Thursday 15 August 2024

Some Have Asked if I Went to Mass

No, I did not.

No priest celebrating Mass in Paris is in Communion with Pope Michael II. Most are in "full communion" with "Pope Francis" whom I consider as Antipope Bergoglio. Those that aren't are in partial communion (FSSPX), sth which doesn't make sense, if he's an antipope you shouldn't be in communion at all, if he's the Pope you should be in full communion. Or in communion with no pope, like the Sedevacantists, they are right about Bergoglio but wrong about Popes Michael I (died in 2022) and Michael II (elected last year). I have heard there might also be a place in Paris where someone celebrating Mass (if he's a priest) considers himself "Vicar of Christ, but not Pope" — but that could be old news, and I consider him wrong. Because of mysticalist "election" partly, Michael I rejected Palmar de Troya because of that. And also he was probably only around after Michael I was elected in 1990.

I'll tell you what I did. I fasted yesterday, up to First Vespers. At First Vespers, I broke the fast with ice cream, because it's a feast.

First Vespers = feast days and Lord's days begin 18:00 or 18:30 the day before.

And telling you this is not a question of breaking the commandment in Matthew 6:16. I was basically challenged (yes, someone was aksing me) on "are you really a Catholic" and I had to say "yes, I am" since that follows from the command in Matthew 10:32 which takes priority./HGL

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