Saturday 31 August 2024

Production August 2024

Production August 2024
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A Reminder to Kristian Kristiansen · Les villes de Genèse 10 (FR) · L'Abbé Puga sur le blasphème (FR) · Haniyeh · Sharing on Opening Ceremony (and evidence from Barbara Butch's twitter account) · Sharing on Abortion Pill Reversal · Since I'm Being Pestered by Tolkienophobes ...
Two Things for August 2nd · Überschlau um die Bibel (DE) · Pageard a raison dans sa comparaison (FR) · Tolkienophobes, Buzz Off!
Une Bible anglaise porte le nom de deux communes en France. (FR) · Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima · Melissa Dougherty Refutes Islam AND Protestantism · Can Radically Reduce, Partly Ban, Internet, But Not Abortion · Banning Social Media is an "Authoritarian" Measure
Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market · Para resumir y responder a una paradoja de Epicuro elargida. (ESP) · Delitto Matteotti - Le Parole del Duce e del Figlio del Diputato (Collegamenti, Citati) (ITAL) · Tolkienophobe Identified? · J D Vance-Phobes?
Hay diciplinas sin reservación para gente con título (ESP)
Bonum Festum Transfigurationis (LAT) · Was Noah's Flood and Ark Textually Possible? Interrupting Refutation of Robert A. Moore to Turn to Damien Mackey · Pharaon (FR)
Certains fourbes ne voudraient pas que je sois imprimé (ou que mes textes les soient) (FR) · Sigh. There Are People Who Consider Me a Conspiracy Theorist Already · Le Christianisme n'est pas Dualiste (FR) · What Does Vladimir Mean?
Je n'écris pas tous les jours sur ma propre histoire ... mais quand je le fais, c'est qu'il y a un intérêt au-delà de ma personne (FR)
Je ne pose pas mon espoir en Vladimir II (FR)
Bonum Festum Sancti Laurentii (LAT) · Première femme de Nemrod, ou sacrifice humain ? (FR) · Néanderthaliens et Dénisoviens, avant le Déluge (FR) · Me and Messianic Jews
Quoting the Olive Tree · Need Fanzines Start Fancy? · Pronatalism, yes, but not the Collins' Way
C'est quoi réalisme ? Est-il souhaitable ?
I'm not into The Passion Bible, but DEFINITELY Not Into King James · Once Again, the Truth of Tota Scriptura is not the Error of Sola Scriptura, Young Earth Creationism is NOT Protestantism · Anthony Stine on Georg Bätzing
Vigil of the Assumption
I Recall Christiania in 2004 · CMI Seems to Have a Will to Hammer Away Geocentrism · St. Augustine vs Jimmy Akin (on one topic) · Elisabeth Tudor or Boleyn as Distributist and Luddite
Feast of Assumption
Bonum Festum Assumptionis BMV · Some Have Asked if I Went to Mass · Index IL FR, Pentecôte à l'Assomption 2024 (FR) · Index IL, ENG, Pentecost to Assumption · Not One Vaxx Mandate or Mask Mandate More! · First Twenty Minutes of Dr. Craig and Dr. Ken Keathley · "L'invitation au voyage avec Corto Maltese" (FR) · Controversial claim somewhat debunked "Deus vult never said at Clermont" — or was it? · Catholic vs Orthodox · Catholic vs Jewish

I'm Annoyed When Some Call Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" ... ESPECIALLY If they are Jews · Edward Pleń (Sharing a Story) · Bishop Williamson Closed by Reminding of the Rosary (Even for Non-Catholics) · Who Was Berthier? · Is Armenia East of Babylonia?
Laissons les Delon en paix, à moins d'être invités. (FR) · A Good Defense of the Assumption, Plus My Comments
2 Pierre 3:8 et l'âge du monde (FR) · Crooks' (or Yearick's?) Body Gone · Candace Owens-Farmer and Michael Lofton · "Benedict XVI" alias Antipope Ratzinger
Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Seer of Akita, dies on Feast of the Assumption · He asked why women religious are more often the target · Quick Question on Geocentrism · A "Dominican" Was Wrong · Neanderthals, Carter, Myself · A Beautiful Meeting (and Two Comments of Mine)
Mainly Sharing, but also Underlining · Some Muslims Around Where I Am Are Really Generous
"Psychologist" semble parfois se prendre pour un Chrétien (FR) · "Psychologist" est Kantien (ou quelque chose un peu comme ça) (FR) · "Psychologist" est de gauche (toxique) (FR) · Yes, Amateur Researchers Sometimes Do Defeat the Professional Sceptics
Il y a des connards (et connasses) qui n'ont pas leur place dans la culture occidentale (FR) · Next Question on Geocentrism
Bonum Festum Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli (LAT) · Statistiques (FR) · For Those Who Still Attribute Göbekli Tepe to Noah
I Tried to Sign One Petition and Got Thanked for Signing Another — or maybe not (see PS) · First Forty Minutes where Scholastic Answers at least partly Misjudges the Case of Jake Brancatella · Ten More Minutes · Sharing · Levi Joshua Pingleton Nearly Right
Ensayos, estrategías (ESP) · Good Conversion Story · Second Half of Trent Horn's Video on "Political Christianity"
Seven Joys of Mary · Sectarian Harrassment · On Growing Up · The King Returns on the Feast of Trumpets?
Gaslighting Does Not Mean Simply Shifting the Blame · Tovia Singer Shifting the Blame · Le lectorat monte, à l'international et en Russie, mais pas en France (FR) · Accelerated Decay After All? · Trent Horn, an Online Influencer, Against Traddier Online Influencers, Answered by One · Sharing On The Shooting · Baronius is NOT Galileo
Bonam Diem Decollationis Sti Ioannis Baptistae (LAT) · Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo (FR) · Joe on Judas · What Does "Being in Babylon" Mean? Being Invisible Only Church? No. · A Protestant End Times Theologian (Good on End Times, at least moderately, Bad on Church History and Ecclesiology) · Moon Landing, Not TOTALLY Proven, and Even If Completely True, No Proof Against Geocentrism
Good News and Bad News · Amendment 4, Florida, Sharing a Message from Mgr. Pohlmeier
Prières pour Kamilya (FR) · Père Paul Poupard le secrétaire pour le discours de "Jean Paul II" devant la Commission Pontificale des Sciences ? (FR) · Bad Theology Pushed, Good Theology Rejected (Noah's Drunkenness) · LIII Commenting on Interview with an Ex-Witch (Crowley was no paedophile) (13+) · Otra vez, ensayos · Was the Drainage System of the Rhine There in the Preflood World? · Production August 2024

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