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Friday, 31 January 2025
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This is not for the blog as a whole, it is about the label sol movetur.
I would say that this is a case of obstruction to my freedom of expression and to the freedom of information of my readers./HGL
Update, next day:
Violent Criminals? Or Criminals by Illegal Immigration? Quotas? (Sharing)
ICE Detains Native Americans As Trump Deportations Go OFF THE RAILS
Rebel HQ | 30 Jan. 2025
I think Peter Sonski wouldn't have tried this thing, not this way.
Still happy it wasn't Kamala, but it's a hard chore to have the idea that voting third party is a vote thrown away ....
It's a sad day for Conservative Christians, when they have to say that The Young Turks are right about a prominent politician who's supposed to be representative of us ...
I am much happier that the US has ceased exporting condoms and pills. Whether Gaza was or wasn't ever a target, glad it's over (for this time, at least)./HGL
Racism is Wrong (Sharing)
The Ridiculous Idea of Deporting People by DNA
NYTN | 31 Jan. 2025
I happen to have one quibble against what you said.
DNA policing has been tried and found wanting all through history, you said, no, all through ITS history it has been found wanting, but especially also on principle.
Fortunately, it has NOT been tried all through history.
In the Middle High German Parzifal or Parzival (it's pronounced f either way), Lancelot had another son, with a Moorish woman, the son of whom was Feirefiz ("fair fils" = fair son) ... who happens to be checkered in white and brown. Not very sophisticated about how DNA really works, but the point is, there was certainly no policing about it.
Equally, in Ancient Rome, Semitic and I think also "Subsaharan" populations were integrated (it was the former, not the latter who became an Emperor). No DNA policing there either. Racism is evil, but over history fortunately very rare. Just a shoutout to older centuries and their better morality! You are perhaps where I learned about Presley being Preslaar, and Disney is obviously d'Isigny ... no problems posed over foreign origins (OK, for d'Isigny, after Hastings, Anglo-Saxons weren't perhaps in a position to pose problems).
Robert Sungenis and I Have Differences
Here is a video by Dr. Robert Sungenis, the kind which is referred to as a livestream:
Robert Sungenis Live - Wed Jan 29 2025
Robert Sungenis | 29.I.2025
You will hear, and in the margin with the chat read my responses, how Robert Sungenis responded about Enoch and Elijah. By the way, I had replied about a comparison of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Henoch and Elijah which he had made, and he had used a phrase like "getting the eternal body", the comment he responded to began with me saying "first of all the eternal body is not another body" ... simply how the phrase sounded to me, I would say it is clearer one believes it is the same body, which he does, if one phrases it like "getting the body raised as an eternal body" rather than just "getting the eternal body" — I'm not saying he has the wrong belief on this point, I was just reacting to how his phrasing sounded. I was also reusing his phrase when speaking of Henoch and Elijah, so if he likes, he could quibble about inconsostency. Now, to the substance of what remains of that comment.
I hold with tradition that they are the two witnesses who come to be martyred in Apocalypse 11. In a Jerusalem, by the way, which is said to be in a state that is close enough to what Israel is now. Spiritually Sodom — sodomy is not just not punished, but is actually celebrated in Pride Parades. Spiritually Egypt. Some dream of deporting Palestinians from Gaza. If it targets Gazawi civilians who were never in Hamas and never helped them keep or even mistreat hostages, and that would be most of the inhabitants, and especially if it targets Christians (first oppressed by Hamas Islamism and then at least twice killed through actions of the IDF, a few of them: a 16 year old boy in a Church, a mother and a daughter whom an IDF soldier orderd to stop praying and whom he gunned down), that part of the prophecy looks like it's being fulfilled.
He has one fair point, that the LXX is not inspired. The original Hebrew is.
However, it is very arguable that many old translations, including the LXX, are closer to the original Hebrew than the extant Hebrew text. It is also possible that the LXX incorporates points that were not in the original Hebrew text, but known to the translators through oral tradition since the hagiographer. For those holding to the chronology of Syncellus, it is vital that "the second Cainan" existed, and if this is the case and the original Greek text of Genesis 11 included him, and the Hebrew text didn't, then the Hebrew text would have omitted him by damnatio memoriae, if he did a bad thing and one didn't want to count him as ancestor, and the Greek text would have restored him through oral tradition then written down because the Greeks didn't have damnatio memoriae. Similarily, if Malachi foresaw Elijah the Tishbite would return, before the second Coming, but only wrote "eliyah hannabi" and not "eliyahu hatishbi", the identity of the latter was transmitted orally and inserted into the LXX.
Now, here is what the Haydock comment says, when there is no signature after a comment (they are when to same verse separated by three dashes) it is by Haydock, but the signataries to other comments are Worthington, Annotations to the Old Testament (Douai, 1609–10) by Thomas Worthington, D.D. (1549 at Blainscough Hall, near Wigan, Lancashire - possibly 1627, at Biddulph Hall, Staffordshire), an English Catholic priest and third President of Douai College; George Witham, a Catholic bishop risking his life in England during the penal laws, Richard Challoner, dito, and Antoine Augustin Calmet, O.S.B., a French Benedictine, first Malachy 4:5, then Apocalypse 11.
[Malachias chapter 4] Ver. 5. Elias. Septuagint add, "the Thesbite;" and St. Jerome (in Matthew xvii.) says, that Elias shall indeed come and restore all things. --- Dreadful. Christ's first coming was in all meekness; but he will judge in terror. Hence the prophet's meaning is not that St. John [the Baptist], but that Elias shall come before the great day of the Lord. (Worthington) --- Yet we may understand it of Christ coming into the world to preach, and again to judge. His first coming proved terrible to the perfidious Jews, whose ruin presently ensued. The destruction of Jerusalem was a figure of that which the world shall experience. (Calmet) --- This shall be preceded by the preaching of Elias. (N. Alex.[Noel Alexander?] Diss. vi.) --- This interpretation seems very striking and natural, though the prophet may have had the first coming of Christ and the ruin of the city chiefly in view. Our Saviour testifies that the Elias whom the Jews expected was already come, Matthew xi. 14., and xvii. 11., and Luke ix. 8. (Calmet)
[Apocalypse chapter 11] Ver. 3. My two witnesses....shall prophesy twelve hundred and sixty days. It is a very common interpretation, that by these two witnesses must be understood Henoch[Enoch] and Elias[Elijah], who are to come before the end of the world. It is true this is what we read in several of the ancient Fathers, insomuch, that Dr. Wells, in his paraphrase, calls it the "consent of the primitive fathers," and in his notes says, it is of "unexceptionable authority." This opinion (at least as to Elias) is grounded on those words of the prophet Malachy, (Malachias iv. 5.) behold, I will send you Elias, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; and also on the words of our Saviour, Christ, (Matthew xvii. 11.) where he tells his disciples: Elias indeed shall come, and restore all things. But I cannot say that the consent of the fathers is so unanimous as to Henoch: for we find by St. Hilary, that some thought Jeremy[Jeremiah] was to come with Elias, and he himself thought that with Elias would come Moses. See his commentary on Matt., p. 710, Nov. edit. Secondly, allowing it a received opinion that Henoch and Elias are again to come before the day of judgment, yet it is not the constant doctrine of the ancient fathers, that by these two witnesses in this place of the Apocalypse, must be understood Henoch and Elias. St. Cyprian expounds it of two sorts of martyrs for the Catholic faith; to wit, they who suffer death, and others who only suffered imprisonment, loss of goods, and the like. Others expound it of the testimonies concerning Christ and his Church, of which some are in the Old Testament, some in the New. To these we must join all those interpreters who expound all the visions and predictions in the Apocalypse, till the 20th chapter, of the persecutions raised by the Jews: or by the heathens against the Church, which have already happened. Of these, both as to ancient fathers and later interpreters, see Alcazar in his Prologomena, note 6, p. 33, and note 12, p. 48. (Witham) --- Two witnesses. It is commonly understood of Henoch and Elias. (Challoner)
Now Sungenis actually featured Matthew 17:11 to 13. But he sees it as if all the words of Our Lord were about Elijah, while verse 11, containing the future tense when John the Baptist was already dead (chapter 14), would not quite fit that bill.
In this connection, of Gaza and "spiritually Egypt" I'd like to mention he speaks of what happened in the sequel of AD 70, and this on his part in context with Jamnia and the Bible canon:
the Jews you know they're floundering at this time 1:13:19 because um you know the Temple's been destroyed 1:13:26 the Romans have come down in ad 70, have decimated Jerusalem, decimated the 1:13:33 priesthood we have some stragglers that hang around until about 136 ad under uh 1:13:41 Bar Kokhba and the Rome sends down another Army and decimates them and so there's 1:13:47 no Jews hardly in Jerusalem
I would say, after each decimation, Jews took care to get back. The real rival to Jewish confessional and ethnic presence in the Holy Land is not a bunch of Gentiles from elsewhere, it's Jewish-Samarian ethnic (though no longer identified as such) Christians. I would say Jews outnumber Christians up to Constantine, who reverses the proportions, then the proportions are reversed again by reversions to ancestral Judaism under Chosroes II, then a new reversal as such Jews often either revert to Christianity or go to Persia when Heraclius comes in. When the Muslims arrive, the basis for the upcming population known as Muslim Palestinians is mostly recruited from former Jews and Christians, who therefore have Jewish and Samarian ancestral ethnicity.
Now, I'll give some back and forth* between us, part of what I write will be chat comments I left, part will be my own less hurried replies when revising, and part of his will be his words, part my resumés:
"We don't think they would be able to survive in Heavenly glory"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Enoch and Elijah are in an inhabitable part below the glory of Heaven, and they are the traditional reading of Apoc. 11
"I think you are misreading that chapter"
See above. I don't have all of the fathers with me, when I check Haydock, but I don't think they contradict. What St. Cyprian says of two types of martyrs (over all the time of the Church) can be true and a run-up to the actual two persons who lie dead for those days.
"You won't find the words Elijah and Enoch in Apocalypse 11"
That I know, however it is at least in the Latin Church a common tradition.
"I don't think the Scriptures are going to support that, and the reason is, the same mistake Augustine made ..."
"... because Malachi 4:5 ... the LXX says Elijah the Thishbite, remember from our discussion, the LXX is not inspired."
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- The LXX is not inspired, Masoretic is not inspired. LXX is closer to original Hebrew
"His first mistake was saying Elijah was Elijah the Thishbite, but it wasn't, we know that first from the Hebrew, which says Elijah, and then we know from Jesus' interpretation ... that it was St. John the Baptist"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Sorry, you misrepresent the Catholic Tradition. "Augustine made a mistake" is not how we respect the Church Fathers, unless other ones disagree.
See also the discussion of Matthew 17 above.
"The other problem is, Henoch is not mentioned ... you might have an allusion to Elijah calling down fire from heaven"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- The reason for Enoch is, he would be the other guy who still had to die, since he hadn't died yet.
"The whole thing is symbolic ... you cannot justify that by saying that two literal people are coming back"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "symbolic only" is not how tradition reads it
"The 1260 days is not 1260 literal days ... the 1260 days is the whole New Testament period ... it's also the 42 months in the same passage"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- for 1260 days being all of NT period, you'd need a source
[A Patristic or Scholastic one is fine. I think he may well have a good source even if he had no time to cite it. But even so, that is not the exclusive or primary meaning.]
[Resuming: 1260 days refers to the same period that the Woman in Apocalypse 12 is in the wilderness, the 42 months]
"The number 42 is found in significant passages for the whole New Testament period, you can find ... Matthew 1, you have 42 names listed from Abraham to Jesus, which means they had to cut out a few names, which they did"
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- the 42 names are c. 46 minus 4 not mentioned by damnatio memoriae
One can add that it sounds a bit weird with "they" ... is he against the single personal authorship by St. Matthew Halevi?
[Sth later, resuming, the witnesses are portrayed as two bec. of that being an image of disciples sent out two by two.]
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- thanks for speaking of Jesus sending out disciples two by two ... Enoch had an opportunity to prepare along with Elijah
[Like Peter and Andrew had prepared together, but for much longer, in whatever heaven they are in, arguably below the Empyrean one.]
In brief, I think, if my view is less necessary than I thought, it is still clearly defensible.
Another difference which he didn't talk that much about and I didn't respond to is, his view that the fix stars are centred on the Sun involves a setup for a wobble which is supposed to create the seasons. In St. Thomas and in Riccioli, angels move celestial bodies. That implies that the Sun is moved by an angel. Now, St. Thomas and Riccioli and I have three different theories about what this implies concretely.
For St. Thomas, God moved the sphere of the fix stars from East to West full circle in 23 hours and 55 minutes (for the exact value of a stellar day, look it up). That sphere then moves the sphere of Saturn, which moves the sphere of Jupiter, which moves the sphere of Mars, which moves the sphere of the Sun. These spheres are then solid but transparent objects, they move each other going inward by friction, and within each sphere, an angel is moving its celestial body, not as if the celestial body were its own body and the angel its soul, that was actually condemned by Bishop Tempier, but celestial bodies were created on day IV, these being Sun, Moon and Stars, and stars in this context means fix stars, planets, and though he may not have known it, comets, and each is moved by an angel. That of the Sun takes one year to carry the Sun through its sphere, and this obviously happens along the zodiac (also known as ecliptic plane). This means, the angel is each day responsible for 1/366 or so of a circle West to East, and this delays the Sun's orbit from 23 hours 55 minutes to 24 full hours. The journey through the zodiac is responsible for the seasons.
For Riccioli, God is moving nothing directly, the solid spheres don't exist any more, and each angel is moving at its own speed through the void. Each is moved East to West by the angel. α Centauri or Sirius would take 23 h 55 minutes for a full circuit, Sun taking it more slowly to 24 hours. Equally here, Sun is taken by an angel along the Zodiac over the year, and this again creates the seasons. Mars and Venus are no longer trapped solid spheres of crystal outside and inside that of the Sun, rather they are moving around the Sun, moved by angels. The Sun itself moved by an angel and all of them on top of this doing the East to West.
For me, God is moving, but not a solid sphere, however a portion of aether, in this context I'd primarily cite its quality as substance of space and as medium of physical vectors, and this portion is rotating from around Earth, where it creates Coriolis and other effects, up to the fix stars and in each height, it takes 23 h 55 minutes to go from East to West. Within it, on the one hand the angel of the Sun will go back c. 1/366 of a circle each day, and on the other hand, angels will take care of fix stars also doing some movements, some of which were discovered after the time of Riccioli. Modern astronomers who believe the Earth to be moving analyse c. 20 arc seconds as annual shifts in the aberration of star light, into 1 arc second or less of parallax (which is "measured" against the background of general aberration) and the rest into proper movement (has to be linear) and wobbles (analysed as slight shifts in Earth's axis), I would say all of these are performed by the star's proper movement caused by the power of its angel. However its movement 23 h 55 minutes around us is, as in St. Thomas, caused by its placement in the aether and that aether being moved by God.
The part where Sungenis goes wrong is, by presuming the cause of all movements to be physical, he needs the wobble created by a centre of gravity in the Sun that isn't in the centre of the movement, but wobbles around it, therefore he makes parallax a side effect of all stars, not just the planets, moving around and with the Sun, actually two pretty different things, and makes the parallax really parallactic. To him, those 0.76 arc seconds that α Centauri is off from the c. 20° arc seconds are really, as for the Heliocentrics, a function of its distance to us. To him, α Centauri is actually 4 light years away. This kind of use of parallax is the start of a series of interlocking distance measures that leads up to "furthest visible stars are 13.8 billion light years away" ... How? By a process which, when it goes the other direction (from lice observed in the microscope of Huygens to atoms observed in electronic microscopy) is already referred to as a "von Neumann chain" ... I actually started to write an essay on the topic, and ended up making the essay expand into a short story:
New blog on the kid: Have you heard the expression "von Neumann chain"?
Saturday, 6 August 2022 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 03:17
The point is, if we do not presume the 0.76 arc seconds to be parallactic in explanation, if we do not presume it to be an optic function of the distance, but a proper movement performed by an angelic mover, then we cannot use it by trigonometry to obtain information on the distance. Why? To do a trigonometric calculation in which a distance is concluded, we need three known quantities, namely, one to three distances and if the distances are less than three (only case in which trigonometry is used to calculate a distance, with three distances we would just calculate angles), the other one or two must be angles. If we move, or if α Centauri moves in tandem with the Sun, then we have one known distance and two known angles. However, if α Centauri moves, then we have one known angle and no known distances. We can know the stars, including α Centauri, need to be at least c. 1 light day away or up, because Voyager 1 hasn't reached them, but we cannot know that they are much more than one light day away. Yes, I said "light day" ... when Voyager 1 has a back and forth time for a signal of 48 hours, then it is one light day away, and I'll have been shown wrong in my theorem they are only a light day away. Those signals travel at the speed of light. Especially if Voyager 1 continues to remove, so it has at some point a back and forth of 48 hours and 10 minutes.
However, even then we need not assume that α Centauri** is four light years away. Because "Parallax" need not be assumed to be parallactic, if stars have angelic movers, if their proper movements are not limited to straight lines (like the 10 arc seconds across the sky of Barnard's star, per year), but are able to also be circular, because an angel can move a star in a circular fashion, and therefore ... well, I already mentioned it, I'll just add a diagram ... handwritten, angle heavily exaggerated to show my point, but I think you can read it:
This was the first reason I became Geocentric in 2001, after being challenged on Distant Starlight. I think that year, Sungenis hadn't discovered or made up his mind on the issue yet. The first why I became, but not the only why I remained.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John Bosco
Augustae Taurinorum sancti Joannis Bosco, Confessoris, Societatis Salesianae ac Instituti Filiarum Mariae Auxiliatricis Fundatoris, animarum zelo et fidei propagandae conspicui, quem Pius Papa Undecimus Sanctorum fastis adscripsit.
Here is a quote from St. Hippolytus of Rome, well before St. Augustine:
43. With respect, then, to the particular judgment in the torments that are to come upon it in the last times by the hand of the tyrants who shall arise then, the clearest statement has been given in these passages. But it becomes us further diligently to examine and set forth the period at which these things shall come to pass, and how the little horn shall spring up in their midst. For when the legs of iron have issued in the feet and toes, according to the similitude of the image and that of the terrible beast, as has been shown in the above, (then shall be the time) when the iron and the clay shall be mingled together. Now Daniel will set forth this subject to us. For he says, And one week will make a covenant with many, and it shall be that in the midst (half) of the week my sacrifice and oblation shall cease. Daniel 9:27 By one week, therefore, he meant the last week which is to be at the end of the whole world of which week the two prophets Enoch and Elias will take up the half. For they will preach 1, 260 days clothed in sackcloth, proclaiming repentance to the people and to all the nations.
* He couldn't respond to my later comments, because I wrote them when hearing the section with a delay, when he had already moved on to the next section. That's how live streams work.
** Some of my harrassers have imagined I fixate on α Centauri for some UFO-logical reason, it's really that I am so little interested in getting all of astronomy, that 0.76 arc seconds is all of the parallaxes I know by heart, and that is the one of α Centauri
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- 29.I.2025
- Bonum Festum Sancti Francisci Salesii (LAT) · This is a Real Case of Christianophobia · Biden · Actual Count of Posts
- 30.I.2025
- Four People Were Taken Up Alive, At Least · Sharing Two Unbelievers, Against New Atheism and its View of History · Some would call this narcissism · Fourteenth Amendment ... · Anyone Accusing Me of Being Part of Bible Societies?
- 31.I.2025
- Robert Sungenis and I Have Differences · Racism is Wrong (Sharing) · Violent Criminals? Or Criminals by Illegal Immigration? Quotas? (Sharing) · See the line under the date? · Production January 2025
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Some would call this narcissism
- T Sm
- @tsm7964
- A few years ago, I saw her and Charlie at a Starbucks in Malibu. After I went home, I prayed for them.
- Serenity Peace and Comfort
- @serenitypeaceandcomfort3669
- THAT prayer could very well be why she got saved!👏
- nebraska farmer
- @nebraskafarmer9015
- It has been said that no one comes to know Christ as their savior, except someone prayed for them. I like to think that there is a person out there that is thinking, "No one prayed for me." But, one day when they get to heaven they'll me someone like you, who greets them and says "I was praying for you."
Now, one person considered that T Sm was bragging. To strangers.
What if T Sm was genuinely happy and wanted to share, without considering whether it could be considered as bragging or not?
I checked the channel of T Sm is an empty channel. People around T Sm will hardly be hearing about it because of this comment.
The news if of course the story of Lola Sheen.
Does a Christian have a right to consider God does something because of his prayers (or sufferings) elsewhere?
The obvious objection is "God is so big, you are so small, why would he care?" ... that's mistaking divinity for giantism. Whatever the merits or demerits of Agora (and Tim O'Neill argues it is mostly demerits as far as historic accuracy is concerned), it's so philosophically and theologically bad taste. God reaching far up doesn't mean He's distant. God being infinite doesn't mean a distance from the small. Finite persons will at some distance have a difficulty hearing, like at 50 yards, I cannot hear the words of people only their accent (unless they are loud) and in that situation, I can not hear between these two if they are speaking Swedish or Dutch. God being infinite is not that deaf.
Or "God has so many who want His attention, why do you think He'd pick you?" God doesn't pick. We pick on whether we pray or not, God hears everyone who prays, and even the Heathen, and in some cases He finds it correct to give exactly what someone asks for, in some cases something different, in some cases more. And in some cases, later./HGL
Sharing Two Unbelievers, Against New Atheism and its View of History
This is a Real Case of Christianophobia · Sharing Two Unbelievers, Against New Atheism and its View of History
Nathan Johnstone - New Atheist Bad History
History for Atheists | 30 Jan. 2025
what is ironic about them is 29:22 that they they make such a strong claim to be evidentialists and then don't seem to be 29:28 interested in how evidence Works historically um they 29:36 um they think that that that they as you say that that history can be talked about in these very Grand and very large 29:43 scale statements um and that uh evidence and 29:49 evidentialism that they would they would require in a scientific subject is somehow not applicable to the humanities 29:57 and it's a it's a kind of patronizing attitude um you know it it's and it's 30:02 proprietorial it says you know we can use what you do for for what we want we don't have to respect how you do it it's 30:10 it's quite a proprietorial attitude
I don't think one has to show a complete respect for someone else's subject how he does it. But I do certainly try to learn hard sciences in applicable items more than my adversaries try to learn what evidence is in history./HGL
History for Atheists (by Tim O'Neill)
Encyclopedia: Johnstone, Nathan
Tim O'Neill is on some matters outside historic research a bit more biassed:
Dawkins 45:55 came to it from years and years of beating his head up against the brick wall of creationism
Between the Evolutionism of Dawkins and the Creationism of Edgar Andrews (still creationist, but no longer Young Earth, last time I checked), I wonder whether it's not Dawkins who's better described as a brick wall./HGL
Nathan Johnstone on the similarity of Communists and New Atheists:
I wrote In the book about people who were religious in the Soviet 50:21 Union and what I was struck by was firstly the the lack of understanding of 50:26 the people that any of the new atheists attempt to have but also the the sort of lack of of a of a sense of empathy you 50:32 know these were people who were told every day that they were not welcome you know um and that you know they were not 50:40 going to be part of the Utopia that was being created in Soviet Russia and the 50:45 new atheists can I think they can empathize with someone who is persecuted 50:52 because of their race or because of their sexuality or because of their gender and yet yet empathizing with 50:58 people who are religious who might be being persecuted because there seems to be a step too far you know there's a 51:04 real unwillingness to extend the humanist principles that they claim to 51:11 have
Four People Were Taken Up Alive, At Least
Passenger recalls being told to deplane before flight from Logan to Washington
NBC10 Boston | 30 Jan. 2025
While more may be coming, the figure four remains significant as to the first news, and it says the Four Gospels are salvation. And that they have survived attempts to debunk them.
Now, there seem to have been deaths as well.
DC plane crash: Helicopter may have missed crucial message before fatal crash
Times Radio | 30 Jan. 2025
Back in 1998 I shot at a man. No one was killed. He just got a superficial wound on the hip. But months leading up to that, he and his colleagues had time after time missed, what I had been trying to say and showing in action, again and again, the intervention of psychiatry was, at the very least from my point of view, and I would still argue objectively, a bullying by people who were above the law and who by putting me in the position of a kind of patient, had put me below the normal protections of the law. A policeman, not the one wounded, had heard my attempt at filing a complaint, had spoken soothingly, a certain time later he asked me, while I was with my mother who had come up and who demanded my attention, some, if I was OK, and I said yes. If he took that as my desisting from the complaint, he couldn't have been more wrong, I was just indicating that, as far as that question was concerned, "are you OK?" that was not a valid invitation to then and there follow up on my complaint. He never gave me any other opportunity and at court, a lawyer also didn't give me much opportunity to pursue my view of things in my defense. At the first hearing, I was invited to speak, but only after the lawyer had already spoken and framed what I said so the court would take it as me acting in extreme fear ... which obviously could be a cue for further intervention by shrinks. At the second court hearing, in the court of appeal, because I had in fact been acquitted, I was not allowed to answer any more about my point of view than that I had recognised the police uniform as a police uniform, which to the mind of those men annulled all pretense on my part to have acted in legitimate defense or even putative defense. All Swedes are apparently supposed to be supposing that our police can do nothing wrong, not even when serving psychiatry rather than justice.
All that could have been avoided, if the police in the year leading up to the event hadn't missed the crucial message that I considered psychiatry to be criminal (and by implication their own service to psychiatry to be so as well). But it was deliberately glossed over. I guess, if someone in the US wants to keep me regarded as a security hasard and psychiatry as the safest way to deal with me, God may be showing that someone what a security hasard really looks like./HGL
PS, obviously some other faked security hasards may also be at the heart of God showing a real one:
ICE arrest of Lynn teenager sparks outrage
NBC10 Boston | 30 Jan. 2025
Here is another ICE arrest that doesn't seem to be a violent criminal:
Man votes for Trump, wife gets deported
David Pakman Show | 30 Jan. 2025
Obviously, while I have lots of beef with Mr. Pakman, and I hope he's wrong about Trump's character, what he said about certain people getting too much repressive power is not just true of ICE, it is also true of things like psychiatry. And that's not just limited to treatments in the clinics, it's also about how someone can be surveyed and harrassed while living on the street, and with apparent freedom, they can impose real and cruel unfreedoms. Let's take my calory intake yesterday. I had spent the night at the cyber, and before I left, I had taken a coffee and a sack of candy bars. When I arrived at my luggage, I found half a pizza. When I woke up again, I took a big sack of fries and five pieces of chicken well fried in oil (lots of batter around). As a dessert, I took two of four flan. In the evening, I was offered a meal, I shouldn't have, but I was somewhat weakened and didn't resist, and well, that meal put my intestines going. It was not the first time and may not be the last time, though fortunately I managed some discretion. I spent the evening in a laundromat before going to the cyber. When I came back, someone had left food to offer me even more calories. Some people have too much power, whether psychiatry in France (or people cosplaying at that) or ICE in the US./HGL
PPS, other update, perhaps 19 dead:
Breaking: Officials recover more than dozen bodies from plane crash
WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore | 30 Jan. 2025
Kudos to the divers!/HGL
PPPS, five survivors. [Not this crash!] Like the five mysteries of each third of a rosary ... or the five books of Moses, or five pebbles of (not yet) King David, or five wounds of Christ (hands, feet, side)./HGL
PPPPS, other item where it is not obvious that the order targets violent criminals:
Daily Maverick: Trump administration to cancel student visas of pro-Palestinian protesters
A fact sheet on the order promises “immediate action” by the Justice Department to prosecute “terroristic threats, arson, vandalism and violence against American Jews” and marshal all federal resources to combat what it called “the explosion of antisemitism on our campuses and streets” since the Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.
Vandalism? Even a tag? Violence? Even punching a nose? Even if the Jew had expressed both full support for the gravest policies of IDF and a total contempt for the pro-Palestinian or for the lives of Palestinians?
PPPPPS, as some have said there were no survivors, check this, from transscript of the first video, it is of course possible the four died afterwards:
PPPPPPS, the idea of five survivors was a mishearing of the video that mentioned 19 dead, "Breaking: Officials recover more than dozen bodies from plane crash" ... I rehear the video, that's actually about the comparison to 1982, Air Florida Flight 90, my bad./HGL
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Bonum Festum Sancti Francisci Salesii
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
[28.XII] Lugduni, in Gallia, item natalis sancti Francisci Salesii, Episcopi Gebennensis* et Confessoris; quem, doctrina et flagrantissimo in convertendis haereticis zelo praeclarum, Alexander Papa Septimus in Sanctorum numerum retulit, et ipsius festivitatem quarto Kalendas Februarii, quo die sacrum illius corpus Lugduno Annesium, in Sabaudia, fuit translatum, agendam esse constituit. Eum Pius Nonus, Pontifex Maximus, Doctorem universalis Ecclesiae declaravit; et Pius Papa Undecimus omnibus Scriptoribus catholicis, qui diariis aliisve scriptis in vulgus edendis Christianam sapientiam illustrant ac provehunt et tuentur, caelestem Patronum dedit seu confirmavit.
[29.I] Sancti Francisci Salesii, Episcopi Gebennensis*, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris, omnium Scriptorum catholicorum, diariis aliisve scriptis in vulgus edendis sapientiam Christianam illustrantium ac provehentium et tutantium, peculiaris apud Deum Patroni; qui migravit in caelum quinto Kalendas Januarii, sed hac die, ob Translationem corporis ejus, potissimum colitur.
* Hodie diceretur Genavensis.
Actual Count of Posts
By now it's 13,321. Add pages, it may be some more ...
(the link to other blogs counted once only)
24 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 10 + 3 + 12 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 7 = 110
110 + 13,321 = 13,431./HGL
Source supplémentaire :
BREAKING: Joe Biden Officially Becomes Master Freemason!!!!
Spencer Smith | 25 janv. 2025
La discussion dans la vidéo n'est pas mon propos.
Ceci est une troisième source à côté de deux autres vidéos citées dans l'article anglais : I Do Not Intend to Join Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. In Masonry. Dans lequel je clarifie que ma non-appartenance à la maçonnerie est de mon intention et va durer.
Le truc est, Mr. Michael Lofton s'est posé la question si, à côté de l'excommunication automatique (latae sententiae) il y a aussi une excommunication par "le pape" (il vise Bergoglio). Dans le cas que Biden accepta l'appartenance pendant sa présidence, seul le pape peut canoniquement prononcer une excommunication.
Et certains diraient que Bergoglio ne va pas le faire.
Sur une excommunication automatique, on peut ajouter une excommunication prononcé, mais aussi une simple déclaration que l'excommunication automatique était incourue. Comme le fit Wojtyla le 2 juillet 1988 à propos du Mgr Lefèbvre, dans le cadre du document Ecclesia Dei.
Contrairement à l'excommunication pour la maçonnerie, celle pour national-socialisme (oui, il y a eu une telle) n'était pas automatique dans la loi canonique. Par contre, avant 1933, tous les membres de NSDAP étaient excommuniés par les évêques catholiques d'Allemagne. À partir du concordat au moins ceci ne vaut que pour les national-socialistes de haute position dans le parti. Dont évidemment Hitler.
La raison adéquate pour laquelle Pie XII n'ait pas excommunié Hitler pour national-socialisme est qu'il était déjà excommunié pour ça. La raison pourquoi il ne l'ait pas excommunié pour d'autres crimes est, il avait peur que Hitler se venge sur les faibles sous son pouvoir, Catholiques comme Juifs.
C'est probable que dans la démarche de Biden il y ait une provocation : que fera "le pape" (et les autres reclamant d'être pape) ? Car, il semble indéniable que ce fut pendant la présidence qu'il encourut l'excommunication.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. François de Sales
This is a Real Case of Christianophobia
This is a Real Case of Christianophobia · Sharing Two Unbelievers, Against New Atheism and its View of History
Do atheists find it incredibly hard to respect a religious person? Franklin Veaux
Atheist, rationalist, humanist former Christian.Jan 16
As being both a Catholic of a kind close enough to Christian Nationalists, and a Young Earth Creationist, I note that hatred for me for my religion does exist./HGL
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
For Those Who Pretend I'm Faking My Writing
I don't play bagpipes, but someone who does has been similarily been accused of faking her youtube carreer with bagpipe playing.
Here is Ally the Piper, answering:
Piper.Ally is faking it
Some things similarily apply to me. Mutatis mutandis, of course.
Dedication? I've been on the internet since 2001, first time I had a social media account it was an MSN Group which I named Antimodernism, and on the same account a smaller group called The Road Goes Ever On And On (about my pilgrimage and related, named after a line in a poem by Bilbo or in reality by Tolkien). It was deleted along with all other MSN Groups in late February 2009. Mr. Gates gave the option to upload their content to a new platform he created, known as Multiply. I tried so with the smaller group, it was slow in uploading as Multiply, I had thirty times more on Antimodernism, and crucially, in the South of France, I had little time to access internet, I figured it wouldn't work. A friend of mine on FB agreed, verbally, to salvage page after page on it to a cache (not waybackmachine, but webcitation). After the situation had changed, when the group was gone, but I had more time to copy such caches to blogs, and I had done some myself, according to priorities and limited opportunity, I asked him for them. No, he hadn't understood that was what he was supposed to do. He was a freemason. I unfriended him. I wouldn't have taken him as a friend in the first place if I had known he was a Freemason. Did I let this setback stop me? No. I republished much I had been able to save, I continued to write, in Paris and surroundings I wrote lots more. This blogger account has accumulated by a few days ago 12,293 posts.* I asked myself, did I miss a blog, did someone delete by hacking my connection, or I myself accidentally delete parts of the numbers, or has somene by hacking deleted parts of my posts from the past?
On Holy Thursday last year, it was 12,060.** It's impossible that I should have written only 233 posts since then.*** And there have been times when I have been looking for something I knew I wrote and didn't find it. Once, it was very easy to identify. I had shared a video by Alex Jones, couldn't find it, angrily returned to youtube and found it again, and shared it again. It was the one where he confronted a man with the question if he had been in Bohemian Grove. I found it very easy to relate to how some of my enemies (like that Freemason I just mentioned) would like to get that away from my blog, if he could hack it.
Content not found on the internet outside my work? When I compose, I often write a main theme in 8 bars divided into 3 + 3 + 2. Haydn did that too. If it's divided like that and isn't Haydn, and isn't Hungarian or Croat folk music, it's arguably on my blog.° Arguments for Geocentrism with God as daily mover, and angels as movers of planets. Not in Sungenis, he prefers a more Deist version. Tychonian, with stars strictly at one and same distance from us (or within an order of magnitude), one light day up? Sungenis prefers Neo-Tychonian, stars being tied to the Sun and therefore moving not just in same speed, but also same sweep as the Sun. He thinks it's an asset for Geocentrism to explain Parallax as Parallax, and not as a dance of angels. An insistance that people in homosexual couples, or who have sought to get into one, when they repent of their sin have two options out, celibacy or real (i e heterosexual) marriage?°° Chaput (whom I unfortunately once referred to as Cupic, my bad and really mea culpa) did that, but he did not make it a polemic point against those who considered Courage International as the only and best way out. Indeed, I don't think he made much polemics otherwise either. What other man do you find admitting on his blogs he has gone: 1) from Evolutionist to roughly Evangelical, 2) from roughly Evangelical to Lutheran, 3) from Lutheran to Novus Ordo, 4) from Novus Ordo to Ecclesia Dei, 5) from Ecclesia Dei to SSPX, 6) briefly back to Novus Ordo (while lacking access to SSPX), 7) to Palmarian, 8) to Feeneyite Sedevacantist, 9) to Novus Ordo / Ecclesia Dei again on the news Ratzinger was elected, 10) getting disappointed with Ratzinger in 2006 and concluding Papacy must be the wrong Petrine succession (I concluded for each local bishop), hence becoming Orthodox, 11) back to SSPX, 12) then to Sedevacantism, 13) briefly giving Bergoglio a chance, one or two Novus Ordo masses attended, 14) Sedevacantist again, 15) giving Alejandro IX a chance, 16) accepting Pope Michael I, and 17) actually managing the stability of staying Conclavist from 2014 to today. That's a record long stability of religious position, for me! What other theologically and politically highly conservative content creator do you find agreeing nearly with the Anarchists in certain social questions (like the rights of the homeless to freedom)? How many other Young Earth Creationists will neither say (a popular but not highly instructed opinion) that God made French and English at Babel, nor that Proto-Indo-European was one of the languages post-Babel, but prefers the theory of a Sprachbund or a succession of Sprachbünde, to which the Yamnaya population was not the earliest contributer? What other Young Earth Creationist offers tables of recalibration for carbon 14 dating into Biblical chronology, and how many Young Earth Creationists have the Roman Catholic Martyrology for Christmas day as their favourite summing up of Biblical chronology? How am I not in contrast with both Sedevacantists who say "Francis" is not the Pope but his open adherence to Deep Time and modern Cosmology is not the issue, and with Sungenis and Hugh Owen who say these are issues, at least the former is an issue, but he is the Pope? What other person reticent to criticise Jews would be an admirer (with reservations) of Bishop Richard Williamson?
That's not how it works? A bagpipe isn't a flute. The air that's sounding isn't simultaneously coming from the mouth, it's coming from the bag. Well, some things similar to the objection to her bagpiping have been said about me.
"We never see him write, he's always begging or lying lazy when we see him"
"He's never there, we don't know what he does. Is he doing drugs or prostituting himself?"
"We have searched his things so many times, and we have never found a portable computer or a cell phone, how can he claim to write on the internet when he has no device?"
"On the cyber he's always seeing youtubes"
These kind of cancel out. A portable computer would be hard to connect, would quickly be stolen when I was away, and even if not would be occasion for people to come and harrass me in the place just after I had published sth they didn't like. A cell phone would be atrocious to do the html and yes, I edit my posts by html, not by wysiwyg. On the cyber I access internet through a PC, and while I add <br /> between the lines, twice between double spaced ones, I appreciate to hear a video as a distraction from the monotonous work. As the cyber is elsewhere than where I have my stuff, and so are the libraries, the people who watch me where I eat, sleep and beg (or busk, if as you should you count the holding up of a cardboard with a blog URL as busking insofar as I offer sth in return) will not see me while I'm before the computer. As one cyber is open at night and as conditions where I sleep often prompt me to go there at night, I may need to sleep during the day after one such night. Instead of respecting this, like they would the day sleep of a night guard, they despise it as symptomatic of drug abuse or too much alcohol. They take turns between the guys who go to bed late and the guys who wake up early to wake me up, so it isn't too easy. They put my things in disorder to force me to spend time on putting it into order, they presume I have lots to throw away, so by doing so they would see my pile of things reduced, on May 23 last year, this forced me to spend a day to put things in a semblance of order, and I missed an occasion to use the lice treatment Marie Rose at the time when I should, on January 16 this year, it took an hour, and being up without the covers got me a worsened bronchitis.
"We don't see him compose now that we observe him"
"How can he compose when he doesn't play an instrument?"
"Isn't he really hearing melodies and unconsciously plagiarising them?"
The latter is impossible, even a fairly simple song like Vårvindar friska, I tried to transscribe from memory to a friend, and got them wrong by the interval of a third lots of places. I can transscribe rhythm, but not melody, from the ear. So, how do I know what notes to write? Well, I know music theory, I both know what intervals are consonant and dissonant and what functions they can have in chords ... and I use that. WHEN I get enough sleep. Which isn't often given what people are putting me through these days, hence the fewer and fewer compositions°°° and poems.~ Hence my lack of rereading Lord of the Rings in extenso, which I used to do. Hence (partly) my disconnect from the Rosary~~ (though not from Hail Mary). Hence my lack of ability to acquire yet another language, though it would have been useful.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Peter Nolascus
Sancti Petri Nolasci Confessoris, qui Ordinis beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum exstitit Fundator, et octavo Kalendas Januarii obdormivit in Domino.
* Square at the bottom of this post:
New blog on the kid: Phishing for an Email
Sunday, 26 January 2025 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:00
** Footnote at the bottom of this one:
New blog on the kid: Suis-je malbouché dans le quartier ?
Thursday, 28 March 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 18:22
*** See the totals for the months after March 2024, not yet the one for January:
Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024 · Production May 2024 · Production June 2024 · Production July, 2024 · Production August 2024 · Production September 2024 · Production October 2024 · Production November 2024 · Production December 2024
° This example, I could actually access a piano in the library and test how it sounded (it's not for piano), so I recall it particularly well:
musicalia: Marche Bellovaque
Saturday, May 7, 2011 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 4:39 AM
It's also notable that you'll hardly find this elsewhere in a better quality of the music sheet. I was out of music paper.
°° deretour: "You-Cat"? No-Cat-But-A-Weasel (part I)
mardi 16 août 2011 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 02:14
°°° Spanska galenskaper is the last, June 24 last year, Canon per due stromenti, nel Missolidio the second last, from February 24.
~ Urban Camper is the last, from May 6 year before last, sorry, second last, the last being in Swedish, for a friend's granddaughter, Gissa djuret! from July 9 last year.
~~ I'm not against it in principle: Quora Consulted on Matthew 6:7 Early Translations of βαττο-λογέω
Monday, 27 January 2025
Mr. Vance, Did You Know That ...
... A, the sanctity of Church asylum is a tradition of the Church going back to when it became legal?
... B, this had a precedent in the Old Covenant?
The need to protect the public is actually met by keeping someone in a sanctuary. And some violent criminals are in fact not very violent people, if only certain others would leave them alone.
I was convicted of violent crime once. It was in 1998. About a month earlier, I had been acquitted.
So, I was only convicted in a court of appeal.
The people I would have preferred to be left alone from were mental health professionals.
I have spent 20 years in France (or it will be 20 years a few months from now) and 15 + years in Paris with surroundings. The time in the South functioned as a sanctuary, meaning, it was in some sense repressive, though obviously less so than a prison, the time in Paris and surroundings has been more and more intensity of indirect, palpable but not seizable, harrassment from mental health professionals. Or people pretending to be. I have not committed any second violent crime despite this, but I sometimes wish I had. The criminal party is they, and the harrassment makes me irritated and they can describe me as dangerous.
It's obviously a very different story with someone who had simply assaulted a perfectly innocent person, for instance to commit a robbery or a rape, who has been convicted of that. But I bet some people who are even convicted of certain violent crimes could be in a situation where they were in some sense defending their dignity against an unjust aggressor like psychiatry. The Swedish one being apparently prepared to compare someone denying a current explanation in sciences to someone committing radical scepticism over all sense experience and use the deviance from Swedish very prevalent scientism to crack down on someone as mentally ill. And obviously, there are very obnoxious people here and there who will try to crack down on someone simply for having his luggage somewhere in the street or a corner of a building or for needing a place to pee and maybe even shit when the closest toilets are closed. When it comes to missing children, in how many cases are they missing according to the other side of a custody battle? Maybe even involving CPS? At least hear the children out in what they say themselves./HGL
PS, to clarify. When I say different, I do not mean in relation to the right of asylum granted by a Church. I mean in relation to getting back one's honours as a respectable citizen./HGL
Adding Up Scenarios
Two Takeaways from This Film · Adding Up Scenarios
A | B | C | |
A | AA | AB | AC |
B | BA | BB | BC |
C | CA | CB | CC |
- AA
- Million in A, guest choses A. 1/9
- AB
- Million in A, guest choses B. 1/9
- AC
- Million in A, guest choses C. 1/9
- BA
- Million in B, guest choses A. 1/9
- BB
- Million in B, guest choses B. 1/9
- BC
- Million in B, guest choses C. 1/9
- CA
- Million in C, guest choses A. 1/9
- CB
- Million in C, guest choses B. 1/9
- CC
- Million in C, guest choses C. 1/9
The next choice is of the host. He will not open the door to the million, and he knows which it is, and he cannot open the door the guest proposed, since he wants to ask the guest if he sticks to the choice.
This means, only AA, BB, CC will subdivide.
- Million in A, guest choses A. Host opens B. 1/18
- Million in A, guest choses A. Host opens C. 1/18
- Million in A, guest choses B. Host opens C. 1/9
- Million in A, guest choses C. Host opens B. 1/9
- Million in B, guest choses A. Host opens C. 1/9
- Million in B, guest choses B. Host opens A. 1/18
- Million in B, guest choses B. Host opens C. 1/18
- Million in B, guest choses C. Host opens A. 1/9
- Million in C, guest choses A. Host opens B. 1/9
- Million in C, guest choses B. Host opens A. 1/9
- Million in C, guest choses C. Host opens A. 1/18
- Million in C, guest choses C. Host opens B. 1/18
Now, we need to count together the possibilities that look the same to the guest, who, a priori, does not know where the million is.
- AB
- Million in A, guest choses A. Host opens B. 1/18
- AB
- Million in C, guest choses A. Host opens B. 1/9
- AC
- Million in A, guest choses A. Host opens C. 1/18
- AC
- Million in B, guest choses A. Host opens C. 1/9
- BC
- Million in A, guest choses B. Host opens C. 1/9
- BC
- Million in B, guest choses B. Host opens C. 1/18
- CB
- Million in A, guest choses C. Host opens B. 1/9
- CB
- Million in C, guest choses C. Host opens B. 1/18
- BA
- Million in B, guest choses B. Host opens A. 1/18
- BA
- Million in C, guest choses B. Host opens A. 1/9
- CA
- Million in B, guest choses C. Host opens A. 1/9
- CA
- Million in C, guest choses C. Host opens A. 1/18
For each scenario, the one where the million and the guest chose the same is 1/18. The one where the million is outside the guest's first choice is 1/9, twice as much./HGL
Two Takeaways from This Film
Two Takeaways from This Film · Adding Up Scenarios
First, watch it, it is wonderful. As far as it goes.
8-Year-Old BEATS GENIUS In Math Contest | Dhar Mann Studios
Dhar Mann Studios | 2 Oct. 2024
- Dad of a girl as employee:
- I got to [1:44] go pick up my uh daughter from school I [1:46] promise to take her out for some ice [1:48] cream you know I just don't want to be [1:49] late
- Employer
- so you're kidding right? The car [1:52] isn't done Mr Crowley's coming by to [1:55] pick it up today and I promised him 10% [1:58] off if it wasn't finished on time
- ...
- Dad of other girl as dad
- who is that you were talking to [4:56] sweetheart
- Other girl
- just some nle in my class [4:59]
- Dad of other girl as dad
- your class that girl looks like she's 8 [5:01] years old
- Other girl
- she is 8 years old she skipped [5:05] a few grades she's supposed to be really [5:06] smart
Takeway. One.
It is not the best way to provide for children to have a job where you can be asked to do overtime, where you are not doing your own timeschedual.
I may certainly need to get a habit of finishing the internet in order to meet someone I love. It will not happen by people observing my willingness to finish the internet to get back to a place where I'm never exactly on time to meet anyone, but either too early and basically harrassed or too late and find sometimes something good, sometimes something superfluous ... and sometimes something missing or out of order or degraded.
Takeaway. Two.
Class is not the best learning environment for everyone.
I'm very happy that I have spoken up against school compulsion. My mother doing so may have saved my life. She has payed a great price for doing that. I have also payed a great price for doing it.
It need not be a special talent, it could be simply an average talented but special dedication to a subject someone else finds boring.
Or it could be being in the wrong spot ideologically. As Swedes I meet online keep showing me about Sweden. I don't classify scientific consensus as identic to scientific observations and experiments. I also don't classify God, angels, devils and human souls as Russell's teapot. Therefore, to those guys, I have an impenetrable epistemic armour, I am indulging in radical scepticism, as if I didn't trust my own and basically everyone else's senses, which I do, I just don't trust everyone else's judgement about logic (I take exception to naturalistic methodology) or in the case of such countrymen or mental health professionals, I don't even trust their honesty.
In her case, being in class worked out in the end. But it was only due to a very unusual luck, both in talent and in occasion, that her bully actually said sorry and became her friend. It is not a proof that lumping people with persons who are likely to bully them is a good idea. And obviously, the right to take someone out of class shouldn't start just when they have been bullied, it should be with the parents and usable for any reason without even explaining.
Yes, some parents are abusive. That's not a reason to disenfranchise basically all parents, or all but a small group of privileged ones.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John Chrysostom
Sancti Joannis Chrysostomi, Episcopi Constantinopolitani, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris, caelestis Oratorum sacrorum Patroni; qui decimo octavo Kalendas Octobris obdormivit in Domino. Ejus sacrum corpus, sub Theodosio juniore, hac die Constantinopolim, inde postea Romam translatum fuit, et in Basilica Principis Apostolorum conditum.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
I Do Not Intend to Join Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. In Masonry
I do not believe in their dedication to personal growth. Get me right. I do not believe they are hypocritical. I simply don't believe personal growth is a priority, once one is past childhood. Achievement is, and growth may follow from that, not from making growth itself a goal to itself.
I believe all my adult life has been hampered by people, many of them, not all perhaps, Freemasons, who have depriorised my interests and projects, in order to give me just another opportunity to achieve their goal of personal growth. Starting when the widow of one freemason and later wife of another asked my grandmother to host me during my university studies, on the pretext I would have difficulties adapting to a students accomodation, which she extrapolated from the harrassments and then partial self isolation I had gone through in my four years of SSHL. It seems to be ongoing to last week, when a complaint I tried to file for harrassment was met with what amounted to police telling harrassers to rearrange their approach, but doing no actual threat to their freedom to continue, as far as I have seen.
It would involve that moment in a bank space (outside office hours of course) when on top of resting from the cold, I also did publicity for my blog Creation vs. Evolution and a man told me it was forbidden to disclose Masonic secrets. Young Earth Creationism isn't a Masonic secret. Me being a Young Earth Creationist isn't a Masonic secret. That was Masonic overreach. Power grab over someone else's work and therefore also life.
I consider Joe Biden as an excommunicated man. I do not intend to join his excommunication.
If he was or if Obama was or if both were involved in extending and reextending offers to qualify myself for Masonry, which I never wanted, I consider them, apart from being evil as also being crooks, if they had been less important and not above the law, or if I as plaintiff had not been put below the law, not under, but below, below its radar, they would be in prison. There are obviously other highranking suspects. The idea that no highranking person has been involved seems ludicrous considering for how long this has been going on.
Biden EXCOMMUNICATED for Joining the Freemasons?
The Michael Lofton Show | 25.I.2025
Joe Biden Openly Embraces Evil. Did He Excommunicate Himself?
Return To Tradition | 25.I.2025
If on the other hand, they have or Biden has done sth to relieve me from other harrassers, there is a possibility I owe him or them both some thanks. I am not counting on it, but even if it were so, I would not extend the gratitude to brotherhood.
I hope that the business degree in 2010 for Donald Trump was that and not a Masonic initiation. I know there are allegations to the contrary, hope they are false.*
My distance is from all rites of Freemasonry, Grand Lodge, Scottish or Grand Orient. Any possible gratitude notwithstanding.
Hans Georg Lundahl
III LD after Epiphany
PS, in case it is not apparent, my distance is also from lodges that take in women, like Zonta, if such, and that take in both men and women, like Droit Humain in Paris XIII'th City Circle./HGL
PPS, I'm not happy that the page from 1983 has been vandalised. See below:
PPPS, Michael Lofton pretended that it mattered for the excommunication a pope could issue and a pope only could issue (namely over a head of state) whether the man was received Master Mason on the 19th when he was still in office or later. It is common knowledge that in order to become a Master Mason one has to have been a Freemason for some time already:
The degrees of Freemasonry are the three grades of medieval craft guilds: Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or Fellow of the craft[5] (now called either "Fellowcraft" or "Fellow Craft"[5][6] in English speaking jurisdictions, and "Companion" in non-English speaking jurisdictions), and Master Mason.
This means Joe Biden was a Freemason prior to stepping down from office. While looking this up for giving a source, I noticed Swedish Freemasonry is distinct from normal Grand Lodge Masonry, my distance is also against the Swedish rite./HGL
* Shamik Banerjee thinks it's false:
Is Donald Trump A Freemason? Debunking Viral Rumours
Authored by: Shamik Banerjee Updated Jan 26, 2025, 03:01 IST
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