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Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Reza Lashgari
Expressen : Reza, 44, dog efter andra vaccindosen MALMÖ
Publicerad 30 jun 2021 kl 15.46
Comme Zlatan, pas un Suédois. Comme Zlatan et moi-même - un Malmeuite.
Sa réaction après la première dose était forte, on consulta le docteur, il prit la deuxième dose, et trois jours plus tard, il mourut, à 44.
Plus de détails pour ceux qui savent le suédois. Dans ce lien.
In Case Anyone Thinks of Me as Abuse Victim
- a) it isn't over;
- b) they may be the perps.
It seems there has been some speculation on part of certain people over here in France on whether I have suffered mental abuse.
Sure, I have so in the past. But it's not over.
Imagine there is some shrink speculating on whether my benefactor Stephan Borgehammar is the perp. He isn't. But if such a shrink has some power over my situation, he could be the one blocking a letter from Stephan from arriving, and that is abusive. I'm behind on washing, and I am also behind on some debates on the internet, not to mention some other things I could do, on and off the web.
It was not this Monday, not even last Monday, but Monday two weeks ago, that he sent his letter. It's not like Africa to, say, South America. It's Sweden to France, both within EU.
Let's say again, they note that I have a hard time to believe compliments or care for them, when coming from some.
- a) x says I speak French well;
- b) y has stated that my French is too poor to republish my writings from internet to books.
Now, x may give me 50 cents to 5 euro, y has delayed what could have made me not beg. Is it reasonable for me to fawn over the compliment of x, rather than fret over the insult of y, when y's attitude is costing me, especially as y has the market I'd need for getting paying readers? And as x isn't exactly over eager to actually provide, if not an alternative big market, ready made, at least a start by at least a small edition of 20 posts from my over 8500 ones?
X may even have contributed to the contrary, by speaking to some shrink in the neighbourhood about that worry. And shrink telling people, not to actually read my blogs and help me out, but to be nice to me, and avoid reading things which could make them angry with me and sabotage me.
Or, how about this:
- a) x thinks me being Geocentric or Young Earth Creationist comes from abuse;
- b) y is seemingly encouraging these thematics, and could therefore be the abuser.
For x, insert any crook in the neighbourhood where I stay, who has such prejudices against Geocentrism and Young Earth Creationism, and who also has a standing as some kind of shrink. For y, insert for instance Stephan Borgehammar. Then imagine x thinks he has to protect me against that "abuser" and then he tells police and the place where I get my mail, not to forward.
If that is the case, the precise person who thinks he's helping me against abuse is perpetrating the real one.
Certainly someone is./HGL
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Bonum Festum Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Romae natalis sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, qui eodem anno eodemque die passi sunt, sub Nerone Imperatore. Horum prior, in eadem Urbe, capite ad terram verso cruci affixus, et in Vaticano juxta viam Triumphalem sepultus, totius Orbis veneratione celebratur; posterior autem, gladio animadversus, et via Ostiensi sepultus, pari honore habetur.
Monday, 28 June 2021
Deflecting from Topic, Ain't He?
Sorry for Americanism "ain't" - but I think the anonymous commenter under a post of mine is US American.
It made for a comments' section under a post wildly different from the actual content of the post, so, I'll be deleting our dialogue there, but giving you a taste. Or, giving as taste all so far:
- Anonymous said...
- May 30, 2021 at 8:30 AM
- Finally! Someone with the courage to speak the truth! Thank you Hans:
"So, it it a demonstrable fact that men and dinos did not coexist? It is rather demonstrated that they did”
- Hans Georg Lundahl said...
- June 1, 2021 at 2:56 AM
- While I think the fact is demonstrable, and while I think the Flintstones are great humour, I don't think the Flintstones are per se the demonstration. There are better ones, like carbon dates of dino bones matching carbon dates of Cro Magnon men.
- Anonymous said...
- June 3, 2021 at 7:24 PM
- Blasphemy! The Flinstones operated an entire society in the direct company of dinosaurs, just look at Mr Slate and his quarry of rock crunching dinos. Cromagnons merely painted buffalo on their cave walls, as if they didn't even know of the dinos I know you have proven they coexisted with through your extensive knowledge of geology and c14 dating and all that other bullshit scientists claim to know better than you.
- Hans Georg Lundahl said...
- June 8, 2021 at 4:31 AM
- As said, my knowledge of the Flintstones is, it originated as comics or as cartoons.
Your sample seems to be consistent with that.
Obviously the mere existence of a cartoon wouldn't disprove sth as originating for entertainment only, like there are cartoons and comics of Biblical history, but my point is, you seem to know the cartoon I think of and Hanna-Barbera doesn't strike me as very serious historians.
- Anonymous said...
- June 20, 2021 at 6:22 AM
- Where do you think the gravel used to pave the road to Making America Great Again comes from? Mr Slate and his rock crunching dinosaurs explains it all! Our hero Donald Trump comes directly himself from those great believers in biblical flood creationism. You should really read up on Intelligent Design, it explains all this with big science words even.
- Hans Georg Lundahl said...
- June 22, 2021 at 4:25 AM
- Donald Trump never came out as believing Young Earth Creationism or all of the Flood account.
Marco Rubio came closer, he at least came out as agnostic between thousands and millions of years. Trump won the primaries since Rubio was eliminated.
- Anonymous said...
- June 26, 2021 at 8:20 PM
- Trump not believing YEC?!? I guess he's as dumb as he looks after all, you've convinced me with your persuasion. Clearly , every word of the biblical account is precisely true, that dotard Trump Lied when he said the bible was his favourite book. Damn, I learn every day about stupid idiots and their deluded misunderstanding of obvious facts like the biblical flood and dinosaurs and humans coexisting on that ark and in the Flinstones . Just like Oprah said.....
- Hans Georg Lundahl said...
- June 27, 2021 at 4:27 AM
- One can have the Bible as one's favourite book (I wonder how much he prefers films over books, in Trump's case) without actually believing the most obvious readings of it.
Btw, I don't recall him saying he also believed it totally.
- Anonymous said...
- June 27, 2021 at 7:40 PM
- Trump profesed to loving the bible, and his strong base is so enamoured by him, mostly because they are themselves YECs who have seen the incontrovertible evidence (The Flinstones played daily back when most of these people were growing up). Trumps favourite passage is ''2 Corinthians '. They know a hoax when they see it, yet they voted for Trump and know the only science worth teaching their kids is ID, not that crazy evolution stuff or biology of physics or chemistry or any other of those bunk fields you know are all false. I can't believe Trump hoodwinked all these high functioning scientific minds who know for a fact KNOW dinosaurs were on the ark, how could they let themselves be led to error by Trump if he doesn't himself believe it is literally true?
- Hans Georg Lundahl said...
- June 28, 2021 at 5:24 AM
- It so happens, not all Evangelical Right Wingers are Fundies and not all Fundies are Young Earth Creationists. It also so happens, not all Young Earth Creationists are Right Wing and of those who are, not all are pro-Trump. Oh ... except perhaps as compared to Biden and Obama!
These comments taken from:
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment
Saturday, 26 June 2021
12 Questions for Sedevacantists
Cited in extenso from here:
The Recusant : The Recusant: Twelve Questions for Sedevacantists
And answered after quotes:
1. Sedevacantism does not appear to have been anywhere in evidence until the early 1970s, and we are unaware of there having been one single priest who thought that Paul VI was not Pope until around 1970, or possibly the late 1960s at the very earliest. We are unaware of a single example of a priest charging John XXIII with being an anti-Pope while he was alive or leaving his name out of the Mass. At the same time we are told that Mass offered “una cum” an anti-Pope is not pleasing to God. If it is true that the last true Pope was Pius XII, does that mean there no was true sacrifice being offered in a way pleasing to God for some 10 to 15 years? Did God really leave the entire earth bereft of this true sacrifice for ten or more years?
Both Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church in 1945 and (according to what I have read about his later claims) Michel Collin took in 1950 the decision to not consider Pius XII as an authority binding on the faithful. Obviously they did also not recognise his supposed successor as a Pope obliging in conscience the faithful, John XXIII. In the case of Brazilian Apostolic, they are Episcopalians of a sort, namely insofar as they consider a patriarch enough, and do not have a pope, and in the case of Clémory, Michel Collin proclaimed himself as Pope, claiming authority from a private revelation.
Note very well, Pope Michael has not done the same thing, since he condemns mysticalism, but was elected by an emergency conclave. However, his answer would likely be, that in 1958 there was at least no unity around the Antipope John XXIII.
One can answer in more general terms, being honestly mistaken on where the papacy is, does not make your Holy Mass automatically displeasing to God. As far as I know, a quote by St. Vincent Ferrier says, you can please God if you have the wrong Pope, but not if you don't care which Pope is the right one.
And this situation of naive innocence vanishes when things pile up over and above just wrong person in papacy, like New Mass, like consistent heretical exegesis of the council in more than one episcopate, like as per even later, endorsing Evolution belief as by a new act of the magisterium judging after the never occurring debate between opponents and adherents of Adam descending physically from non-human beings.
2. If sedevacantism is not just a theory, but is a binding conclusion, why do we not hear about it in the decades/centuries before the council? If on the other hand it is a theory, is it not in one sense yet another previously unheard-of, post-conciliar novelty?
Because it could be a binding conclusion from factors not heard of back then?
Or because we do hear of it, like Middle Ages endorsing the theory that the Church will be usurped in the end times? In that sense, the answer could be from a disciplinary decision on Vth Lateran Council, forbidding "date setting" on the Apocalypse.
3. If sedevacantism is merely a question of applying Catholic principles (Sanborn) or merely a simple matter of logic, something that you just have to think about clearly enough (Cekada), why aren’t we all sedevacantists? Why aren’t we almost all, or even mostly all? Is it reasonable (or Catholic?) to propose or even to imply that everyone who is not a sedevacantist is either ignorant or of bad will?
It's like asking whether it's reasonable that everyone who refuses the FSSPX is either ignorant or of bad will.
Ignorance in intricate questions and unprecedented situations is not unheard of.
4. If sedevacantism is a probable or reasonable conclusion, how can it be that virtually no sedevacantists agree with one another, even about non-theological matters? Why is it that even those who have not fallen out with each other and who work together (e.g. Cekada & Sanborn) nevertheless do not agree (e.g. ‘pure’ sedevacantism vs. sede-privationism; “CMRI can be collaborated with” (Cekada) vs. “CMRI should be disbanded” (Sanborn), etc.)
Obviously, since not giving full obedience to post-Vatican II Popes, FSSPX falls into the spectrum of mutually exclusive positions.
5. If “Do-not-attend-non-sedevacantist-Masses!” is an obvious or reasonable proposition, why is it that its main proponents previously mocked this very same proposition, calling it “Follow me or die!” Catholicism?
I do not think that Pope Michael ever mocked the position, and he forbids attendance both at FSSPX and at Sede masses, while holding Novus Ordo ones as invalid.
6. If it is so clear and obvious that the whole Church has been ruled by anti-Popes for fifty-plus years, with no possibility of relief anywhere to be seen, why no mention of this at Fatima? Why no mention of it at Quito? Why did Padre Pio have nothing to say on the subject: did he think it not important enough? Why not one single “old-guard” Cardinal (Siri, Stickler, Oddi, etc.), bishop or even Vatican Monsignor to have admitted as much on his death-bed or in his posthumously-published memoires?
You speak of "on his deathbed" or "in his posthumously published memoires", which contrasts with public and uncontrovertible citation. Such claims would be considered "controverted" or "controversial".
For Siri we do have controverted claims, for instance that he was elected, in 1958, in 1962, or on both occasions, and that he resigned under duress (like extertion by threat of persecution) and that therefore Roncalli or Montini or both consciously usurped the papacy belonging to him.
In case you consider this as a conspiracy theory, so would the claim of a death bed comment or the posthumous memoires be considered.
In the case of posthumous memoires published under the administration of antipopes, such comments would arguably be censored.
7. If the matter is not quite as absolutely black-and-white or clear cut as we are led to believe, is it not both prudent and reasonable to hold on only to what is known and can be trusted, what has been tried and tested from before the Council, and exclude any novelty; to leave the fascinating theoretical questions on hold until better times when we may examine them at leisure?
It would be more prudent for Adam not to bite the fruit, but that is no longer an option. Recognise and resist, over decades, not just over one wrong comment or decision, is also a novelty, or a Western version of non-papal Eastern ecclesiology, like what is sometimes attributed to Celtic Church.
8. What are the fruits of sedevacantism?
One of them is Orthopapism. I heard of it bc ridiculed as such by Fr. Schmidberger, I believe it was. Now, it seems he gave a list of 15 to 20 "sedevacantist Popes" but since then most have cleared up. Three claimants remain, to my knowledge : Pope Michael, pseudo-heirs of Michel Collin, the heir to the Palmarian claim. There may be more, but many have cleared up. Linus II has stepped back. Pius XIII has died, no heir. Iglesia Católica Remanente has been recently claimed as being a media hoax. Little Pebble is or was recently in prison. It is no longer the needle in the haystack, if even the 15 to 20 list could be likened to that.
Where are the sedevacantist soup kitchens?
Are the fruits of the FSSPX soup kitchens all that good? I became known to the one outside St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, and this may have contributed to that parish, its editors (at least one known who assists their masses, Francis Bergeron is editor of Présent, a Catholic and Right Wing daily), book sellers and edition students have been discouraged from editing my work.
Where is the sedevacantist League for the Kingship of Christ?
Has that league produced any legislation? Outlawed abortion anywhere?
Where are all the sedevacantist distributists?
Or those in St. Nicolas du Chardonnet? I have stated myself as distributist and been taken for a Communist.
Why are sedevacantist chapels generally filled with supporters of democracy and capitalism, who hear nothing from their priest with which they could disagree?
I have heard of sedes who were national socialists.
Where are the fruits of forty years of sedevacantist missionary activity in third-world countries all over the world?
When missionary activity of Catholics and inactivity of Protestants was an argument, the Protestants in question were not small sects, but bigger ones, like having whole countries or large portions of such. Sedes do not have as many adherents, orthopapists even fewer, and therefore have less resources to do mission with.
9. If everything was 100% perfect in the Church right up until 1958, how do we account for the revolution of Vatican II apparently coming out of nowhere? Did it really have no roots, no precursors, no avant-garde?
I'd consider precursors as, on the one hand, passivity of Popes, and on the other hand, apostasies of episcopacies, notably French or at least Parisian Evolutionists.
If, on the other hand, the rot does go back beyond Vatican II, and if in fact things were not entirely as they ought to have been in the decades before the council, does this not seem to indicate that Gloriously Reigning Popes can make errors of judgment, scandalous decisions, cause large numbers of souls to lose the Faith and deny our Lord like St. Peter?
Passively, or by bad example, certainly. Actively, by supporting directly error, not really.
How do we explain Pius XI giving his full and enthusiastic support to the League of Nations and sending a personal note of congratulation to the second Spanish Republic?
As to the Spanish question, Pius XI was at least later supporting Franco. As to League of Nations, the papacy served as such in Middle Ages : a Pope excommunicated an Emperor, until he backed down from trying to conquer Denmark.
How do we explain the failure of the 19th century Popes to use their full authority to comprehensively condemn Charles Darwin and his ideas?
I think there was a Council in Cologne condemning Darwin and a few related ideas, like Old Earth.
How do we account for the Church’s teaching on usury not being taught or enforced for some 200 years?
There is a difference between passive tolerance of an error and active support of it, as if it were truth.
Or the condemnation of Galileo being secretly ignored and, to all practical purposes, overturned?
There is a difference between passive tolerance of an error and active support of it. Now, you get an active support of it on doctrinal level in "three last Popes" according to those who accept "papacies" of Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergoglio. CEC.
10. Why is there no unanimous opinion among theologians on the question of a heretical Pope? Why is there not one example in the history of the Church of a Pope leaning towards heresy being threatened with the loss of his office, and why does Sacred Scripture uphold so strongly the keeping of office by heretical Sovereign Pontiffs of the Old Testament?
The threats of "withdrawing obedience" would be more properly understood to be threats of not treating someone as Pope than as threats of Recognise and Resist.
11. In Hell, those responsible for the damnation of so many souls because of their elevated office will burn as Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. This is called the Principle of Authority or responsibility. Our ancestors used to represent hell with a lot of clergy in it, why should it be different now, as the damage caused by them is far greater than the mostly moral scandal that they were giving in the past? “Eveque, c'est par toi que je meurs” said St. Joan of Arc to Bishop Cauchon. “Bishop it is by thee that I die”. God ascribes a precise culprit for whatever damage is done, as showed in the prophets of the Old Testament or in Matthew XXIII. If pope Francis is just a charlatan, if he is just a con man, a joker, a clown, but not really responsible, he would get just a clowny spank. If he and his six predecessors do not really bear the burden of responsibility of the Apostasy of Nations, since they are not really true Popes, who does bear this responsibility?
A fake Pope stealing a responsibility not his, will get as punished as a Pope mishandling, or rather more, since if the man were really Pope, some time the mishandling would have to stop. And he would get less punished.
For instance, John XXII actually did back down and admit that the Saints enjoy the Beatific vision and that that means seeing God.
As for a real Bishop or Pope killing a body by bad judgement (Cauchon) or a soul by bad example (might have been the case with Alexander VI), neither of these are part of the unbroken ordinary magisterium of a Pope or of all the bishops in communion with him. Alexander VI did not teach that it is OK to alllow one's son and daughter to handle poisons, he only was unable to stop them in his own case (despite being first policeman in the Papal states where they resided) and Cauchon was in communion with Pope Martin V, but not all bishops in communion with Martin V supported the wrongful trial.
12. Is it not the case that the general idea of sedevacantism has a certain appeal, it is easier to summarise to non-Catholic or non-Traditional friends and relations, and that it appears to offer a simple response to the whole painful crisis?
Well, yes.
Ought this not to put us on our guard, knowing what we do about human nature?
Well, no. Intricacy of an answer is not a guarantee of its being true or correct.
Equally, does not experience show that for both laity and priests, “becoming a sedevacantist” is not infrequently followed by a slackening of morals, standards of dress or behaviour, a weakening of general fervour and in particular a weakening of the counter-cultural and apostolic spirit? Once again, ought this not to put us on our guard?
Countercultural and apostolic is not formally the same. They can go together, but have some independence. Fervour can be overdone, so a slackening would be correct. I heard of Catholics in SWitzerland (where Écône is) who say "one shouldn't read Mickey Mouse, because it is entirely secular" which seems quite a lot of unnecessary fervour. If one said one should not read only Mickey Mouse, I'd obviously agree.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts John and Paul
PS, His Holiness will also go over the twelve questions, and he straight away added two points on QQ 4 and 6:
4. Sedeprivationism is more like recognize and resist than sedevacantism. Sedprivationists want the same thing recognize and resist, the conversion of Bergoglio. They differ on what authority he has now. Of course, if he must convert, then he is not Catholic and therefore not Pope.
6. Quito, Ecuador: Fourth Meaning: Then the Church will go through a dark night for lack of a Prelate and Father to watch over it with love, gentleness, strength and prudence and numbers of priests will lose the spirit of God, thus placing their souls in great danger. It may be in the Third Secret, which would be clearer in 1960.
PPS, "Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergoglio. CEC." Excuse my French. Literally. CEC = Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique. In English it is of course CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church. Not that the title is appropriate./HGL
Friday, 25 June 2021
Rectification, peut-être
Une paroisse catholique a oublié de contacter un volontaire de leur accueil pour les sdf · Rectification, peut-être
Je viens de recroiser l'homme, qui dit alors ne pas être éditeur, mais être journaliste à la retraite.
Et que, le problème pour lui n'était pas mes écrits, mais:
- qu'il n'est (plus?) éditeur
- que la presse papier / l'édition papier, c'est fini.
Il dit aussi avoir très peu gagné sur ses écrits auto-édités:
J'ai proposé de lui démontrer que j'ai des lecteurs en faisant de la pub pour ses livres sur mon blog - chose faite. Ayez la bonté de faire vos achats avant que quelqu'un ait l'idée de faire passer un exemplaire à Présent, parce que leur critique serait de tricher pour mon lectorat./HGL
PS, le lendemain, il est peut-être significatif que dans l'échange, il m'a dit que je pouvais "me publier sur facebook" et que, hier, trois de mes liens partagés sur FB ont été marqués comme commentaires spam, dont un avec ce lien ci : Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account?./HGL
PPS, je viens d'essayer de clicquer les autres deux marqués comme cachés comme du spam, et au lieu du pointage normal, un signe d'interdit. D'où seulement un des trois liens. Non, ce n'était pas du spam. FB fais de la censure abusive./HGL
Une paroisse catholique a oublié de contacter un volontaire de leur accueil pour les sdf
Une paroisse catholique a oublié de contacter un volontaire de leur accueil pour les sdf · Rectification, peut-être
Au moins, je pense leur avoir écrit que celui-ci devait me contacter à propos un mot lâché à des connaissances comme quoi on ne pourrait pas éditer mes écrits.
De toute manière, il ne m'a aucunement contacté par mail avec une liste des raisons, et chaque fois qu'il me croise dans la rue il passe vite sans allusions à ce sujet. À supposer qu'il soit à peu près honnête, ça veut dire que sa paroisse n'ait pas transmis ma requête. Notez, pas une requête d'être édité par lui, même s'il est éditeur, mais une requête comme quoi il devrait préciser les pourquoi de ses dires à mes connaissances.
Parce que, voyons, des raisons qu'il pourrait proférer, si quelques, je tirerais des conclusions assez divers sur lui ... et sur les autres impliqués.
Et "oublié" est, à supposer que cette paroisse soit honnête./HGL
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Bonum Festum Nativitatis Sancti Ioannis Baptistae
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Nativitas sancti Joannis Baptistae, Praecursoris Domini, ac sanctorum Zachariae et Elisabeth filii, qui Spiritu Sancto repletus est adhuc in utero matris suae.
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Tuesday, 22 June 2021
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États-Unis 113 Allemagne 18 Canada 4 France 4 Irlande 3 Serbie 3 Viêt Nam 3 Espagne 2 Grèce 2 Pays-Bas 2 Roumanie 2 Russie 2 Inde 1 Pérou 1 Thaïlande 1
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera
États-Unis 75 France 4 Indonésie 3 Russie 3 Allemagne 2 Espagne 1 Inde 1 Suède 1 Taïwan 1
États-Unis 30 Irlande 3 France 1
États-Unis 82 France 5 Allemagne 4 Royaume-Uni 2 Pologne 2 Canada 1 Indonésie 1 Russie 1
Recipes from Home and Abroad
États-Unis 13 Russie 11 France 2 Suède 2 Indonésie 1 Roumanie 1
En haut, on parcourt New blog on the kid (ce blog ci), Philologica, et Assorted retorts, même si je prends d'autres blogs pour publier des posts avant que ça soit terminé. En fait, ça saute Philologica et va directement de ce blog à Assorted retorts. Ensuite reprennent les blogs en bas, et ça finit sur mon blog suédois. Une fois, bien entendu, que je prends des statistiques pour les trois posts et les ajoute ensemble.
Suède 294 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 299 Pour les français : idéologie et religion États-Unis 17 + 56 + 27 + 113 + 75 + 30 + 82 + 13 = 413 No mourning in Greece, Thank God! Russie 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 11 = 20 Quelqu'un qui voudra étouffer le lectorat? Canada 5 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11 "Ce sont LES radicaux qui tuent" - Tous? Non. Slovaquie 5 Kudrowophobe? Phoebephobes? You should have a talk about the term ... Indonésie 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 8 Accident de voiture, samedi soir, Bd de St Michel, Paris France 2 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 18 Attention about Uighurs Allemagne 1 + 18 + 2 + 4 = 25 INDEX XXIII FR Immaculée Conception 2018 à Chandeleur 2019 Autre 1 INDEX XXIII ENG Immaculate Conception 2018 to Candlemass 2019 Bulgarie 1 Bonum festum Purificationis BMV Irlande 3 + 3 = 6 Rivalling Jimmy Akin, as Scholastic Serbie 3 What About Bishop Amvrosios .... Viêt Nam 3 As Ricky Gervais Gave a Proust Questionnaire Espagne 2 + 1 = 3 Des tags antisémites sur des boîtes à lettres? Grèce 2 It seems Donald Trump did the right thing I was talking of Pays-Bas 2 Why Would Doctors Do That? Roumanie 2 + 1 = 3 Lisa Haven May Have Sth to Say Which Needs Hearing Inde 1 + 1 = 2 How Russians Might be Seeing C. S. Lewis ... Pérou 1 I signed against Netflix Thaïlande 1 Que Dieu ait son âme! Taïwan 1 [Forgot to entitle it as about Club 21] Royaume-Uni 2 Bonum Festum Cathedrae Sancti Petri Apostoli Antiochiae Pologne 2 Bonum festum Sancti Matthiae
États-Unis 1993 More on Latin (quora) Italie 597 Why Catholic at All, Then? Canada 161 Mit Potratz über Exodus und Metaphysik Ukraine 12 Lebensalter im Mittelalter (Quora) Allemagne 92 Eine Freiheit des mittelalterlichen Leibeigenen oder nicht? Russie 62 XXIV - even more Stephanie Dillon France 2664 Guest Post and Comment on Medieval Bible, Catholicism and Heresy Roumanie 22 I to VII Belgique 9 När ska' psyket släppa morsan? Brésil 9 Dimanche le 18-VII-2004: J'ai resté à la hutte. Pays-Bas 59 15-IX-2004 Redescente à Opp me haka - et en plus bas. Suède 403 Provelosaurus americanus Royaume-Uni 16 Amazonsaurus maranhensis Indonésie 61 Algeria Yémen 2 Afrovenator abakensis Viêt Nam 33 Hvad talar mot evolutionsteorin? Inde 12 ... Pakistan 10 Tillykke! Portugal 10 Öppen fråga till P. Erwin Bischofberger S.J. Grèce 10 Hermods! Australie 2 Öfversigt öfver internet-versioner af pressen (efter mitt lindriga press-begär) Estonie 1 Ack Wermeland du sköna ... Espagne 5 Vördnad för den Heliga Jungfruns Textila Reliqvier! Corée du Sud 4 Märkliga statistiker Lituanie 1 Kalenderbyte - commentar till Dick Harrisons blogg Autre 21 Videre og vigtigere hukomster fra debatter med nyhedninger (BM) Bangladesh 1 Jeg har heller ikke noget imod at en bøsse gifter sig ... hvis han gør det med en kone Biélorussie 1 Är en slägttafla med Oden bland fäderna förfalskad? Cambodge 1 Huru utnämns man till ambassadör till Japan? Nouvelle-Zélande 2 Logiken är lika riktig äfven om de låta osäkra Japon 6 Angående Sanct Rochus, som Dick Harrison tviflade om Népal 4 Nyare Catholicism och Utblottelsen Côte d’Ivoire 1 Hvarföre jag intet är pacifist Chypre 3 Monarchi och förhistorisk flockmentalitet Malaisie 1 Välja religion? Lefva efter den osanna sekulariseringsreligionen? Thaïlande 3 Harry Amster missförstod ngt ... Hongrie 1 Du kan ingenting ta med dig dit du går ... Philippines 23 Jag anslöts till en groupe ... Irlande 10 Stolt Christen Geocentriker Équateur 2 Guds eller Menniskors Lag?! Slovaquie 5 Hon borde väl snarare förespråka hemskolning, då - äfven för atheister Bulgarie 1 God Fortsättning Serbie 3 Før at svare Björn Lindahl Pérou 1 Ruby Harrold-Claesson om Tortyr i Sverige och ett offer vid namn Domenic Johansson Taïwan 1 Hvilket Gossebarn då, Pastor Tommy? Pologne 2 Ärade Linda Bellander!
6343 / 7 = 906 1/7 par jour. Mais la semaine décalé entre les blogs./HGL
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Cinq autres blogs, visiteurs en une semaine
Ça me paie de poser mes blogs dans la rue? · Cinq autres blogs, visiteurs en une semaine · 8 blogs en plus · Les très petits blogs avec peu de lecteurs
Great Bishop of Geneva!
États-Unis 73 France 8 Allemagne 7 Pakistan 4 Australie 1 Chypre 1 Royaume-Uni 1 Malaisie 1 Pays-Bas 1 Népal 1 Nouvelle-Zélande 1 Russie 1 Suède 1 Autre 1
somewhere else
États-Unis 48 Canada 4 Pays-Bas 4 Russie 3 Belgique 2 Allemagne 2 France 2 Royaume-Uni 1 Suède 1
Antworten nach Sorte
États-Unis 13 Allemagne 1 Russie 1
Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl
France 2,1 k (aussi épelé : 2100) Canada 100 Italie 70 États-Unis 68 Pays-Bas 39 Russie 4 Belgique 2 Royaume-Uni 2 Thaïlande 2 Hongrie 1
HGL's FB Writings
États-Unis 232 Suède 92 France 36 Philippines 23 Russie 18 Allemagne 16 Pays-Bas 8 Canada 4 Irlande 4 Viêt Nam 3 Chypre 2 Équateur 2 Grèce 2 Inde 2 Pakistan 2 Royaume-Uni 1 Japon 1 Autre 2
On continue à se déplacer sur mes blogs, en fonction des chiffres par nation. Et puisque la France va avoir plus que 2000 en posts à parcourir, on passe des blogs en dessous à ceux qui sont en haut, donc d'abord celui-ci, avec le dernier post. Et on y reste, parce qu'il est long.
États-Unis 73 + 48 + 13 + 68 + 232 = 434 4-IX-2004, Ledigos - Alb. Municipal La Trinidad, Sahagún France 8 France 2 France 2,1 k France 36 = 2146 "For God and King" - War of the Vendée Allemagne 7 + 2 + 1 + 16 = 26 Pray for Ireland! Pakistan 4 + 2 = 6 A Question for Mr. Duggar - answered by Google - and a Question for In Touch Magazine Australie 1 Were the Ehrlich's Wrong to Fear Exponential Growth? Chypre 1 + 2 = 3 Un Celte Noir Royaume-Uni 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 5 Ayant fait pèlerinage en 2004, je me confie à Dieu, à la Sainte Vierge et à St Jacques Malaisie 1 Les Français et le Créationnisme Pays-Bas 1 + 4 + 39 + 8 = 52 What was the worst error of the French Revolution? Népal 1 Bonum Festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis Nouvelle-Zélande 1 J’irais débattre sur votre blog, disait-il. Russie 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 18 = 27 Improving a Wickipeejan Article on Genesis Interpretation Suède 1 + 1 + 92 = 94 Jean-Pierre Petit dérape ... Autre 1 + 2 = 3 Et maintenant? Canada 4 + 100 + 4 = 108 Index XI en français : Chandeleurs à Pâques 2016 Belgique 2 + 2 = 4 I was Wrong about GWB's Second War Italie 70 Answering J. P. Holding / tektontv on Quiverfull, Lifespans, Onan, up-dated : and Romans Thaïlande 2 Hesses vs Holding Hongrie 1 Rues du Huitième Arrondissement, en excluant ce qui vient après P, ceux qui sont nés après 1800 ou ce qui n'est pas une personne avec les dates de vie Philippines 23 This con-langing idea is actually goodish Irlande 4 Was It the Worst Massacre in the History of Nice? Viêt Nam 3 Dérives sécuritaires - suspensions des Messes à la Cathédrale de Strasbourg (lien) Équateur 2 Haldol et Promenade des Anglais Grèce 2 Should Abortion be Forbidden (against "Father Thomas Reese, a Catholic Jesuit professor" and feat. Putin) Inde 2 New Humanity? Japon 1 If Two Men Believe in God - do They Always Believe in the Same One?
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Il paraît qu'on vient de faire des versions frelatées de mon histoire
J'aurais eu une vie parfaitement bourgeoise devant moi. J'aurais, sur un coup de tête, laissé tomber tout. J'aurais fait le choix d'être clochard plutôt que bourgeois, parce que je méprisais, diraient-ils, la vie confortable et prévisible.
J'avoue que "bourgeois" n'est pas ma classe favorie - à part les métiers libres et les proprios de petites boîtes. Mais "clochard" n'est pas du tout la seule autre classe que je connais, ça veut dire que je préfère, par exemple les vrais gens de classe moyenne, donc, métiers libres et propriétaires de petites boîtes, ça veut dire que je préfère artisans aux bourgeois typiques, ça veut dire que je préfère paysans, bourgeois-bohèmes, tsiganes en roulotte, étudiants, profs de facultés, clergé et militaires.
Par contre, si vous imaginez que j'avais une existance "bourgeoise" et que je n'en voulais pas ... regardez l'année 1993 après le décès de ma grand-mère et le départ de ma mère. Et les suivants.
Je vais, pour la première fois dans ma vie, prendre ce qui est notre équivalent de l'RSA. La première chose qu'on me demande est de vendre. Je vends l'appartement, j'aurais préfére sous-louer à quelqu'un, mais on ne me donne pas l'emprunt qui aurait donné le temps d'arranger ça, et la prochaine fois, je suis obligé de vendre un terrain avec une cabane charmante faite par mon grand-père - à une époque quand le travail payait encore, il a pu se payer le terrain et les caisses de fruits en bois et autre matériaux qui ont constitué, sous sa main et celle de grand-mère, cette cabane. Ceci n'est pas tout.
On me demande de justifier, chaque semaine, que j'ai regardé cent offres, que j'ai contacté dix, et si l'offre était encore valable, que j'envoie une application écrite. L'RSA va à deux dépenses surtout : lettres d'application, et lettres de mes impressions de listes d'offres, que j'ai regardées.
Par la vente de l'appartement, je suis obligé de déménager là où je ne connais personne. N'ayant plus la carte mensuelle de communications, je me vois incapacité de contacter mes amis qui vivent ailleurs. Les dépenses pour l'ASSEDIC, faites avec une loyauté extrême, ne me permettent pas d'avoir suffisamment de vie en bars pour avoir une vie sociale. J'ai deux voisines jolies, dont une prend un mec avant que j'ai eu courage de lui admettre mes désirs, l'autre me présente son mec déjà en place dans sa vie.
Je tâche de simplifier les applications. Au lieu d'un seul CV long, j'en ai un court, et j'ai des CV supplémentaires pour chaque sujet que j'offre à enseigner - anglais, français (Craenhals, Mgr Lefèvre, Dom Gérard, l'abbé Houghton dans la version française de Prêtre rejeté, le Choc du mois, le Libre journal de la France courtoise, le libre de Robert Faurisson), suédois, allemand, latin, philosophie (C. S. Lewis et St. Thomas d'Aquin y figure), connaissance des religions / culture religieuse (ma conversion en Catholique y figure, si j'ai fait cette application aussi). Pour chaque poste, j'envoie le CV général et le ou les CVs des sujets.
Deux choses changent. Je reçois d'abord un stage, chez les archives de la police, parce que les préfectures de Malmö et Christianstad vont devenir une seule, à Malmö, et les archives doivent être triés. Celle-ci dure 6 mois. Ensuite, je reçois enfin deux offres mais loins de Malmö. Mon chef comme archiviste avait été de la loge de Sirius et ses parents avaient fait un mariage dans l'année cinq mille et encore quelque après la création, selon la loi de Moïse. L'offre que je prends est dans un village où il y a une seule autre Catholique comme résidente, un peu vieille, et qui va mourir avant mon départ.
Peut-être une machination de manipuler que mes amitiés se fassent en dehors de Catholiques, surtout tradis?
Bon, telle a été mon expérience des services sociaux en Suède avant 2004. Or, en mars 2004, je me trouve dans une situation où, pour rester en Suède, j'aurais dû refaire l'expérience.
Qui trouve que c'était une vie bourgeoise confortable que je quittais?/HGL
Ça me paie de poser mes blogs dans la rue?
Ça me paie de poser mes blogs dans la rue? · Cinq autres blogs, visiteurs en une semaine · 8 blogs en plus · Les très petits blogs avec peu de lecteurs
Samedi 12.VI.2021, pour les sept jours avant, j'ai annoncé dernièrement beaucoup Creation vs Evolution, mais c'est davantage lu en dehors la France que dedans :
États-Unis 248 Italie 146 Canada 13 Ukraine 12 Allemagne 10 Russie 5 France 4 Roumanie 4 Belgique 3 Brésil 3 Pays-Bas 3 Suède 3 Royaume-Uni 2 Indonésie 2 Yémen 2
Et Assorted retorts :
États-Unis 110 France 17 Allemagne 12 Canada 9 Viêt Nam 7 Russie 5 Inde 4 Pakistan 4 Portugal 4 Indonésie 3 Roumanie 3 Suède 3 Grèce 2 Australie 1 Estonie 1 Espagne 1 Royaume-Uni 1 Corée du Sud 1 Lituanie 1 Autre 4
Et Répliques assorties :
Italie 309 États-Unis 57 France 5 Viêt Nam 4 Portugal 2 Allemagne 1 Autre 2
Et New blog on the kid :
États-Unis 478 France 451 Indonésie 34 Canada 15 Allemagne 14 Viêt Nam 10 Roumanie 8 Brésil 5 Russie 5 Portugal 4 Grèce 2 Inde 2 Suède 2 Bangladesh 1 Biélorussie 1 Espagne 1 Royaume-Uni 1 Cambodge 1 Nouvelle-Zélande 1 Autre 6
Et un peu moins Philologica :
États-Unis 253 Italie 72 France 23 Indonésie 14 Viêt Nam 6 Canada 5 Royaume-Uni 5 Japon 5 Allemagne 4 Roumanie 4 Corée du Sud 3 Népal 3 Belgique 2 Grèce 2 Inde 2 Pays-Bas 2 Suède 2 Brésil 1 Côte d’Ivoire 1 Autre 5
Il y a des gens qui espèrent avoir leurs annonces vues dans les commentaires sous mes posts, certains vont être déçus d'être répérés, mais en revanche, vous pouvez regarder quels sont les posts qui ont attiré leurs attentions, et qu'ils ont espéré aptes à attirer les vôtres :
Prophecy of St Malachy, Against TektonTV, Part I · Bonum Festum Sancti Pii decimi · 1986 · "Pourquoi ces témoignages? - Parce que les Écritures nous le demandent" · Some People Seem to Stamp me as a Conspiracy Theorist · Bonam Memoriam Decollationis Sancti Iohannis Baptistae · Bonum Festum Sancti Mederici · Une Amira Reda est impatiente de faire de la pub · Are Jews Hacking my Account to Delete Posts? · Is Reading Tolkien Studying Magic? No.
And on another blog: I Like "Miacis Cognitus"
La majorité des spams ont été en alphabet arabe.
Jouons un autre jeu que de faire confiance aux spammeurs. Prenons les chiffres des lecteurs par pays, dans l'ordre qu'ils apparaissent. Prenons aussi les blogs en dessous des trois derniers sur le menu de blogger (car mon compte me laisse facilement aller d'un blog à un autre, de cette manière). Comptons du début d'un blog, ensuite ce que reste vers le prochain, et de la suite, et notons les liens de post qui apparaissent à ces numéros:
États-Unis 248 + 110 + 57 + 478 + 253 = 1146 Bättre under Mussolini! Italie 146 + 309 + 72 = 527 G St9 Georgius de Cappadocia Canada 13 + 9 + 15 + 5 = 42 Commentaire de Benoît XVI Ukraine 12 Rhétorique anti-droite .... Allemagne 10 + 12 + 1 + 14 + 4 = 41 La Marcha de los indignados (cuidad, mi castellano es malo)Russie 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 A Glass of Cremisan with the Priest (from a fan fic, C. S. Lewis estate owning the copyright for the main person) France 4 + 17 + 5 + 451 + 23 = 500 Un - contre ennemis Roumanie 4 + 3 + 8 + 4 = 19 Le pauvre archiviste Belgique 3 + 2 = 5 Les filles, ça arrive Brésil 3 + 5 + 1 = 9 "Il commet la faute Pays-Bas 3 + 2 = 5 Ça fait bien, les figues Suède 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 10 I have posted links on Facebook ... Royaume-Uni 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 9 I have written on creationism Indonésie 2 + 3 + 34 + 14 = 53 C'est un peu embêtant d'avoir fait depuis d'années un effort et des propos cohérents ... Yémen 2 Catholics still have a conscience, when it comes to other things than hunting pedophiles ... or presumed such Viêt Nam 7 + 4 + 10 + 6 = 27 origin of thoughts - as phenomenon and as each single one of them if it comes from self or sometimes not Inde 4 + 2 = 6 Le Pape se prononce sur la communication virtuelle? (à l'époque je tenais, au moins des fois, l'antipape Ratzinger pour "pape Benoît XVI" - d'ailleurs, il reste 2 pour Inde) Pakistan 4 Terre plate dans l'Évangile? Que nenni! Portugal 4 + 2 + 4 = 10 "la fin d'une utopie meurtrière" ... parce que Ben Laden est mort? Grèce 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like. Australie 1 478 Hebrews liberated today in the Orient. Estonie 1 Over 500 views, excluding mere index pages: Espagne 1 + 1 = 2 On obedience having limits. Answering two faithful from the flocks of the FSSPX. Corée du Sud 1 + 3 = 4 Jonah and Mieszko Lituanie 1 Human Rights Watch fait le malin avec Hongrie ... Autre 4 + 2 + 6 + 5 = 17 Hymn of St Nectarius - Happy Feast of Annunciation! Bangladesh 1 With Bogle, Mostly, On Bellarmine, Mostly Biélorussie 1 Me and Bogle Mostly ... Aquinas and Bellarmine Cambodge 1 Catholique ou Kinsey, ceci? Nouvelle-Zélande 1 Et la politique, alors? Japon 5 - "On ne peut pas être écrivain et sdf." (sic dixit) Népal 3 Thunderf00t's fan base, no full freedom of speech Inde 2 (sorry, I misplaced these two) Mark Shea and Fr Peter West Côte d’Ivoire 1 Débat sur la Psychiatrie/HGL
Friday, 18 June 2021
"The Church is Making Billions of Dollars"
If we are talking the Catholic Church, and apart of the grave suspicions (or certainty) that the world wide phenomenon called so no longer corresponds to it, as Pope Michael claims, and as would be apparent even apart from him on issues of last three "Popes" directly supporting Evolution Theory, if we projected the economic facts onto what would be if there had been nothing even remotely resembling a very recent great apostasy, it should be doing so.
Worldwide, the number of priests in 1970 was 419,728. In 2017, there were a total of 414,582 priests. While the total number of priests worldwide has therefore remained about the same since 1970, the Catholic population has nearly doubled, growing from 653.6 million in 1970 to 1.229 billion in 2012.
Let's say, the Catholic Church made 5 billion dollars a year. Just to take an example.
5,000,000,000 : 414,582 = 12,060 dollars and 34 cents a year. 1005 dollars and 3 cents a month. 844 € and 22 euro cents a month. This is not much more than half of what a cashier in Lidl gets, and she usually has to work only 35 hours a week, while the priest is to be disposable at 24/24. Set prayers and services, set hours for other sacraments, set hours for catechesis or marriage preparation, but apart from those set hours also rushing to dying people with the Blessed Sacrament around the clock.
No, you cannot accuse the men of the Church to be filthy rich. In France a priest touches 950 € in liquids, but is also lodged without charge./HGL
Friday, 11 June 2021
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
Statistiques, 7 jours, divers blogs
Dimanche à dimanche, jusqu'au 30.V.2021 :
New blog on the kid : France 437 États-Unis 436 Russie 39 Suède 22 Allemagne 15 Royaume-Uni 13 Canada 10 Indonésie 8 Roumanie 8 Pays-Bas 5 Viêt Nam 4 Portugal 3 Singapour 3 Ukraine 3 Iran 2 Luxembourg 2 Pakistan 2 Bangladesh 1 Belgique 1 Autre 7
Assorted retorts : États-Unis 114 France 47 Canada 26 Allemagne 23 Russie 15 Royaume-Uni 7 Italie 7 Portugal 6 Roumanie 5 Singapour 3 Viêt Nam 3 Australie 2 Brunei 2 Indonésie 2 Suède 2 Belgique 1 Finlande 1 Inde 1 Japon 1 Autre 12
Répliques assorties : Italie 242 États-Unis 54 France 4 Viêt Nam 4 Allemagne 3 Portugal 3 Andorre 2 Brunei 2 Canada 2 Finlande 2 Liechtenstein 2 Syrie 2 Turquie 2 Brésil 1 Cameroun 1 Grèce 1 Iran 1
Philologica : États-Unis 316 Italie 73 France 23 Russie 16 Grèce 14 Indonésie 12 Suède 11 Allemagne 10 Royaume-Uni 6 Suisse 5 Japon 3 Viêt Nam 3 Canada 2 Corée du Sud 2 Pays-Bas 2 Pakistan 2 Finlande 1 Malaisie 1 Singapour 1 Autre 2
États-Unis 436 + 114 + 54 + 316 = 920
France : 437 + 47 + 4 + 23 = 511
Italie 242 + 73 = 315
Mardi à mardi, jusqu'au 1.VI.2021 :
Creation vs. Evolution : États-Unis 323 Italie 73 Allemagne 12 France 8 Russie 6 Royaume-Uni 4 Canada 2 Pakistan 2 Suède 2 Andorre 1 Colombie 1 Indonésie 1 Inde 1 Roumanie 1
somewhere else : États-Unis 41 Allemagne 3 Inde 2 Royaume-Uni 1 Portugal 1 Russie 1 Suède 1
Great Bishop of Geneva : États-Unis 95 Royaume-Uni 4 Canada 3 Allemagne 3 Pays-Bas 3 Inde 1 Japon 1 Suède 1 Autre 1
musicalia : États-Unis 44 Allemagne 9 Viêt Nam 9 Royaume-Uni 4 Pays-Bas 3 Syrie 2 France 1 Grèce 1 Indonésie 1 Sainte-Lucie 1 Pologne 1 Russie 1
deretour : Suède 87 États-Unis 83 Russie 24 Allemagne 13 Royaume-Uni 10 Viêt Nam 5 Pays-Bas 4 France 3 Belgique 2 Brunei 2 Irlande 2 Malte 2 Ukraine 2 Grèce 1
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : États-Unis 52 Suède 10 Russie 5 France 4 Corée du Sud 3 Pays-Bas 3 Indonésie 2 Royaume-Uni 1
MSN Group Antimodernism in memoriam : États-Unis 7
États-Unis 323 + 41 + 95 + 44 + 83 + 52 = 638 + 920 = 1558
France 8 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 16 + 511 = 527
Italie 73 + 315 = 388
Mercredi à mercredi, jusqu'au 2.VI.2021 :
Antworten nach Sorte : États-Unis 4 Canada 1 France 1 Pays-Bas 1
Correspondance de Hans Georg Lundahl : France 2,67 k Canada 134 Pays-Bas 81 Italie 74 États-Unis 68 Allemagne 17 Ukraine 3 Belgique 1 Royaume-Uni 1 Grèce 1 Portugal 1 Russie 1
HGL's F.B. writings : États-Unis 163 Italie 72 Allemagne 18 Russie 8 France 7 Viêt Nam 7 Royaume-Uni 4 Pologne 4 Ukraine 4 Canada 3 Estonie 3 Serbie 3 Bangladesh 2 Moldavie 2 Pays-Bas 2 Pakistan 2 Suède 2 Australie 1 Danemark 1 Autre 3
Auf Deutsch (auf Antimodernism und später) : États-Unis 9 Suisse 2 Russie 2 Canada 1 Autre 1
En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones : États-Unis 172 Russie 5 Indonésie 3 France 2 Philippines 2 Espagne 1 Pays-Bas 1
På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism : États-Unis 23 France 3 Russie 3 Suède 3 Autre 1
États-Unis 4 + 9 + 172 + 23 + 68 = 276 + 1558 = 1834
France 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 + 527 = 533
France 2,67 k + 533 = 3,2 k
Italie 74 + 388 = 462
Pause pour Fête-Dieu
Vendredi à vendredi, jusqu'à 4.VI.2021 :
En français sur Antimodernism : Japon 68 États-Unis 12 Pays-Bas 1
gm b1 lou : Suède 166 États-Unis 19 France 2 Indonésie 1 Russie 1 Autre 1
haiku : États-Unis 7
Recipes from Home and Abroad : États-Unis 17 Russie 2 Canada 1 Allemagne 1 France 1
Litaven : États-Unis 13 France 6
Trento - Philaret (Catechisms) : États-Unis 2 Pays-Bas 1 Autre 1
Palaeocritti Blog : États-Unis 17 Indonésie 8 Russie 3 Pakistan 2 Pologne 2 Belgique 1 Inde 1 Japon 1 Autre 1
Kopiera oförändradt, sprid gratis : États-Unis 2
La première cinquième du pélérinage : Japon 22 États-Unis 9
La seconde ou deuxième cinquième du pélérinage : Japon 22 États-Unis 3 Autre 1
La troisième cinquième du pélérinage : Japon 23 États-Unis 7
La quatrième cinquième du pélérinage : Japon 22 Suède 17 États-Unis 2
La cinquième cinquième du pélérinage : Japon 22 États-Unis 4 Autre 1
Japon 1 + 3 + 1 + 68 + 1 + 22 + 22 + 23 + 22 + 22 = 185
États-Unis 12 + 19 + 7 + 17 + 13 + 2 + 17 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 4 = 114 + 1834 = 1948
France 6 + 1 + 2 = 9 + 3,2 k = 3,21 k
et comme dit, Italie 432
Friday, 4 June 2021
Thursday, 3 June 2021
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