Thursday 15 August 2024

Index IL, ENG, Pentecost to Assumption 2024

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Index XLVIII ENG, Easter to Pentecost 2024 Index L, ENG, Assumption to Immaculate Conception 2024

Bonum Festum Pentecostes · Sanctissimae Trinitatis · Sacratissimi Corporis Christi · Sanctae Clotildis · Cordis Sacratissimi Iesu · Sancti Ioannis Baptistae · Sanctorum Petri et Pauli · pretiossissimi Sanguinis Domini nostri Jesu Christi · Visitationis · Sancti Henrici Imperatoris · Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo · Sanctae Mariae Magdalenae · Sancti Iacobi Apostoli · Transfigurationis · Sancti Laurentii · Assumptionis BMV Christifidelibus lectoribus exoptavi.

"She was exactly right"

One Year Ago · Two Things for August 2nd

Quoting the Olive Tree

Not One Vaxx Mandate or Mask Mandate More!

Some Have Asked if I Went to Mass

New blog on the kid: Refutation of Dr. Steven Nemes · I Heard the Cardinal Zen had Taken on Michael Lofton · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Michael Lofton on Marcel Lefebvre, Me on Both and on Pope Michael · Sola Scriptura is NOT My Position · Michael Lofton Responded to Cardinal Zen · Great Bishop of Geneva! Blunder, Gendron!

Need Fanzines Start Fancy?

Sacré-Cœur Was Shining, When Paris Was Dark? · God's or Man's Anger?

I Recall Christiania in 2004


New blog on the kid: Heliocentrism aggravates the wound of ignorance? · Creation vs. Evolution: Sigh. There Are People Who Consider Me a Conspiracy Theorist Already · CMI Seems to Have a Will to Hammer Away Geocentrism

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Nuns of Belorado~Orduña, Poor Clares! · New blog on the kid: Yet Another Reason to Prefer Pope Michael II

If a Pope Makes a False Move, Can One Oppose Him?

St. Michael was Not the Gunman, but On the Lifesaving Side

I Wasn't at the Opening Ceremony, Thank God!

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Three Takes on Morality · Pro-Death: Misreporting the Kate Cox Case and Misjudging the Ohio Girl of Ten Case · New blog on the kid: Best wishes for your recovery, Mr. Trump! · Yearick or Crooks?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: No, a Transition from Non-Human to Human is Not Possible · Creation vs. Evolution: Origin of Language · New blog on the kid: Palaeolithic Post-Flood or 2957 to 2607 BC, Language, Yes

A Philosophical Difference Between William Lane Craig and Me

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolk Lang QQ · Tolkienophobia · As Tolk Lang QQ Keep Dropping In · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: I'm Not the First to Ask · New blog on the kid: Since I'm Being Pestered by Tolkienophobes ...

Constituents, Interactive Map, Views on Life Issues

She Probably Meant the Register

I did not consider this a spam domain ...

New blog on the kid: Tolkien's Politics · I Thought That Decree Was by Franco · Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolkien Supported Franco's Side in the 36—39 War · Prince Caspian · Tolkienophobes, Buzz Off! · Tolkienophobe Identified? · J D Vance-Phobes?

Some Sense with Bishop Williamson Sharing John MacArthur is Right On Some Horrifying, Indeed On Mary, the Mother of God, in Rebuke of John MacArthur (Sharing) Sharing Dr. Gavin Ashenden About Anglicanism (Sth Similar is True of Lutheranism) (Shared)

Can We Get Her Out? The Ultimate Pro-Abort : a Man who Wants to Not Take Care of His Own Child Link to CMI, Perception of the World of the Unborn Are Legal Abortions Safe? Sharing on Abortion Pill Reversal

Praying the Rosary in Public

Should We Protest Against Satan-Inspired Clothing?

Dora Moutot

Göbekli Tepe Right Now: Tourism Over Archaeology · I Wrote Something Critical of the Handling of Göbekli Tepe

Calling Creationists Racist, with No Evidence

He or She Didn't Mean Youtube, I Presume · I Don't Militate For Closing the Borders of Europe, But I Don't Militate Against It

Who's Lying?

Old Blog Censored

Gematrias for Donald John Trump

"Quora's Cassandra" Follows Me

Someone Compared St. Bartholomew's Massacre to that of Novgorod by Ivan IV

Production May 2024 · Production June 2024 · Production July, 2024

Club 21

Someone viewed an old Index post the last 24 hours

Preponderance of Dates in March · Preponderance for a Date in June / Statistiques d'une semaine et d'un mois (ENG/FR)

Production June 2012 (68 posts) · June 2015 (53 posts) · June 2018 (71 posts) · June 2021 (40 posts) · June 2024

Quoran Stats

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