New blog on the kid
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Saturday, 31 December 2022
Cette ligne ne doit pas être ici
Cette ligne ne doit pas être ici · Encore une ligne qui n'est pas à sa place · À propos des lignes ... un peu avant, le petit matin du 28, j'avais plein de visiteurs de la Suède et de l'Allemagne
Regardez la photo:
La ligne, pointillée, pointé d'une flèche, marque la limite d'un blocage.
Sous cette ligne impossible de cliquer.
Cette censure est inacceptable.
Quiconque l'a mise en place est un fourbe.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Sylvestre
PS, elle concerne le libellé de refutatione evolutionnismi. La dernière qui apparâit sous cette ligne, donc la plus vieille, est d'août cette année. Le libellé remonte depuis les débuts de ce blog, depuis 2013, pour donner une idée de l'extension de cette censure./HGL
This Line Should Not Be Here
Is CCP Behind This? · This Line Should Not Be Here · Totalitarian France? · Harrassment on the Cyber · I had 3000 daily visitors · Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is less hampered than I, and neither should be
Look at the Photo:
The dotted line which is pointed out by an arrow is a marker of a software blocking clicks below the line.
It seems to concern the label de refutatione evolutionnismi. This kind of censorship, making lots of posts less accessible by one very relevant search, is unacceptable.
Whoever is behind, is a crook.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Sylvester
PS, the last post visible under the line, so the least recent, is from August this year. The label goes back to 2013, to give you an idea of how much is being censured by that way of search, namely by label./HGL
PPS, neither should this one be here:
de refutatione heliocentrismi/HGL
Production Three Weeks
Production Three Weeks | ||
Back to Previous | On to Next | |
Production Two Weeks | Production One Month |
- 11.XII.2022
- Sister Lucy of Fatima · How Long Was Prehistory? Five Days
- 12.XII.2022
- Le Dernier Antichrist (FR)
- 13.XII.2022
- Bonum Festum Sanctae Luciae (LAT) · James Bogle's View on Means and Ends · La hausse ? (FR) · 1 année - les plus vus par blog, 227 posts ... (FR) · 15 jours, encore (FR) · See if Introibo approves my comments before St. Lucy ... · What is Noone or Too Few saying about Balenciaga?
- 14.XII.2022
- En honneur de trois anges gardiens (FR) · Michael Lofton defended Bergoglio · Frère Paul Adrien parle d'Avatar (FR) · Non, Humanae Vitae n'erre pas en condamnant la contraception (FR) · Were Neanderthals Giants? · Trois catégories du code pénal en France (FR)
- 15.XII.2022
- Marc Laubier, le grand blocqueur, bloqua ... (FR) · Shared from Terry Nelson · To illustrate the ineptness of Introibo on the question ...
- 16.XII.2022
- Language Related, Again · Not quite agreeing with Emma Thorne · Hitlerfreundliche Bischöffe? (DE)
- 17.XII.2022
- If Curiosity Killed the Cat ... It's Bad · No Righteous People in Noah's Time?
- 18.XII.2022
- GMS argues and doesn't argue against logical validity of 3 proofs for God · Answering 3 videos by Emma Thorne (Creationism and Virgin Birth)
- 19.XII.2022
- Language Related - It's Not Tedious for Me!
- 20.XII.2022
- Sharing, with one comment ... · Sharing About Méjico and Maximilian · Genesis and Science II · III - Genesis and the Church
- 21.XII.2022
- Pour ceux qui voudraient savoir comment je sonne en suédois (FR) · Hypothesis on Sevastopol · Har Theodor Engström gjort ngt allvarligt mot ngn utanför psychiatrien? (SV) · Faking the Logistics of the Ark to Make it Ludicrous ... · Best evidence against Creationism · Wait, I Missed Something
- 22.XII.2022
- Aujourd'hui, une femme que j'ai soupçonnée d'être soignante de la psychiatrie et de me viser ... (FR) · What the Bishop of Munster spoke up against, in Hitler's Germany · Bible, historique (FR) · Pour un bon catéchisme (FR) · Verleumdungen gegen Paulus-Briefe (DE) · Bible Misreading from Gospel Broadcasting Coalition · Let's Fact Check First ... or Not · Quanta Cura (FR)
- 23.XII.2022
- Un "Xavier Bertrand" bloqua aussi (FR) · Francmaçonnerie et Catholicisme (FR)
- 24.XII.2022
- Christmas Eve
- Puisque Avent dure encore quelques heures ... (FR) · He can't read this on the internet, I suppose, so I say it in advance so it can be forwarded. · It's Starting to Look like Christmas ... · Kelly * zwei
- 25.XII.2022
- Christmas Day
- Bonum Festum Natale (LAT) · Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël in 26 languages (FR/ENG) · Sharing on Artsakh · Sharing the Sermon of St. Francis of Sales
- 26.XII.2022
- St. Stephen
- Isaias 9:6 - an OT comment on the Christmas event, why Christmas is Good News · Michael Lofton Qualifies Protestantism as Self-Contradictory - a Qualified Agreement · More on Papacy · On the Late Pope · An exchange with Lauren Bass, on Pope Michael
- 27.XII.2022
- St. John the Gospeller
- Spammers' Choice, Club 21, Dates of the Past · Kelly's Have a Thing to Say
- 28.XII.2022
- Holy Innocents
- Sonatine pour Violon α · 15 jours - pardon, 8 + 1 = 9 (FR) · FBI is wielded as threat against parents at school board meetings? Sharing · Pro-Lifer Charged for Thought Crime · Christmas Is Not Over · Between Ex-FSSPX-ers
- 29.XII.2022
- Fifth Day of Christmas
- Whatever I owe people from TST, I am Not a Part of It · Quelques statistiques du 29.XII.2022 (FR) · A Remaining Catholic · Krygier in Notre Dame (DE)
- 30.XII.2022
- Sixth Day of Christmas
- Vous êtes Français, Catholique et rêvez de conjuguer l'évolution (la grande, pas juste des changements génétiques restants dans un type d'être) avec le dogme ? (FR) · Is CCP Behind This? · John XXII · 3 Hail Marys - Link to Catholicity · John Henry Westen · Paraphrasing some points by PineCreek, when Talking to Southern Orthodox, Kyle - and Answering Him
- 31.XII.2022
- St. Sylvester
- What's a Docent in Sweden? · Tolkien on Politics ... · May God have Mercy on His Soul · Production Three Weeks · This Line Should Not Be Here · Cette ligne ne doit pas être ici (FR) · Before the White Rose Arose, There Was a Nun Who Fidelity Chose
May God have Mercy on His Soul
Even though I do not think he was Pope or Catholic, pray for some mercy!
Friday, 30 December 2022
Vous êtes Français, Catholique et rêvez de conjuguer l'évolution (la grande, pas juste des changements génétiques restants dans un type d'être) avec le dogme ?
Pie XII et le Sulpicien Fulcran Vigouroux ne savaient pas ceci :
Auf den Spuren der Neandertaler | Doku Reupload | ARTE
ARTEde | 3 déc. 2022
Dépechez-vous de regarder ceci avant le 01/02/2023 ... ou, si c'est déjà trop tard, cherchez sur Bruniquel, Jacques Jaubert et Sophie Verheyden.
Il est indubitable que pour les tenants de "La Science" (marque déposée) un tribu d'êtres humanoïdes non Cro-Magnon, ayant vécu il y a 176 000 ans, a produit une structure qui n'aurait pas pu être produite par des bêtes.
Descendaient-ils d'Adam ou non ?
Sinon, en quoi serait Adam le premier homme ?
Si oui, comment pouvons-nous, encore après 176 000 ans, ou comment pouvait Moïse encore après 172 500 ans, connaître correctement l'histoire de Genèse 3 ?
Aux temps de Fulcran Vigouroux, on pouvait encore imaginer que les "Scientifiques" (marque déposée) allaient permettre à l'espèce humain de ne pas dépasser l'âge de 7000 ans et quelque. Tout le temps avant, ça aurait été uniquement pré-humain, ne concernant que des bêtes. Et même si une certaine permission par Pie XII allait compliquer le rapport à ceci, tout le clergé ne s'en n'est pas servi, ceux qui ne le faisaient pas pouvaient espérer que des Néanderthaliens "datés au-delà de la chronologie biblique" n'étaient que des bêtes. Donc, l'histoire biblique aurait quand même pu fonctionner très bien telle quelle à partir de la création d'Adam.
Ce compromis est pour plusieurs raisons devenu impossible. Il est temps de choisir, soit le paradigme biblique, soit le paradigme "Évolution" ou "La Science" - pas les deux.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Martyrs Sabin, Exsupéry et compagnons
à Spolète
Spoleti item natalis sanctorum Martyrum Sabini, Assisiensis Episcopi, atque Exsuperantii et Marcelli Diaconorum, ac Venustiani Praesidis cum uxore et filiis, sub Maximiano Imperatore. Ex ipsis Marcellus et Exsuperantius, primum equuleo suspensi, deinde fustibus graviter mactati, postremnm, abrasi ungulis et laterum exustione assati, martyrium compleverunt; Venustianus autem non multo post, simul cum uxore et filiis, est gladio necatus; sanctus vero Sabinus, post detruncationem manuum et diutinam carceris macerationem, ad mortem usque caesus est. Horum martyrium, licet diverso exstiterit tempore, una tamen die recolitur.
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Quelques statistiques du 29.XII.2022
Aujourd'hui, 17:12
19 + 45 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 25 + 19 + 10 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 31 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 82 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 302
382 + 3 + 2 + 285 + 3 + 134 + 313 + 10 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 173 + 32 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 293 + 75 + 5 + 2 + 152 + 21 + 5 + 416 + 445 + 92 + 58 + 8 + 5 + 2 + 1052 + 1708 = 5701
Plus tard le soir jusqu'à vers 21 heures
Assorted retorts
Between Ex-FSSPX-ers · Factuality of the Bible - Guestpost · A Remaining Catholic · ... on Soul · Michael Lofton defended Bergoglio
Genesis and Science II · ... on Varied Retelling of Myths (starring Jackson Crawford) · A thread from Catholic.com (more may be added) · On Reality or Not of PIE - and is it "Conspiracy" or "Peer Pressure" in English? (quora) · Introibo Blogger Misrepresents Galileo Case Inter Alia
... on Geocentrism and Heliocentrism
New blog on the kid
If Curiosity Killed the Cat ... It's Bad · 15 jours - pardon, 8 + 1 = 9 · To illustrate the ineptness of Introibo on the question ... · One Bad Idea of AA - Applied to Homosexuality, a Chaste SSA Man is Here Quoted: · James Bogle's View on Means and Ends
En honneur de trois anges gardiens · Sharing, with one comment ... · Bonum Festum Sanctae Luciae · What is Noone or Too Few saying about Balenciaga? · Index XL FR : de l'Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception de la TSVM, AD 2022
Christmas Is Not Over · Sharing · Shared from Terry Nelson · Whatever I owe people from TST, I am Not a Part of It · Mattias Tannhauser et Petrus Grubenius, ont-ils existé?
Voyez la ligne pointillée / See the dotted line?
Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl
Contacts pris avec Rivarol et Galia Ackerman · Sel de la Terre et CEP · Correspondence with Gutsick Gibbon (Erika) and with Kevin R. Henke · Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? · to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one)
Carrier carries on the obtusity on a key point ... · With Hugh Owen, Mainly on Improving Catholic Creation Research, but Also on My Situation · Continued XXIX and On to XLVI · Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève · With George Carneal Jr.
Le premier chef d'état finlandais parlait le suédois (avant le finnois) · An exchange with Lauren Bass, on Pope Michael · Correspondence with Ginzburg on Menocchio's Death · News Correspondence after Christchurch
Creation vs Evolution
Historicity of Certain Religious Stories, Notably Genesis · Was St Augustine against Literalism? · Dawkins said Edgar Andrews had his book From Nothing to Nature "well written", that is one true word from him ... · Is Dei Verbum a Young Earth Creationist Document? · Article Geocentricity on Creation Wiki
Some answers since a youtube comment can not so easily be answered always any more (on youtube) · If some pseudo-orthodox thinks Patristic and Literal interpretation of Genesis are incompatible ... · Are Some Catholics Being Taught That Young Earth Creationism Involves the Heresy "Sola Scriptura" · Refining table Flood to Abraham - and a doubt · Three Meanings of Chronological Labels
Fr. Vigoroux on Fathers - is Day-Epoch Still an Option? · Karl Keating Out of His Depth? · A Pretty Vile Attack on "Christian Fundamentalists" - but a Parodic One · Carbon Dating and Belfast Series · How do Fossils Superpose?
Is Flat Earth Belief Heretical? · Kerry's 97 % had a precedent, TFP! · Longevity Charts as per LXX · Karyogrammata · Well, how about Mark Isaak? Too lazy to do his homework?
Happy Easter - Joyeux Pâcques · L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte. · Index posts, other blogs - messages index, autres blogs · Il semble qu'il y ait des gens qui me prennent pour ayant mauvais couilles. · On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists
Notes on Asimov, Isaac · Ordo Missae of Paul VI per se valid, probably (or may have been)
Alors, que disent les BD que je lisais de ce que je pensais avant d'être Chrétien? · Rahan, encore - trimestriel n° 3 · Clément Reinaud en La galerie Sabine Bayasli · Qqs annotations au manuel d'athéologie par Onfray · Robin des Bois : René Thévenin et Walt Disney
HGL's FB Writings
Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" · Situation of Yaqui children better again! · On marital age
Arpeggi Jumping One String · Why Burl Ives Didn't Give Chords for All Keys · What was Trobar Clus? · Polska från Paris · Sonata Nemetodurica Secunda
Ceci est métrique en français · Andantino de Bonsergent (tourné correctement) · Read an Article on Musical Tastes · Some of the Music Lovers Here May Know This Already · If I may cherry-pick a thing about Edmond Kirsch ...
Répliques assorties
Réponse à propos une question d'un protestant · Le Dernier Antichrist · Sparte ... pas un modèle pour les Chrétiens · Trois catégories du code pénal en France · Frère Paul Adrien parle d'Avatar
Les cours de divorce rabbiniques - encore un non-modèle pour les Chrétiens · Informaticiens dédaigneux des non-computer-geeks (bon, pas totalement) · L'école obligatoire : un non-sens, une aubaine pour les harceleurs · Quanta Cura · Mariages hors l'église ? Et davantage
Judas - aussi pas un modèle pour les Chrétiens ! · Pour un bon catéchisme · Morale intergénérationnelle · Oc e no · Distinction dans la réponse, même si la question n'en était pas fournie
Résumé de la FSSPX, excursus sur Pape Michel · Francmaçonnerie et Catholicisme · Origine du Protestantisme · 7000 ou 4 500 000 000 ans? Réponse chrétienne (quora) · Évolutionniste sur quora : arguments d'ignorance, bcp de hargne ou d'indignation
Φιλολoγικά / Philologica
Marc Laubier, le grand blocqueur, bloqua ... · Un "Xavier Bertrand" bloqua aussi · Angola, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania - a further answer to Dr Carl Wieland · Essayons de comprendre · The Restrainer : the Roman Emperor
On not trusting automatic translations! · Mahabharata and Pre-Flood, Revisited
Des blogs plus petits
Comentario carlista sobre abortamiento (enlace) · Ramandu and Galileo part 1
Contra Lesch
Tschuldigung, die vorige war für dem schwedischen Blog
Heterodontosaurus tucki
Kalenderbyte - commentar till Dick Harrisons blogg
impressa in octavo
Two Observations, Carrier! What if logically necessary means God?
Datation d'Orrorin (et d'autres)
columniste? exploitable, alors? ...
Whatever I owe people from TST, I am Not a Part of It
I may owe someone a cup of coffee.
I may owe someone so many cups of coffee I am grateful if they don't claim them.
I may owe someone Catechism, if interested.
I do not owe them any allegiance to the seven tenets.
I will quote and refute each.
And I sign above the refutation and quotes, so my signature cannot be misconstrued as undersigning these tenets.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Fifth Day of Christmas
PS I did not look up the seven tenets by unprovoked curiosity, I actually looked it up due to a video by TFP Student Action. Pro-God vs. Pro-Satan Debate in School: Whose Side Are You On?
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
Freely after Coleridge. Hilaire Belloc amended a certain stanza. Here is the Bellocian version.
"He loveth best who loveth most
all creatures, great and small
The streptococcus is the test
I love him least of all."
I even hate bacteria so much on occasion, I get rid of them by green cheese or rincing appropriate parts of the mouth with alcohol ...
Damned persons, like demons, are also creatures and also not objects of compassion or empathy.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
As in laws and institutions are NOT justice?
They are. They are not perfect justice all the way to heaven, some are turned upside down, but they are definitely (apart from legislations like Neuwirth, Veil, Gayssot in France, the Kitzmiller v Dover and Roe v Wade in US - thank God for Dodd) a guide to justice, both distributive and commutative.
As such, any struggle to improve justice should be rooted in present or better past states of legislation, and above all in the superior law of God.
But justice is not always so badly served it is urgent to improve on it either.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
Nope. You have no right to treat a fetus like an intruder, or to mutilate yourself.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
There is such a thing as "freedoms" and this is correct. There is also something correct about the distinction of justly or unjustly encroaching on the freedoms of others.
But there is nothing correct about encouraging people to sit in some kind of Vehm-Gericht over what freedoms he should lose - or indicate he lost all of it - for what encroachment on some freedom of someone else. This is the case whether the Vehm-Greicht is by TST or by fake Catholic Trads.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
Ah, they pretend Science is THE religion. They make Science so "supreme" that they forget that is also a "belief in a supreme being" (the scientist being relatively supreme in an evolution to greater supremacy on their world-view), and then treat their bigotry for Science as self evident.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Unless the person wronged finds this superfluous. Or the demand is above what one can licitly give.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
One cannot have compassion, wisdom, justice prevailing over anything without words.
The attack on the "word" is ultimately an attack on the Word. It leads to chaos, not to justice, to contention without a cause, not to compassion.
Wednesday, 28 December 2022
15 jours - pardon, 8 + 1 = 9
19.XII.2022 - fait
20 - 26.XII.2022 - fait
la somme et les moyennes par jour sont calculées
après le constat pour 27 - 28.XII.2022
635 + 229 + 454 + 358 + 298 + 549 + 575 = 3098 38 + 12 + 11 + 16 = 77 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 48 3098 + 77 + 48 = 3223 | 20.XII.2022
500 + 341 + 554 + 151 + 280 + 219 + 278 + 561 = 2884 29 + 10 + 36 = 75 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 39 2884 + 75 + 39 = 2998 |
Dernières 24 h
peu après minuit de 20.XII.2022
508 + 136 + 2 + 439 + 298 + 217 + 470 + 467 + 6 = 2543 Canada 27 + 33 + 69 + 28 + 26 + 2 + 78 = 263 Russie 64 + 5 + 20 + 12 + 6 + 2 + 3 = 112 États-Unis 4 + 12 + 4 + 17 + 12 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 9 = 103 Pays-Bas 27 + 2 + 2 + 52 = 83 | Pays de quatre vues
Royaume-Uni = 4 Pays de deux vues Australie, Inde, Allemagne, Suède = 8 Pays d'une vue Pologne, Turquie, Viêt Nam = 3 Autre 1 + 1 + 4 = 6 | |
2543 + 263 + 112 + 103 + 83 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 3125 |
C. minuit 20-21.XII.2022
- plus que 20 vues
- Factuality of the Bible - Guestpost 69
- 20 vues par page
- Was St Augustine against Literalism? 20 · Oc e no 20 = 40
- 19 vues par page
- ... on Soul 19 · Clément Reinaud en La galerie Sabine Bayasli 19 · Rahan, encore - trimestriel n° 3 19 = 57
- 18 vues par page
- Continued Correspondence with Kevin : XV - XXVIII 18 · With George Carneal Jr. 18 = 36
- 17 vues par page
- Condolances to the Vatican in Exile 17 · Language Related - It's Not Tedious for Me! 17 · En honneur de trois anges gardiens 17 · Pro-Life News 17 · Sparte ... pas un modèle pour les Chrétiens 17 = 85
- 16 vues par page
- Arpeggi Jumping One String 16
- 15 vues par page
- Notes on Asimov, Isaac 15 · La résurrection de Jésus 15 = 30
- 14 vues par page
- Réponse à propos une question d'un protestant 14 · L'école en France : les fauteurs de troubles sont plutôt : a) Catholiques d'extrême droite ? ou bien b) Musulmans (ou du groupe culturel) ? 14 · Trois catégories du code pénal en France 14 · Le Dernier Antichrist 14 · Les cours de divorce rabbiniques - encore un non-modèle pour les Chrétiens 14
L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte. 14 · On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists 14 · What is Noone or Too Few saying about Balenciaga? 14 · Robin des Bois : René Thévenin et Walt Disney 14 · Why Burl Ives Didn't Give Chords for All Keys 14
What was Trobar Clus? 14 = 154
- 13 vues par page
- Il y a des gens, ce qui leur gâche des média populaires est la question raciale 13 · Darwin on Language 13 · Sel de la Terre et CEP 13 · Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? 13 · Contacts pris avec Rivarol et Galia Ackerman 13
Informaticiens dédaigneux des non-computer-geeks (bon, pas totalement) 13 = 78
- 12 vues par page
- L'école obligatoire : un non-sens, une aubaine pour les harceleurs 12 · to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one) 12 · Über Claesemanns Theorien mit Tradis in Hamburg 12 · Sharing, with one comment ... 12 · Bonum Festum Sanctae Luciae 12
If Curiosity Killed the Cat ... It's Bad 12 · Il semble qu'il y ait des gens qui me prennent pour ayant mauvais couilles. 12 = 84
- 11 vues par page
- Happy Easter - Joyeux Pâcques 11 · Index posts, other blogs - messages index, autres blogs 11 · To illustrate the ineptness of Introibo on the question ... 11 · Shared from Terry Nelson 11 · Dawkins said Edgar Andrews had his book From Nothing to Nature "well written", that is one true word from him ... 11
With Hugh Owen, Mainly on Improving Catholic Creation Research, but Also on My Situation 11 · Continued XXIX and On to XLVI 11 · Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève 11 · Le premier chef d'état finlandais parlait le suédois (avant le finnois) 11 · J'avais un moment cru à une mystification - mais Notre Dame de Pontmain, ça existe ! 11
Origine du Protestantisme 11 · Judas - aussi pas un modèle pour les Chrétiens ! 11 = 132
- 10 vues par page
- Certains mots n'éclairent pas l'esprit : exemple "paralittérature" 10 · Non, Humanae Vitae n'erre pas en condamnant la contraception 10 · Frère Paul Adrien parle d'Avatar 10 · Mariages hors l'église ? Et davantage 10 · Évolutionniste sur quora : arguments d'ignorance, bcp de hargne ou d'indignation 10
Correspondence with Gutsick Gibbon (Erika) and with Kevin R. Henke 10 · James Bogle's View on Means and Ends 10 · Index XL FR : de l'Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception de la TSVM, AD 2022 10 · Sharing 10 · Genesis and Science II 10
Michael Lofton defended Bergoglio 10 · Alors, que disent les BD que je lisais de ce que je pensais avant d'être Chrétien? 10 · Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" 10 = 130
911 - un peu moins qu'un tiers un peu plus qu'un quart des vues pour une période de 24 h.
911 / 3223 = 28,266 %
911 / 3125 = 29,152 %
911 / 2998 = 30,387 %
818 + 2507 + 17 + 2 + 2 + 2486 + 13 + 1853 + 2 + 1150 + 1 + 2 + 1714 + 4 + 2945 + 2 = 13518 (13518 + 2543) / 8 = 2008 par jour Canada 261 + 196 + 164 + 10 + 210 + 81 + 3 + 263 + 149 + 1 + 2 = 1340 (1340 + 263) / 8 = 200 par jour Pays-Bas 58 + 1 + 156 + 1 + 29 + 31 + 1 + 2 + 70 + 2 + 85 + 81 = 517 (517 + 83) / 8 = 75 par jour États-Unis 35 + 10 + 38 + 3 + 13 + 16 + 82 + 394 + 91 + 12 + 13 + 3 + 6 + 13 + 381 + 58 + 10 + 9 + 22 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 40 + 6 + 16 + 14 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 18 + 1 + 7 + 5 = 1374 (1374 + 103) / 8 = 185 par jour Allemagne 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 26 + 15 + 27 + 23 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 214 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 21 + 1 = 347 Russie 5 + 2 + 5 + 132 + 4 + 618 + 3 + 124 + 2 + 3 = 898 (898 + 112) / 8 = 126 par jour Singapour 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 75 Hongrie 2 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 11 Viêt Nam 2 + 6 + 24 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 43 Brésil 1 + 1 + 18 + 1 + 4 = 25 Indonésie 1 + 2 + 23 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 33 Jordanie 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 14 Royaume-Uni 2 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 35 | Suède
1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 102 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 127 Thaïlande 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 7 Biélorussie 2 + 2 + 4 = 8 Japon 5 + 8 + 2 = 15 Australie 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 12 Luxembourg 1 + 3 + 4 = 8 Italie 12 + 3 = 15 Danemark = 10 Inde 2 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 9 Hong Kong 1 + 136 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 145 Pays de quatre vues Irlande, Ukraine = 8 Pays de trois vues Autriche, Finlande, Belgique = 9 Pays de deux vues Taïwan, Émirats arabes unis, Espagne, Pologne, Tchéquie, Nigeria = 12 Pays d'une vue Corée du Sud, Liechtenstein, Serbie, Maroc, Afrique du Sud, Roumanie, Norvège, Israël = 8 Autre 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 15 + 16 + 1 + 4 = 46 Total 13518 + 1340 + 517 + 1374 + 347 + 898 + 75 + 11 + 43 + 25 + 33 + 14 + 35 + 127 + 7 + 8 + 15 + 12 + 8 + 15 + 10 + 9 + 145 + 8 + 9 + 12 + 8 + 46 = 18669 (18669 + 3125) / 8 = 2724 par jour |
Contraste, dernières 24 heures avant 19:56 le Jour des Innocents, pas mal des vues entre 4 et 8 du matin:
755 + 21 + 1256 + 2 + 7 + 47 + 244 + 268 + 2 + 13 + 107 + 1 + 3 + 54 + 207 + 1 + 3 + 129 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 220 + 107 + 1 + 172 + 270 = 3898 Suède 83 + 111 + 1 + 64 + 1 + 37 + 1 + 76 + 16 + 1 + 39 + 3 + 144 + 82 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 352 + 4 + 235 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 24 + 2 = 1297 États-Unis 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 10 + 41 + 75 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 19 + 2 + 3 + 11 = 195 France 5 + 1 + 43 + 51 + 13 + 13 + 3 + 26 = 155 Russie 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 3 = 19 Singapour 3 + 1 + 3 = 7 Émirats arabes unis 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 17 | Canada
3 + 5 + 9 = 17 Pays-Bas 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6 Viêt Nam 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 7 Japon 3 + 1 = 4 Pays de deux vues Corée du Sud, Australie, Suisse = 6 Pays d'une vue Nouvelle-Zélande, Brésil, Irlande, Italie, Cambodge, Autre = 6 Total 3898 + 1297 + 195 + 155 + 19 + 7 + 17 + 17 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 5634 |
Le contraste est un peu trop grand pour qu'il soit intéressant de faire une moyenne.
On peut considérer deux possibilités - A) pas mal de mes lecteurs habituelles de France ou des Pays-Bas se sont déplacés en Suède et surtout en Allemagne pour une conférence; B) un lectorat en Allemagne, Suède, États-Unis et Émirats arabes unis est allé sur mes blogs et a demandé aux lecteurs habituels de ne plus le faire, ou a été prié par un lectorat habituel de le faire à leurs places.
Pour que ceci apparaisse en dessous des choses plus essentielles, je publie aujourd'hui en gardant l'heure prévue pour le 4 janvier, c'est à dire 1:56 du matin. Il est réellement 20:22 et les heures passés ce post n'a pas été en place depuis lors./HGL
En plus, les deux blogs suivants sont germanophones, et n'ont pas vu cette aubaine de lectorat en Allemagne ...
Antworten nach Sorte
Viel Spaß!/HGL
Ces statistiques sont de ce blog, qui ne sont que partie des statistiques d'aujourd'hui :
Tuesday, 27 December 2022
Kelly's Have a Thing to Say
The Kelly Family - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
The Kelly Family | 11 Nov. 2022
So have Pogues and Slade:
Fairytale of New York (feat. Kirsty MacColl) [Top of The Pops Dec 1987]
ThePoguesOfficial | 9 Dec. 2020
Merry Christmas Everybody - Slade
Bert Smith | 11 Dec. 2016
Spammers' Choice, Club 21, Dates of the Past
Spammers' Choice:
Holy Koolaid attacked Bible History
Rechtsextrem? (DE) · Lustig wie viele mit mir reden wollen - über Sachen wo sich wenig zum Schreiben in den Commentaren melden! (DE)
Is John Todd discredited by Jack Chick?
Ou serait-ce pour autre chose qu'un manga? (FR)
What is the Fourth Vow of the Jesuits? · Dwight Makes a Calmer Attack on Catholic Fundies
News from Sweden (my country)
"Förlorade två barn på 72 timmar" (SV) · Om antikristna akademiker (SV)
Commencer le roman avec une scène ? Pas forcément ... (FR)
Dates of the Past:
Tradis à Viviers ... (FR) · Est-ce que food dumping est une bonne chose? (FR)
Niche argument revisited
Apostles and St. Irenaeus
Production of Mine, Readership from Club 21
Evidence of Rising Carbon Levels
Sur la Vertu de la Foi (FR) · Continuant avec Dumouch (FR)
Über Claesemanns Theorien mit Tradis in Hamburg (DE)
The Age of Rebecca when marrying
Response to Jonathan McLatchie · A Point I've Made
Deflating a Star Size, Again, or Two
Club 21:
Discoveries on Big Business · Antipigiste, ça existe (FR) · Garrett Saldano - Governor for Michigan (Foreign Interference, I'm a Swede in France) · Comment sait-on la vraie religion ? (FR) · Bonum Festum Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis (LAT)
Of German Clergymen Born 1713, One was Actually Martyred · Sharing
Non-Catholic Christianity's Fatal Error · The Crusader Pub Correcting Ray Comfort · I'm Not Putting Feminism over Islam, and David Wood is Right on Some, Not on All · In support of JJ McCullough vs Bill C11 · Why I Like Wikipedia Fairly Well, Unlike J.J. McCullough
A Video by polýMATHY on Old Egyptian · I Felt Hinted At, But Not Guilty · On Abortion · Another Video with Scarlett · There are Other Debates Too
Turning Point UK Displays Poor Judgement · Kennedy Report Reports Badly, Again, at Least First Three Minutes · Who Can Understand Quenya and Sindarin? Anyone who takes the trouble to learn them
Contra Malthus, Pro Catholicis (DE) · Sumerisch (DE) · Kaplan Johannes M. Schwarz über Galileo und Piltdown (DE)
Four Hypotheses of Kevin R. Henke for Historicity of Genesis 3 · Archaic Actual Humans or Apes in Human Shapes? · Excursus on William Tell and Catholic Saints
Which Groups are not Main Ones and Why?
Middle Ages : Europe Before Racism (featuring Olivette Otele)
Monday, 26 December 2022
Isaias 9:6 - an OT comment on the Christmas event, why Christmas is Good News
Brought to you by the Vatican in Exile.
Isaias 9:6
For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace.
Christmas Sunday: A Passage To Remember
vatican in exile | 26 Dec. 2022
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël in 26 languages
|Leaving the word to Andy:|
ILoveLanguages! | 24 déc. 2022
|And resuming it:|
You forgot Latji Wajnachta!
Bonum Festum Natale
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Saturday, 24 December 2022
He can't read this on the internet, I suppose, so I say it in advance so it can be forwarded.
Merry Christmas, Vincent Reynouard.
Best wishes for the hearing.
And hope you have more Christmas pudding and haggis this year than a year ago!/HGL
Thursday, 22 December 2022
What the Bishop of Munster spoke up against, in Hitler's Germany
Killing the Homeless - Canada's New Form of Mercy
The John-Henry Westen Channel | 8 Dec. 2022
Well, actually eugenics too.
And Canada had that too up to the seventies. So did Sweden./HGL
PS, I commented too:
11:56 Guess why I prefer Austrofascism over National Socialism.
I am very devoted to a GKC who wrote a book called Eugenics and Other Evils ... Dollfuss and Schuschnigg never agreed to that stuff.
34:17 Are you sure Alan was not asking for euthanasia because he was forced to psychiatry instead of being left alone until he wanted company again?
Aujourd'hui, une femme que j'ai soupçonnée d'être soignante de la psychiatrie et de me viser ...
... me vient parler avec un homme de qui elle dit :
- il est dans la presse
- il aimerait faire un interview
- il aime les blogs.
Il est vieux et assez pauvrement habillé. Il semble de faire ce qu'elle dit. Ce n'est pas lui qui a dit être de la presse ou d'aimer les blogs.
Elle lui fait une présentation pas totalement flatteuse pour mon état mental.
Et pour ce qui est du blog, avec deux adresses données, il parle de "blogspot point com" si c'était l'adresse.
Quand j'ai dû me résigner à lui dire "blogspot, c'est l'hébergeur, il faut avoir toute l'adresse" - alors je doute qu'il aime vraiment les blogs.
Et je doute aussi très fortement qu'un homme vraiment de la presse aurait eu besoin de cette femme pour me contacter ...
Pour revenir à la présentation de moi, pas totalement flatteuse de mon était mental, la femme vient de dire que je vivais dans les pensées et ne m'interessais pas pour les hommes. Ça pourrait par exemple décrire un autiste. Ou, pour être plus clair, je pense que certains aimeraient me tamponner comme autiste. Et là, j'aurais encore plus de mal à vivre ma vie, si ce genre là pourrait fouiller dedans.
Ma réponse est, je pense assez beaucoup des gens qui s'intéressent pour les mêmes idées. Pour completer, je m'ennuie mortellement quand quelqu'un limite les communications avec moi à des variations sur "ça va ?" - avec certaines filles, elles sont encore attractives et les entendre et voir me dédommage un peu, cette femme et le monsieur ne sont pas dans le cas.
Je viens d'avoir une invitation pour le café demain ou après-demain. Je redoute une mise en scène pour m'évaluer psychiatriquement. Et je soupçonne fortement que pas mal des inconvénients pour avoir une publication commerciale et sur papier dans le passé viennent de ce genre de fourbes là. ET leurs alliés. Il y en a.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts 30 martyrs de Rome
Romae, via Lavicana, inter duas Lauros, natalis sanctorum triginta Martyrum, qui omnes una die, in persecutione Diocletiani, martyrio coronati sunt.
PS, pour le cas d'honnêteté :
An Internet Production / Une production sur internet
Conditions d’utilisations ultérieures …*
PPS - ce qui me brusque n'est pas l'idée qu'il écrive. Je le fais moi-même et mes vêtements sont encore moins neufs. Ce qui me brusque est l'idée qu'il ait une position dans la presse.
Et bien entendu, je ne gobe pas l'idée émise par la femme que pour avoir une édition il fallait parler avec quelqu'un qui semble rien avoir à dire dans les choses. Ce qui serait ironique ce serait si un journaliste réel aurait participé, mais ça semble improbable./HGL
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Pour ceux qui voudraient savoir comment je sonne en suédois
Antonija Mandir | 6 juil. 2022
A - pour le rhytme, c'est comme la Scanienne (Engla, la fille de gauche vue de nous, blonde, en noir)
B - pour les prononciations distinctives à part le rhytme, y compris l'intonation, c'est comme la Holmienne (Antonija Mandir, en rose et vert)
Et pour ceux qui m'imaginent raciste, regardez Kevin, à partir d'environ 14:30 dans la vidéo. Je félicite le couple./HGL
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Sharing, with one comment ...
The Vortex — Catholic Priest Murdered?
Church Militant | 16 Dec. 2022
February 2004 - my last entire month in Sweden. I had not yet known I would not be allowed to stay in the apartment .../HGL
Saturday, 17 December 2022
If Curiosity Killed the Cat ... It's Bad
See if Introibo approves my comments before St. Lucy ... · To illustrate the ineptness of Introibo on the question ... · If Curiosity Killed the Cat ... It's Bad
I don't hold with killing cats. I do not relish the death of cats. I borrowed the nod at a popular saying from Lee, a guest poster with Introibo.
Introibo Ad Altare Dei: Dangers of Randonautica
By Lee, Monday, December 12, 2022
Who refers to St. Thomas Aquinas, in two quotes.
I will now take the quotes, not from Tour of the Summa, but from Summa Theologiae online. As in the Tour, I will quote only the corpus of each article on curiosity, which is II-II, Q 167.
Article 1. Whether curiosity can be about intellective knowledge?
Here I will intersperse my quotes with own comments.
I answer that, As stated above (II-II:166:2 ad 2) studiousness is directly, not about knowledge itself, but about the desire and study in the pursuit of knowledge. Now we must judge differently of the knowledge itself of truth, and of the desire and study in the pursuit of the knowledge of truth. For the knowledge of truth, strictly speaking, is good, but it may be evil accidentally, by reason of some result, either because one takes pride in knowing the truth, according to 1 Corinthians 8:1, "Knowledge puffeth up," or because one uses the knowledge of truth in order to sin.
On the other hand, the desire or study in pursuing the knowledge of truth may be right or wrong. First, when one tends by his study to the knowledge of truth as having evil accidentally annexed to it, for instance those who study to know the truth that they may take pride in their knowledge. Hence Augustine says (De Morib. Eccl. 21): "Some there are who forsaking virtue, and ignorant of what God is, and of the majesty of that nature which ever remains the same, imagine they are doing something great, if with surpassing curiosity and keenness they explore the whole mass of this body which we call the world. So great a pride is thus begotten, that one would think they dwelt in the very heavens about which they argue." On like manner, those who study to learn something in order to sin are engaged in a sinful study, according to the saying of Jeremiah 9:5, "They have taught their tongue to speak lies, they have labored to commit iniquity."
So, a scientist who forgets his maker or a man trying to learn things about bondage or psychiatry ...
Secondly, there may be sin by reason of the appetite or study directed to the learning of truth being itself inordinate; and this in four ways. First, when a man is withdrawn by a less profitable study from a study that is an obligation incumbent on him; hence Jerome says [Epist. xxi ad Damas]: "We see priests forsaking the gospels and the prophets, reading stage-plays, and singing the love songs of pastoral idylls."
We live in a society in which so many have so few duties incumbent on them.
The example given by St. Thomas was apt about his own day, with many priests of whom more than one could have easier made his salvation if remaining a layman. Looking at you, Andreas Capellanus! (Yes, he was a contemporary of St. Thomas, as a chaplain obviously a priest and made a kind of Ars Amandi).
In our day, one could rather complain about priests forsaking Shakespear and Tolkien to read psychology or Biblical criticism ...
We may presume that those using Randonautica usually do not have duties they neglect to go on their random randonnés (walks). Especially, as going on a walk is also a duty, to the bodily health.
Secondly, when a man studies to learn of one, by whom it is unlawful to be taught, as in the case of those who seek to know the future through the demons. This is superstitious curiosity, of which Augustine says (De Vera Relig. 4): "Maybe, the philosophers were debarred from the faith by their sinful curiosity in seeking knowledge from the demons."
And Oedipus and Orestes got into huge trouble by listening to them.
Thirdly, when a man desires to know the truth about creatures, without referring his knowledge to its due end, namely, the knowledge of God. Hence Augustine says (De Vera Relig. 29) that "in studying creatures, we must not be moved by empty and perishable curiosity; but we should ever mount towards immortal and abiding things."
This sounds more like a cue to throw out science books than to throw out randonautica.
Fourthly, when a man studies to know the truth above the capacity of his own intelligence, since by so doing men easily fall into error: wherefore it is written (Sirach 3:22): "Seek not the things that are too high for thee, and search not into things above thy ability . . . and in many of His works be not curious," and further on (Sirach 3:26), "For . . . the suspicion of them hath deceived many, and hath detained their minds in vanity."
Something people like Thomson Lord Kelvin and Rutherford should have thought of before proposing to search out the age of Earth without looking into Genesis 5 and 11.
Now, here is article 2. Please note that the man translating something as "sight-seeing" is very far from the current usage of that term in so doing. It is about seeing "spectacula" - dramas.
I answer that, The knowledge of sensible things is directed to two things. For in the first place, both in man and in other animals, it is directed to the upkeep of the body, because by knowledge of this kind, man and other animals avoid what is harmful to them, and seek those things that are necessary for the body's sustenance. On the second place, it is directed in a manner special to man, to intellective knowledge, whether speculative or practical. Accordingly to employ study for the purpose of knowing sensible things may be sinful in two ways.
Let's see.
First, when the sensitive knowledge is not directed to something useful, but turns man away from some useful consideration. Hence Augustine says (Confess. x, 35), "I go no more to see a dog coursing a hare in the circus; but in the open country, if I happen to be passing, that coursing haply will distract me from some weighty thought, and draw me after it . . . and unless Thou, having made me see my weakness, didst speedily admonish me, I become foolishly dull."
Well, here the problem is not so much the look at the spectacle - and when Tour of the Summa translates sight-seeing, that is bad. Deliberately to seek out a sight of something quiet is different from vetting an appetite for cruelty (as St. Augustine did in his youth), or to deliberately seek weighty thoughts, but forget them because a distraction dulls one. By the way, fatiguing someone to cure him from "curiosity" can dull him too. Georgina Kirrin, back in the age when she preferred to be called George and when Tim was alive, didn't allow Tim to chase rabbits. I think those were more plentiful than hares, in Cornwall.
So, the problem is actually double here, for St. Augustine:
- he risks backsliding into enjoying cruelty to animals (as he had done more frequently in his youth, and even if in this case the immediate perpetrator is also just an animal) - well, he no longer risks that, he's in heaven, but I mean he risked it then and those like him now risk it now;
- not keeping concentrated on a thought directed to piety and to the edification of others. (Likewise, no longer a problem).
The problem is not being captivated by a random sight, which is not cruel, and when one is not neglecting important thought for it.
Secondly, when the knowledge of sensible things is directed to something harmful, as looking on a woman is directed to lust: even so the busy inquiry into other people's actions is directed to detraction. on the other hand, if one be ordinately intent on the knowledge of sensible things by reason of the necessity of sustaining nature, or for the sake of the study of intelligible truth, this studiousness about the knowledge of sensible things is virtuous.
Let me highlight two quotes here:
even so the busy inquiry into other people's actions is directed to detraction.
Like the guys who inquire busily into my hours spent on internet, consider every second on a youtube as the vice of curiosity and detract from my capacities as a writer and as a Catholic one?
Involves both shrinks, I shouldn't wonder, and priests who would have done better to imitate Andreas Capellanus, scandalous as he was, than to have psychology studied at seminary!
Now, the other thing is, pretty apt about Randonautica.
on the other hand, if one be ordinately intent on the knowledge of sensible things by reason of the necessity of sustaining nature, or for the sake of the study of intelligible truth, this studiousness about the knowledge of sensible things is virtuous.
The sustentation of one's nature involves the sustentation of one's mental nature. And part of that is not seeing just the same things every day.
This being the purpose of Randonautica, one cannot say the purpose is wrong. But are the means? Lee evokes four cases of unpleasant surprises.
The app has as many as 10.8 million users as of July 2020, gaining popularity amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States as restrictions have been lightened.
Now, four unpleasant surprises is pretty low among 10.8 million users. Therefore, one cannot assume it is demonic on this account. Are there more? Certainly. How many more? Probably not 100 as drastic as this one.
In their questions page, Randonautica's creators have said that if the app generates coordinates inside a private property, it is a violation of their terms and conditions to trespass. In addition, Randonautica has also received allegations that the app is used for human trafficking, which its creators have denied, saying that data collected by the app are anonymous. It also ensured that the app is not designed to violate religious customs, saying that "the app is simply a tool. Just as a knife can be used either to prepare dinner or to cut somebody."
Now, the creators cannot absolutely know from their own actions whether someone else can be abusing their app for human trafficking. Just as the highways in the seventies could not be kept responsible for the crimes of Ted Bundy. Who abused the custom of hitch-hiking. My ma taught me some good things about hitch-hiking, like walking up to gas stations, and talking to the people you want a ride from. However, Ted Bundy could be charismatic, but even so, I think he more often picked up victims very quickly, with less time for getting an impression, who were walking along the way with their thumb up. When he didn't just grab, as with his last victim.
However, as to human trafficking, some place types could be especially attractive to girls, and if the trafficker puts himself in waiting there, and also uses the app ... may God avert it.
Furthermore, in two of the four cases evoked by Lee, Randonautica can have saved a life. Even if Mykena didn't call the help that saved the bleeding person from dying, it is possible and even probable someone else was also directed to that place and did call the ambulance. And the person who had a shop burned down was saved. The story doesn't tell what kind of shop it was, and I actually cannot find the story.
Now, is using Randonautica a vain observance? Here I will have to quote, not St. Thomas, but Lee.
How does it specifically know things so hidden as to be able to lead people to an exact location, with no possible history of stored data that leads to such things, which cannot be traced, such as expired driver's license from 15-20 years prior?
The app didn't know it. God did. As far as I am concerned, the connexion between using the app and finding the licence, is God's providence.
I personally believe that the app itself has some form of demonic power. Why? It has been known to bring about bad luck in peoples lives who use it obsessively.
If you go on random destinations very often, sooner or later you can come to a dangerous one.
It has the ability to know exact locations without any foreknowledge; a symptom of possessed people.
A software doesn't know exact locations, but stores them. Precisely as google translate doesn't know language, but stores language data. Stores and combines, in a way showing how statistic coincidence rules very much of correct translation, but very far from all of it. I have seen the Swedish word "uppståndelse" translated (by Bing) as "commotion" in the context of Easter where the correct expected translation is "resurrection" - or a Spanish poem from past centuries praised the Blessed Virgin as "preciosa" - meaning precisely as in English "precious - and a translator used the more usual meaning in modern colloquial Spanish, namely "funny" ...
It lures people away from belief in God or the devil by trusting it more.
The last person who started using it as a Christian, clearly Orthodox, not just believing in a God who is good, but also that this God has created an angel which recreated himself into the devil, and who ended up losing faith over using this app is who? Because, I have never heard of one. Indeed, by God's providence, the app could lead someone to a Church or a Christian bookstore and therefore to God.
It becomes like a god.
It does? How many other things do? Is each inherently bad because some so abuse it?
Lastly, it could lead to somebody's death if the person is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This is indeed a danger of any innocent walk. And some of Ted Bundy's victims were doing their studies ... with studousness/
Even if the "intention" is good it can be a path leading right to Hell.
We can agree that dying in a car accident is death, and dying in a car accident in the state of mortal sin if Hell. Now, some Pilgrims on the way of Santiago have died crossing a certain road, because the paths with the yellow arrows point across this road (or did back in 2004). Is it mortally sinful to walk to Santiago too?
Gaucelmo died on arrival. He is honoured as a saint, accoridng to my memories from 2004, even if I can't find him on Spanish wikipedia. A woman was murdered in I think 2015 or 16 by faked yellow arrows leading her to the killer.
So, is walking to Santiago a mortal sin, because there are risks?
Staying locked inside during a confinement has its risks too. In France, wife murders skyrocketed during the first confinement. So, has the prospect of taking walks to unseen corners of your neighbourhood after it saved lives? Probably.
Let me give a parallel. You may be a celibate man, you may suck at cooking, or have no time to do it, and you may have the means to eat at restaurant every day. Is it mortally sinful to roll dice over which restaurant to use on each particular day? Mind you, on a Friday, one would pick Sushi Bar over Mongolian Barbecue without any dice, for obvious reasons, but on a day when meat is allowed? Could it lead to your death? Well, if it directs you to the restaurant where you get dangerous food poisoning, yes. Does that make it sinful? No. Variation in diet is healthy.
According to the Theologians McHugh and Callan, vain observances are described as:
Let's see if it fits.
(a) those (things) by which one puts into use vain ceremonies or objects in the expectation that they will secure certain desired effects, or puts an exaggerated confidence in lawful rites or sacred objects;
There is no vain ceremony in randomising, if the desired effect is a surprise or "a change" - it is a natural means to that end, not a quasi-supernatural ceremony for it. Case dismissed.
(b) those by which one directs one's life through fortuitous and impertinent happenings in the belief that they have the power to influence one's fortunes favorably or adversely.
We do not deal with this when the fortuitousness itself is used as a means to improve one's mood. Given that some people are now doing breast surgery because they carry Georgina Kirrin's child and teen quirk to the cube of too far, improving moods may be very vital these days.
This form of superstition is like divination by omens; the difference is that in using omens one chiefly seeks for knowledge of the future, while in observing chance events one chiefly intends the direction of one's conduct. Examples are found in persons who fear to make a journey on Friday or to begin any important affair during the dark of the moon.
Fridays and darks of the moon are not fortuitous. People avoiding important affairs during the dark of the moon may not fear, and I am not sure St. Thomas did not do it. Seeing 666 as a bad omen is arguably one preservation against rapidly and willingly taking the mark, and I do wait a little before logging in if the time is 13:32. I prefer making a prayer up to 13:34, since 1334 is two times 667. The next and last paragraph of this essay is on line 144 in the html. Was it bad to put two previous paragraphs toegether (not very separate logically) to avoid it going past 144?
And unlike this kind of thing, randonautica is about not fearing journeys and about affairs of free time, how to spend an afternoon. Again, case dismissed.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Ember Saturday of Advent
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