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Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Je ne m'appelle pas Sylvain
C'est très clair pour quiconque sait lire, et qui a lu mes blogs, je signe chaque article soit HGL, soit Hans-Georg Lundahl. Le mec qui me demandait si je m'appelle Sylvain est Restaurateur dans le quartier. J'y suis resté le plupart du temps depuis le premier confinement. Je fais la manche systématique en annonçant mes blogs.
Me demander là où je me trouve* si je m'appelle Sylvain, c'est comme de croiser Michel Onfray et demander s'il s'appelle Sylvain, ou Jean-Luc Mélenchon et demander s'il s'appelle Sylvain. Si je réponds que je m'appelle Hans, c'est pas plus personnel que si Onfray se précise comme prénommé Michel ou Mélenchon comme prénommé Jean-Luc.
Pourquoi l'a-t-il demandé?
Pour pouvoir se prétendre mon pote proche, je lui aurais quand même précisé que je m'appelle Hans? Pour empêcher quelqu'un d'autre de se prétendre mon pote proche, quelqu'un qui m'a considéré comme appelé Sylvain? Pour me faire une diagnostique si je serait confus de personne (réponse : non)? J'ignore. J'ignore pas que ça commence de m'agacer, des machinations à droite et à gauche pour je ne sais pas quoi, me quelque chose qui apparemment m'implique./HGL
* Pas ici au cyber, mais où je me trouvais ce matin.
Saturday, 19 February 2022
Non, nous ne sommes pas poussière des étoiles
Quelques réponses, dont la première déjà donnée à celle qui demandait :
- non, les étoiles sont quatre jours plus jeunes que la terre ;
- non, parmi nos composants physiques, il y a au moins dans mes veines du fer, dans la très connue hémoglobine - et on ne connaît pas de processus de fusion stellaire qui serait capable de produire des éléments tellement lourds que le fer à partir de l'hydrogène : même pas les naines rouges ou brunes (ou quelle que soit l'étoile qui compresse ses matières les plus massivement)
- non, l'âme rationnalle, essentielle pour qu'on ait une langue avec des notions, n'est pas composée de la matière.
Un peu de contexte. Je lisais Le Livre des Premiers Hommes, Découverte Cadet, Gallimard, 1984, par Pierre Gouletquer et Carlo Ranzi. Je notais aussitôt que je ne crois pas dans l'évolution. D'où la question si je ne pensais effectivement pas que nous ayons été de la poussière des étoiles.
J'avais redouté que ce livre n'allait pas inclure un bon conspectus de combien de squelettes humains il y a pour telle ou telle partie de la chronologie évolutionnaire ou uniformitaire. Car ma propre calibration de carbone 14 part du fait que les datations carboniques de 40 000 ans ou plus vieux sont d'avant le Déluge, ceux de plus jeune d'après.
2957 av. J.Chr. est daté comme 38 957, quasi 39 000 av. J.Chr. ou 41 000 avant le présent.
2845 av. J.Chr. est daté comme 18 745 av. J.Chr. ou 21 000 avant le présent.
En 2957, 8 personnes humains montent dans l'Arche et en sortent aussi (si aucune des femmes est tombé enceinte pendant le Déluge).
Combien de personnes peuvent être nés et morts précocement entre 2957 et 2845? Il s'agit de 112 ans. En 112 ans, avec une augmentation de la population comme en - Nigéria?* - de 6 % par an, on va en 5462 personnes. Si ma table est correcte, les squelettes humains entre 41 000 et 21 000 avant le présent devraient être carrément moins nombreux que 5462 individus. Comme craint, aucune aide de ce livre.
Par contre, p. 35, on a une citation d'Engels.
Mais le pas décisif était accompli : la main s'était libérée ; elle pouvait désormais acquérir de plus en plus d'habilités nouvelles et la souplesse plus grande ainsi acquise se transmit par hérédité et augmenta de génération en génération.
Attribué à Engels, p. 92 donnant une table des poëmes explique extrait, Dialectique de la nature, trad. E. Bottigelli, Éd. Sociales. Ah ... l'évolutionnisme est quand même un Marxisme ... surtout quand on parle de l'évolution humaine.
Les erreurs sont deux :
- la physique de la main devient plus importante que l'âme qui la dirige (ou celle-ci s'externifie en des choses physiques comme main et son cerveau) ;
- et que des qualités de phénotype s'héritent et s'augmentent par une forme de Lamarckisme accéléré.
Aussi, comme j'avais prévu, pas de discours sur l'origine de la langue, pourtant censée absente du Ramapithèque et censée ensuite présente au moins à partir des premiers Homo sapiens ... 38 ans plus tard, Pascal Picq a fait deux livres qui ne précisent pas comment ça aurait pu se passer. Une mode que ça n'aurait pas pu se passer, c'est comme entre latin ou français ("évolution linguistique" documentée) ou entre proto-indo-européen et latin (pas documentée, juste reconstruite, mais en principe pareil à celle documentée). Pourquoi? La langue humaine a trois niveau joints par deux articulations. Le niveau du message complet est normalement articulé en plusieurs morphèmes du niveau intermédiaire qui le sont (chacun, normalement) en plusieurs phonèmes du niveau infime. Ceci permet une infinitude de messages complets et déjà une infinitude de morphèmes, de manière qu'ils soient conceptuels, répondent à une curiosité théorique. Un homme peut dire "le sol est marron foncé" avant d'en conclure ou sans d'en conclure une quelconque conclusion de quoi à faire pour l'instant. Un singe ne peut pas sous-diviser un quelconque message en 1) "sol + déterminé + singulier" + 2) "être + présent + singulier + 3p" + 3) "marron" + 4) "foncer + participe passé + singulier + masculin" et non plus sous-diviser l'essentiel de moment 1 en l + eu + s + o + l. Même pas dans les sons que le singe sait produire, une telle sous-division et donc un tel jugement intellectuel sur le sol n'est pas possible.
Enfin, Terra Amata et encore quelques ... je suis pas contre les trouvailles, juste les datations.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Gabin de Rome
* Il semble que ceci ne soit pas la valeur la plus récente, de 2020.
Friday, 18 February 2022
Encore une fois, beaucoup de peu de pays, peu de beaucoup de pays
Pour un certain nombre des blogs, ces statistiques viennent du 16 et pour les restants du 17.II.2022.
Deux pays dépassent les 1000 :
- France
- 3 + 142 + 1970 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1327 + 11 + 4 + 1468 + 2011 + 1 + 20 + 21 + 1230 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 8235
- États-Unis
- 7 + 10 + 65 + 8 + 37 + 471 + 8 + 26 + 18 + 36 + 8 + 46 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 14 + 193 + 281 + 17 + 8 + 11 + 9 + 62 + 74 + 194 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 24 + 5 + 97 + 66 + 4 + 61 + 2 + 2 + 37 = 1934
Trois sont entre 100 et 1000 :
- Canada
- 1 + 3 + 143 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 42 + 4 + 227 + 98 + 2 + 80 + 6 = 623
- Allemagne
- 10 + 3 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 15 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 21 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 11 + 36 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 9 + 12 = 224
- Japon
- 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 23 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 13 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 15 + 1 + 9 = 102
Quatre sont entre 20 et 100 :
- Royaume-Uni
- 4 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 41 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 97
- Russie
- 1 + 6 + 15 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 2 = 62
- Pays-Bas
- 1 + 1 + 2 + 16 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 14 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 7 = 61
- Roumanie
- 9 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 24
Huit pays entre 5 et 20 :
- Italie
- 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 19
- Irlande
- 1 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 14
- Brésil
- 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 13
- Pologne
- 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 12
- Portugal
- 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 9
- Suède
- 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8
- Arabie saoudite
- 4 + 4 = 8
- Viêt Nam
- 2 + 1 + 4 = 7
Et ensuite, cinq pays de quatre, trois de trois, cinq de deux, treize d'un :
- 4 par pays
- Bulgarie ; Afrique du Sud ; Kenya ; Indonésie ; Iran ;
- 3 par pays
- Nouvelle-Zélande ; Turquie ; Corée du Sud ;
- 2 par pays
- Hongrie ; Chine ; Albanie ; Australie ; Tchéquie ; Danemark ;
- 1 par pays
- Maroc ; Ukraine ; Égypte ; Espagne ; Belgique ; Israël ; Singapour ; Îles Vierges des États-Unis ; Autriche ; Saint-Martin ; Inde ; Algérie ; Côte d’Ivoire.
Ce qui doit se calculer avec et en :
- Autres
- 11 + 2 = 13
- Total
- 8235 + 1934 + 623 + 224 + 102 + 97 + 62 + 61 + 24 + 19 + 14 + 13 + 12 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 13 = 11.519
- Par jour
- 11.519 / 7 = 1645 et 4/7
Que peut-on en conclure?
Je pense que la France a un lectorat encore "sauvage" - ce pour quoi un écrivain doit espérer. Mais pas que. Aux États-Unis, il se peut qu'il soit déjà assez organisé. Et, peut-être à mon détriment.
Dans les autres pays, il semble trop organisé, voir éliminé. La Suède avait 28 vues une semaine, celle-ci il y avait 8. Autriche est aussi un pays où le lectorat me fait défaut.
Combien de ce lectorat "domestiqué" sont des gens avides de me dire que, si j'ai bâclé mes études pendant tellement d'années, c'est à moi de payer par un niveau de vie bas (mendicité ou travail peu remunéré, ou pire, situation de handicapé mental)? Et si mes études n'étaient pas bâclées? Pour avoir un prêt étudiant en Suède avec des études bâclées, il faut en avoir au maximum un an. Car, audelà, on en est éliminé faute de suffisant d'examens réussis. Pour regagner le prêt d'études, il faut faire un an ou un sémestre d'études sans prêt et faire ses bons examens. Si j'ai donc eu l'occasion de prendre un prêt pendant 4 ans et demi, et si la dernière fois j'ai simplement pas touché le prêt déjà accordé, faute de moyen de commencer les études en 2004, ça veut dire que j'ai eu pas mal de bons examens à mon compte. En fait, au minimum 3/4 pour au minimum 4 ans plein temps. Et de fait, il s'agit d'examens pour une valeur totale de 5 ans et une semaine plein temps.
Combien de ce lectorat "domestiqué" sont des gens avides de me dire que, si j'ai réussi les études mais n'ai pas de poste, c'est que les études étaient mal choisies, que j'ai amassé des connaissances inutiles? Bien, ils ne seront pas utiles pour moi comme professeur, car une chose apprise entre les études, c'est que je suis nul dans la classe. Me confier un poste de prof ne change pas la psychologie de masse qui, de gens pris dans leur ensemble, ne m'est pas favorable. Et c'est un peu ceci que je redoute d'un lectorat domestiqué. Et me confier un poste dans les parcs, c'est rendre mes études sans pertinence. Pour les écrits, non. Si je ne discours pas sur les sujets dans leurs ensemble, j'en touche souvent des détails (et certains détails plus que les autres).
Combien de ce lectorat "domestiqué" sont des gens avides de me dire que, si je suis assez docte, j'ai quand même tort? Il y a des gens qui prient pour que je sois confronté avec mes erreurs comme telles, et ça m'arrive de tomber sur des choses qui ressemblent à des piques assez fines. Et, combien des gens qui me font ce coup seraient intéressés de voir ce que j'ai à répondre, et seraient capables de changer leur propre avis s'ils trouvaient que j'ai raison? À mon avis, jusqu'alors, trop peu.
Il y a des vieux, qui, voyant que ce n'est pas moi qui change avis, et ne voulant pas changer les leurs, protègent les jeunes du risque de me lire tout seul et peut-être de changer avis, à cause de moi. Là, j'ai mon ennemi./HGL
Sunday, 13 February 2022
Will Africa be Self Sufficient in Clean Water?
Such self-sufficiency involves two things:
- sufficient humidity overall, as opposed to dehydration;
- accessing the water as ground water through wells.
Before going to each, I will go to the European Middle Ages. 1400 AD even the Portuguese were not involved in Africa. It is a period from which I will highlight two technologies.
- windmills
- water pumps.
Windmills were invented in pre-Islamic Persia but were of another type. And they were used for irrigation. They came to Europe, in the modified form we now know, through Crusaders. In the Netherlands, they are not just used for grinding wheat flour or other cereal products, they are also used to drain polders of water. You know the polders? The ground there is below the sea surface. Why are they dry? Well, they are surrounded by walls, shielding them from the sea, and they are pumped empty of water (draining to dykes accessible to windmill powered water pumps).
Water pumps have an Islamic past too, but were put into normal use in Europe around 1400. Arguably in a simpler form. Normal people with shovels and pickaxes can dig a well, and normal blacksmiths create what is needed for a pump.
The first project would be to create big dykes* from the Mediterranean to the South of Libya (ideally the conflicting tribes ceding land to the project and gaining shares in it), pump water through them on several levels, by windmills, as international powers that be are not likely to accept nuclear power (as Ghadaffi and LaRouche wanted), then let the sea water evaporate from salines in the Sahara, giving both salt, as in La Camargue, and more rain.
Some care should be taken to avoid the Mediterranean is drained too much at a time, the Straits of Gibraltar should ideally not become a waterfall.
The other project would be to allow Africans from different countries to study Medieval pump making and well digging techniques.
At present, a charity for water is offering to dig wells supplied with pumps, with modern drills and with pumps probably made in Europe for the African use, or perhaps in South Africa. With the know-how for Medieval pumps, Africans would be free to do it themselves.
Hans Georg Lundahl
for Septuagesima Sunday**
* Including sluices? Or just different polder levels? Up to them!
** Prewritten on 9.II.2022
Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Garrett Saldano - Governor for Michigan (Foreign Interference, I'm a Swede in France)
To my defense, in Sweden and in France, I don't see any candidate who is 100 % pro life (and wants to ban abaortion in case of rape as well, because you deserve to live unless you committed a crime, not to die for your dad's crime, which he would anyway no more than go to prison for).
Hence my interest in the Michigan election of governor, and thanks to Abby Johnson for telling me./HGL
PS, I did try to ask Tugdual Derville, but have got no answer./HGL
PPS, it's arguably Soldano, she did pronounce it somewhat wrong on the video./HGL
Tuesday, 8 February 2022
Not Interesting to CSN ...
I got a letter from a debt collection demand.
Dear Sirs,
Ni ombedes komma med ett förslag till månadsvis nedbetalning
av detta ärende, de förslag som inkommit via mail från Er är
inte av intresse för CSN.
The pertinent part is, "de förslag som inkommit via mail från Er är inte av intresse för CSN." - The proposals given through mail from you are not interesting to CSN.
What exactly is CSN in Sweden? A Swedish girl I was half and half nearly dating (she has a rival whom I favour) saw my letter from the CSN and crossed two fingers in a gesture as if driving away a vampyre. Or the devil ("vade retro" seems to favour that interpretation).
So, I took a study loan, that was a stupid thing to do if I didn't known in advance I could pay, right, if I didn't have all of my carreer planned in advance, right? Because, for loans you give collaterals and guarantees and you make promises to a bank - I obviously broke mine, right?
Not true. In Sweden, getting a study loan was (perhaps still is) the single most usual way of financing university studies. And going to university was the single most common thing for me to do after the high school type and high school grades - literary baccalaureate and best grades in ten of the subjects. No highly personal daring involved.
I also needed to make no guarantees. As you may have guessed, CSN is not a normal bank. Oh no. It is a service run by the state. Centrala StudiestödsNämnden. Meaning : "nämnden" means "the committee", "studiestöd" means "study aid" (you add an -s in composites) - we'll come back to what that is - and "centrala" means, obviously, "central". They have one big office in Sundsvall, a city way North in Sweden. They do not ask for guarantees. They don't contact your parents or a trustee with a trust on your behalf. First time over, they ask, for instance (and in my case) if it is the first time you study at university and you have never taken their study aid before. And I needed to show a registration at the faculty proving I had started the studies for which I had applied for the study aid. Next time, you need to show you have done enough exams. If you can't show that, you can regain the right to study loan by a term (or two) without their study aid, and if you do enough exams, you get it back. Theoretically, this keeps you going up to phil. cand. or Masters, and then the system changes a bit (I don't know exactly how, but it does involve a need to take jobs) when you become a PhD student.
What is the study aid? It is a sum calculated so that full time study aid involves your ability to live (you can get extra study aid for rents) and study (it's supposed to be sufficient for the books and stationery). All of this without taking an extra job. If you do take an extra job, above a certain wage, you can lose the study loan. Because the study aid is one quarter study dole, three quarters study loan. This expenditure for CSN is financed partly by taxes and partly be reclaiming study loans. If you have support from your well to do parents or a job, you can also opt for study dole only, without the loan.
When was I at university? Autumn Term 1987 to Spring Term 1989 (I then did military service 89 to 90, finishing about when our major strategic threat was breaking up), Autumn Term 1990 to Spring Term 1992 without any hitch, then a question of possible vocation to monastic state and orders came between me and a normal continuation Autumn 1992. I left mid term, but the room I was subrenting, I was not allowed to leave my things there, so had to ask granny to take it. She was dying, she asked me to stay. I did, after the Novice Master gave approval to that. She was also poor. I had received no study aid Autumn 88 to Spring 89, she had supported my continued studies on her old age pension, this time I continued to receive study aid, including loan, for the rest of Autumn 92 and Spring Term 93, without actually studying, except one course quarter time which I failed. And perhaps failed for ideological reasons. You see, I was not OK with considering comparative philology was "pre-scientific" before Bopp and Grimm, and used part of the course material in support for "pre-scientific" Plato and Aristotle.
Whoever graded that exam did not like that. It was my one failed exam, except another which I re-did a few weeks (or a week or two) later, by re-writing the essay.
From 1993 to 2003 I was not studying. Part of the time was a failed job as a teacher, and two exhausting jobs, half paid by social services and by unemployment insurance (different ones for the two) as archivist.* Part of the time, I was without employment and read lots on my own, and part of that time, up to the second work as an archivist, I looked for jobs and got paid by social services for that - in my case and in Sweden, that was fairly pointless. The place I had come to as a teacher and where I had done my second
Spring Term 2003 I got back to studies on a heritage. Autumn Term 2003, I had earned back my right to get a study loan, and I got a study aid. I hesitated and sent in the application for Spring Term 2004 a bit late. I also got the reply late. This stopped me from getting a monthly bus ticket for February, which meant I couldn't in time document my resuming the studies, which meant I couldn't pay my part of the rent in an apartment rented by my mother. She had to give it up (she wasn't staying there) and I had two choices. Getting back to social aid (did I mention the two jobs at archives, ill paid, not too well respected by those actually regular there, no vacations for six months?) - or leaving Sweden for an adventure. I did the latter.
Some wanted to interpret this as getting back to a monastic vocation. I explicitly repudiated that interpretation. My course has been for married life since a letter from the novice master in 2000. This also means I need an income from a secular vocation. This is what I try to get by writing. And trying to get published. Or, since I am already self-published on internet, more precisely re-published.
Do I have an audience? Look at the numbers for 41 blogs in 7 last days (a few days ago), here (French country-names) :
- France
- 1112 + 1527 + 141 + 35 + 1836 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 31 + 17 + 4 + 11 + 2108 = 6845
- États-Unis
- 70 + 64 + 505 + 11 + 9 + 211 + 51 + 99 + 12 + 44 + 5 + 16 + 171 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 14 + 70 + 24 + 25 + 24 + 85 + 6 + 219 + 38 + 32 + 4 + 42 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 1888
- Canada
- 6 + 1 + 137 + 118 + 181 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 101 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 555
- Pays-Bas
- 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 80 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 165
- Allemagne
- 1 + 1 + 8 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 11 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 83
- Singapour
- 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 48
- Ukraine
- 3 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 32 = 44
- Suède
- 1 + 3 + 3 + 17 + 1 + 3 = 28
- Russie
- 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27
- Royaume-Uni
- 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 20
- Portugal
- 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 2 = 17
- Suisse
- 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 16
- Roumanie
- 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 8
- Pologne
- 2 + 3 + 2 = 7
Let's add up these first.
6845 + 1888 + 555 + 165 + 83 + 48 + 44 + 28 + 27 + 20 + 17 + 16 + 8 + 7 = 9751
9751 / 7 = 1393 per day.
- 6 * 4 = 24
- Honduras, Turquie, Thaïlande, Norvège
- 5 * 1 = 5
- Belgique
- 4 * 2 = 8
- Espagne, Inde
- 3 * 4 = 12
- Îles Vierges britanniques, Irlande, Tchéquie, Japon
- 2 * 8 = 16
- Albanie, Australie, Indonésie, Italie, Croatie, Corée du Sud, Panama, Danemark
- 1 * 9 = 9
- Taïwan, Bulgarie, Philippines, Maroc, Chili, Autriche, Mexique, Viêt Nam, Hong Kong
- Other
- 1 + 2 + 7 = 10, -15 = -5
69 more, taking into account "negative views" as deductions (perhaps correction of previous over counts?) from very diverse countries. They would each involve one or two people looking out and in many cases, the lookout is on blogs that are already finished or long laid to rest works, probably to see if something is new.
In fact, only three of above countries give substantial readership. France, US and Canada. In US and Canada, that readership can be substantially organised. 1888 views on one and 555 on the other seems like something readers agreed to contrive.
Could part of the organisation be people who feel like Kukoleck Adam?
HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : A Creationist More or Less Friend Goes Anti-Catholic, Again
Or like "Unknown" as to his adress to my friend and fellow Catholic "galadhorn"? Here is his post:
TOLKNIĘTY : God created Man: male and female (Gen 1:27)
And here the exchange:
- Unknown
- 7 lutego 2022 06:59
- I knew you wouldn't be able to resist screaming 'persecution' on your blog too. I wonder if you'll actually leave the comments up this time that explain the real reason you were banned - multiple instances of homophobia and other bigotry, which you regularly use your 'Christianity' to shield.
- galadhorn
- 7 lutego 2022 11:50
- I don't use the word "homophobic". My defence of fair and true scholarship didn't contain any -phobia. I honour and respect every human being. And I am not interested in sexuality of my friends.
My views can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_homosexuality
Tolkien's views on religion and morality can be found in Catholic Catechism of his times:
- galadhorn
- 7 lutego 2022 11:52
- It's a good idea to sign your first and last name under your commentary. Especially when you make heavy accusations.
Certainly much of it are people who despise me for being poor, and as per asking for a publication on paper in some ways asking for money (though not for pure alms)? Let's see. Chesterton came to my rescue:
- Allan Ranusch
- Great quote from GKC “You will hear everlastingly…this argument that the rich man cannot be bribed. The fact is, of course, that the rich man is bribed; he has been bribed already. That is why he is a rich man. The whole case for Christianity is that a man who is dependent upon the luxuries of this life is a corrupt man, spiritually corrupt, politically corrupt, financially corrupt. There is one thing that Christ and all the Christian saints have said with a sort of savage monotony… It is quite certainly un-Christian to trust the rich, to regard the rich as more morally safe than the poor.” I thought about this quote practically every day from January of 2016 to January of 2020. /
- Al Peabody
- The key to this quote is twofold.
First Chesterton says the rich man who is 𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 on luxury is corrupt. There are many wealthy people who are just fortunate, but not dependent. And really, who in this feed is poor? We 𝘢𝘳𝘦 the wealthy.
Second is that Chesterton says 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲. Do we prefer to be around the wealthy rather than the poor? Why? If it’s because of an attitude that the poor are where they are because of immorality, you’re in dire need of an attitude adjustment.
Now, some people who do not like the idea they could make a difference for my situation by republishing do have the idea that if I'm poor, it's because I am lazy. Hence immoral. Hence deserving to remain poor until adjusting.
Some may think, I am myself guilty of the fault here discussed. After all, the people at a certain place for the homeless are poor, and I am not going to their company. Because they are poor? No, because they are often enough over concerned (to my taste) with comparing virility in measures like what kind of work you do (brick-laying is respected and deservedly so), and this leaves me, an intellectual, at a certain social disadvantage.
I am 53. It is not the time in life when you take up a new line of work. Bricklaying is not just about muscles or stamina. It requires precision. And a type of precision my hands and fingers are not likely to learn. At least not the first year. Look at the sum : Total amount due in SEK 81 652. And that's the total for this year. The overall total for the 9 terms under three systems I had taken loans is about 380 000 Swedish crowns.
This is not the kind of sum you try to get out of by learning a new trade and not the most well paid one, at 53. The other guys at the homeless shelters don't have this kind of debt, some are pensioners and some are retired in advance of the age, for an illness. But some of these also prefer not going there. I recall a group (in fact somewhat heavy drinkers compared to me) where one man was retired as a cook because of hepatitis C. Cook was his line of trade, he was not required to get another, and hepatitis C means, he was not allowed to work as a cook. And as a cook, he very certainly didn't have any kind of similar study debt to me. When cooks study, they do lots of work that's already paid. But people who take literary baccalaureate in Sweden don't go to those, usually.
My stakes are set out. The only excuse one can have of keeping me back is pretending I'm not facing adult responsibilities. I am actually facing daunting odds, and CSN has year after year made my life unpleasant in the street in Paris and also had no money for their trouble. B U T they have succeeded in placing me in a situation where I am less likely to get the means to pay them. They seem to prefer my misery over their money.
You see, my proposal to CSN (via the debt collector) was also one to Pope Michael and to Creation Ministries International - these go together to get something published on paper from my blogs (and not a complaint like this one, but something that's readable for people who don't know me) and they send royalties to the debt collector, or to the account of CSN he advised.
Obviously, these are not the only people who could do that. Obviously there are more books to be made from my extensive work than just the example I gave Pope Michael and CMI. That one would not have by itself colected 81 652 Swedish Crowns. Adding more of them - if it's done - could. And pestering me while I'm homeless and without "income" (apart from money I receive in the hand) even if I have some on the bank, cannot. A County Court bailiff, as far as I have been told, will not let creditors take money from the account of a homeless man.
Meanwhile, the fact that these demands are being made is known some latitude of social networking in my surroundings. This helps to block both trials at getting an apartment and at getting things published.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John of Matha
* In Swedish it is called ALU or Arbetslivsutveckling - unemployed people got half a year at a time a job that could not be a normal part of the jobs at the work place, but was an extra part of their work - like rearranging archives when two police archives were going to be fused or establishing an archive (with systematics references) of a collection of news paper clips, and for which the remuneration was what one would have got as unemployed, but half of it paid by whoever had been paying the unemployment, the other half by the employer. Cheap labour for him, not very valorising experience for the one getting that arrangement. I had two such the short time it existed.
Monday, 7 February 2022
Slave Hunt is an Evil Thing
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Happily Not in Communion with "Pope Francis" · New blog on the kid: Slave Hunt is an Evil Thing
I mentioned it about the possibility of Antipope Bergoglio probably signalling underhand to some to get the recent intruder into mental hospital.
I already mentioned it about the clear fact that Antipope Ratzinger got Susanna Maiolo into mental hospital for at least one week after she floored the modernist Etchegaray. At least someone did. The Swiss guard who took here out was presumably told in advance what to do on such occasions.
There are probably more than one parish priest who closer at home has told people to pray for someone - and that someone less far away than the intruder who told Bergoglio his "Church" is not as God wants the Church to be. In such cases those told to pray can have also proceeded to act.
In some cases, perhaps more like directly after real or invalid Mass or other service calling services tending to "mentally unstable" and on other occasions perhaps more like stifling the freedoms of someone slowly.
It has happened to me more than once that I have spoken to volunteers from the parish, in Paris, XIIIth City Circle, and on two of the occasions the people I met were very friendly and we had a very good conversation, but just that one time, and then I never saw them - is someone perhaps now telling them "if he pretended to calculate the freighted weight of the Ark, he's nuts," or something to the same effect? Or "if he likes C. S. Lewis, he's more likely Anglican than Catholic," or something to that effect?
Both Catholics and Anglicans tend to like both Tolkien and C. S. Lewis and I didn't pick one cubit measure, I took the to me known extreme versions (18 to 24 inches, I missed out on one version being 17 or 17 1/2), calculated volumes on both, displaced water on assumption the water line was 15 cubits, since Noah knew when the water was 15 cubits over the highest moutains, presumably having built the Ark on one of them and presumably knowing the water line, so he could tell from when the Ark started floating, I took 1 cubit and also 1/2 cubit thickness of "walls" and "floors" of the Ark, I took densest and least dense density for the wood to calculate the empty weight ... but I can't know these were the things that ticked them off, or they were told to regard as arguing mental imbalance. I can however know, many Catholics have used something like the "tactic of the burnt ground" with me, and this makes it a chore for me to open up to friendly seeming people when I know that instead of friends I may end up with people helping a parish "priest"* over here to paint me as someone not to read - while others very much do read me:
New blog on the kid : Top des vues, la semaine, 47 posts
In case you wonder who, for a week, something like 1400 page views per day involve nearly 1000 a day from France. But US, Canada, Netherlands, Germany are not lacking either.
Now, it would be known to more than one of them that I propose collecting posts from my blogs into essay collections. The actual format is also known where I have my luggage. A booksharing involved a collection of essays by reps.
Nevertheless some like to pretend it is "impossible" or "a dream" for me to get re-published a collection of blog posts. Convenient way of making sure it doesn't happen, and so I stay in the street and so they can continue harrassing me. Walking by where I sleep, very early in the morning, not forgetting a radio to listen to, or driving by in loud engines (cars or mopeds) - and making sure I can't recover my sleep later on in the morning, most days.
In the cyber, I got two Gypsies on two sides of myself. Earlier, they cried out to each other, now one is singing along with what he listens to.** Apparently, someone put them up to considering me a Nazi, while I am against National Socialism and into Fascisms without anti-gypsy racism, notably Austrofascism.
Who'd be in a position? Three possibilities:
- agreement among gipsies;
- a man of authority;
- a benefactor.
The latter two overlap and would involve both doctors and clergy. I cannot rule out Communist intrigues and these would be possible on all three levels.
Some people go for imagining I have some problem with virility. If I am for 21 years nearly by now a writer (well trainedthough ill paid) and for nearly all of my years prior to that almost never did physical work, outside granny's and ma's kitchen, making me high on testosterone may deprive me of the peace of mind necessary for good writing, as well as for good prayer, good composition, good language learning (I haven't learned even one language since out in the street), but it is not the least likely to turn me into a decent or even half decent bricklayer. And as for kitchen work, I'd have a problem of hygiene, of speed in cutting (what restaurants do makes me fear for my fingertips), of infamiliarity with some of the processes, and I'd be an ill-paid apprentice.
That is not likely to remotely help me pay 380 000 Swedish Crowns in study loan debts. But it is likely to take time off the writing.
And some people seem to believe wanting "quick money" (even when it can be honestly had) is "undisciplined" and that is their definition of moral depravity - not mine, I am not a Prussian! - and they find excuses and opportunities for applying constraints to make me more "disciplined" - going up early in the morning is a very good thing if done for a holy purpose, like saying Matins, or even Lauds, it is a less good but still good thing if done to give people their coffee in the morning over your bar*** but it is not a good thing at all, it is a useless suffering, when it prevents getting enough sleep, because morning hours are not the only ones deprived of sleep, and it would be a suicidal thing to do in willing capitulation before that Puritan attitude.
Now, sleep privation is the essence of one side of psychiatry. The shrinks may tell you otherwise, they may say "so and so is sleeping 10 hours every day, don't worry" - but that is sleep privation if the medication makes one need fourteen hours sleep. But I am not as far as I have been told under psychiatric treatment, it is criminal to apply one anyway, and for that matter it is criminal in the mental hospitals as well.
Doing things to people to change them, to make them more compliant, is a form of slave hunt. It is worthy of death penalty, I'd be happy as a day to see some of these people just in prison. 24 years ago, I defended myself, and some can't get over that I was sentenced to prison and came out, they would have preferred to have me lifetime inside mental hospitals after that. I suppose some of these are there to enforce masks if not vaccine, but people have been pretending to see my work as a writer as a dissolution, a dissipation, a refusal to face adult responsibilities, and they have erected themselves into the ones supplementing that for well before the Covid crisis.
Some people who complain of the medical tyranny had no qualms to apply one to me.
I have since I left Sweden (a country which gave me a "reverse culture shock" when returning 1980 after becoming Christian abroad) consistently tried to get a wife, and get, not a job, but an editor, or someone playing my compositions. And some have stopped me from "buying and selling" as well as in practise forbidden me to marry, over my not taking their mark. If only Atheists or Muslims had been involved, why didn't Catholics get me the opportunity? Ah, yes - where I have been looking.°
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Romuald
Sancti Romualdi Abbatis, Monachorum Camaldulensium Patris, cujus dies natalis tertiodecimo Kalendas Julii recensetur, sed festivitas hac die, ob Translationem corporis ejus, potissimum celebratur.
* Arguably ordained in Novus Ordo rites. ** Ah, they left, God bless them for that! *** Even if one is stingy over ten cents short.
° Latest try : Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl : Éditions Critias arrête vite de répondre ...
Sunday, 6 February 2022
Top des vues, la semaine, 47 posts
Entre 29.I et 4.II.2022
Au-dessus de 100
Réponses à Avenir de la Culture 116 Partagée, cette vidéo 114 "la science à propos de l'arche de Noé" 114 Avec Francophone8, version tic-à-tac 113 Marc Robidoux avide de me juger comme mégalomane ... 113 - 5
Rapport Sauvé - commentaires sous un juriste laïcard et sous un discours du Cardinal Sarah 113 Mes excuses aux francophones purs monoglottes ... 113 Les Limites Auparavant Reconnues en France ... 112 On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists 112 Against Abortion Even After Rape - Yes! 112 - 10
Il semble qu'il y ait des gens qui me prennent pour ayant mauvais couilles. 112 J'avais vu un très mauvais vidéo à propos la Statue de Ste Jehanne 111 Jean Paul II vu par Sodalitium 1995 111 Hormis le décors, qu'est-ce qui a changé depuis l'époque du Moyen-Âge ? 108 Youtubeur intègre (quoique bienpensant) 107 - 15
Amicabilité, apologétique 104 - 16
Au-dessus de 60
Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? 90 With Steven Taylor on Lorentz Transformations, Speed of Light, Distant Starlight Problem, Creation Week, Miracles 90 With The Turbo Dad on a Video with James Randi 90 Med Borgehammar : discussionen 89 Finale? 89 - 5
Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève 87 to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one) 82 Med Yvonne Maria Werner ang. hennes raderande 73 Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II) 68 Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students 65 - 10
Au-dessus de 30
What Does Biblical Inerrancy Extend To? Books and Subject Matters 60 Certains n'aiment pas une attitude nuancé vis-à-vis récentisme, ni complotisme 60 GMS Talks Emergent Properties and Scientific Method 59 Joseph Pearce on Paganism 58 Sam Aronow Thought Judaism Survived the Fifth Jewish Rising ... 54 - 5
With George Carneal Jr. 51 News Correspondence after Christchurch 49 Two Videos with Some Relation to Sedevacantism and Orthopapism 49 A Video with Danny Faulkner, a Debate with YouToobeism 49 Debating Place or No-Place of Heaven with John Becknell 47 - 10
Tibees promotes Maria Popova's ill argued hagiography of Kepler : his Somnium is cited 45 Science et Culture - Après 2000 44 2004, année tristement folle en France comme en Espagne 41 Francophone8 me répond en français, on continue ici 40 Monsieur le Président 38 - 15
Quand un Dominicain fait du Stephen J. Gould 37 Debate with Shane Wilson and ReiperX 37 I am not sure if someone recommended this video to me. 37 subductionzone to the rescue of Forrest Valkai? Or Keith Levkoff? Deus-Stein? 36 Watch Forrest Valkai on his Video from 17:00 to 18:00 35 - 20
Juste 30 (choisi comme limite)
With Leo Yohansen, Snappy Version 30 - 1
Saturday, 5 February 2022
Thursday, 3 February 2022
"mouth of a lion"
When a lion roars, for one thing, he is heard, and for another thing, a non-lion trying to argue isn't.
"And the beast, which I saw, was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power."
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 13:2]
I sometimes wonder if I have to do with that kind of aspect of the Antichrist ...
For instance, New Tables has only had 360 readers. A prequel to it, an earlier try, has had 398 - Flood to Abraham, St Jerome A.
A certain Simon Claesemann promoted a very different version of the Biblical chronology as to its line up with archaeology. He told me to "try" it and I did a test how it would imply things in carbon dating related areas.
Here is my analysis: Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology.
I tried to post it to him, and FB seems to have erased my answer with the link - without even notifying my link is supposed to be (as it earlier was) contrary to their community policies.*
He can, if he like, pretend I never sent him any test of his lineup, when I did. He is heard, I am not. I have for my part not taken to the vice of Gatekeeping. Anyone reading appropriate ones of my blogs knows of his chronology and lineup. On the first in my series, I gave a link to his site, www.IsraelinEgypt.com/Hyksos ... by contrast he prefers making a dodge to my FB mail instead of answering me on the FB group (other than his, which I had left) where he was contradicted by me.
The man who brought me to the Traditional movement (who long since has ceased to be my friend) is a Swede. In his relation to Russia and Ukraine, he is unreservedly buying the Russian narrative, and he has a following in Sweden ... he helps to keep me out.
LifeSiteNews is telling the world that Pfizer's vaccine is abortion tainted - which it is as to the first developing part (until they isolated a part of viral genome implanted on a bacterium) and also as to a testing part, which latter fact they dug up. They are less eager to say that the vaccines of AstraZeneca and of Gameleya Institute (Sputnik V) are even more abortion tainted, each dose being viruses that are disactivated and each virus having been grown on a cell line from an aborted human fetus. Precisely as the decidedly fewer viruses in Pfizer's production chain.
Is the Christian Right by now being sponsored by Putin so it dare say nothing he dislikes?/HGL
* It's back where it should. Yesterday when I wrote above, I saw "message indisponible" ...
Wednesday, 2 February 2022
Bonum Festum Purificationis beatae Mariae Virginis
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Purificatio beatae Mariae Virginis, quae a Graecis Hypapante Domini appellatur.
Index XXXVI en français, L'Immaculée Conception 2021 à Chandeleurs 2022
Cette page est partie de l'Index Indicum
En arrière | En avant | |
Index XXXV - français St. Michel à Conception Immaculée, 2021 | Index XXXVII en français de Chandeleurs à Pâques 2022 |
Bona festa exoptavi Christifidelibus: Conceptionis Immaculatae gloriosae semper Virginis Dei Genitricis Mariae · Sanctae Luciae Virginis et Martyris · Nativitas Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem = Bonum Festum Nativitatis - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - God Jul - Frohe Weihnachten - Latji Wajnahta - Feliz Navidad · Circumcisionis Domini · Epiphaniae Domini
En Défense des Cathos à Nanterre · Tradis à Viviers ...
J'ai compté 18 des pays, pour trois mois : 92 mille 841 vues · En 24 h ce blog a eu 23 vues de France
Est-ce que food dumping est une bonne chose?
Limhamn-Bunkeflo : un des "mieux" vaccinés, portant deuxième en taux de Covid en toute la Suède · Morts en Covid : Israel, Suède, Brézil · Et en Grande-Bretagne?
Rappel de principe
N'avortez pas!
Est-ce trop tard pour Tugdual Derville de se présenter et de chercher des parrainages?
Suis-je contre cet ésotérisme aussi?
Index XXXVI in English, Immaculate Conception 2021 to Candlemass 2022
This page is part of the Index Indicum
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Index XXXV English - Michaelmass to Immaculate Conception, 2021 | Index XXXVII in English from Candlemass to Easter 2022 |
Bona festa exoptavi Christifidelibus: Conceptionis Immaculatae gloriosae semper Virginis Dei Genitricis Mariae · Sanctae Luciae Virginis et Martyris · Nativitas Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem = Bonum Festum Nativitatis - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - God Jul - Frohe Weihnachten - Latji Wajnahta - Feliz Navidad · Circumcisionis Domini · Epiphaniae Domini
Tracing a Misunderstanding, Perhaps?
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I am not sure if someone recommended this video to me. · New blog on the kid: As to Working When Before a Computer - Last Seven Days · The Two Weeks Before That?
Over 231 · Over 500 · Over 1000 · Over 2000 · Over 3000
Vaccine Ethics have three issues
On the Situation of Josh Duggar · I think I said something about how easy it was to hack a computer owned by Josh Duggar
France is Mentioned · Got this from LaRouchePAC
Is the world going to end?
A Warning about Celebrations
Eugenics and Other Evils By GKC - One Century
Evil "Churches" and Synagogues
The Question of Self-Defense
Creation vs. Evolution Am I Wrong in Assuming a Stable C14 Level for Last Millennia? · So, What Are the Possible Solutions? · New blog on the kid : Assume Twice the Halflife ... · So, Doubling the Halflife and Assuming a Rising C14 Level Doesn't Fix It ...
Tuesday, 1 February 2022
Suis-je contre cet ésotérisme aussi?
À propos des gens probablement d'origine juive, certainement d'une certaine bienveillance envers moi, j'ai écrit une de ces pages :
Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes · Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui.
Hier, un homme qui se reclame d'un certain ésotérisme m'a posé la question qu'est-ce que j'entendais par l'ésotérisme, ce que je rejette.
Je viens de donner une réponse inspiré par le côté occultiste / New Age de Pierre Bordage, dont j'ai lu les tomes 3, 5 et 8 de Rohel le Conquérant.
Il me dit que ce n'est pas ça l'ésotérisme, le vrai ésotérisme, c'est autre chose ... toutes les traditions authentiques, Guenon ... je ne vais pas prétendre de redonner son discours, je donne les mots clefs.
Or, je suis aussi contre l'idée que les "traditions authentiques" de plus qu'une religion seraient en conflit apparente selon les traditions exotériques (ouvertes, accessibles aux masses, en consultant des ouvrages de référence comme catéchismes ou livres sacrés lus au pied de la lettre), mais par contre étroitement unies dans une tradition ésotérique (cachée, accessibles aux élites, aux fines âmes).
Pourquoi donc? Cet homme m'a fait du bien matériel, et je lui dois une explication.
- Il n'y a, à présent, aucune raison valable pourquoi la vraie religion s'entourerait de ce genre de secrétesse. Dans l'Ancienne Alliance, il fallait cacher certaines vérités de Satan et de ses démons pour qu'il osât machiner la Crucifixion de Dieu - ce qu'il n'aurait pas osé s'il avait sû qu'Il est Dieu et allait le vaincre. Le Nouveau Testament était donc à l'époque une tradition ésotérique dedans le service du Temple - ainsi, les fidèles les moins consciencieux ne risquaient pas de révéler par accident aux demons qui les guettaient. Mais la Crucifixion a déjà eu lieu, donc aucune raison pour l'ésotérisme à présent.
- Il ne faut pas imaginer qu'une révélation de Dieu puisse ajouter des choses en soi fausses pour réserver la vérité à quelques initiés, et comme dit, la plus grande partie de la vérité est déjà révélé, pas besoin d'un ésotérisme, ce qui reste à révéler le sera le Jour du Jugement.
- Il ne faut pas que des gens se disent "ceci" ou "cela n'est pas si grave qu'on l'imagine" dans un cercle restreint vis-à-vis le commun des fidèles.
- Il ne faut donc pas sousestimer les condemnations des religions fausses.
- Et en plus, prétendre que la tradition ésotérique serait commune à des diverses religions, c'est réduire la vérité à ce qu'on partage avec les autres religions, ou réduire l'expression d'une autre religion à ce qu'elle a en commun avec la propre.
Mon bienfaiteur d'hier avait une certaine incapacité de capter qu'un Catholique voulait vraiment dire ce que disait ce Catholique.
Je préfère une autre piste.
Dieu a révélé une sainte religion, la religion catholique. Par contre, diverses fausses religions s'en sont séparés à diverses occasions, et en partagent diverses vérités. Donc, pour chaque fausse religion, on peut donc remonter à certaines de ses bases, pour en déduire qu'elles favorisent plutôt le Catholicisme.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Ignace d'Antioche
So, Doubling the Halflife and Assuming a Rising C14 Level Doesn't Fix It ...
Creation vs. Evolution Am I Wrong in Assuming a Stable C14 Level for Last Millennia? · So, What Are the Possible Solutions? · New blog on the kid : Assume Twice the Halflife ... · So, Doubling the Halflife and Assuming a Rising C14 Level Doesn't Fix It ...
Again, the problem is why we have only 200 extra years and not 960 in 1950. Why do samples from 1950 carbon date as 1750 and not as 990, as per raw dates?
There are basically two options left, apart from the CO2 levels being measured too high in 1960 or too low in 1860. They are not mutually exclusive.
1) Most of the released CO2 (and other atmospheric carbon) is not fossil carbon but due to a higher bio-mass of men and beasts and fungi that breathe air and exhale CO2. Or reduced biomass in green plants.
2) The carbon 14 production is in this timespan quicker than normal.
This would mean that the part of the background radiation that is cosmic is normally, for maintaining 100 pmC (or for maintaining the steady rise outlined in previous, supposing it is in fact not refuted, though I somewhat expect it to be), lower than the present 0.34 milliSievert per year.*
But this would mean two more things.
a) Getting ten times as fast a carbon 14 production as normal over these 3000 years since Troy doesn't need tenfold or hundredfold or thousandfold 0.34 milliSievert per year. It so happens, we don't know what kind of function between linear, square or cubic the radioactivity mostly approximates in relation to the carbon 14 reduced. We also know that with 0.34 milliSievert per year a hundredfold radioactivity would be at the breaking point of what men could have endured (34 milliSievert per year is more than Fukushima) and thousandfold would be lethal. But if the present 0.34 milliSievert per year is more than the normal cosmic radiation that has upheld the normal production, we would not get 340 but a lower figure for thousandfold even.
b) A faster carbon 14 production means more radioactivty, and more radioactivity means colder weather. The green house effect of CO2 emissions would if so be counterbalancing the chilling effect of the radioactivity.
This is where I think I should be contacting Minze and Stuiver to hear their view.**
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Bridget of Kildare
Apud Kildariam, in Hibernia, sancts Brigidae Virginis, quae cum lignum altaris tetigisset in testimonium virginitatis suae, lignum ipsum statim viride factum est.
* 0.34 at medium height of inhabited places - lower further down, higher higher up. The total background radiation is mostly from the ground and from radioactive technical applications, like X-rays in hospitals and some more : around (or slightly above) 3 milliSievert in Europe and around (or slightly above) 6 milliSievert in Princeton, US.
** Minze Stuiver and Bernd Becker, sorry!
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