Tuesday 30 July 2019

À New York, un agent des services sociaux vient de mettre ses enfants en danger, ils en sont morts

Un jour de canicule à New York, Bronx, un homme enferme ses deux petits enfants jumeaux dans la voiture pendant 8 heures. Ils décèdent. Il est entendu par la police, et aucune intention criminelle est pour l'instant présumée encore.

Il les avait amené le matin dans la voiture, et apparemment oublié pendant les huit heures au bureau.

Quand il se souvient, il appelle les pompiers. Trop tard.

Et, le détail cocasse : il était agent des services sociaux.

Ma source* :

VG : Tvillingbabyer døde i varm bil - faren glemte dem
To babyer ble liggende i bilen i åtte timer.
Øystein David Johansen Oppdatert 27. juli

Qu'il serait impliqué dans les enlèvements "légaux" des enfants** est une supposition d'un membre du groupe norvégien contre les ASE de Norvège, sa clientèle serait plutôt des sans domicile, les contaminés de SIDA, les vétérans de guerres.*** Mais il a pu y faire appel? Entre les services? Ou ceux-ci ont pu regarder un exemple connu et respecté par eux, qui néanmoins négligeait ses enfants pendant 8 heures, et ils en sont morts.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
St. Rufin d'Assise

* Quel bonheur que c'est VG, en norvégien, et non Helsingin Sanomat en finnois. Il y a eu des gens qui auraient cru que le "finlandais" et le suédois seraient intercompréhensibles, et si je n'aurait pas eu de problème avec Hufvudstadsbladet, aussi Helsinki, c'est qu'il est en suédois : la Finlande est bilingue, suédois et finnois. Et s'il est une langue d'un pays nordique, ça ne le rend pas une langue nordique.

** Les machinations d'Eduardo Vela, soutenues sous main ou non par Franco, étaient au moins pas légaux.

*** Ici, ma source n'est ni VG, ni le membre du groupe, mais:

Rodriguez served as a soldier in Iraq, and worked to support fellow veterans at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center where he was employed as a social worker.

His clients include homeless, disabled, and HIV positive veterans, according to his lawyer.

Social worker dad charged over the deaths of his twins is released from custody into the arms of his wife after breaking down in court as he heard how the babies' body temperatures reached 108 degrees while they were left in boiling hot car for 8 hours
By Andrew Court For Dailymail.com
Published: 02:12 BST, 28 July 2019 | Updated: 07:54 BST, 29 July 2019

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Non, Jimi Hendrix n'est pas Gladstone (et je ne suis pas le Jimi Hendrix de service non plus)

Dimanche j'avais vu un homme qui tenait une pancarte "quand le pouvoir de l'amour est plus fort que l'amour du pouvoir, le monde aura la paix" et en-dessous "(Jimi Hendrix)".

Grâce à un groupe de fans de C. S. Lewis qui vérifie les citation de cet auteur (il y a déjà une foultitude de fausses), je me méfie pas mal des citations attribués à untel ou untel hors contexte vérifiable. Dans le négatif, j'ai eu affaire avec des fausses citations de papes visant à les dénigrer comme exigeant l'adoration divine pour eux-mêmes, et une fausse citation de St. Robert Bellarmin, dans lequel sur le pape est dit "s'il déclare le mal bien, et le bien mal, l'église sera obligée de croire ainsi" où la vraie est "s'il déclarait le mal bien et le bien mal, l'église serait obligée de croire ainsi."

Donc, je demande à l'homme (qui fait très clairement New Age dans les vêtements) s'il sait que la citation est de Hendrix et alors d'où? Il ne savait pas d'où en Hendrix, c'est sûr, mais il était sûr comme un rocher que c'était de Jimi Hendrix.

Je me mets donc à commencer de vérifier.

Et l'ami du groupe des fans de CSL, il m'envoie ce lien, par James Sedgwick):


Alors, il n'est pas l'auteur des mots anglais:

When the Power Of Love overcomes Love Of Power, the world will know Peace.

Car, ce n'est pas son anglais.

Lui-même ayant dénoncé le fait de brûler le drapeau des États-Unis disait:

"I say, 'The truth is straight ahead, don't burn yourself instead, try to learn instead of burn, hear what I say.'" - Jimi

Ah, davantage de négritude, non?

Par contre, l'arrière-plan de la citation qui est dans un anglais trop correct, c'est plutôt:

"When the Power Of Love will replace the Love Of Power, then will our world know the blessings of Peace." - William Gladstone

Ou, plus proche de Hendrix (dont certains proches étaient ses adeptes à ce gourou), quoique moins proche de la citation donnée:

"My books, they all have only one message: the heart's Power Of Love must replace the mind's Love Of Power. If I have the Power Of Love, then I shall claim the whole World as my own...World Peace can be achieved when the Power Of Love replaces the Love Of Power." - from My Heart Shall Give A Oneness-Feast by Sri Chinmoy (Agni Press, Jamaica, NY 1993)

Notons, il dit, très correctement, sur l'individu, et non sur la foule, dans un premier temps:

"the heart's Power Of Love must replace the mind's Love Of Power"

Le pouvoir de l'amour dans le cœur doit impérativement remplacer l'amour du pouvoir dans la pensée.

Mais ensuite il glisse vers une utopie de paix dans le monde:

"World Peace can be achieved when the Power Of Love replaces the Love Of Power."

La paix dans le monde est possible, dès que le pouvoir de l'amour remplace l'amour du pouvoir.

En combien, alors? Un seul? Cinq, cinq cent, cinq mille ou cinq millions?

Trop peu ne seront pas capables à imposer la paix aux autres, qui persistent à aimer le pouvoir plutôt que d'aimer avec pouvoir.

Il aurait mieux fait de dire la paix dans le monde serait possible, si suffisamment remplaçaient l'amour du pouvoir par le pouvoir de leur amour.

Mais une fois, certains ont remplacé leur amour, non seulement du pouvoir, mais de la liberté, la vie, avec le pouvoir de leur amour pour le Christ. Il s'agit des martyrs Chrétiens des premières siècles. Et leurs héritiers, les moines catholiques, ont effectivement imposé pas mal de paix, certes pas dans le monde entier, mais dans la partie appelée la Chrétienté. Et cette paix prit fin il y a environ cinq siècles, quand il devint plus impératif pour un Pétrarque (ou pour ses sectateurs) d'écrire le latin de Cicéron que d'être accord avec les Pères latins, plus impératif pour un Léonard de Vince d'étudier Vitruve que de prier dans les églises gothiques. Et comme partie idéologique de la Renaissance, la Réforme.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Apollinaire de Ravenne

Ravennae natalis sancti Apollinaris Episcopi, qui, ab Apostolo Petro Romae ordinatus et Ravennam missus, pro fide Christi diversas et multiplices poenas perpessus est; postea, Evangelium in Aemilia praedicans, plurimos ab idolorum cultu revocavit; tandem, Ravennam reversus, gloriosum martyrium, sub Vespasiano Caesare, complevit.

PS, je viens d'essayer de trouver un youtube dans lequel Jimi aurait pu oralement citer Gladstone, j'ai pas regardé la vidéo sur Woodstock, mais par contre les vidéos les plus courtes donnent que d'autres hommes parlent d'une manière New Age et il est cité comme l'ayant dit .../HGL

If A N Y O N E so Happens to Think they will Get me over to Pantheism ...

... I'm linking to Mark Shea, it so happens my internet time yesterday was nil and this time in a cyber is scarce:

A bit of my Creed book

Saturday 20 July 2019

When Should Evil be Exposed?

There are times when evil shows itself as evil.

A young man on a bike snatches a bag from an old woman and drags her on the ground while she hasn't let it go yet, she is bruised. No one in his senses doubts he is an evil young man.

There are times when what purports to be good also is good.

Suppose I had been begging for two hours without success, suppose I had previous to that been for more than three hours in a library where I did obviously not eat, suppose someone gives me a meal with moderate but adequate calories, there is no one who would consider that act as evil (starting pushing food on me as soon as I sit down even if I'm begging to wash is another matter, and continuing, so I get away overfed and underwashed, that is another matter, has also happened).

Then there are times when what is evil purports to be good.

Should we always expose it, just because evil deliberately hiding as a good it isn't is bad? Should we never expose it, just because we shouldn't pry behind the good pretences? Or should we expose it sometimes but other times not expose it?

I hold, sometimes it should be exposed and sometimes it should be let alone. If for instance Henry IV of France was in 2.VIII.1589 secretly a Calvinist or indifferentist playing for power, but pretending to be a Catholic, as a Catholic I think the Catholics who didn't expose him did a good job. Why? For one, it is impossible to know he was secretly still Calvinist, he could have been already convinced, but still being ill instructed have been unequipped to express it very clearly. For another, this allowed him, if not yet Catholic, the time to become one. When he got to correspond with Saint Francis of Sales, he at least became one.

There is another occasion where exposing evil is only of doubtful, if any, good. When Concentration Camps were exposed to big public as death camps (supposing they deliberately were so in an extreme way, and not just the "moderate" way already known, where you could get a death sentence for refusing to work), it was already 1945, the war against Hitler was already won, everyone who had contributed to this victory had already been in war with him for other reasons, without this news contributing in any way to make Hitler face one more enemy or lose the war he had already lost. Then comes Faurisson, he thinks this news was a fraud, and he thinks it is a good deed to expose this fraud. Some survivors take this very badly, and his version of exposing a fraud is currently a legal offense in France, because their feelings of being insulted or threatened have been used to lobby the "loi Gaissot".

But here, no one is seriously doubting that Jews in such camps were seriously hurt, as can be verified with those having survived them. Faurisson was at one time attributing the lie (and I think he was mistaken) to such people, when getting out, taking a chance to take revenge on those who had bullied them.

And if it comes to Palestinian victims of a UNO decision, UNO is not too likely to reverse it because of Faurisson exposing one of their reasons as factually wrong. There is more to be gained from exposing Palestinian suffering now, and from examining the rights they have to their land. In my view. That is why I am not a Faurisson unconditional fanatic, apart from thinking him factually mistaken on some particulars.

Does this mean, evil posing as good should never be exposed? Not so.

So, when should evil posing as good be exposed?

Recall the man on a bike and the old woman? No one who saw that happen doubted the young man was doing a very evil thing. I suppose. The woman was my granny. She went to the police, they gave her a date with a psychologist to deal with the trauma.

So, psychology poses as good, it helps people deal with trauma, right? Is it evil?

My granny went to the psychologist. She went out and never came back, because the psychologist told her "you never got bag-snatched, you know" ...

Yes, I think that psychologist should be exposed, or psychology in general, for telling real victims they are imagining things, so that the real culprits need not be chased. Lazy police not wanting to chase the bag-snatcher of a woman who may have been fairly impopular in the neighbourhood and whose bag-snatcher may therefore have had people protecting him. Once police start turning victims over to shrinks, they have quit doing their job as enforcers of law and order. They have become a kind of umpires of who is allowed to bully whom, instead.

I am not sure whether my granny was bag-snatched in Höja, a neighbourhood where she lived since 1972 and where she and my ma got poorer while others got better off, or whether she was bag-snatched in Rosengård, where she was a Swede. Either place, she could also have been accused of being much richer than she was, some people just would not believe ma and me could have travelled so much if we hadn't been. We could, question of priorities and of not being ashamed to beg when needed. When we were in US in 1977, before we returned to Vienna we were broke, we had the flight ticket from New York and there would be a study loan from Sweden awaiting her in Vienna when she was back at studying at med school, but we were in Anaheim, across the contiguous territory of the United States. Our journey from Anaheim to New York was a good lessing about how to live poorly and still enjoy life. The sect with which he had been staying (I say "sect" as in "non-Catholic purported Christian Church" not in the sociological sense) made a collection giving us a coast to coast ticket with Greyhound busses. Other example, in UK we were broke when visiting Stonehenge, and I made a drawing of a man in fancy (more or less Napoleonic) uniform and we got a great tomato soup in exchange. Displacement was done by hitchhiking.

In a similar vein, some people are now trying to expose that my blogs can't be done by a poor man in the street, there must be a fraud. No, long between 2009 and 2014 I was welcome to Georges Pompidou (now my luggage has become an obstacle), where internet sessions forty minutes a time can be renewed all day long to closing time at 22:00, except Tuesdays, and long after that up to 23.IV.2019 and a few days after that, I have been able to use the university library of Nanterre often all day long, from 8:30 to 20:00, shorter on Saturdays, and I have some other library cards where I can have one or two hours per day, which is great since the library card at Nanterre was not renewed when it should have been and the connection continued for months after that till the non-renewal came as a bombshell on St. George's day. No, I'm not very shell shocked, I don't need a psychologist to deal with that trauma, believe me!

I think exposing someone for being rich in hiding (I may be rich without accessing my money, though my last news involved 5010 € and I have just one of the study loan debts on 4500 €, leaving 510 but I am not accessing fortunes in hiding) is bad, because you risk being wrong. You risk denouncing someone who isn't rich, but who knows a trick or two on how to get a free ride when needed and how to get some things wanted even while poor.

But I think exposing psychologists for poopooing the real and sad event when pretending to deal with trauma is a good thing. In so far as I succeed, it may make some people less likely to send someone off to a psychologist or other shrink. And that is good. My grandma did not really need an insult from a shrink after a highly humiliating and physically hurtful bag-snatching.

So, my principle for exposing evil posing as good, I think some others might agree, is : expose the evil when it has a victim and when the victimisation is linked to that specific pose as a good thing. With the psychologist, the victim was my insulted grand-ma, and the victimisation was only possible because psychologists have a reputation of being great about dealing with trauma. Maybe that particular one was really great to some other case, and probably it would be impossible for this scam to go on without them being great to some people. With psychiatry locking people up, they are sometimes (not uniformly) very nice to depressive patients who, being depressive, are not upset about being locked in, and therefore get more good than evil from it, emotionally on their own view. They may still be victims of scams, like a shrink telling them to take such and such a medication to be sure to avoid suicide, but often they are at least not bullied when inside. I know one who may be an exception to that rule.

I know a man who would expose John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and Clive Staples Lewis for being part of the secret society. Where are the victims? None, so far as I can see.

I would expose the secret society or societies for giving psychologists and shrinks so much power. Given that the psychologist continued telling my grand-ma: "... you just imagined it" so many real crimes can be hidden when supposed expertise argue the victims just imagined the crime. Any direct victim of locking up, as well as any victim of other crimes not looked into because the victim could have (and on the view of an "expert" did) just imagine(d) it are victims to that evil posing as good.

It also happens, JRRT and CSL have written passages which do come close to if not directly exposing at least intelligibly illustrating an attempted exposure of psychologists and of locking up psychiatrists, that the Puritans who think they need to expose JRRT and CSL just because they are on their opinion "evil posing as good" could in fact be serving the real secret societies who did not put JRRT and CSL up to writing, nor me, but would like have people think so, so that the men they really put in place may be secure from exposures.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr

Antiochiae passio sanctae Margaritae, Virginis et Martyris.

PS : A case very much in point : Atlas is a reference to a Pagan worldview. Armstrong considered another astronaut or was considered by one as a modern Atlas. To some this reference makes him pagan, therefore idolatrous, therefore evil, therefore certainly capable of being a faker. Quoting one such Puritan:

Exhibit #7: It is important to recognize the pagan mythological concepts employed by the occultists at NASA who faked the Apollo missions to the moon.

I do not find it at all necessary to out everyone who references a pagan concept as a pagan, still less to think evil of him in his other known capacities for that sole fact./HGL

Thursday 18 July 2019

Since Last I Counted (27.II this year) - Writing is My Work

New blog on the kid : An Internet Production / Une production sur internet

27.II.2019 in one comment under it, and since then:

142 + 30 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 7 + 25 + 28 + 12 + 69 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 343

343 + 7439 = 7782

Before Paris (and first months up to New Year):

2008 468
2009 249
468 + 249 = 717

121 - 31 (gm b1 lou) = 90


Since New Year 2010, 6975 posts.

2010 365 2015 365
2011 365 2016 366
2012 366 2017 365
2013 365 2018 365
2014 365

2700 + 540 + 47 = 3287

2019 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 18 = 199

3386 * 5/7 = 2429 (Saturday and Sunday normally free)

2429 - 99 - 7 = 2323 (11 legal holidays each year, 7 have passed this year)

2323 - 225 (nine years times 5 5-day weeks legally paid vacations) = 2098.

6975 / 2098 = 3.3245948522402288 ... 3 hours and nearly 20 minutes per day if each post counts as one hour's work. That would be somewhat excessive for effective writing time, since I more often go under than over 1 hour, but definitely under edge for all time totally needed, including preparations, getting in the mood, thinking for next post (like I thought for this one before getting to the library, but had no calculator).

In France, legal working hours are 7 hours per day, so, as a writer, I am working nearly half time. Or more than half time, if you like.

Add to this, the fact that being homeless is a "full time job" allowing you to be disturbed 24 / 24. Everything takes more time if you have to beg for it, if you lack a passport, as I do now while money is already on my account, if you need to put up with lots of extra food while or even after begging, until your kidneys hurt and until the thickness of your blood, or your blood pressure, beats the ear.

Many times, though, I could say that working as a writer is nearly full time, since much of the time I am on internet is socialising, keeping up and therefore compensating for the loss of human contact in so called real life, and if I try to have one hour in a cyber full time writing, I'll probably have another hour soon writing none, to do this too.

Some ways of taking contact hurt me more than they help, like "where do you come from?" when I was starting to explain my blogs, which I was showing. Take this piece of consideration into much of my time spent off line is promoting my blogs, like nearly every time I beg. And if I get my money, I will still also have promotion of blogs to do, if it is much, I'll do it in a non-begging way (unless I'm hindered in getting it), but it is still part of my work.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
St. Camillus de Lellis

Dear Saint Camillus, pray for me against those who would like my work and the fact I call it such, to be classed as a case for your profession! Amen!

Wednesday 17 July 2019

There are two kinds of people who don't like "Pope Francis"

One of them is described here, by Mark Shea:

I do not understand people who struggle to understand this pope

His rebuttal is given in this quote:

So it has, for instance, become de rigeur for the shriekers and hysterics (who seriously thought that “He used a ferula once! Eeeeeek!” was sufficient ground to nail him as a “heretic” to claim that saying some Catholic commonplace like “The poor save us” is somehow more firewood for the auto de fe in which he is to be burnt as a socialist. ... Meanwhile, people still interested in the Tradition recall that “the poor save us” is simply a restatement of St. John Chrysostom’s remark that the rich exist for the sake of the poor, while the poor exist for the salvation of the rich.

Fine, in this way (I did not quote for the sake of the ferula, but did not want to cut out more), this Jesuit (?) interested in St John Chrysostom joins the ranks of a very undoubtedly real Catholic Jesuit who also liked him, namely Father Ignaz Seipel and his Wirtschaftsethische Lehre der Kirchenväter which is basically the economically-ethic doctrine of St John Chrysostom (and perhaps one or two other Church Fathers thrown in for good measure ... I suppose half his patristic quotes are from St. John Chrysostom, first patron saint of Mozart and the other half from others.

This is the type of attack I actually defended "Pope Francis" against, even while not being convinced he was a Pope, back in 2013.

Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : A Sedisvacantist linked to Limbaugh to refute Bergoglio

However, there is another type of "quibble" about "Pope Francis is such he be" as I expressed myself back then.

  • He has said "Fundamentalists are sick people". In 2014 he clarified "God is not a magician with an omnipotent magic wand" - yes, we Young Earth Creationists are in fact targetted.
  • He has said "God wants all religions" without clarifying that God wants the false religions in the same way as he wants any other disaster - He wills to allow them, uses the evil for good, saves some in paradoxical ways, but the disaster is not in and of itself salvific. Someone who might have apostasised later may have died a saint instead, through a train accident, air plane crash, murder etc, but train accidents, air plane crashes and murders are not sacraments, and neither are Coran, Talmud, Tripitaka, Upanishads, Voluspa, Theogony, Book of Mormon, Calvin's Institutes etc.
  • He has "canonised" the so called "Pope Saint John Paul II" for approving air plane crashes as such in Assisi (at least Wojtyla is not known to have regretted the Assisi prayer meetings!) and for "John XXIII" he has accepted "Vatican II" as Roncalli's miracle number 2. And now lately also "Paul VI".

I have recommended Bergoglio step down, change name spelling to Borgoglio (Bergoglio meaning "from the town Bergoglio" and the town Bergoglio now being called Borgoglio, plus BORGOGLIO adding up to 676, which is a lot safer than the sum for BERGOGLIO). I have not recommended him to stop backing the poor.

St. John Chrysostom (first patron saint of Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart, better known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) saying basically that rich and poor exist for each other is a very good reason to be corporativist. Christian Social as the term was for Fr. Ignaz Seipel, and Austrofascist as at least the nick-name was for his successor as party head and as statesman, Engelbert Dollfuss.

I also do not understand how one can consider "Pope Francis" unclear, unless one wants by unclarity to clear him of suspicions to be a Modernist accepting Evolutionism as the predecessor of his Wojtyla showed himself to be more than once 1992 to 1996, and as their intermediate Ratzinger also has showed himself to be. Unless one wants to clear him of suspicion of being grossly uncharitable (not just politely disagreeing, but mocking and pitying) to Young Earth Creationists. Unless one wants to clear him of suspicion of believing a false religion is not just occasionally occasion for someone's salvation (as is often the case for those who convert from it to Catholicism) but practically a regular means for salvation, and unless one wants to clear him of suspicion of having canonised uncanonisables, to whom the "unclarity" is then also extended.

Plus, some would consider it unclear whether he's favouring Socialism. In fact, the St. John Chrysostom quote says, poor have no right to damn rich for being slow in giving what is not clearly due, while Bergoglio only says, what St. John Chrysostom also says, rich have no right to damn the poor who are their means of salvation.

For my part, it matters less if he is only one sided in expression or has a one sided, Marxist, perversion of the corporativist doctrine of St. John Chrysostom. Since on other grounds, I find it unbelievable to see him as Pope, the ones just stated.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Alexius

J'avais une conversation avec un Marocain très sympa!

New blog on the kid : J'avais une conversation avec un Marocain très sympa! · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Est-ce que la Bible dit que la Terre est plate?

Ça dit, je considère qu'il avait tort, et reste dans le tort à moins de s'être entre-temps converti (peu probable vu les minutes à peine une heure passée ...).

Je viens de contacter Abbé Pagès à propos un choix de mot dans le Coran. Il connaît l'arabe et il pourra dire si Karim se souvenait correctement de 19:96.

Entre-temps, selon le Coran, le prêtre Zacharie devait être muet 3 jours.

Voici la version de St. Luc, chapitre 1:

10 Toute la multitude du peuple était dehors en prière, à l'heure du parfum.

11 Alors un ange du Seigneur apparut à Zacharie, et se tint debout à droite de l'autel des parfums.

12 Zacharie fut troublé en le voyant, et la frayeur s'empara de lui.

13 Mais l'ange lui dit: Ne crains point, Zacharie; car ta prière a été exaucée. Ta femme Élisabeth t'enfantera un fils, et tu lui donneras le nom de Jean.

14 Il sera pour toi un sujet de joie et d'allégresse, et plusieurs se réjouiront de sa naissance.

15 Car il sera grand devant le Seigneur. Il ne boira ni vin, ni liqueur enivrante, et il sera rempli de l'Esprit Saint dès le sein de sa mère;

16 il ramènera plusieurs des fils d'Israël au Seigneur, leur Dieu;

17 il marchera devant Dieu avec l'esprit et la puissance d'Élie, pour ramener les coeurs des pères vers les enfants, et les rebelles à la sagesse des justes, afin de préparer au Seigneur un peuple bien disposé.

18 Zacharie dit à l'ange: A quoi reconnaîtrai-je cela? Car je suis vieux, et ma femme est avancée en âge.

19 L'ange lui répondit: Je suis Gabriel, je me tiens devant Dieu; j'ai été envoyé pour te parler, et pour t'annoncer cette bonne nouvelle.

20 Et voici, tu seras muet, et tu ne pourras parler jusqu'au jour où ces choses arriveront, parce que tu n'as pas cru à mes paroles, qui s'accompliront en leur temps.


Là, ce n'est pas 3 jours, ce sont 9 mois, non?

Bien, les livres se contredisent, ils ne peuvent pas les deux être vrais.

Lequel dit vrai et lequel faux? Les Juifs incrédules diraient que les deux disent faux. Je ne partage évidemment pas leur point de vue. No so dönme, so marrano, d'akodro? Bon, quel est le principe du savoir de Saint Luc et de Mahomet?

Remontons au début du chapitre:

1 Plusieurs ayant entrepris de composer un récit des événements qui se sont accomplis parmi nous,

2 suivant ce que nous ont transmis ceux qui ont été des témoins oculaires dès le commencement et sont devenus des ministres de la parole,

3 il m'a aussi semblé bon, après avoir fait des recherches exactes sur toutes ces choses depuis leur origine, de te les exposer par écrit d'une manière suivie, excellent Théophile,

4 afin que tu reconnaisses la certitude des enseignements que tu as reçus.


  • il y a eu des évangiles incomplets, inachevés, dans l'église mais qui n'ont pas été gardés par l'église (Matthieu seul ou Matthieu et Marc n'ont certes pas suffis pour que St. Luc disent "plusieurs" et les trois sont avant l'évangile de St. Jean);
  • les événements se sont passés "parmi nous" - parmi l'Oumma chrétienne que Jésus venait de fonder;
  • les écrits antérieurs se sont basés sur tradition de mémoire personnelle, pas sur une tradition avec beaucoup d'intermédiaires, au mieux (et au pire, ce serait avec intermédiaires, mais vu le bref laps de temps assez peu, et qui débutait avec des témoins oculaires);
  • St. Luc a consulté les écrits antérieurs;
  • St. Luc a consulté les traditions à propos ces écrits et à propos les évenéments;
  • Il les a assemblés;
  • et ordonnés en ordre de chronologie ("d'une manière suivie");
  • pour un homme déterminé, un Théophile, qui voulait savoir la vérité.

St. Luc agit donc en mode détective ou journaliste. Par contre, Mahomet pour sourate 19 (et les autres, mais il me semble que la partie sur Zacharie se trouve dedans) avait uniquement, à moins d'être délibérément malhonnête, ce que je n'exclue pas, mais ce qui n'est pas nécessaire pour les débuts de sa carrière), a consulté une révélation surnaturelle, pour laquelle il avait quasiment pas de garanties, hormis son pari de croire qu'il venait de Dieu et non du diable.

Joseph Smith a fait le même pari. Sa religion est très parallèle à l'Islam, de manière que presque il ne le contredit pas, mais quand il contredit la Trinité, il le fait de manière opposé à Mahomet, celui-ci en Unitarien, Joseph Smith en Trithéiste.

Un catholique dit, le Père, le Fils et le Saint Esprit sont trois Personnes et un Dieu. Un Musulman dit qu'Allah est un dieu un une seule personne. Joseph Smith dit que la Trinité sont trois personnes, car trois dieux. Mahomet et Joseph Smith se basent sur une voix entendue uniquement dans leur intérieur ou encore sur des visions vues uniquement par eux (les deux affirment avoir vu des anges). Le catholique se réfère, par St. Luc, aux premières mémoires de son Oumma - de l'Église catholique.

Ici, on peut noter, c'est à la mode de dire que les traditions se déforment très facilement, mais, je n'y crois pas. Hercule a vécu, et il n'a pas été le fils de Zeus, par contre, qu'il soit le fils de Zeus a été ajouté, pas par les siècles entre son existence houleuse et les sources écrites, mais dans son propre temps, le diable ayant trompé lui-même. Le diable peut se déguiser. Une masquérade pour Hercule, une autre pour Hésiode, encore une autre pour Mahomet, et encore une pour Joseph Smith.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Alexius

Saturday 13 July 2019

Who Provided Refuge to Jews in Europe?

Here is a quote proposing Sweden was best:

By contrast, much of Protestant Europe heroically resisted. Tiny Denmark fought off the Third Reich to the utmost of its abilities, protecting its Jewish population by evacuating them to neutral Sweden and elsewhere. Finland successfully defended its independence in the face of both Soviet and German machinations. As for Sweden, home to Scandinavia’s largest Jewish population, few if any countries did more to oppose the Holocaust. Swedes provided sanctuary to over 7,000 Danish Jews and over tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews.

Remember When Fascism Was a Catholic Problem?
A historian’s perspective on religious dogma
Ben Freeland Jul 14, 2018 · 10 min read

As Hungarian Jews were mentioned, that refers to Raul Wallenberg.

However, when I bought a paperback about this hero, I noted that in Budapest, he and the Spanish diplomats were dividing the Jews between them : Ashkenazim to Sweden, Shephardim to Spain. It's years ago, but I have not forgotten.

As I don't recall the title of the book, here is a confirmation from elsewhere, via wiki, that Spain indeed did so. Franco's Spain.

During the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the synagogues were closed and post-war worship was kept in private homes. Jewish public life resumed in 1947 with the arrival of Jews from Europe and North Africa.

In the first years of the World War II, "Laws regulating their admittance were written and mostly ignored."[71] They were mainly from Western Europe, fleeing deportation to concentration camps from occupied France, but also Jews from Eastern Europe, especially Hungary. Trudi Alexy refers to the "absurdity" and "paradox of refugees fleeing the Nazis' Final Solution to seek asylum in a country where no Jews had been allowed to live openly as Jews for over four centuries." [72]

Throughout World War II, Spanish diplomats of the Franco government extended their protection to Eastern European Jews, especially in Hungary. Jews claiming Spanish ancestry were provided with Spanish documentation without being required to prove their case and either left for Spain or survived the war with the help of their new legal status in occupied countries.

Once the tide of war began to turn, and Count Francisco Gómez-Jordana Sousa succeeded Franco's brother-in-law Serrano Súñer as Spain's foreign minister, Spanish diplomacy became "more sympathetic to Jews", although Franco himself "never said anything" about this.[71] Around that same time, a contingent of Spanish doctors travelling in Poland were fully informed of the Nazi extermination plans by Governor-General Hans Frank, who was under the misimpression that they would share his views about the matter; when they came home, they passed the story to Admiral Luís Carrero Blanco, who told Franco.[73]

Diplomats discussed the possibility of Spain as a route to a containment camp for Jewish refugees near Casablanca but it came to naught due to lack of Free French and British support.[74] Nonetheless, control of the Spanish border with France relaxed somewhat at this time,[75] and thousands of Jews managed to cross into Spain (many by smugglers' routes). Almost all of them survived the war.[76] The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee operated openly in Barcelona.[77]

Shortly afterwards, Spain began giving citizenship to Sephardic Jews in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania; many Ashkenazic Jews also managed to be included, as did some non-Jews. The Spanish head of mission in Budapest, Ángel Sanz Briz, saved thousands of Ashkenazim in Hungary by granting them Spanish citizenship, placing them in safe houses and teaching them minimal Spanish so they could pretend to be Sephardim, at least to someone who did not know Spanish. The Spanish diplomatic corps was performing a balancing act: Alexy conjectures that the number of Jews they took in was limited by how much German hostility they were willing to engender.[78]


All footnotes from 71 to 78 are referring to:

Alexy, Trudi. The Mezuzah in the Madonna's Foot: Oral Histories Exploring Five Hundred Years in the Paradoxical Relationship of Spain and the Jews, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. ISBN 978-0-671-77816-3, hardcover; ISBN 978-0-06-060340-3, paperback reprint.

Back to Ben Freeland.

The only Scandinavian country to truly succumb to fascist rule was Norway. Tiny Estonia and Latvia — which, like Finland, found themselves caught in the middle between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany — were unable to muster much in the way of resistance to the Reich. Latvia was unique among majority Protestant countries for nearly annihilating its Jewish population. Meanwhile, over 75 per cent of Estonia’s small Jewish community succeeded in escaping to the USSR.

Could it have sth to do with fortunes of war, with how Latvia and how Estonia were placed in relation to German troops or near or far from Russian such?

Estonia was next to Finland's attackers, the Red Army. Latvia was next to German expansion East, troups trying to go to Moscow.

When it comes to Jews from either country, I have a special place in my heart for Latvia. There was a konversa who was still Jewish (of Israelite confession) while marrying whom I honour.

Even Germany itself, as much a Lutheran country as a Catholic one, has a paradoxically lower Jewish mortality rate than many of the countries it occupied before and during World War II. In his superb book, The Meaning of Hitler, German historian Sebastian Haffner argues that Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism was more typical of his native Austria and Central-Eastern Europe than of Germany proper, and that his anti-Jewish policies enjoyed less widespread support at home than they did in many of the occupied territories.

Nevertheless, votes for Hitler in 1933 were higher in Protestant parts, like 90 % or more in Berlin. Because they hated Jews? No, but because they loved Hitler's progressive manners and thought Antisemitism was a way to get votes in Bavaria (Austria was not involved) and that he didn't mean it seriously.

Also, Hitler openly announced Antisemitism in 1933, when getting to power, but didn't get started all that much with camps prior to the war, so the German Jews had plenty of time to get elsewhere.

Also, when the French film Rafle came, a news article (LeMonde, I think) stated that Laval (the guy who delivered Jews to German camps) had stated he was proud the Jews were going to get "if not the love, at least the habit of hard work" - in other words, many people who sent Jews to German camps had the impression they were sending them to a Lao Gai, not to a death camp proper.

And Laval was not a devout Catholic:

Laval was born 28 June 1883 at Châteldon, Puy-de-Dôme, in the northern part of Auvergne. His father worked in the village as a café proprietor, butcher and postman; he also owned a vineyard and horses. Laval was educated at the village school in Châteldon. At age 15, he was sent to a Paris lycée to study for his baccalauréat. Returning south to Lyon, he spent the next year reading for a degree in zoology.[3]

Laval joined the Socialists in 1903, when he was living in Saint-Étienne, 62 km southwest of Lyon. "I was never a very orthodox socialist", he said in 1945, "by which I mean that I was never much of a Marxist. My socialism was much more a socialism of the heart than a doctrinal socialism... I was much more interested in men, their jobs, their misfortunes and their conflicts than in the digressions of the great German pontiff."[4]


Austrofascists may have had a greater dislike of Jews than National Socialists, but Austrofascists being devout Catholics, did not so much about it. Also, they defined Jew confessionally, so the few restrictions (no Lao Gai camps!) were not bothering konversos.

Freeman again:

Catholicism’s fascism problem did not go away at the end of World War II. While it did bring an end to the Nazi puppet states of central and eastern Europe, the neutral dictatorships of Franco and Salazar persisted until the mid-1970s.

And Franco and Salazar did not discriminate against Jews, and both had provided shelter for Jews. Freeman seems to like to jump back and forth between "fascism" and partifipation in German camps for Jews. As if they were equivalent, when they were not.

Also, Italy had few Jews deported to German camps, thanks both to first hour Fascists who did not like the turn to Racism in 1938, at least not as applied under Salò Republic, and, not least, to the Catholic population.

Get the book The Assisi Underground: Assisi and the Nazi Occupation, by Alexander Ramati. - I did not know about the Mayor of Assisi:

The rescue of Jews who sought refuge in Assisi, beginning in the spring of 1943, was organized by Bishop Placido Nicolini, his brother Ruffino Niacci, and Father Aldo Brunacci. Only Father Brunacci is alive today and was on hand for the ceremony of thanks. But the entire population of the village collaborated in the rescue, including its fascist Mayor, Amaldo Fortini.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency : Honor Townspeople of Assisi Who Saved Jews During World War Ii
[internet version of a bulletin from March 16, 1982]

I had never called myself a Fascist prior to reading about Amaldo Fortini. I do not regret it, since it involved lately also reading about Aldo Finzi. Ben Freeman is simply oversimplifying things to demonise more than can be tied to demonic behaviour, like putting Jews (or anyone else) into Lao Gai type or worse camps.

And if Jews seeking refuge started in 1943, this is because prior to 1943, Jews had not been in any danger in Catholic and Fascist Italy. Except of course the few who wanted to marry non-Jews, like when converting to Christianity, having to get somewhere else to do that since back in 1938. As I already stated elsewhere, Italian Fascism was at its best before Carta della Razza ... except for guys like Amaldo Fortini, of course.

I wonder where Ben Freeman earned his degrees in history ...? Wait, I have a hunch, he only studied Social Sciences to become a Secondary Education teacher. Such incompetence being encouraged is of course a wider, if less acute, argument against widespread near compulsory secondary schooling than Columbine High Shooting.

Riverside High School : FREEMAN, BEN - SOCIAL SCIENCE

"down by the Riverside, I'll study war no more"

Perhaps that school should quit studying World War II, until they get competent, if it is the same Ben Freeman - I'll ask.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Henry, Emperor
Sts. Joel and Ezra

PS: I also read this on Canada:

Even in Canada, support for authoritarian and fascist ideas reached its pinnacle in uber-Catholic Québec. This was thanks in no small part to the ultramontane views of influential cleric-historian Lionel-Adolphe Groulx and the explosive rhetoric of journalist-turned-fascist-agitator Adrien Arcand. Even former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, that paragon of secular Canadian liberalism, acknowledged in his memoirs that his early education in the 1940s at the Jesuit-run Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montreal instilled him with a positive view of Mussolini and other European Catholic Fascists of the era.

So, liking Mussolini is supposed to have been a worse problem than sterilising, maiming, unmanning or unwomanning, hundreds if not thousands of people who happened to be the wrong ethnicity in Alberta and in British Columbia? Authoritarian is then worse than Totalitarian to that author. Not to me. To me, authoritarian is no big deal, sometimes good, but totalitarian is evil./HGL

PPS, that was Ben Freeman again. And, if you did not get it, sterilisation by force is part of what I count as totalitarian, and it did not happen in Italy from 1922 to 1937, and probably not even from 1938 to the end./HGL

PPPS, sorry, it is not "Raul Wallenberg" but "Raoul Wallenberg" - French spelling of first name./HGL

Pourquoi tellement de blogs (plus qu'un) et comment tu les mets à jour?

Deux questions que j'ai eu plus qu'une fois.

Pourquoi tellement?

Avec 7000 articles ou autres posts, et déjà bien davantage, le lecteur avisé et moi-même avons plus de facilité de retrouver un d'entre eux s'ils sont rangés en "tiroirs différents".

Les quarante blogs sont rangés en catégories:

support antérieur sur internet, oui ou non

si oui, 1) FB, 2) mail, forum/youtube/quora et ce dernier dans les langues 3) anglais, 4) français, 5) allemand

si non, procédons à autres critères

blogs généraux (tous les sujets hormis le foot)

6) mon premier, 7) mon deuxième, 8) celui-ci (d'où la qualification en latin dans l'url et dans l'anglais dans le titre que c'est un nouveau blog)

blogs spécialisés

selon langues autres que l'anglais et le français (alors 9) blog suédois et autres langues scandinaves, 10) blog allemand, 11) blog "en lengua romance" (latin, espagnol, italien, romans, nouvelles, poèmes, le très peu que j'ai écrit en polonais et lituanien avec hésitations et aide par Google translate)

selon sujets

12) pour accueillir la mémoire du site antimodernism, que Bill Gates gâcha en février 2009,
13) pour les compositions musicales et les essais en théorie ou critique musicales,
pour apologétique, surtout, 14) en créationnisme, 15) en apologétique chrétienne générale, 16) en réfutation du protestantisme, un peu, nettement moins, pour 17) comparaison avec la doctrine dite orthodoxe, et 18) réponses à d'arguments islamiques
pour la philologie 19) normale et 20) pop culture
pour choses auto-biographiques (en outre les bribes sur mes blogs généraux), 21 - 25) pour mon pélérinage, 26) sur autohypnose, 27) mes haïku
28) pour trucs et astuces
29) pour mon ouvrage académique sur la Lithuanie (niveau "C-uppsats")
30) pour mon projets de simplifier la présentation graphique des paradigmes en latin (simplifier la présentation, pas réduire le nombre des formes, s v p!)
31, 32) deux autres blogs en suédois
33) un blog pour essayer un logiciel d'estimation de complexité du texte (le logiciel a disparu après ce blog, que donc j'ai réutilisé pour d'autres choses petites)
34) un projet très inachevé à propos la déportation (j'ai voulu proposer des entrevues à des survivants ou leurs postérité immédiate, n'ai pas eu de réponses) à propos le camp de Villeneuve St. Georges
35) un blog pour doubler le site "paleocritti" qui allait fermer, mais c'est uniquement les urls simples qui sont disparus, le site d'origine est encore en ligne et mon œuvre de sauvetage était inutile
36) un blog pour traduire des romans de Chesterton (qui sont en domaine publique)
37) un blog de bibliographie
38) un blog pour rediriger vers les libellés sur d'autres blogs (dont mon blog général premier), les thématiques abordés alphabétiquement
39) un blog pour notifier ses lecteurs des nouveaux messages sur les blogs que je mets à jour

Et, j'avais presque oublié, les Assorted Retorts, musicalia, blogs suédois, allemand et en "lengua romance" étant débuté mais pas restés bornés à sauvetage du site antimodernism, encore 40) En français sur Antimodernism qui sauva les articles en français sur Antimodernism, mais qui ne fut pas utilisé pour des articles après février 2009, car non écrits sur ce site du type défunt "groupe MSN".

Et encore de la philologie, 41) Ivugi Based Conlang Try - Ivugi étant une langue construite pour servir de base pour d'autres langues dérivés, je n'ai pas eu le temps de faire ça, juste de critiquer un peu le scénario de base.

Comment ai-je le temps?

Environ 2 à 3 messages par jour et je les mets dans les blogs qui correspondent, par bibliothèques et par cyber.

Notons, je n'utilise pas tout mon temps sur internet en écrivant, je ne veux pas faire l'autiste sur internet, je m'ouvre d'abord à ce que d'autres ont à dire (courrier, sites que je suis), et si mon temps sur internet est circonscrit, ça veut dire que je perds en temps pour écrire mes propres choses.

Ce post a été commencé hier, abandonné avant la fermeture de la bibliothèque, repris dans la même bibliothèque, et maintenant fini dans un cyber.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Henri, empéreur
Sts. Joel et Ezra

Thursday 11 July 2019

Ces blogs ont été annoncés en France les derniers jours (dis-je après minuit, 11.VII.2019)

10 juil. 2019 01:00 – 11 juil. 2019 00:00

Mise à jour pour un 7e blog 10 juil. 2019 16:00 – 11 juil. 2019 15:00 pour un blog non affichée par moi en France ces derniers jours.

Répliques Assorties Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica gm b1 lou
New blog on the kid Creation vs. Evolution
somewhere else

Irlande 2
États-Unis 2
Indonésie 1
Russie 1
Russie 151
États-Unis 20
région indéterminée 4
Ukraine 4
Japon 3
France 2
Émirats arabes unis 1
Belgique 1

Russie 177
Ukraine 73
États-Unis 22
Irlande 13
France 6
Italie 5
Corée du Sud 5
région indéterminée 3
Pologne 3
Australie 2

États-Unis 2
Portugal 1

Russie 162
Ukraine 21
États-Unis 18
Singapour 4
Indonésie 3
Bangladesh 2
Japon 2
Pays-Bas 2
région indéterminée 1
Australie 1

Russie 130
États-Unis 31
Tchéquie 1
Allemagne 1
Royaume-Uni 1
Portugal 1
Venezuela 1
Vietnam 1

Russie 17
États-Unis 9
France 3
Ukraine 2

"16 juil. 2019 15:00 – 17 juil. 2019 14:00" (l'ordinateur posé sur deux dates en avance, donc réellement 14 juillet à 15 juillet, ce blog même)

Russie 149
Ukraine 104
États-Unis 22
Palestine 8
Royaume-Uni 5
Canada 2
France 2
Inde 2
Roumanie 2
Serbie 2

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Martyr for Purity Revisited

On Maria Goretti as Martyr for Purity · Martyr for Purity Revisited

Can a suicide go to heaven? If a successful suicide is nevertheless so slow it leaves you time to repent, perhaps so. Tchaikovski seems to have attempted this by drinking water contaminated with cholera and trying to get absolution while dying of cholera.

Now, can a martyr do something after becoming a martyr? On earth, that is?

Yes, when dying from 14 stab wounds takes 24 hours, you can. Maria Goretti was, first, martyr for purity. It has been said she was trying to resist rape, and if she had been raped, she would have still been pure. Well, morally yes, but physically not with the integrity. Which she cared about. Also, before the attempt of rape, he had tried to seduce her, and she had refused. I would say, his attempt at seduction and killing was more serious than his attempt of rape. As he was 18 and she a few months short of 12, if he had been very serious, I am not sure she could have defended herself. Now, whatever his calculus behind the attempted rape, she had already got herself into the target field of his anger by refusing to consent to an act against purity. This clearly means, she was killed for her love of purity.

After she was killed, she took 24 hours or so dying.

She spent them praying for God to forgive her killer. A martyr for purity first, an apostle for God's forgiveness next.

Dear Maria Goretti, pray for us.

Dear Alessandro, penitent, pray for us./HGL

Laun - Schönborn 1-0

As born in Vienna, I cannot totally neglect the supposed "Catholic bishop" and even "Cardinal" who disfigures its Archdiocese.

I am on record as saying homosexuals can marry. I stand by that despite the divorce of Josh Weed.

I am equally, let it be noted, on record as saying "gay marriage" is not marriage. Now, what did the one and the other of these (Laun / Schönborn) say?

But now concerning the question of Cardinal Marx, and not a few of the priests, the answer is simple: one may ask for God's blessing for sinners, but not for the sin. That is to say, one could not consecrate a brothel, one could not bless a concentration camp or weapons which are not explicitly ordained for hunting or for legitimate self-defense. Therefore it is clear that one may not bless a relationship which is sinful; [one may not bless] the mafia; no blessing for organizations or institutions which promote or procure abortions or which propagate ideologies which are against the Faith, antisemitic contents, or other forms of racist thought.

Austrian bishop forcefully rejects German Bishops’ idea of blessing homosexual unions
News Catholic Church Tue Feb 13, 2018 - 10:24 am EST by Maike Hickson

“It certainly is not acceptable to mention the value of same-sex relationships at the same time as mentioning the mafia or concentration camps, as it now unfortunately has happened,” said Schönborn. “These things are not to be compared. To talk like this is unacceptable.”

Additionally, Cardinal Schönborn declared helplessness in light of the “marriage for all.”

“The 'marriage-for-all' poses for us as Church some challenges for which we do not have sure formulas,” he said. “We have to find careful answers to these questions which keep the dignity and the salvation of the souls of the concerned in view.”

Cardinal Schönborn outraged at bishop’s critique of blessings for homosexual unions
News Catholic Church Wed Feb 14, 2018 - 1:30 pm EST by Maike Hickson

For the part "unacceptable" Laun has answered that common denominator is mortal sinfulness. Which is true.

In fact, there is a certain class of mortally sinful sins which are worse than usual, namely "sins that cry to heaven for vengeance". Murder, sin against nature (sodomite, lesbian, bestial, perhaps also solitary), oppression of widows, orphans and paupers, denying the labourer his just wage.

One can debate about whether a mafioso is a murderer. May depend on when and where, but often one may presume mafiosi are so, however, a priest blessing a meeting place of a mafia and the mafia meeting there might have a case for doubting that. I was once in a boy's camp in a dorm called "Mafia BF".* Probably none in that Mafia was a murderer then, and I hope none became one such. But one can hardly debate that a self styled homosexual couple, not simply two men cohabiting as "room mates", like Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, but a union of "love" in a sense clearly going "beyond" friendship, is involved in sin against nature.

In other words, one can certainly say the comment of Schönborn is insulting to Mafiosi - especially the ones of Mafia BF.** Or there was a Mafioso, when the Virgin was carried in procession close to his prison, a statue of Her that is, the ones carrying stumbled so it looked as if She bowed down over him. Probably a more worthy of blessings than a gay couple, perhaps he has repented if murders were involved. Or perhaps there weren't.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
Seven sons of St Felicitas, martyrs***

PS, in enumeration of sins against nature crying out for vengeance of heaven, I forgot heterosexual couples using coitus interruptus or other corrupt practises to avoid having more children. European countries having combined licit and sponsored condoms (et cetera) with old age pensions have for some decades given false hopes that people don't need to look after their old age by having children, and this has led to several crises in pensions' systems. Sweden in 2003 declared privatisation of pensions above an insufficient minimum, France recently changed conditions for pension system to the worse, and Germany, when I was in Berlin after New Year 2005 was telling me the young were being harrassed to work and pay taxes so much they could no longer concentrate on having children of their own. Obviously an idea supplementing above arrangement, namely that immigrants would guarantee pensions when children fail to do so, has not been working out correctly. And I have in Sweden online been called a Nazi, demonising immigrants, for pointing this out, for saying they are not stupid. Since I don't think it is their duty to be stupid, I don't think saying they are not stupid (on this matter) is anything like demonising them./HGL

* "Mafia BF" = "Mafia (ex-)Blaue Falken", since same dorm minus me had been called "Blaue Falken" before. Or perhaps even it had been "Mafia BF" before and it became "Blutströpfchen" (after one nosebleeding when chosing new name) my year. That camp was my longest contact with Calvinism, since Austrian Protestantism (usually in Burgenland or Vienna) is Calvinist. ** However, as the other boys were Calvinists on a regular basis, not Church hoppers as ma and me back then, there was no priest blessing that dorm. *** Romae passio sanctorum septem Martyrum fratrum, filiorum sanctae Felicitatis Martyris, id est Januarii, Felicis, Philippi, Silvani, Alexandri, Vitalis et Martialis, tempore Antonini Imperatoris, sub Praefecto Urbis Publio. Ex ipsis vero Januarius, post virgarum verbera et carceris macerationem, plumbatis occisus; Felix et Philippus fustibus mactati; Silvanus praecipitio interemptus; Alexander, Vitalis et Martialis capitali sententia puniti sunt.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Is Putin Christian?

Can omissions characterise a heretic?

Acts, Gestures, Attitudes and Omissions Can Characterize a Heretic
March 24, 2016 | Luiz Sérgio Solimeo

Well, if they can, they can also characterise an apostate or someone who never was a believer.

Does Putin omit something consistently? Yes, the factual truth of Christian doctrine.

I think the nearest he comes to saying "I believe Christ rose from the dead" is liturgic reciting of Nicene Creed without filioque on Sundays and answering "Voístinu voskrése!" at Easter.

He has said much about Christian values. It is not as if he was under an obligation to avoid the subject of Christianity.

So - does he believe it is true, or does he only believe a few falsehoods happened to be the package of the best value system?

A bit like Gould believes in a Judaism of halakha, yes, but hagada, who cares (also known as "non-overlapping magisteria"). Believed, I mean, in 2002 he found out he was wrong.

Putin: We Live In A World Based On Biblical Values; Liberals Are Trying To Dismantle It
Russia Insight | 4.VII.2019

Not saying he is wrong on liberals - but is he defending only a value system? If so, that should give us cause for worry. Also check what William Browder has to say about Putin here:

How I figured out the Achilles heel of Vladimir Putin | William Browder | TEDxBerlin
TEDx Talks | 14.VIII.2018

A culture war in which liberals attack many Christian values and the factual truth of Christian faith and in which their main opponent defends some Christian values with explicit reference and does not defend the factual truth of Christian faith ... sounds bad for Christians, right?/HGL

For Conor and Friends


À la banque postale, on ne voulait pas, hier, accepter une quelle-conque autre preuve pour mon identité qu'une pièce d'identité ou un passeport ou un papier de la police.

Pourtant, la carte de bibliothèque que j'étais prêt à montrer présupposait que j'avais eu un passeport ou une pièce d'identité (en fait, les deux).

Aujourd'hui, quand je fais la manche avec mon panneau ...

Not on soccer / Pas sur le foot

... un homme me dit "bonjour, Monsieur Lundahl". C'est le même endroit où, mercredi le 27.XII.2017, jour de St. Jean l'Évangéliste, j'ai constaté la perte du passeport, une perte qui devrait avoir été en soi ou été doublé de vol, car j'ai essayé de retrouver la pochette où j'avais le passeport aux objets trouvés./HGL

Thursday 4 July 2019

Rugy et l'histoire?

Mais ce dimanche, sur le plateau de BFMTV, François de Rugy a également voulu montrer les muscles et s’est livré à une attaque d’une rare violence. “Vous savez à qui il me fait penser? Un fasciste. Les fascistes se comportent comme ça. Ils discréditent les gens qui ne pensent pas comme eux au lieu de débattre”, a-t-il lancé en comparant les vidéos régulières du députés insoumis à celles de Jean-Marie Le Pen.


Dans le cas Matteotti, pourtant, Il Duce a débattu devant une commission parlementaire, contre l'accusation d'avoir imité la Tchéca (orthographée Ceca en italien) et d'avoir ordonné l'assassinat de Matteotti.

Répliquer que les Russes, eux avaient une Tchéca, c'était alors de décrédibiliser les gens au lieu de se débattre?

Seulement si tous qui le soupçonnaient d'être le coupable derrière l'assassin reconnu coupable étaient des Cocos ....

Un autre fasciste vient déjà de dire (sous reddit) "en tant que fasciste, je tiens à me désolidariser de Ruffin, qui donne une très mauvaise image de notre idéologie" - que dire alors de Rugy qui donne une très mauvaise image de notre procédé?/HGL

What Word by Chesterton is Apt a 4th of July? (Links)

Discover the Wit & Wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chesterton : America

Gives a quote from What I Saw in America, Chap. 1—What is America?

The whole book, here:

Title: What I Saw in America
Author: G. K. Chesterton

Russia Persecutes non-Orthodox Christians (link)

MT : Russian Orthodox Church Angry as State Destroys "Extremist" Bibles
Dec. 28, 2016

MT : Russia Named in List of 50 Countries in Which Christians Face Persecution
Jan. 17, 2019

J'aurais dû être à l'ESI avant la fermeture de la domiciliation

Mais la domiciliation ferma exceptionellement à 11 h et j'arrivai après, même si c'était avant 12 h 30 comme d'habitude.

Si un courrier important m'attendait (ce que je ne peux pas savoir), je devrai attendre au moins jusqu'à mardi matin./HGL

Smorodinov and Mamchur (Link, quote)

NYT : Russia Ordered a Killing That Made No Sense. Then the Assassin Started Talking.
By Michael Schwirtz | March 31, 2019

Note Putin's attitude about Ukraine and Georgia:

For Mr. Putin — who has described Russians and Ukrainians as “one people” — it was an act of bloody treachery.

“We don’t know who decided to deliver equipment and weapons from Ukraine during the conflict, but whoever it was, that person made a huge mistake,” Mr. Putin said at a news conference shortly after the war.

“That the weapons delivered in the course of military action were operated by specialists from Ukraine is a crime,” he continued. “If we find confirmation of this, we will accordingly make contact with the people who did it.”