Sunday 25 August 2024

I Tried to Sign One Petition and Got Thanked for Signing Another — or maybe not (see PS)

Here is the one I tried to sign:

Return to Order: PROTEST! Babylon Bee Mocks Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph —

Here is the one I got thanked for signing:

Your name has been added to the petition! Before you go...will you consider helping us oppose Satanism in America?

While I'm willing to support a few of their campaigns against Satanism, it was the Protestants ridiculing the Perpetual Virginity I was trying to protest./HGL

PS, ah, wait, in the email I got a thanks for signing the right petition!

Thank you so much for signing our petition.

I would like to ask if you could please take the time now to spread the word to your family and friends.

You can simply copy and paste the message below, or send THIS LINK.

Thank you again for signing, and may God Bless you.

***Copy and Paste Message Below***

Hi! A "conservative" satire website recently published a work making fun of the purity of the Virgin Mary and Saint Jospeh! CLICK HERE to get more information and to sign the petition to have the article removed. Thank you!

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