soit un internet. Vu que l'internat avait des "traditions d'humanisme chrétien" le choix n'était pas difficile. Si ma mère avait essayé de défendre la scolarité à maison plus longtemps, j'aurais été retiré d'elle par les ASE.
Cet internat, c'était un enfer. Les deux premières années la-bas. Ensuite, j'ai commencé de me récupérer un peu, mais le résultat immédiatement était un enfer, et après j'étais démoralisé.
Or, le problème n'est pas qu'il y avait des athées ou chrétiens modernistes. Le problème n'est pas que je les ai rencontrés. Le problème est que le système était bâti de manière que je ne pouvais pas cesser de les rencontrer quand ça faisait mal de les affronter.
Comment aurait-on pu résoudre le problème?
- A) on aurait pu tolérer encore un an de scolarité à maison, ensuite, pour dixième année, chez nous c'est le choix des filières, j'aurais pu être dans une classe L avec des gens ayant fait ce choix, qui m'étaient moins étrangers;
- B) on aurait pu avoir des écoles chrétiennes. On avait une seule, pour les Adventistes du 7 Jour, dans le pays entier. Les Rudolf Steiner étaient autour d'une pédagogie à base non chrétienne.
Pourquoi n'a-t-on pas fait ça?
La réponse se retrouve dans une idéologie identique, la Charte de Laïcité de l'École Publique.* Numéro 6 dit:
La laïcité de l'École offre aux élèves les conditions pour forger leur personnalité ...
Pas "des conditions", mais, "les conditions". Les gens qui m'ont privé d'une jeunesse harmonieuse avaient l'impression de me garantir un sine qua non pour ma personnalité.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XV
Pape St Anicet, Martyr
* http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid73666/charte-de-la-laicite-a-l-ecole.html
Monday, 16 April 2018
Answering William P. Lazarus
What I am answering:
William P. Lazarus : Freedom From Religion
Web cite : http://www.webcitation.org/6yiXWrfAn
Prior to the introduction of monotheistic Judaism in the 6th century B.C.E., no one went to war to impose beliefs. People then were sure their god(s) fought with them. If they won, then the losers adopted the new belief. War was for power, land and money, not religion. The 10 “lost tribes” weren’t lost; survivors mostly assimilated
No group at any time has gone to war to convince others to be atheists. In contrast, untold numbers have died because someone wanted to impose a monotheistic religion on them. Jews never had enough power to kill gentiles willy-nilly, but, when they could, they did. Christians carried the evil technique to a whole new level.
Of course, believers deny that. To do that, they have to ignore well-documented history.
Here’s a partial list of murderous religious rampages:
- Pagans murdered by Christians after Christianity became the sole religion of the Roman Empire late in the 4th century. Then they turned on each other. One Roman philosopher asked if there weren’t enough hills for Christians to commit suicide rather than constantly killing each other.
- “Heretics” wiped out for more than 1500 years by one dominant Christian group or another.
- "Witches" being burned / “Witches,” typically inoffensive old women, killed because of pious belief in such hateful nonsense.
- Jews killed throughout the centuries in pogroms and other massacres. Crusaders warmed up for their murderous task by annihilating Jews in Europe en route to the “holy" land.
- Residents of the Middle East killed by the Crusaders.
- Civilians wiped out en masse during the 100 Years War. Whole sections of Europe were denuded of people as Protestants and Catholics fought each other.
- ""Bloody" Queen Mary
- The many killed during the Inquisition because their belief wasn’t pure enough.
- The masses of Catholics and Protestants who killed each other starting in the 1400s as rulers shifted alliances. “Bloody” Mary in England is a nice example.
- Muslim conquerors who offered the sword or conversion to millions whose land they seized. Jewish kings in the 1st century B.C.E., who did the same thing to Samaritans, who were not the proper sect of Judaism.
- Hindus and Muslims killed each other in India, forcing partition and the deaths of many more in both directions.
- Modern murderers like ISIS and their ilk.
Let's take the list first:
- Pagans murdered by Christians after Christianity became the sole religion of the Roman Empire late in the 4th century. Then they turned on each other. One Roman philosopher asked if there weren’t enough hills for Christians to commit suicide rather than constantly killing each other.
- If a Pagan philosopher - supposing you are giving a fact rather than unbased rumour - asked that, he was perhaps missing that Arian and Homousian Christians are not exactly the same faith, even if they look similar from his perspective.
Also, that was, among Romans, though the middle of the 4th C, so before Catholicism became sole official religion.
Pagans were not exactly murdered en masse, they were required to keep their paganism at home ... and it dwindled into oblivion.
A bit like you hope Christianity will.
Slaves were sometimes pushed by Christian slave owners, and that was sometimes encouraged by bishops.
- “Heretics” wiped out for more than 1500 years by one dominant Christian group or another.
- Wiping out a heresy is not equivalent to wiping out each heretic.
When it came to Priscillianists and Circumcelliones, they were killed - those who were - on Imperial orders because they were a menace to peace, robbers.
For many centuries there were no heretical sects to wipe out even, or those that were kept away to where they weren't wiped out.
- "Witches" being burned / “Witches,” typically inoffensive old women, killed because of pious belief in such hateful nonsense.
- Some witch cults emulating meetings of extatic nature with Satan (even if only imaginary) were clearly impious. In Germany they were also "helping" with abortion. In Spain, where they weren't, after killing eleven witches, Inquisitors figured out they were playing games with their imagination.
After that, the typical penalty for some engagement in witch cults was walking to Santiago, a fairly charming occupation.
- Jews killed throughout the centuries in pogroms and other massacres.
- Typically very few, sometimes severely provoked.
The Jewish community in Trent was composed of three households: Samuel, Tobias, and Engel, who were recent immigrants with Samuel first arriving in 1461.[3] With Samuel as a money lender and Tobias as a physician, the Jews remained distinctly separate not only due to their profession, but their apparent wealth in a community of artisans and sharecroppers in Trent. Prince-Bishop Hinderbach specifically granted the Jewish community permission to reside and practice their professions in Trent. This dependence on the protection of the authorities, later forced the Jews, upon discovery of Simon's body, to report the incident.
Simon went missing on March 24, 1475 and was discovered by Seligman, a cook, in the cellar of Samuel on Easter Sunday 1475.
Wiki article then cites Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia as saying:
"On Easter Sunday 1475, the dead body of a 2-year-old Christian boy named Simon was found in the cellar of a Jewish family's house in Trent, Italy. Town magistrates arrested eighteen Jewish men and five Jewish women on the charge of ritual murder — the killing of a Christian child in order to use his blood in Jewish religious rites. In a series of interrogations that involved liberal use of judicial torture, the magistrates obtained the confessions of the Jewish men. Eight were executed in late June, and another committed suicide in jail"
Wiki article continues story:
Fifteen of them, including Samuel, the head of the community, were sentenced to death and burnt at the stake. The Jewish women were accused as accomplices, but argued their gender in the domestic sphere did not allow them to participate in the rituals which were masculine matters. Later, they were freed from prison in 1478 due to papal intervention. One Jew, Israel, was allowed to convert to Christianity for a short while, but was arrested again as a result of other Jews confessing he was part of the Passover Seder and after a long period of torture was also sentenced to death on January 19.[8] The widespread trial at Trent inspired a rise in Christian violence towards Jews within the surrounding areas of Veneto, Lombardy, and Tirol, as well as accusations of ritual murder, culminating with the prohibition of Jewish money lending in Vicenza in 1479 and the expulsion of Jews in 1486.
What the article leaves out is, Simon would seem to have been not just found dead, but actually bled, which I get from similar circumstances - now left out from wiki articles - as I recall the articles about Beiliss case and the case in Xanten.
You don't get Jews tried for murder simply for a baby found after Sudden infant death syndrome.
- Residents of the Middle East killed by the Crusaders.
- Atrocities happened, notably the three day massacre in Jerusalem in 1099, after the taking.
Official policy, routinely followed, implied no peaceful residents were supposed to be killed merely for having another religion.
For massacre of Jerusalem, you would have Michael Hull and perhaps Fulcher of Chartres on your side:
Atrocities committed against the inhabitants of cities taken by storm after a siege were the norm in ancient and medieval warfare. The Crusaders had already done so at Antioch, and Fatimids had done so themselves at Taormina, at Rometta, and at Tyre. However, the massacre of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may have exceeded even these standards.[13][14][15] Historian Michael Hull has suggested this was a matter of deliberate policy rather than simple bloodlust, to remove the “contamination of pagan superstition” (quoting Fulcher of Chartres) and to reform Jerusalem as a strictly Latin Christian city.[16]
Fulcher said 10,000 Muslims were killed. He was not an eyewitness. Some eyewitnesses did say some Muslims were spared.
It is clear that Godfrey of Bouillon tried to stop the massacre and succeeded after three days.
This was probably the greatest atrocity on the Christian side, all centuries of Crusades counted.
As you have mentioned Muslim atrocities, elsewhere, you might guess what provoked the Crusade - except you habitually forget Christian Residents of Middle East, especially of Holy Land.
As you have seen from quote, Fatimids had committed atrocities at Taormina, Rometta and Tyre.
- Civilians wiped out en masse during the 100 Years War. Whole sections of Europe were denuded of people as Protestants and Catholics fought each other.
- You still seem to have a problem distinguishing 100 years War (1337 to 1453) from 30 years war (1618 to 1648).
Hundred years' War was about who was rightful Catholic ruler in France, the English or the Valois descendants of Capet dynasty.
30 years war (with its parallel in Netherlands, 80 years war, 1568 - 1648) was indeed between mainly and at first, Catholics and Protestants.
The latter were the secularists of their day ... not complete secularists, but relative, compared to how Christian a Catholic society was. They were also involved in the robbery against Catholic church buildings during Reformation which led up to 30 Years War.
Casualties of 30 Years' War : 8 million, mostly Imperial subjects. I e, many were German peasants killed by Swedes and sometimes also by Imperial troups, who wanted food and harlots for the soldiers.
Also, the troups as such were hardly in battle killed merely over what they confessed as religion.
The 80 Years' War had about 100,000 killed, Netherlands.
The causualties of 30 Years' War are arguably fewer than those killed in 20th C by Communists, often for being Christians overtly or for being loyal to Christian régimes.
AND 30 Years War was arguably the most bloody conflict of Christian powers (bloodier than 100 Years' War) before rise of Atheism and other forms of more radical secularism than Protestantism had been.
- ""Bloody" Queen Mary
- Protestant martyrs (as they will call them) under Mary I are part of Protestant martyrs of English Reformation.
The long list Protestants executed under Mary I is 284 names, plus some shorter ones, next being radical Protestants executed by Elisabeth and James I. Previous were Protestants executed under Henry VIII and radical Protestants under Edward VI.
List of Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation
284 is peacemeal compared to Gulags and Revolutionary violence ...
- The many killed during the Inquisition because their belief wasn’t pure enough.
- For Spanish Inquisition you were just given a total of 826 burned out of 44 000 accused.
I know of a previous stat, 40 000 accused, 4000 killed, I suppose it means 4000 condemned to death and of those 826 are known to have been actually killed, most of the other having escaped. Newer research (I suppose Kamen) distinguished these, where older Protestant hadn't.
- The masses of Catholics and Protestants who killed each other starting in the 1400s as rulers shifted alliances. “Bloody” Mary in England is a nice example.
- Starting in ... well, one can ponder whether there even were any Protestants in the 1400's. Were Lollards "Protestants" or "radical Protestants" or sth different?
80 Years' War, 30 Years' War, Bloody Mary are already accounted for.
As a Catholic I wonder why I should feel more guilt for a Protestant killing than an Atheist should, since Atheists are cultural and moral heirs of Protestants in so many respects.
- Muslim conquerors who offered the sword or conversion to millions whose land they seized. / Hindus and Muslims killed each other in India, forcing partition and the deaths of many more in both directions. / Modern murderers like ISIS and their ilk.
- As a Catholic, I don't feel I need more guilt for Muslim killings than an Atheist ... especially an Atheist denigrating Crusades.
Hindoos are not Monotheists. Like Atheists and Pantheists they are outside your usual target.
- Jewish kings in the 1st century B.C.E., who did the same thing to Samaritans, who were not the proper sect of Judaism.
- I have not read your book, if I do, I'll need to check. Your journalism and summaries are not reliable. This is also not the only case of Jews killing for religious reasons, if you take the tribe of Jewish confession which Mohammed killed all of it, their grandfather 100 years earlier had killed a Christian tribe. In Ethiopia, Copts have a very gruesome memory of Falasha Queen Judith.
And we have Jews who have joined both Communists and Zionists to kill those they hate, partly for religious reasons.
Answers on first paragraphs not yet answered, upcoming.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Callist and Charisius
and seven other martyrs
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Chesterton is always good
Discover the Wit & Wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chesterton : On Business Education
But here is the kind of good with which he gains new readers who don't know he's good:
I am glad to see that what I applied to the unpractical reformer has been applied, by an unimpeachably practical man, to the unpractical instructor. Mr. John C. Parker, a hundred-per-cent American, a highly successful engineer, the vigorous agent of a company named after Edison — in short, a man with all the unquestioned stigmata of a Regular Guy, rigorous and energetic in the application of science to business, has recently astonished his friends by delivering an address with the truly admirable title, ‘Wanted — An Unpractical Education’. I have only read his remarks in an indirect form, but they seem to me quite excellent remarks. ‘My complaint would be rather that training youth to earn a living is not education at all; second, that a specific training may keep the youngster from earning the best kind of living; and third, that it can’t be done in school anyhow.’ Or, again, ‘I would infinitely prefer that education fit him for happiness and decency in poverty, than for wealth acquired through the sacrifice of himself and his character.’ These are almost startlingly sensible counsels; though what they would look like side by side with those shiny and strenuous advertisements inscribed ‘You Can Add Ten Thousand Dollars to Your Salary’, or ‘This Man Trebled his Turnover in Two Weeks’, it is not my province to conjecture.
Now, there might be some who would wonder if I wouldn't quibble about the sentence here:
training youth to earn a living is not education at all
Both I and even Chesterton have praised the old education system, in which Mozart and Haydn were trained to earn their living as musicians and Haydn's father as a cartwright - repairing or even building the chariots which were drawn by horsepowers that needed hay, not gazoline.
But, this old education was not JUST educating someone to play and compose or to build and repair chariots. It included catechism. And lots of fun. Even in businesses like cratwrighting, since lesser competivity helped to give some leisure for masters talking to apprentices and journeymen./HGL
Thursday, 12 April 2018
One Reason Gandhi Was Not Great (as in Good)
**WARNING** India Is Paving The Way for The Mark of The BEAST (Biometric Cashless Society)
Seho Song | 29.V.2017
Since the video features John 3:16, it is fair to remind that continuation of John 3 describes obedience as necessary to salvific faith. Not faith alone./HGL
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Gate Keepers?
Here is a quote from ONEFORISRAEL Ministries :
Imagine Judaism for the past 1,800 years – any kind of spiritual message one wished to bring in, had to go through the “gate keepers”, who are of course the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis (“Pharisees”), whom Yeshua (Jesus) accused :
MATTHEW 23:13 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”
Here are stats, collected yesterday, for last previous 24 hours, on those of my blogs which were read in that period:
9 Apr 2018 14:00 – 10 Apr 2018 13:00
United Arab Emirates 279 : 42 United Arab Emirates 21 United Arab Emirates 63 42 United Arab Emirates 105 6 United Arab Emirates 111 21 United Arab Emirates 132 21 United Arab Emirates 153 21 United Arab Emirates 174 21 United Arab Emirates 195 21 United Arab Emirates 216 21 United Arab Emirates 237 21 United Arab Emirates 258 21 279 Russia 74 : 3 Russia 7 Russia 10 4 Russia 14 12 Russia 26 1 Russia 27 1 Russia 28 2 Russia 30 10 Russia 40 10 Russia 50 19 Russia 69 1 Russia 70 1 Russia 71 3 74 Italy 72 United States 37 : 7 United States 3 United States 10 8 United States 18 4 United States 22 1 United States 23 5 United States 28 1 United States 29 6 United States 35 1 United States 36 1 37 Ukraine 26 : 2 Ukraine 15 Ukraine 17 2 Ukraine 19 2 Ukraine 21 2 Ukraine 23 1 Ukraine 2 26 Germany 25 : 2 Germany 1 Germany 3 3 Germany 6 9 Germany 15 1 Germany 16 2 Germany 2 Germany 20 4 Germany 1 25 France 15 : 1 France 1 France 5 France 7 1 France 2 France 10 1 France 3 France 1 15 Ireland 11 : 1 Ireland 10 United Kingdom 5 : 1 United Kingdom 1 United Kingdom 2 United Kingdom 1 Poland 5 Spain 3 : 2 Spain 1 China 3 : 1 China 1 China 1 Brazil 2 : 1 Brazil 1 Nigeria 2 Australia 2 Pakistan 1 Iran 1 Latvia 1 Malaysia 1 Netherlands 1 Belarus 1 Thailand 1 Switzerland 1 Sweden 1 Albania 1 Canada 1 Vietnam 1 South Africa 1 |
Purpose of above, see below, but now count together left side: United Arab Emirates 279 : Russia 74 : 353 Italy 72 : 425 United States 37 : 462 Ukraine 26 : 488 Germany 25 : 513 France 15 : 528 Ireland 11 : 539 United Kingdom 5 : Poland 5 : 549 Spain 3 : China 3 : 555 Brazil 2 : Nigeria 2 : 559 Australia 2 : 561 Pakistan 1 : 562 Iran 1 : 563 Latvia 1 : 564 Malaysia 1 : 565 Netherlands 1 : 566 Belarus 1 : 567 Thailand 1 : 568 Switzerland 1 : 569 Sweden 1 : 570 Albania 1 : 571 Canada 1 : 572 Vietnam 1 : 573 South Africa 1 : 574 574 : 21 = 27, leaves 7 (27 & 1/3) 420 154 105 049 042 007 |
To me, this looks like gate keeping, in the sense talked of by Eitan and Moti:
One more quote, which I find very interesting:
In other words: while you eat and sleep, we Israelis are surfing the web online 😉
I find that very interesting, considering that I so rarely (but not never) have seen Israel on the stats.
After about one or two weeks of my German blog going viral in Israel, the country has not been much back on my stats, but still tops the German blog: 8846 page views all time.
Last month, top ten begins with United Arab Emirates, 33 views, 26 of them last week, even last day, and Israel absent last 24 hours, and top ten of both week and month. But as I recall, Israel reached over 8000 very quickly, so that is no surprise. In November 8, 2016, there were just two fewer, 8844, from Israel. And yes, 5th of July it was just seven visitors less for "all time", 8837, that year, but "last month" 8742 visitors. Besucher etwas anmerkungswürdig? Of which 1 "last week". I. e. June 6, 2016 to 28 June same year at 13:00 hours, 8741 visitors. Against just 107 visitors from Israel outside that very limited period.
The two previous posts: Mgr Lefebvre 1983 and Verspätete Geburtstagsgedanken an ...
And most of the 107, 95, before that month minus the last week.
I consider we might be dealing with "gate keepers". Oh, the birthday thoughts were belated, to Hitler (though I am not a National Socialist, I sometimes look at what they do, they do some good, and they had just celebrated Hitler's birthday). It was not exactly a felicitation, but a prayer for one dead, and it was not in any way approving of all of National Socialism, rather on the contrary, I uttered an implied wish he should have stayed with painting.
And, note, very well, when a Jew (self identified as such) called me a Nazi, it was before that belated birthday thought to Hitler, even if it was only later that I found his mail. See this blog post:
HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : I am NOT a National Socialist, But Some Take me For That
So, perhaps Jews taking me for a Nazi are part of some "gate keeping" ...
Hans Georg Lundahl
St Leo the Great
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Y a-t-il des secrets à garder à jamais?
deretour : Conneries communistes et maçonniques aux lieux inattendus · New blog on the kid : Y a-t-il des secrets à garder à jamais? · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : J'aime Jean Raspail? Pas sans réserve ...
Pour des gens particuliers, dans cette vie, oui, il y a des secrets à garder à la mort ou au-delà. Il y a des secrets qu'ils ne doivent pas révéler d'eux-mêmes ou d'un autre, par exemple un crime dont la punition légale ne conférerait rien à l'amélioration des mœurs ou à la pénitence déjà faite.
Pour le monde, non. Il n'y a pas de crime habituelle qu'on devrait s'habituer à taire pour qu'il puisse continuer dans son habitude et aller d'un criminel à un autre, tous impunis par le secret.
Il n'y a pas non plus de secret trop bon que Dieu aurait révélé mais pour lequel le monde ne serait pas prêt. On ne peut pas dire "certes, je vois dans le catéchisme que c'est mal de faire la contraception, mais les gens sont tellement habitués à la faire qu'il vaut mieux taire qu'on soit contre". Et on ne peut pas non plus dire "certes, je vois dans l'histoire de l'église (ou de mon pays) que le mariage a eu pour âge minimum l'âge moyen de la puberté, mais aujourd'hui on ne peut pas le dire à ceux qui sont en dessous de 18, la nouvelle serait trop bonne pour eux".
La vérité est bonne à dire.
Si une telle famille avait la prétention de descendre de Jésus-Christ et de Sainte Marie Madeleine, je croirais moi-même plutôt à un malentendu qu'à l'idée traitée et reprise mainte fois dans le roman de Dan Brown. Par exemple un malentendu connexe au lévirat (Deutéronome 25,5-10): une telle (peut-être la Madeleine) aurait été désignée comme veuve (dans le sens de fiction juridique pour rendre le lévirat opérable pour un homme décédé sans avoir été marié, appliqué après la Crucifixion et sur un non-croire ou une "observance quand même" vis-à-vis la nouvelle de la Résurrection). Ensuite, un frère (dans le sens juridique exacte plus vaste que juste frère d'une même mère et d'un même père, voir le livre de Ruth) aurait épousé cette veuve (et si c'était la Madeleine et qu'elle voulut garder la virginité redonnée miraculeusement, elle aurait aussi pu donner une servante au mari, voir Agar faisant la remplaçante pour Sarah - ou ça aurait pu être une autre que la Madeleine ...) Si telle ou telle famille aurait une telle histoire (y compris mal comprise, selon un scénario à la Dan Brown, pour ainsi dire, mais j'y reviens), d'un côté, elle ne serait ni obligée à taire le fait, ou supposé tel, ni les preuves ou supposées telles, d'un autre côté une telle origine n'aurait pas pour conséquence du tout qu'elle aurait un droit de diriger l'église ou y imposer un quelconque culte du Féminin sacré ou de la Déesse ...
De ce fait, l'idée que l'église aurait essayé pendant des siècles à étouffer un secret tellement lourde qu'il pourrait la détruire est une idée démente (quoique pas nécessairement d'une personne démente).
Et de ce fait s'ensuit qu'un "Prieuré de Sion" n'aurait aucun droit à imposer des sacrifices que ce soit pour la sécurité d'une telle famille ou pour celle de l'église ou du monde, que ce soit pour préserver intact un secret ou que ce soit pour le faire taire. Une telle société n'a surtout pas un quelconque droit de disposer de qui que ce soit du fait (réel ou supposé) qu'il soit porteur de ce genre (ou autrement) d'un "Sang Réal".
S'il y a des grands-parents qui, en outre de tenir certains secrets lourds à l'écart de leurs petits-enfants, veulent aussi mentir pour les protéger, ce n'est ni à une société secrète comme le supposé Prieuré de Sion de garder le mensonge jusqu'au moment prévu par le grand-parent pour le révéler, ni d'imposer à un petit-enfant de croire ce que le grand-parent aura considéré comme la vérité.
C'est dans le roman de Dan Brown déjà faux - si c'est ce qu'il fait, on y retournera - de souscrire à "La Denière Tentation de Jésus-Christ", de souscrire à la thèse de Baigent et d'autre : mais c'est encore plus faux de peindre un monde dans lequel les destins humains sont faits et défaits par des sociétés secrètes, à peu près comme Silas dépend de son Maître. Et c'est surtout faux de laisser une telle société guider votre destin. Comme c'est faux de laisser votre horoscope guider votre destin.
On veut bien se réjouir que Sophie Neveu échappe à Silas comme à Teabing, qu'elle revoit sa grand-mère à Rosslyn.
Mais ce qui m'irrite à propos cette fin est que, en ce faisant, elle aura fait parti de son destin en obéissance à cette monstruosité qu'est le Prieuré de Sion.
Ce genre de machination ressemble trop à ce que les grands conspirateurs, telles les Illuminati, sont censés faire avec les éducations de leurs lignées sataniques de "sang royal". Pour ma critique de Da Vinci Code, peu importe su les Collins ou les Astor font ce genre de trucs ou non, ce qui importe est que, au-delà des blasphèmes et hérésies sur Notre Seigneur dans la bouche des deux héros, le roman banalise ou presque héroïse le comportement de Jaques Saunière et Marie Chauvel envers Sophie Neveu comme envers son frère.
Parmi Catholiques et en général Chrétiens, Da Vinci Code est connu pour "affirmer" un mariage entre Notre Seigneur et Sainte Marie Madeleine, ainsi qu'une lignée de Mérovingiens qui en descendrait, de ce mariage.
Or, cette arrière-histoire se trouve dans la bouche de Robert Langdon, dans la bouche de Leigh Teabing, dans la bouche de Sophie Neveu.
Elle ne se trouve pas dans la narration de l'auteur. Il y a une convention, on pourrait presque dire un code selon lequel les présupposés des héros (dont Langdon et Neveu), surtout s'ils sont pertinants pour l'action et non retirés, sont aussi ceux de l'auteur. Selon cette convention là on peut interpréter le roman comme affirmant cette contrevérité, cette négation de pureté virginale restée chez Notre Seigneur et restauré par miracle chez la Madeleine.
Par contre, la convention n'est pas une preuve des convictions de l'auteur. Il est possible que Dan Brown joue avec cette idée, veut des réactions et note avec une certaine autosatisfaction combien des Catholiques ont simplement présumé qu'il préconise la thèse de par exemple Baigent. Combien peu ont noté qu'il ne l'a pas prise "dans sa propre bouche".
Un Catholique n'est pas généralement censé croire des romans proposés comme divertissement comme si c'était la vérité historique. Mais si un Catholique aurait la naïveté de le faire ... tous les événements entre le meurtre de Saunière et la réunion à Rosslyn, même entre l'accident de voiture (réel ou inventé pour protéger les enfants) et l'épilogue quand Langdon s'agenouille dans le Louvre pourraient être réels sans que ça changerait rien au dogme catholique. Ce seraient des gens qui se trompaient, mais qui, pour d'autres raisons peuvent intéresser au lecteur.
Tout comme on peut lire l'Odyssée comme un monument historique (le genre me paraît plus proche de docufiction que du roman purement inventé), sans de croire qu'Ulysse aurait rencontré Polyphème (quoique, je n'exclus pas ce rencontre non plus): il suffirait qu'il ait raconté ce rencontre à Nausicaa et à son père chez les Phéaques. Si c'était un mensonge, il nous avertit qu'il est capable de mentir, comme il prétend avoir fait pour que Polyphème maudisse Personne.
Et même si Dan Brown croyait cette histoire de Baigent, il est possible de lire le roman en la méprisant pour une vraie histoire, mais dont le raconteur se trompe sur l'explication : comme Homère ne savait pas quel Dieu gère vraiment avec Providence, pour important que la Providence soit dans l'Odyssée.
Mais en fait, Dan Brown ne nous montre jamais par example Yolande de Bar (en vraie une descendante de Saint Louis IX) en train de mettre son nom sur la liste des Grands Maîtres du Prieuré de Sion. Cette liste, pour réel comme objet en parchemin et réellement caché en deux cryptex - en deux cryptices, dirais-je comme latiniste - pourrait tout aussi réellement être un faux.
Normalement ce seraient les adhérents d'une réforme protestante ou de la franc-maçonnerie, capables à imaginer que la vérité biblique soit caché et redécouverte par la "cryptographie" de Luther ou que la tradition de Hiram Abiff soigneusement caché jusqu'en 1717 soit ensuite confié avec certitude à tous frère ayant été apprenti, ce serait à eux de croire et de prétendre qu'un telle parchemin serait une preuve, à supposer que l'histoire n'était pas un roman. Moi non. Si je l'avais vu de mes yeux, je n'aurais quand même pas conclu que les Templiers étaient héritiers de ce genre de secret ou une façade pour un prétendu Prieuré de Sion.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Ézéchiel Prophète*
* Apud Babylonem sancti Ezechielis Prophetae, qui, a Judice populi Israel, quod eum de cultu idolorum argueret, interfectus, in sepulcro Sem et Arphaxad, Abrahae progenitorum, sepultus est; ad quod sepulcrum, orationis causa, multi confluere consueverunt. (Si mes calculs sont justes, le tombeau de Sem devrait être du paléolithique supérieur, juste avant le mésolithique, celui d'Arphaxad au temps de Göbekli Tepe).
Sunday, 8 April 2018
No, Elor is Not a Hero
The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide
A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”
by Whitney Webb
Fortunately the link is old, from 2016 ... have Jews repented since?/HGL
Or should I call them Zionists, instead?/HGL
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Chesterton on Resurrection
The man of the nineteenth century did not disbelieve in the Resurrection because his liberal Christianity allowed him to doubt it. He disbelieved in it because his very strict materialism did not allow him to believe it.
Whole paragraph here:
Discover the Wit & Wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chesterton : "The doubts of the agnostic"
Whole chapter here:
VIII—The Romance of Orthodoxy
Whole book here:
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