New blog on the kid
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Thursday, 28 February 2019
God Save His Soul, if Possible
I do not agree with Lyndon LaRouche on all, but I do agree there are some people who have conspired for economic misery of the masses. Extending to promotion of abortion and of contraception.
I just heard he had died a few days ago, or rather read so.
Obituary: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (1922–2019)
LAROUCHEPAC | Friday, February 22, 2019
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
What's wrong with Illinois?
Didn't Obama retire from politics?
LifeNews : Illinois Bill Would Legalize Abortions for Any Reason Up to Birth, Force Christians to Fund Them
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Bucaille s'en prenait à la chronologie biblique
P. 6 de son livre:
Par exemple, on ignore la date même approximative de l'apparition de l'homme sur la terre, mais on a découvert des vestiges d'œuvres humaines que l'on situe, sans aucun doute possible, antérieurs au dixième millénaire avant l'ère chrétienne. On ne peut donc retenir comme compatible avec la science la réalité du texte biblique de la Genèse donnant des généalogies et des dates qui font situer l'origine de l'homme (la création d'Adam) environ trente-sept siècles avant Jésus-Christ. La science pourra peut-être donner dans le futur des précisions de dates plus grandes que nos évaluations actuelles, mais on peut être assuré qu'on ne démontrera jamais que l'homme est apparu sur la Terre il y a 5 736 années, comme le veut, en l'an 1975, le calendrier hébraïque. Les données bibliques concernant l'ancienneté de l'homme sont donc fausses.
Il y a des Chrétiens qui prétendent être d'accord avec M. l'abbé Fulcran Vigoroux.
Il prétendait résoudre le problème en donnant davantage de temps que 24 heures (genre, des milliers d'années) à chaque jour de la création en Genèse chapitre 1.
Mais, notons, il le faisait en environ 1880 ... en parlant des fossiles non-humains.
Et sur la base, assez erronée, que les "strates" de faunes "successives" requerraient d'envisager un développement faunal. Rien sur des hommes dits préhistoriques, rien sur la datation par carbone 14.
Donc, il pouvait reléguer ces développements de faunes à une époque antérieure à la création d'Adam. Pour l'histoire à partir d'Adam - je viens de vérifier* - il comptait sur une chronologie de la Septante, peut-être encore des lacunes dans les généalogies (mais pas de manière que celles-ci soient des pures miettes des vrais généalogies), sur un Déluge universel quand à la terre habité par le genre humain, sur huit personnes seulement survivant le Déluge. Il pose la limite en arrière vers 6000 ans avant Jésus-Christ.
Son livre était destiné aux Séminaires, et il était imprimé en 1878.
Bon, que dire, alors, des célèbres ...
... vestiges d'œuvres humaines que l'on situe, sans aucun doute possible, antérieurs au dixième millénaire avant l'ère chrétienne ...
... selon l'idée donc de Maurice Bucaille?
Eh bien, son livre de 98 ans plus tard se base donc sur des méthodes de datations inconnues par l'abbé Fulcran Vigoroux. Notamment déjà la datation par carbone 14.
Et, pour la datation par carbone 14, il y a précisément un doute possible quand à l'exactitude de la datation : le contenu d'origine de carbone 14 en sa proportion avec carbone 12. Et non, je ne parle pas de "oui, le contenu n'a pas été uniformément 100 pCm, on doit calibrer pour des vacillations" je parle d'une montée plus radicale que ces vacillations. Et donc d'un contenu d'origine radicalement inférieur à 100 pCm, comme, si par exemple Göbekli Tepe est daté à 9600 avant l'ère chrétienne (presque ce dont parle Bucaille, bien au-delà des 6000 ans avant la naissance de Notre Seigneur, c'est que le contenu était inférieur à 50 pCm. Comme je viens de préciser dans mes tables sur un ou sur des modèles possibles pour cette montée (des modèles, exceptant les deux premières, assez proches entre eux**).
Göbekli Tepe, alias Babel, commence en 2602 av. J.-C. sur un niveau de 42,89 pCm, d'où la datation à 9600 av. J.-C., et finit en 2562 av. J.-C. sur un niveau de 48,171 pCm, d'où la datation à 8600 av. J.-C.
Puisque Göbekli Tepe n'était pas encore découvert en 1976, Maurice Bucaille parlait vraisemblablement de ... Lascaux, Altamira, ce genre. Lascaux est estimé à il y a 17000 ans, donc 15000 avant Jésus-Christ. Ce serait un peu après 2780 av. J.-C., dont le niveau de 22,169 pCm donne une date de 15230 av. J.-C., certes avant 2735 av. J.-C., dont le niveau de 27,388 pCm donne une date de 13435 av. J.-C.
Car, la dégradation radioactive du carbone 14 prend la forme d'une multiplication des nivaux déjà existants, et un niveau bas à l'origine égale par là un nombre de milliers d'années écoulées dans son effet.
22,169 pCm fait l'effet de 12450 ans.***
27,388 pCm fait l'effet de 10700 ans.
42,89 pCm fait l'effet de 7000 ans.
48,171 pCm fait l'effet de 6050 ans.
50 pCm ferait l'effet de 5730 ans exactement (ou plus ou moins de 10 ans?), ce qui est une demi-vie selon la demi-vie corrigé acceptée à Cambridge.
Il y a pas ou peu de doute que Lascaux soit antérieur à Göbekli Tepe, mais il y a un vrai doute entre les 17000 ans et les moins que 5000 ans, entre les moins de 12000 ans et les quelque plus que 4500 ans.
C'est à dire, il y a ce doute quand à la datation carbonique. La sainte Bible, par contre, exclut très nettement, comme l'avait vu Bucaille, les 17000 ans, les 12000 ans.
Et malheureusement pour sa foi, Bucaille ne s'est pas bien renseigné sur les possibilités que Lascaux avait un âge inférieur à ce qui était dans les médias. Il prenait les dates carboniques (ou d'autres méthodes) pour monnaie comptant, comme si c'était les critères diagnostiques d'une diagnose somatique.*** Et ceci d'une maladie bien connue.
Il faut avouer que cet aspect n'était pas sans importance pour le pauvre Bucaille. C'était la première incompatibilité qu'il prétendait citer entre la science et la Bible. On peut soupçonner que ceci était décisif pour Bucaille, qui était né dans une famille catholique.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
St. Nestor
Perge, in Pamphylia, natalis beati Nestoris Episcopi, qui, in persecutione Decii, cum diu noctuque orationi insisteret postulans ut grex Christi custodiretur, comprehensus est, ac, nomen Domini mira libertate et alacritate confessus, Praesidis Pollionis jussu equuleo saevissime est cruciatus; ac demum, cum se Christo semper adhaesurum constanter profiteretur, crucis suspendio victor in caelum migravit.
* areopage.net/PDF/VigourouxBacuez_ManuelBiblique.pdf
** Le dernier, pour la partie entre Noé et Abraham, le voici:
New blog on the kid : Ma dernière table sur les datations de carbone 14
L'abréviation pcm ou pCm veut dire "pourcent de carbone moderne".
*** Les correspondances entre âges carboniques et niveaux de carbone 14 en pCm se laissent étudier dans ce logiciel:
Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
More Club 21
This is on the blog
Defendente Genolini se trompe sur le Diocèse de York? Non. · Dixit Faarlund: "and these kinds of structures are very unlikely to change within a language" · Jean-Pierre Maury sur l'affaire Galilée · Manuel da Nóbrega: "La diversité pourtant nait par l'éducation et par les autres circonstances, et non par la nature qui est égale en tous les êtres humains." · l'article "Lettre confidentielle" - primo-édition sur la wikipédie · Certains se plaignent de la wikipédia ... · Jacob and his uncle Ishmael are not all the Arab Ancestors there were · One pronounced like wun - question answered by an expert (some do answer questions I write about!) · Les apports de Présent de ce samedi · Deux Exodes · Can Any Sane Man Attack C. S. Lewis? · Contra Klambauer · Roemer n'était pas Jésuite · St Romanus wrote the Christmas Kontakion, I link to an English translation · If Aquinas had had to present the theory of Dörpfeld: Ulisses' Ithaca was Leucada · Corbie, Cîteaux et Grande Chartreuse · TCBS Greatnesses ... and Vitovdan · B B L on French and English Inquisitions · On Real and on Supposed Paganising Syncretism · Loi Naturelle ou Raison Naturelle? · Rue d'Isly Day and Shoah Day. · It's not American to use federal Government to override the decisions of the states? · Nitpicking at Bruce Mitchell · French and Gascon are Romance languages · Leçons de l'onomastique pour "Caroline Parmentier-et-toc!" · Rale=/=rail · Language questions on quora · Difference between fairy tale and legend, illustrated from Hungary · Is this valid in your English? It is in mine. · Histoire pour Pascal Praud (Rattrapage) · Que dire sur un article trouvé en LaCroix ce matin? · Did Arnobius Deny that Celestial Bodies are Alive? · France St Louis IX to Louis XI, V · David Vincent parle d'un Jean pas fils de Zébédée · Quando latín y castellano era el mismo idioma · URL in Blackletters · Redatant la Sardaigne pré-nuraghique avec mes tables? ·Tolkien's Scouring of the Shire (Disagreeing with Plank) · Grain Stores of Joseph · Is Capitalism Scriptural? · Of Course, "True Prophet" in One Sense, Not Another · Error of Category · Différence entre deux chapitres 28
21 * 43 = 903. These 43 come in only 744.
Or 744 / 21 = 35. These 744 have a full 43.
Overrepresented? I think so. Here are the years concerned : 2010 1; 2011 3; 2012 9; 2013 11; 2014 2; 2015 6; 2016 3; 2017 1; 2018 5; 2019 2.
Purely in French?
Two such blogs too:
Répliques Assorties
Sur quora, un mélange · Philo sur Quora · Philo sur Quora, II · urope en 400 av. J. Chr. · Possibilités commerciales des articles de blogs (quora) · La question syndicale · Contre l'Apostasie de Janvier 2016, Pour le Vrai Pape
gm b1 lou
Marco Polo retrouvé · Avant la BD Maya l'Abeille il y avait le livre par Waldemar Bonsels · Authentique, Spirou mag! · À propos le Dynamic Duo · Idéal féminin en superhéroïne ... · Beowulf · Tamara 10
But some on the first one were also in French.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Bonum festum Sancti Matthiae
Christifidelibus lectoribus spero heri habuisse, equidem habui./HGL
In Judaea natalis sancti Matthiae Apostoli, qui, post Ascensionem Domini ab Apostolis in Judae proditoris locum sorte electus, pro Evangelii praedicatione martyrium passus est.
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Remember O'Connor? Sinéad, anyone?
Humans responded all over the world
February 21, 2019 by Fred Clark
What was I doing myself, late 1992?
I was not supporting Sinéad. But I was also not attacking her. I was preparing to go to a monastery (vocation cancelled, no eternal vows, not even a normal novitiate, though later, an improvised one "at home" which was interrupted without my becoming a monk), I moved from where I was renting a room to my grandmother, which delayed everything, she died the year after.
And I had taken my distance from "John Paul II" over other things, perhaps not thoroughly enough, but I was hardly in his fan club, even though still kind of recognising him as Pope. Back then.
If I had had the possibilities to back her or let her down, I might have let her down. As I hadn't, I didn't./HGL
Friday, 22 February 2019
Bonum Festum Cathedrae Sancti Petri Apostoli Antiochiae
Christianis exopto./HGL
Antiochiae Cathedra sancti Petri Apostoli, ubi primum discipuli cognominati sunt Christiani.
NB : Christianis: Un cardinal et un évêque répondent au Document d’Abou Dabi
22 Février, 2019 | Provenance: fsspx.news
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Italy and Ukraine most Restrictive of Free Press? Does it Affect me in France?
I just found these news about press cards in a web document*:
14. The situation in Italy is unique in Europe, if not in the entire world, as the profession of journalist is governed by the Italian Order of Journalists (Ordine dei Giornalisti), comprising a National council and regional branches which issues press cards, and a disciplinary board. The law requires that journalists must be registered with the ODG as professionals, a status which itself sets requirements with regard to age, length of practise and training.
15. In a number of member States, professional journalists possess a press card. It is not mandatory in all cases and does not necessarily define the status of journalist, but it may provide media professionals with a useful means of being identified and recognised as such, particularly by the police or judicial authorities and by the organisers of public events. The authorities issuing press cards may vary from one member State to another.
16. In Belgium, for example, journalists are not required to hold an official press card in order to have the right to work, but the press card does serve the purpose of identifying professionals10 and give them a specific social status, in particular where their pension rights are concerned.
17. In France, press cards, which are not compulsory, are issued by the "Press Card Commission", made up of sixteen full members elected or appointed for three years. The representatives of the trade unions are elected from among the six trade unions representing the profession.
18. In Germany, the non-compulsory press card (Presseausweis) is issued by one of five professional organisations, three of them representing journalists and two of them representing employers' organisations. However, for several years now, commercial organisations have been selling forged or "alternative" press cards without verifying the professional qualifications of the buyers, which has become a cause for concern for the legitimate organisations. The official press card is currently issued on a regional basis in each "Land" but as from 2018 it will be issued on a federal basis, without any change to the criteria governing its issue.
19. In Turkey, press cards are not mandatory but are a useful means of identification for journalists, particularly by police and judicial authorities at political, cultural or sports events. Holders of press cards also benefit from reduced ticket prices on public transport and free admission to public places, including museums, galleries, exhibitions and stadiums. Press cards are issued by the Directorate general for media and information, an institution placed under the authority and management of the Prime Minister. Decisions to issue press cards are taken by a Press Card Commission, comprising 15 members appointed by the Institution of media publications. The regulations governing press cards establish a restrictive list of titles which may obtain a press card, as well as quotas for different types of media and press agencies.
20. In Ukraine, legislation governing national press cards is currently being drawn up. A draft version of the regulations stipulates that the card must be issued by the Journalistic Ethics Commission, at the request of the National Union of Journalists, the Independent union of media of Ukraine or editorial offices of media outlets such as the printed press, TV and radio broadcasters and press agencies. The card will serve to confirm the journalist's professional affiliation as well as their status.
21. In the Nordic countries, press cards are issued by a single national trade union, meaning that obtaining journalist status essentially hinges on membership of the union concerned.
22. In Poland, press cards are not mandatory. They are usually issued by the respective editorial office or media company, with no restrictions applying. International press cards are issued by the professional organisations (the Association of Polish journalists and the Society of Polish journalists).
Italy's current law basically forbids journalism (properly so recognised) without press card, Ukraine's law draft could be doing so - or could have done so in the mean time, since the document is from 2017.
Here was an interesting thing from another point of view:
31. Whereas traditionally sources were identified (agencies, press releases, and investigative work), information now also comes from non-professional sources (bloggers, “you-tubers”, content generated by the users, etc.). The question of the “user-generated content” or the generic terms “citizen journalism” concerns this expertise in a relatively limited manner since by definition non-professionals do not have any particular status. No country in Europe grants the status of journalist to persons who do not meet the necessary requirements, i.e. that their main occupation is the processing of information and that this is how they earn their living, which does not, of course, apply to amateur bloggers. In theory, for example, bloggers in Germany may obtain a Presseausweis provided they meet the afore-mentioned requirements for its allocation. However, as a result of the media economy single individuals who do not sell their articles to press organisations simply cannot make journalism their main activity and source of revenue.
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Provisional version Doc. … 4 December 2017
The status of journalists in Europe, Report
Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
Rapporteur: Ms Elvira DROBINSKI-WEISS, Germany, Socialists, Democrats and Greens
In this context, it can be interesting, I am fairly much viewed in Ukraine and Italy:

This means, some of my viewers there may be wondering:
- Do I have a press card?
- If not, what am I doing without one?
- No, I don't.
- In France it is not legally required to do journalism, even properly so called.
It is interesting the "Press Card Commission" here has 16 members, this means that any blog stats from France with 16 views (or multiple thereof) could in theory be from the "Press Card Commission".
Now, what is so special about paragraph 31?
No country in Europe grants the status of journalist to persons who do not meet the necessary requirements, i.e. that their main occupation is the processing of information and that this is how they earn their living, which does not, of course, apply to amateur bloggers.
It doesn't?
Well, my main occupation is actually processing of information (I blog full time), my living is got by ... charitable deeds by others. Sometimes inspired by the fact I show a cardboard which specifies the links to my processed information.
My hoped for future living would be to get posts republished and printed commercially, in books (usually monographies or essay collections) or in papers (dailies, magazines, periodicals) on a basis of non-exclusive general licence right for them and voluntary (since adapted to their means) remuneration for me. This general licence is granted both to professionals and to amateurs (fanzine redactions) and also to those wanting to transition from amateur to professional (or vice versa).
It has already been formulated a few years ago, and here is the page on a wordpress blog that was disconnected by the loss of the email I connected by and accessing it too late to reset password and email, no, actually it was the blog which was disconnected without such a misadventure:
hglwrites : A little note on further use conditions
hglwrites : Conditions d’utilisations ultérieures …
So, my plan has been foiled for some years by now, by people probably claiming behind my back, untruthfully, one cannot republish what I write, since I don't have a press card and am not recognised as a journalist. And while my posts have not been republished, commercially printed, I am not not recognised as a journalist due to not having my blogging as source of income, directly. Some people, when I hold a cardboard with my blogs on them, actively try to avoid dealing with the fact I am offering something to read - while others, though fewer as time goes by, appreciate my initiative and promise to have a look at my blogs.
The fact is, in order to start an edition of anything I wrote, either long single essay or article or blogpost or a series I connected, or a collection made without my connecting them, by editor chosing them, or even culled from the link lists given on the posts dealing with viewer statistics (most viewed posts or posts viewed by "club 21"), I don't have to be beforehand a recognised journalist, and you don't even have to be beforehand a recognised editor. BUT, if you do the edition in France, commercially or otherwise, up from 100 copies to the public, you are required to send one copy to national library.
So, I wonder how much of the pushing this project back has come from Italy where "the profession of journalist is governed by the Italian Order of Journalists (Ordine dei Giornalisti), comprising a National council and regional branches which issues press cards, and a disciplinary board" and where "[t]he law requires that journalists must be registered with the ODG as professionals, a status which itself sets requirements with regard to age, length of practise and training". This sounds like a requirement from the era of Mussolini, and while I am in a sense for corporativism, I am not against his memory, I am also not for its applying in a restrictive sense to professions of free expression. I also wonder how many in Ukraine have been implementing such a policy, if the back in 2017 law draft made the press card compulsory.
One type of reporting I do is a bit special : I report debates held on internet. With youtube or forums, which do not require use of real name, I use the screen name chosen. With FB, which does, I do not always do so, but for non-public persons (not published writers, not priests, not teaching at university etc) I prefer to anonymise, since their debate with me was not set on public and they need not always want their profile to be known.
As in such cases I do not make all the text, I think it is fair to include a special clause for the blogs where I do that (or sometimes also single posts on stray other blogs).
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright
Short version : if you want to republish, for this type of post, it is preferrable to get the release from the other participants, and to pay them a part too of the royalties.
This applies to many posts on : Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere, Répliques Assorties, Antworten nach Sorte, Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl and HGL's F.B. writings and also to some stray posts on other blogs.
Hat tip to Hilde Lysiak, whose misadventure with a policeman bullying her led to comments making me look up what rules apply here.
OSN Publisher Hilde Lysiak Threatened With Arrest
Orange Street News | 18.II.2019
One commenter said, in US you don't strictly need a press card, but in France you do. The fact is, in France you don't in order to write, but in situations of reporting what is going on, like going forward with a camera or a notepad and pencil, a press card is very useful to notify people you are on legitimate business. As my information processing is more articles than "reportage", I don't tend to come into that kind of situation. I did the 15.XII.2018, though:
New blog on the kid : Accident de voiture, samedi soir, Bd de St Michel, Paris
While I actually did report, my reporting was also a bit hampered by the lack of a press card.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Severian of Scythopolis in Palestine
Scythopoli, in Palaestina, sancti Severiani, Episcopi et Martyris, qui, Eutychianis acerrime se opponens, gladio peremptus est.
Martyred by an angry Copt or some (basically, Eutychians basically being that), and the city he was bishop of is today known as Bisān or Beit She'an.
PS, the report has these references : Reference to committee: Doc. 13970, Reference 4193 of 22 April 2016.
Update on Miss Hilde Lysiak's misadventure with the police, while reporting for Orange Street News:
Patagonia Apologizes to OSN, Will "Not Tolerate any Further Restrictions on Freedom of Speech."
Orange Street News | 28.II.2019
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
[Forgot to entitle it as about Club 21]
Creation vs. Evolution
On Reading The Greatest Show by Dawkins - Parts of it! · Why Hate Creationism in Schools? · A Letter Arrived from AronRa · "How Science is Done" - "The Test for Credibility" · Mark Shea Basically Calls Creationists Protestants · I thought Hans G, Australia (also a reader of CMI site) was a spoof on me · Dr. Frank Press ... · Two Points on Asher’s Book – and a Third One · Literal Sense vs Literalistic Approach, Allegoric Sense vs Figurative Approach · How Smart Was Ancient Man? · Just Ask Anyone .... · Correcting CMI on Aristotle · "They even have little papers they sign that say they must fit everything into the Bible." · Graham Hancock had sth to Say on Göbekli Tepe · Pääbo and Habermehl · New Scan for Carbon Curves · "Pope Francis" is Not a Creationist · Can Genesis stand after chapter 11 if you accept uniformitarian dates? · Volunteering as Contributor Five ... · Chromosome Split After All? What Does it Take? · A difference of style · Syncellus A bis, the table
somewhere else
Laws of nature · Let's celebrate atheism! (guess what day of the year ...!)
Great Bishop of Geneva!
Deinippus in Corinth ... · Answering Bernard Ramm on Inerrancy · Reading some from a Mormon Church History · Tim Chaffey answers how Apostolic Succession can survive Sinful Bishops · Mark Shea's Understanding of Scripture · A Suspicious Testimony
(502 + 127 + 128) / 30 = 25 1/3
(502 + 127 + 128) / 21 = 36 1/21
Yes, if we restrict us to only multiples of 21, this is underrepresented, not overrepresented.
However, if we added near matches, like 20 and 22, 41 and 43, 62 and 64, 83 and 85, we might overall have an overrepresentation. At least if we interpret this as deliberately going around multiples of 21./HGL
PS, 26.II.2019, this post has a multiple of 21, namely 42 page views ..../HGL
PPS, 28.II.2019 its up in 63 page views .../HGL
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Que Dieu ait son âme!
Décès d’Henri d’Orléans, le comte de Paris (catholique ou franc-maçon ?)
Publié le 21 janvier 2019 par Rédaction de Contre-Info
S'il s'était retiré de la franc-maçonnerie, s'il avait (en tant que ça dépendait de lui, sa prétention à la couronne n'est pas indisputée, mais les autres peuvent confirmer sa mesure) consacré la France au Sacré-Cœur, et s'il est décédé le jour du martyre de Louis XVI, de mémoire vénérable (mais vraiment vénérable, pas maçonniquement!), alors on peut espérer le mieux!/HGL
I signed against Netflix

I did not do so without checking.
There is a scene which is called "The Dark Baptism of Sabrina Spellman". I watched exactly long enough to see that a "Dark Lord" (either Satan or similar) is in fact doing the paraphernalia of preparing someone for baptism, except, in context it is clearly not going to be a Christian one.
I not only urge Netflix to either quit producing or set higher age limits, but also urge Kiernan Brennan Shipka to stop playing with Hell fire.
As I thought of Cassie Bernall, "she's too pretty for Hell". Not too theological, perhaps, but it's kind of my take.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Gabinus
PS, if you like to sign yourselves, here is a link:
America Needs Fatima : Tell NETFLIX to Cancel Its EVIL Teenage Witchcraft Series Chilling Adventures of SABRINA
PPS, if there are really chilling adventures you are interested in, watch this : Prophecies of the Virgin Mary from Fr. Gobbi on China and Russia from Fatima and more, 5_7_2013 - however, all might not be accurate, I would stay wary of Medjugurje, which he believes in./HGL
Monday, 18 February 2019
How Russians Might be Seeing C. S. Lewis ...
A little poisoned gift from Russian wikipedia:
Льюис, Клайв Стейплз
I'll cite in extenso the sections on Mrs Moore and on his Christian conversion.
After this come sections on World War II, Inklings and Cambridge, Joy Davidman Lewis, Illness and death. And after that, a bibliography.
I must say, while I have a certain trust in wikis, a wiki is not worth more than the general level of culture of those speaking its language, plus some more, what geeks can add without the general culture actively pulling it down.
On the subject of C. S. Lewis, the Russian wiki reveals real barbarism.
C. S. Lewis' relation to his father is mangled, because "vulgar" (the father had an English that owed some to Irish brogue, "Padayta Bird") is replaced by "rude". The prayer life prior to apostasy was not abandoned bc it was a living anguish of trying to convince himself he was so repentant he could count on God's grace, but because it was perceived as a duty. The motives for apostasy are outlined in intellectual detail as being theodocy problem, his motives to return to Theism, and one year later Christianity, are not shown, except the emotional ones.
While he was intensely both emotional and intellectual, the Russian wiki unterestimates the emotional thrust behind his apostasy, and overestimates the emotional thrust behind his conversion, and vice versa.
His relation to Mrs. Moore discusses at length the "probability" probably not such, that he and Mrs Moore were lovers. Maureen Moore, A. N. Wilson and "George Sawyer", who is claimed to have been in friend. In reality, George Sayer had C. S. Lewis as tutor, that is as supervisor of his studies, they knew each other academically. Tolkien predicted that Sayer would not only find him interesting but "never get to the bottom of him". So, Sayer was guessing.
Just in case a sexual relation with her would not be sufficiently damning on C. S. Lewis' general mental balance, he is presented basically as a boy with delayed development having a psychological need for mummy, and getting it through Mrs. Moore.
It is also said he never spoke ill of her, I think you need to read The Four Loves, the chapter on Storge or Affection, in which it comes out that, while generous, someone (CSL did not name Mrs Moore, but I don't find too many other suspects) also insisted on her generosity being what was accepted, even if it disrupted other plans. Including writing. Including to male friends talking books (Mrs. Moore like the father were not as highly educated, I seem to recall, and was not capable of partaking in all their conversations).
The last paragraph on Lewis trilemma gives an easy debunking and withholds Lewis' answer:
Тезис подвергается критике по аналогии с «ложной дилеммой»: по мнению критиков, посылки не исчерпывают всех возможностей. Например, Льюис якобы не учитывает возможности того, что сам Иисус не делал приписываемых ему утверждений или того, что в остальном этически безупречный человек может заблуждаться по одному поводу (ср. Уильямс 2012[2], сам Уильямс не разделяет позиции критиков).
The thesis is criticized by analogy with the "false dilemma": according to critics, the premise does not exhaust all the possibilities. For example, Lewis allegedly does not take into account the possibility that Jesus himself did not make the statements attributed to him or that otherwise an ethically flawless person might be mistaken on one occasion (cf. Williams 2012 [2], Williams himself does not share the position of critics).
As a literary critic, C. S. Lewis was quite able to know that the Gospels were no poems, no allegories, no as yet invented genre of fiction, but either biography or someone had invented the realistic novel centuries beforehand - because of all undramatical detail, like the writing in the sand etc. It is also impossible to claim that the claim to be God was other than central for Our Lord. He basically died a martyr's death for it. The supposed "added possibilities" are impossibilities of first rank.
Or, other version, everyone around him misunderstood "him", but we centuries later are able to understand what "he" really meant. Totally implausible as well. No, the main candidates would be the ones resumed as Lord, Liar, Lunatic, of which the wiki correctly states that C. S. Lewis did not use those three word resumés, but ties it down to them being provocative**. In reality, C. S. Lewis has a very well articulated literary style and would have been very hard pressed to resume what he had said (correc quote is given) in three words, but had he succeeded, he would probably have chosen precisely the known ones, Lord, Liar, Lunatic; Mad, Bad or God. But seriously, that kind of very short slogan was not his style. He was as provocative as his longer civilised phrases permitted.
But this piece of intellectual C. S. Lewis, as truncated as it is, is not even on the main article.
Mostly, the very distorted view of C. S. Lewis is made by omissio veri et suggestio falsi, only sometimes by mistranslation. In other words, collectively the wikipedians (if more than one, sometimes one is hired) have cherrypicked actual quotes so as to make it look as if C. S. Lewis' conversion were a kind of progressive nervous breakdown. An alternative explanation, that he became Christian in a non-denominational style of apologetics, as a kind of cure to troubles in Ireland, is suggested.
Not sure how any Russian reading that wiki could find any interest in reading C. S. Lewis, or see him as other than a complete cook. But fairly certain, there are powers in Russia who like this approach. They hate the suggestion of intellectually coherent Christianity, and vastly prefer a purely moral stance, like the conversion in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. This is true in common of Atheist and of a certain type of Orthodox. And very probably a few more, like some Jews.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Bernadette Soubirous
* I may have been wrong, it could have been a reference to Thomas C. Peters, Simply C. S. Lewis: A Beginner’s Guide to the Life and Works of C. S. Lewis, Crossway, 1997.
** "и не использовал провокационных формулировок вроде англ. «Lord/Liar/Lunatic»[2]." / and did not use provocative formulations like English. Lord / Liar / Lunatic [2].
Трилемма Льюиса
Club 21
Fun fact : this post only got nine readers since yesterday, but the next one got ... 21! In 24 hours.

New blog on the kid : How Russians Might be Seeing C. S. Lewis ...
Sunday, 17 February 2019
Lisa Haven May Have Sth to Say Which Needs Hearing
This Is What I WARNED You About: Trump Issues Emergency THEN All Hell Breaks Loose! Civil War?
Lisa Haven | 17.II.2019
I usually do this kind of post over at Assorted Retorts.
Here are anyway two comments of mine to this video, sharing along with it on the post:
1:53 Hear, hear!
Indeed, Rome had c. 100 years of Civil War from the Gracchi to the Battle of Actium because Optimates and Populares were escalating war measures against each other's politics.
You want the wall ...
What do you think of this proposal?
New blog on the kid : Tip to Wall Builders
Cheaper than the one Trump's declaring national emergency for?
Funny side note? Look here:

Saturday, 16 February 2019
Does God Want Non-Christian or Non-Catholic Religions?
When a plane crashes, God willed to allow this to happen, but we cannot say He took joy in the plane crash as such. We must say He took occasion to bring good out of that evil. He ended the life of a good man, before it went bad, so he could go to Heaven; He allowed a widow to dedicate the rest of her life to God; He allowed a surviver to thank Him and find Him, and so on. But the plane crash as such, while He decreed it, He did not will it for its own sake and probably left the execution of it to created, not only material causes. When He brought the Flood, whatever the mechanism, He probably made angels or even demons do the work, except where it was directly salvific, as in reducing the dinosaur population*, and He used His own activity for upholding the Ark.
I will bring in sth which appears unrelated. In 1666, the Russian Church received a Skirzhal, part of which was a more Greek rite on certain rituals (how fingers are held in the sign of the cross and so), part of which was also introducing a change in doctrine, by denying the Immaculate Conception (this has since spread to other parts of the Orthodox world, due to Russian preponderance).
Now, as you may have guessed from the title, I am writing on the words of "Pope Francis", that God wills religions other than Catholic Christianity. This new doctrine is pretty clearly a kind of doctrinal "Skirzhal", but there are other aspects of the 1666 event I will also use. But now, let's get to the text of Bergoglio. It seems he said as much in Evangelii Gaudium (section 254):
Non-Christians, by God’s gracious initiative, when they are faithful to their own consciences, can live “justified by the grace of God,” and thus be “associated to the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ.” But due to the sacramental dimension of sanctifying grace, God’s working in them tends to produce signs and rites, sacred expressions which in turn bring others to a communitarian experience of journeying towards God. While these lack the meaning and efficacy of the sacraments instituted by Christ, they can be channels which the Holy Spirit raises up in order to liberate non-Christians from atheistic immanentism or from purely individual religious experiences. The same Spirit everywhere brings forth various forms of practical wisdom which help people to bear suffering and to live in greater peace and harmony. As Christians, we can also benefit from these treasures built up over many centuries, which can help us better to live our own beliefs.
Cited via Mark Shea, who himself cites Where Peter Is.
Non-Christians, by God’s gracious initiative, when they are faithful to their own consciences, can live “justified by the grace of God,”
At least for a time, and when their access to information on Christianity is scarce, perhaps even to death. Feeneyites have argued, the miraculous events in which someone was given knowledge of Christianity by an angel years before a missionary came prove that if they had been living upright, they would have been granted such a miracle, but non-Feeneyites could argue these miracles are part of the praeparatio evangelica of that village or remote people (my favourite example would be the Yaquis, who already believed the Christian dogma when the Spaniards came and who therefore only had to be told the name of Jesus or the names of Jesus and Mary, the historic detail. As a result, they maintained their sovereignty, though as being a small people they were in effect a protectorate of the Spanish realm.
But the case considered here is when they are in a non-Christian religion. The Jesuit Father Busenbaum (cited by Cardinal Newman, in answer to some English lord) would agree so far.
and thus be “associated to the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ.”
How associated is someone to the Paschal Mystery, who does not believe in Crucifixion and Resurrection?
In the case of a non-Christian not yet given the intellectual and sacramental means to become a Christian, but doing the most he can, there is a probability in relation to this theoretic case (by definition it cannot be observed by Catholics, since the presence of a Catholic would change the issue, would involve giving the non-Christian the means to become a Christian) that they have sanctifying grace. And sanctifying grace in its turn was won on Calvary.
This would suggest that what God would prefer to do would be to give that person access to the Paschal Mystery, by making him a Catholic.
But due to the sacramental dimension of sanctifying grace, God’s working in them tends to produce signs and rites, sacred expressions which in turn bring others to a communitarian experience of journeying towards God.
Here Bergoglio is seriously fuddled. The signs and rites of a non-Christian religion have very different origins, and God's grace does not have monopoly on inspiring a tendency to them. For instance, when St Thomas Aquinas discusses magic not made by conscious invocation of demons known as such, he considers the efficacy due to implicit compacts with demons, not necessarily known as such. That obviously also expresses itself as signs and rites of a magic practise or of a religion. A very well known example would be how the nymph Egeria (more probably witch than demon) gave Numa Pompilius the art of divination, an illicit art (as she thereupon married him, I'd not take incorporeal demon as being too probable, they were after all seen on the streets of Rome after that).
We also have the fact that some rites and signs are inherited from earlier true religion (from pre-Hebrew in Pagans, from pre-Temple Mosaic in Samaritans, from second Temple Judaism in Rabbinic Judaism, from Christianity in heresies) or plagiarised from various sources (like Islam takes over several Christian and Jewish practises with some variation).
While these lack the meaning and efficacy of the sacraments instituted by Christ,
they can be channels which the Holy Spirit raises up
Uses, not raises up.
in order to liberate non-Christians from atheistic immanentism or from purely individual religious experiences.
While Atheism or Deism is probably a very early temptation (more probably Nimrod's than occultism, on my view) it is also fairly élitist and impopular. Therefore that would not be the default state of a non-Christian.
And how "purely individual religious experiences" would be more likely to be demonic than the workings of a wrong and therefore at some point clearly demon dominated religion (like Calvinists on doctrine of salvation, moral theology and pastoral, and in sacramental rites, are objectively bowing down to demons, cutting them off from truth, that not being the case with other issues, like belief in a creator, or, when still there, in a recent creation), is not clear.
As the man who loyally practises all that is good in Islam or Judaism or Buddhism and somehow escapes culpability for what is evil in them, would be given graces by God, these would tend to raise him above what is evil in Islam or Judaism or Buddhism, and obviously same thing for any of the religions within Hinduism. And that would mean that up to perhaps becoming Catholic, he would owe more and more of the grace to individual religious experience, and less and less to the full extent of external teaching or doctrine of a false religion.
No, "atheistic immanentism" is indeed worse than the teachings of a false religion, but can in practise sometimes be safer than the practises of one. And "atheistic immanentism" is a positive error. On the other hand, "purely individual religious experiences" (how horribly psychologising that sounds!) are - while defined as such - problematic only because lacking the objective certitude of certain truths that Catholicism as a teaching Church going back to Christ can give.
It is not clear why someone would profit even from being liberated from them, except from those that happened to be false.
The same Spirit everywhere brings forth various forms of practical wisdom which help people to bear suffering and to live in greater peace and harmony.
Certainly, but sometimes through and as often against a given false religion.
As Christians, we can also benefit from these treasures built up over many centuries, which can help us better to live our own beliefs.
In certain cases, yes. St Paul was not against profiting from the wisdom of the Aeneid, or of the Georgics, as witnessed by his crying on Virgil's tomb. But remember, the Cumaean sybil in Song VI, if St Paul had met her, he would not have asked to make a nekyia, he would have driven a demon out of her.
Some ritual of non-Christians is innocuous, as far as it goes. Some Muslims do well when they fast (others who revel all night through do less well, but I met at least one who doesn't, or didn't - not sure if he is still both alive and Muslim). This doesn't mean Islamic doctrine is overall OK. And as a religion involves both doctrine and ritual, we cannot say what is wrong with Islamic doctrine is willed by God and we cannot say Islam is willed by God, except, as a plane crash is permitted by God.
And the Skirzhal of 1666 was also not willed by God, not for itself, while more Greek rites may be OK, denying the Immaculate Conception was not OK. This is obviously in some ways a parallel to Islam (in the way it involves denials, those of Islam more catastrophic, but the ritual is comparatively not so bad), and on the other hand not a parallel (the Greek rites of the Skirzhal are Christian rites, directly related to the Paschal mysterium, while the rites of Islam have at best or at least bad an only immanent value, like decencies of atheism, when it is decent, which is not always the case).
The upshot of a paragraph like this, would perhaps socially be to encourage concentrating on the "edifying" rituals of any given religion, ignoring its doctrine, and therefore feeling consternation at those who do not ignore doctrine, and who sometimes therefore also convert, including to Catholicism. I am trying this as my best to avert that result.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Onesimus
* "Thou by thy strength didst make the sea firm: thou didst crush the heads of the dragons in the waters." [Psalms 73:13] Flood brought lots of mud since then solidified and we find lots of dino fossils or dino subfossils, many of which lack the head.
Meurtriers de Popieluszko encore en liberté? (lien)
Meurtre du Père Popieluszko : l’heure des comptes a sonné
15 Février, 2019 Par fsspx.news
Ou j'avais mal lu, le coupable avait déjà purgé une peine, mais le procès pourrait être refait si la qualification monte de meurtre peut-être gratuit à meurtre très bien prémédité.
Selon le procureur de la Commission d’enquête sur les crimes contre la nation polonaise, les meurtriers de l’ecclésiastique se sont en effet introduits dans son appartement de Varsovie ; ils y ont déposé des armes et des prospectus visant à l’accuser de complot contre l’État communiste.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Why Would Doctors Do That?
Mom Carries Dying Baby to Term to Donate Her Organs: She'll Give 'Other Babies a Second Chance'
Doctors gave Davis two options: induce labor immediately or carry the baby to term and donate the child’s organs.
What about a third, carry the baby to term and NOT donate the child’s organs?
Rylei donated two heart valves that will go to two children in need, while her lungs will be donated for research and development of her condition anencephaly, Tennessee's WTVC-TV reported.
There are articificial heart valves, and harvesting a heart may be the killing of a person. Arguably according to some even is.
Lungs were not even donated to transplants, but to research.
Why could she not have died and been buried when she was dead for real and intact?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Valentine
PS, was the girl baptised?/HGL
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Speaking of C. S. Lewis
While he was not identic to Lewis Carroll, he did reference the Humpty Dumpty fondness for using words to mean whatever one feels like making them mean, without reference to common usage. He didn't like it, and I suspect Lewis Carroll didn't like it either, since his Humpty Dumpty comes across as a satirical figure.
Now, some like to attack C. S. Lewis too, and here is a reference or two about a biography which is not very accurate:
A Pilgrim in Narnia : A.N. Wilson’s C.S. Lewis: A Mythology
Posted on February 11, 2019
You can see a list of errata by Kathryn Lindskoog here.
And "here" is this link:
Into the Wardrobe – a C. S. Lewis website : A. N. Wilson Errata
by Kathryn Lindskoog
It can be noted that A. N. Wilson means Andrew Norman Wilson, so, the references to "Ann Wilson" at the end are so to speak a reply to his own sloppiness in getting facts correct./HGL
It seems Donald Trump did the right thing I was talking of
I got this through Mark Shea and Simcha Fischer who are by no means Trump-enthusiasts:
Although President Donald Trump rescinded the family separation policy and a federal judge has ordered the government to reunite approximately 2,000 children with their parents, many families remain in limbo.
WNYC : Migrant Mom Poised to Reunite with Children Shares Detention Story
Jul 3, 2018 · by Beth Fertig
This text is good, it tells of things remaining to be done, but it linked to two news I hadn't heard of and I appreciate very much:
NYT : Explaining Trump’s Executive Order on Family Separation https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/us/politics/family-separation-executive-order.html
LAT : Judge’s ruling on families separated at border sets stage for new immigration showdown. Here’s a breakdown
By Alene Tchekmedyian and Kristina Davis | Jun 27, 2018 | 8:00 AM
What Does "Radical" or Extremist" Mean?
It seems Russian justice has some rubber terms where you can go to gaol for "attitutude problems".
For instance, in Russia it would seem, from a notice I saw some months ago, "pedophilia" is a criminal charge in and of itself, not just if accompanied by for instance statutory rape or seduction of someone too young to marry or possession of child pornography or abuse of a child. Some historians have claimed such and such a mass grave was from victims of Commies back in 1939 or sth or earlier, some other ones have then claimed "no, it was the Finns during Winter War" (or perhaps Continuation War) "who did it", and one historian who opposed this revision then has been put into prison on charges of "pedophilia".
It would seem it is the same with "extremism". You don't have to throw bombs to be put into prison for "extremism" in Russia, since the JW sect definitely are not terrorists, and yet one JW is now about to serve 6 years prison for "extremism".
JW Sentenced to 6 years in Prison. Dennis Christensen Persecuted in Russia. SDAs Next
SavingHealthMinistries | 6.II.2019
I can for now only go by the title, since in this library I have no earphones. And by description:
Dennis Christensen was arrested in May 2017 after a police raid on his congregation just south of Moscow. He was found guilty of extremism. "I do not agree with this judgment, it's a big mistake," Christensen told reporters after being led away in handcuffs in the city of Oryol.
While the judgment is a big mistake, so is the law.
What's extremist about JW? They deny the soul continues to exist immediately after death (they also claim it is recreated on the day of resurrection, but that is less extreme), well put all atheists in Russia into prison for extremism!
Or, they deny the divinity of Christ? Well, there are Muslims who need prison about as much, and not just the ones who throw bombs. And some Jews too, if that's the problem.
Or, they assemble at home? So did the Catholics or Orthodox (whichever of them is the true Church) back in the days of Pagan Caesars.
It is even a mistake with Salafists, just because some Chechens who are so have thrown bombs doesn't mean everyone who is so is likely to throw bombs. BUT this type of persecution is making them somewhat likelier than otherwise.
Or, is it extreme to refuse blood transfusions? Well, antivaxxers, take care, avoid Russia! It's a medical dictatorship. Oppose one routine treatment and you are "extremist" ...
In a doctrinally unified population, where other religions exist as somewhat marginalised minorities, some kind of inquisition makes sense. Our modern world is hardly like that anywhere. If Monaco (previous to the latest princely marriage) had wanted to introduce inquision against non-Catholic Christians, France would have stopped that. Russia is not unified behind all full citizens being agreed to love Catholicism or its schismatic version Russian Orthodoxy, but one tries to unify Orthodox, Muslims, Jews, Tengriists and of course Atheists around a common hatred, that of "extremism", the new bogey man, where a JW can go to prison because one and same buzz word ""extremist" can socially be applied to him as well as to the bomb throwing terrorist, even if very clearly he is not a bomb throwing terrorist. And speaking of Chechnia, it seems Russia provoked some, by being too cruelly repressive.
Radical and extremist are apparently words with no meaning, except every Russian judge can play Humpty Dumpty* about what they mean in a given case.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Agabus, Prophet**
* Yes, that is a reference to Lewis Carroll, not to C. S. Lewis.
** Antiochiae natalis sancti Agabi Prophetae, de quo beatus Lucas in Actibus Apostolicis scribit.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Des tags antisémites sur des boîtes à lettres?
La swastika, parce que certains l'associent au national-socialisme?
Ou l'image de Simone Veil, parce qu'elle est considérée comme juive et parce que comme ministre elle facilitait l'infanticide prénatal, de manière de donner une réputation aux Juifs comme pro-avortement?/HGL
Monday, 11 February 2019
Désolé en avance si je n'écris pas beaucoup aujourd'hui (et si ce bref billet est un peu saugrenu)
Cette nuit (entre 10 et 11.II.2019), j'étais dans la banque Crédit Agricole à la Mairie des Lilas.
Je suis sorti pour me soulager. Pas resté dedans, en dégradant, mais sorti, en bloquant la porte. Il était 1 h et quelque. En entrant, je me suis préparé pour me rendormir après de regarder un temps si le gardien allait me déloger.
Il est venu, et quand il était entrée dans la salle de bureau, j'ai ouvert la porte à une dame qui voulait entrer pour retirer de l'argent.
Elle semblait gentille, et j'attendais dehors, juste pour le cas qu'elle allait me faire une générosité.
Elle devait sortir sans avoir rien retiré, la lumière s'est éteinte un peu soudainement, et quand elle est sortie, le gardien était avec elle. J'étais à quelque distance, et je pouvait quand même entendre le mot "il y a d'autres banques". Le gardien avait probablement voulu garantir qu'elle ne soit pas en position de me donner quoi que ce soit.
Je trouve un endroit un peu abrité pas trop loin de là. Le froid et la perte de sommeil déjà faite dans l'effort m'empêchent de me rendormir. Sauf un tout petit peu vers le matin.
Quand je me réveille, et je pars, j'essaie de me rendre à Crédit Agricole. Fermé, verrouillé. (Il est d'ailleurs 6:34) La boulangerie est aussi fermée (le lundi, pas juste encore quelques minutes comme j'avais cru ou espéré). Je m'apprête à chercher une autre banque, plus bas dans l'allée, je me trouve devant une banque que j'avais pas noté très souvent avant aux Lilas. Bred. Je fais un panneau, je me repose, j'écoute ce que fabrique quelqu'un qui s'occupe des automates. Je décide de regarder si la boulangerie est ouverte, pour avoir un café. La boulangerie est fermée, mais je trouve la pâtisserie pas loin. Café et croissant ordinaire.
Je le consume, et un autre client (bon un client, moi je n'en suis pas vraiment un) vient.
Pendant tout ce temps, de temps en temps, un odeur comme de la pisse était venu dans mes narines. Avais-je posé les bagages un endroit impropre? J'ai reniflé en dessous de deux sacs. Avais-je encore l'odeur dans les narines après de pisser (dehors)? Plus fort dedans qu'avant, peu probable. Était-ce un vêtement? Ce que je reniflait était propre. Le sac de couchage aussi. L'odeur va et vient. Mon souci de trouver la source aussi, à Avignon en 2008 il m'était arrivé de poser le sac de couchage sur la chie d'un chat et de ne pas trouver la crotte que des jours après. Je ne voulais pas avoir une reprise de cette situation pénible.
Je me décide, en fatigue assez considérable, d'aller dehors, trouver un autre endroit ou même risquer d'aller à la BU. Bien trouvé. Juste en sortant, je regarde la poubelle de Bred, quand l'odeur devient quasi insoutenable, et là, de papier de toilette dans de la pisse.
Qu'est-ce que c'était passé? Un autre sdf avait-il dormi à Bred? N'avait-il pas eu l'idée ou les moyens de bloquer la porte, ou était-ce impossible de Bred (les portes sont de deux systèmes différentes)? Avait-il été délogé juste avant ma venue? Ou plus tôt la nuit? Avait-il même laissé la poubelle dégradée en vendetta pour le fait d'être délogé à une heure immonde (je l'avais fait avec un bout d'emballage, je n'avais pas dégradé en pissant, comme dit)? Ou avait-on prévu que j'allais venir là le matin et préparé ça pour me rendre mal à l'aise?
On pourrait devenir un peu soupçonneux à propos ce genre de coïncidence ... et justement, quand on est un peu trop fatigué, on en devient un peu davantage soupçonneux, et le moment de me déloger était quasi choisi pour me rendre moins agile ce matin. Ou peut-être certains ont voulu avoir une vendetta en miniature pour certaines choses. Genre d'avoir écrit que l'Islam s'autodétruit par l'État Islamique (oui, il y a des Chrétiens qui le sont devenus à propos ceci, après d'avoir été Musulmans).
Genre, écrire une réponse verbale à ce que j'avais écrit, c'est moins leur truc?
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... on ISIS, Conversion, and End Times (ft. David Wood)
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
L'Apparition de Notre Dame à Lourdes
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