Sunday 27 March 2022

Production of Mine, Readership from Club 21

Production of Mine, Readership from Club 21 · Production of Mine [Readership Club 21] · My Production, Club 21, Spammers' Choice

What have I written in 8 days?

Non-English languages, and the rare posts with either 13+ or parental advisory are marked in parentheses.

Pas d'accord, Bruno Mégret, pas d'accord ... (FR) · Continuing with Ernest Crunkleton · Guy Pagès et Arnaud Dumouch : "pastorale du moindre mal" (FR)

XLIII A Hypno Memory (13+)

Bogouroditsa, ôtez Poutine (FR) · What If Adam Became a Man - When he Became a Man? · Gideon and Jimmy came to exchange on carbon dating · XLIV Self Hypnosis Table (13+)

Can Ukraine be Compared to Afghanistan?

Alors, la semaine. (FR) · Mussolini vs Putin

Bonum Festum Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis (LAT) · Tolkien's Elves Are Not the Key to Cain's Wife or Adam's Growth · Sharing · Black Death

I Don't Claim to be a Seer · If You Join the Legion, Don't Post on Internet While in Battle Zones! · Handicap social (FR) · Yes, My Method Can Close In on Logarithms · I'm More Agreeing than Disagreeing with Fr. Charron · It's a Prime

More Questions on Genesis, Early Chapters, on Quora · It's Not Over Yet · Über Claesemanns Theorien mit Tradis in Hamburg (DE) · Sur la Vertu de la Foi (FR) · Continuant avec Dumouch (FR) · Production of Mine, Readership from Club 21 · Evidence of Rising Carbon Levels

What has been read by "club 21"?

Same as above, plus the relevant multiple of 21 and any period longer than "last seven days" are marked in parentheses.


Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? (FR) 21, le mois

Mit Potratz über Exodus und Metaphysik (DE) 21, das Jahr · Fragen zu Genesis 1 - 11 (DE) 42, das Jahr · Archäologie, C14, "Erdgeschichte" usw - Fortsetzung mit Werner Appel (DE) 42, das Jahr

subductionzone to the rescue of Forrest Valkai? Or Keith Levkoff? Deus-Stein? 273, 3 months

Wie gesagt, Cara al Sol war in Spanien ein gutes Lied bis 1939 (DE) 21, das Jahr


I Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction (13+) 21, 3 months

Éditions Critias arrête vite de répondre ... (FR) 63 · Continued Correspondence with Kevin : XV - XXVIII 42 · With Hugh Owen, Mainly on Improving Catholic Creation Research, but Also on My Situation 42

Pourquoi certains droitistes font peur: (FR) 210, 3 mois · FAQ Fr/Eng 21, 3 months/mois

Souvenirs d'un Elficologue (FR) 63, le mois

Answering Paul S. Pavao, Part I 21, 6 months · Lita Cosner Might Not Read This 21, 6 months · Habemus altare in Greek 21, 6 months

Temoin d'un faux miracle, abbattu par des policiers? (FR) 21, 3 mois

XV to XXI 21, in a year

Kort är vårt liv (SV) 273, alla perioder

15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus (FR) 21, 6 mois · 17-IX-2004 L'arrivée au Refugio Gaucelmo, Rabanal del Camino (FR) 21, toutes les périodes · 21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo (FR) 21, 6 mois

verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus (LAT) 126, per tres ultimos menses

Back When Antimodernism Was an MSN Group 42, a year

Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) 21, 3 months

Good News! 21, one year · Moschops capensis 21, one year

Débat med Patrik Lindenfors, forskare, Stockholms Universitet (SV) 21, ett år

Comment donner un long lien d'internet ... (FR) 252, toutes les périodes

Certains n'aiment pas une attitude nuancé vis-à-vis récentisme, ni complotisme (FR) 630, 3 mois

A Case for Considering Western Atheism as Protestantism Losing Christianity 1260, all periods

Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo 42, 3 months

Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera 1050, three months

18 october, d-dag, detta år en tisdag, arithmetik 252, alla perioder

Pas de moi, juste mes trouvailles : Découvrez les explications des tours les plus impressionnants des magiciens, Pointe à travers le corps (FR)

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