Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sectarian Harrassment

Some kind of Jew seems to hope I'll ditch Catholic Christianity.

First, a video by Trent Horn, also Catholic, also of at least partially Jewish origin:

Surviving the "Bible Blitzkrieg"
The Counsel of Trent | 5 Aug. 2024

Here are two comments of mine. On two timestamps. I chose to interact with Trent Horn. That's my right. He did not so far chose to interact with me. That's his right.

0:20 Just happened to me, except instead of getting overwhelmed, I picked the counterexample.

The word "saints" may be used in the NT exclusively about people alive on earth, but Apocalypse certainly at least twices mentions people who have died as what we would call saints.

3:37 When a Protestant cites Ephesians 2:8,9, I cite Ephesians 2:8-10.
When a Protestant cites Matthew 16:18 and says "the rock was Christ", I cite Matthew 16:19 and say "thee" does not mean Christ.

Now, under the second one of them, someone choses to interact with me, and choses to do so in a finally very animosic way. Don't just take my word for it, here is the screenshots:

You saw the part where I said "I refuse to take you as any kind of master"?

I could kind of sense what type of interlocutor he was. But any way, given I have refused to acknowledge him as any kind of master, it is incorrect of him to try to "school" me, if he does. Watch what happens.

Apparently I was mistaken to take him for someone who wanted to make a Protestant talking point of "call no man father on earth", it was a Jew or Ebionite who pretended to understand Jesus better than we Catholics do.

Even C. S. Lewis in Miracles could have informed him that the last words he cited prove that Jesus was not simply along with the rest calling God "our God" ... He did not have the same relationship to God.

Now, I try to correct his misunderstanding of the Bible, by referring to a Church Father, without much interest:

Look at his screen name (or hers), here:

No, the quote does not make Jesus a Unitarian, see Matthew 28 verses 16 to 20. Or:

I and the Father are one.
[John 10:30]

It is true that Jews today are typically Unitarians, most reject Jesus, but some who kind of don't imagine they are accepting the "real Jesus", the pretended Unitarian, whom Christianity supposedly misunderstood. It is in fact they who misunderstand the Torah, including, as I mentioned about St. Athanasius, the Shema. And they misunderstand what Second Temple Judaism was.

Normally, that should be their problem. But some are bent on making it MY problem, and this guy (I hope it's not a gal, gal aren't supposed to behave this bad), opened a youtube account in 2023 in order to have sth to comment from on occasion. If I block this account, he certainly has some other empty account to mobilise, and another.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Narn of Bergamo

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