Friday 31 March 2023

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No to 1988 Consecrations = Yes to 1990 Emergency Conclave · As Long as I am Not Calumnied as "Homosexual" I am Not Directly Concerned with What Solution Catholicism Proposes Such People · Contra Guidestones
Russie en top la semaine, 24.II à 2.III.2023 (FR) · Marcel Lefebvre - a new St. Athanasius or a new Martin Luther? · Sharing : Allie Beth Stuckey Interviews Ron De Santis · "The Middle Ages Invented Nothing, It was Technological Progress Put on Pause" - "Do you Have a Screw Loose?" · Sharing on January 6th · Notes on the Disputation of Barcelona - very preliminary · One More FB Stops Me From Sharing
Pour Tintinophiles : Bob Garcia
George Washington's Vision : Shared
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Afghanistan · Two Minor Disagreements with Ken Ham · Aquinas and Geocentrism
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"Inspiring Philosophy" pretends to trace YEC to Ellen White · C'est quoi, l'Église suédoise ? (FR)
Dr Joel Edmund Anderson - a Fraud or a Dupe?
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Production March 2023

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Monday 27 March 2023

C'est quoi, l'Église suédoise ?

Le conférencier ici est en train d'élucider le processus assez extrême de sécularisation en Suède. Hormis les dictatures, probablement le plus extrême des processus, comme notre parti social-démocrate a aussi eu le pouvoir plus longtemps d'affilé dans un pays hormis les dictatures.

Ici-même, il s'agit de la sécularisation de l'Église suédoise. En 1865, les Quatre États* sont replacés par un parlement bi-caméral. À l'époque, l'état clérical votait comme les autres dans le processus parlementaire mais faisait aussi des décisions en interne sur l'administration de l'Église. Désormais, les décisions ecclésiales devaient être pris par "Kyrkomötet" (mot qui en dehors ce contexte signifie aussi "le** concile" ou "la synode").

En 1949, les décisions de Kyrkomötet sont pris par des politiciens des parties souvent les mêmes qu'au parlement, très souvent le même qui gère le parlement, les social-démocrates, et avant ceci, on avait eu cette réforme décléricalisant et politisant les décisions aussi dans les paroisses et les diocèses. Pourquoi? C'est une église d'état, elle a ses privilèges (comme avant elle pouvait persécuter les catholiques, même), on y paie un impôt - elle doit faire des concessions en retour, pensait-on. Mais surtout, le parti social-déocrate était anticlérical, pas tellement depuis Branting (admirateur de René de la Tour de Pin et Albert de Mun), que depuis Per Albin (Hansson).***

Mais quelle est la conséquence pour des clercs qui veulent rester fidèles surtout à Bible et traditions ecclésiales, voir à la théologie luthérienne?°

Les curés et évêques qui restent avec une "vue de base" luthérienne, soit sont isolés, soit ne sont pas nommés.

Il y a des vraies raisons pourquoi j'ai pas juste converti de ça au Catholicisme, mais aussi j'ai eu hâte de le quitter. Tellement hâte qu'en 2006 je m'étais posé la question, non pas si j'avais été précipité en quittant le Protestantisme et ce Pseudo-Protestantisme, mais si je l'avais été en ciblant le Catholicisme plutôt que l'Orthodoxie. C'est en 2009 que je reviens des Orthodoxes. Mais c'était déjà en 1988 que je venais de cette "église" .../HGL

Föreläsning - Landet som glömde Gud med Per Ewert. Värd Torbjörn Aronson
Skandinavisk Teologisk Högskola, 27.III.2023

PS. Quelques minutes plus tard, vers 23:34, Stellan Arvidsson reçoit un doctorat honoraire de l'université de Rostock, à l'époque RDA, pour avoir fait une réforme d'école socialiste dans un pays capitaliste./HGL

* Au lieu de "Tierce État" on avait deux état "bas" - l'état bourgeois et l'état agraire. Chez nous, souvent les fermiers n'étaient jamais devenus ni serfs ni nobles, mais restés en indépendance modeste.
** l'article défini se trouve à la fin de nos substantifs - "ett kyrkomöte" = "un concile, une synode" / "kyrkomötet" (ici comme nom propre) = "le concile, la synode" ...
*** Il avait la popularité d'un Mitterand, on lui pardonnait volontairement sa bigamie - donc, on l'appelait juste Per Albin, comme si on avait parlé de "François" au lieu de "Président Mitterand."
° Qui est certes une hérésie, mais moins hérétique que ce que pensent certains athées ...

"Inspiring Philosophy" pretends to trace YEC to Ellen White

Creation vs. Evolution: Is It Christianity at All? · New blog on the kid: "Inspiring Philosophy" pretends to trace YEC to Ellen White ·Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Dr Joel Edmund Anderson - a Fraud or a Dupe? · Magisterium and Polygenism · An Unexpected Turn

It's a rehash of others making the claim earlier, it doesn't become better bc of his rehash, except it's a commodeously short piece to comment on in a single listen. Hence good for my refutation purposes.

This kind of article, I usually publish on:
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

Here is his video, anyway, and after that my comments are marked for context in it with time-stamps.

The Origins of Young Earth Creationism
InspiringPhilosophy, 7 Jan. 2022

0:28 I don't think any of the guys you show believed the earth was more than 6000 years when Our Lord was born.

St. Augustine very clearly holds to the literal interpretation of Genesis 5 and 11, as evidenced in his City of God. This precludes expanding the span between Adam and Abraham to even 4000 years.

He also at least tentatively held that Adam was not created within 168 hours, but rather the same split second hat the whole of the universe was created, as he is discussing in books V and VI in On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis, XII Books. This precludes expanding time before Adam to anything like millions of years.

Xavier Putnam
Yeah; IP's video is a train-wreck of academic sloppiness and dishonesty. You've posted some great rebuttals with timestamps; thank you!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@Xavier Putnam You are welcome.
Search nov9blogg9 + "Inspiring Philosophy" pretends to trace YEC to Ellen White
They are also available as a single blogpost. Hope the search will function.

@Xavier Putnam New blog on the kid : "Inspiring Philosophy" pretends to trace YEC to Ellen White

0:31 "interpreted Genesis figuratively or allegorically"

Were you asleep in the Theology class explaining Quadriga of Cassian?

As about Genesis events, they interpreted the text literally. They did however also interpret it figuratively or allegorically about Jesus Christ, like Isaac carrying the firewood is ultimately about Jesus carrying the cross.

0:40 You may be shocked to find that that particular modern Young Earth movement has a parallel in Catholic theologians.

From Lyell to the 1890's there were Catholic theologians publishing three possibilities.

Not just gap theory, not just day-age theory, whichever of them you might have accepted, but precisely young earth creationism and Flood Geology.

The reason that Flood Geology and with it YEC was by and large abandoned as a mediatic concern of new publications, i e as a movement, is, "Pyrenees are older than Himalayas and even Pyrenees are too high to have been covered by Flood waters considering today's water volumes" ... sth which the modern (and mostly Protestant) YEC movement have found technical answers too, like "no Pyrenees didn't rise the same way much longer ago, then get worn, they rose a different way, also after the Flood" ..

1:40 I would say 7222 years old.

The LXX reading available to St. Jerome when he made the calculation that is then, via Historia Scholastica, now included in the Christmas Proclamation. The martyrology reading for December 25th. Our Lord was born in 5199 after Creation.

1:47 And, yes this actually is how Christians read the Bible.

2:34 St. Augustine didn't read the creation days literally. But his non-literal interpretation (on his view actually a literal one, with a very specific view on what day means in the context) certainly did not allow for Earth to be even a year, let alone millions of years older, than Adam's creation.

Wonder what you'll take up for "more than 10 000 years" - if it's Origen, he specified "less than" ...

3:06 Days in Genesis 1 are a different context from "day" in Genesis 2:17.

I looked up St. Irenaeus, he certainly doesn't apply the "day as thousand years" solution perfectly solid for 2:17 as similar to the Creation days.

The exegetic cherry-picking by which an exegesis from a different context may help you with a word for the context you find a word irksome is unhappily replicated in Zwingli, when he considered "the seven cows are years" as exegetic licence to argue the Eucharist is symbolic.

Cherry-picking an exegesis for Genesis 2:17 and misapplying it to Genesis 1 is the same damnable thing.

3:19 The quote you give "the days in Genesis are not literal 24-hour days" simply is not in Against Heresies 5.23.2. What comes closest to it is this:

"And there are some, again, who relegate the death of Adam to the thousandth year; for since a day of the Lord is as a thousand years, 2 Peter 3:8 he did not overstep the thousand years, but died within them, thus bearing out the sentence of his sin."

The quote II Peter 3:8 is perfectly applicable to Genesis 2:17, and that's one of the versions given for solving the conundrum, but St. Irenaeus doesn't even pinpoint it is THE sole solution - his other solutions are:
  • Adam and Eve died spiritually
  • Adam and Eve died on a Friday as they ate of it on a Friday

But nowhere is there any hint of II Peter 3:8 being applicable to days of Genesis 1.

3:45 "For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years it shall be concluded"

Very far from stating that the days of Genesis 1 as applying to creation could be thousands of years, he said the opposite. He establishes a proportionality between creation days and history-millennia, the latter being between creation and doomsday.

Proportionality is not identity. Again, no bearing on how long it took for God to create the world, other than that being a series of normal length days.

The heading of (Book V, Chapter 28) is "The distinction to be made between the righteous and the wicked. The future apostasy in the time of Antichrist, and the end of the world."

4:25 No, on Irenaeus' view, the earth was between 4 and 6 thousand years, when Christ came (probably some more precise thing too, like 5500 or 5200), and that means there were on his views centuries left before the world was going to end. (Like 500 AD or 800 AD = 6000 after Creation = doomsday).

Technically speaking he very well qualified as a YEC.

Learn to read before you try to take his expressed views as indirect endorsements for your own!

4:43 St. Ireneaeus very much thought one should interpret the days of Genesis 1 as literal 24 hour days.


And then reread Against Heresies (Book V, Chapter 28) and all of the chapter, not just the passage you misunderstood!

5:15 Indeed, the time for creation is, in a minority of fathers, one moment.

Clement, Origen, Augustine.

However, this doesn't mean they throw out literality of interpretation, it's just that a literally true text can include figurative expressions, and in St Augustine's version, which I read a few years ago, books V and VI of De Genesi ad Litteram Libri XII, the literality lies in the fact that Moses got the vision from angels, and the angels saw the single creation event as six consecutive visions of it or views of it, and the six "days" refer to those views and "evening and morning" refer to angels first seeing the created things in themself (evening) and then looking up and seeing them in God (morning).

Obviously this does not extend the time before Adam beyond 168 hours, but reduces it to zero seconds.

OK, didn't know St. Athanasius also was one moment, but OK.

Now, these guys weren't six-literal-days creationists, but they were still Young Earth Creationists.

In St. Augustine you will find he finds the six-literal days view acceptable.

6:01 Did you notice that the God divided days (in St. Augustine) were such because God decided where the light before the Sun shone?

This is apparent if you read the beginning of the work from book I.

6:36 Note here, St. Augustine bases the "one moment view" on Sirach 18:1.

In the translation of St. Jerome it reads Qui vivet in aeternum creavit omnia simul. Deus solus justificabitur, et manet invictus rex in aeternum.

However, "together" would have been "iunctim" in Classical Latin, and St. Augustine ordered him to be colloquial, not Classic. St. Jerome was from a region where "together" was reusing "simul" or even more often "insimul" ...

And in St. Augustine's colloquial, "created all things together" would have been "creavit omnia iuncta" (North African Latin being related to Spanish, where you find "juntos" and "juntas").

St. Augustine therefore interpreted "simul" in the fully Classical sense of "simultaneously" ...

6:51 St. Augustine believed the days were views, made by the angels, of the work of creation.

And therefore also, that it was more than just a narrative framework.

7:15 Oh, you are repeating the overanalysis by Father Fulcran Vigouroux.

The thing is, arriving at age of the earth involves not extending Genesis 1 beyond 168 hours, which strict literalism doesn't and which one moment creationists also didn't. But above all, it involves taking genealogies from Adam to Noah and from Shem to Abraham as correct and not fragmentary. Which one moment creationists also did.

Just because they could have tampered with the six days the other way to extend the timeline doesn't mean they did so.

Please note, St. Augustine and his one moment creationism, doesn't fall afoul of Mark 10:6. Fulcran Vigouroux' day age theory does.

7:58 I note that you give perhaps a work, but no passage in it.

With a bare quote from De pragmaticon philosophia, you are much freer to speculate in your favour.

Preferring the four elements over dust is in the medieval context probably stating that God used the purity of the four elements, not the dirt involved in dust, and that again is not a departure from the story-line, but from the normal meaning of one key word in it.

8:05 Sparavigna, A. C., Robert Grosseteste's Thought in Light and Form of the World (April 4, 2014)
Internattional Journal of Sciences, Vol 3, April 2014

I'll have to contact Sparavigna for the exact quote.

8:57 Note that "cavilling" at Ussher is compared to "cavilling" at Darwin.

Michael Roberts lives in a view of scientific unlimited progress, and none of the paradigm shifts being detours getting us away from truth ...

Darwin's ignorance of genetics is indeed horrible when it comes to analysing what he thought the main objection to the eye and what really is.

But Ussher's ignorance of Siccar Point is irrelevant, if "evidence for an ancient earth" is simply illusory, becoming so only by wrong analyses.

9:36 I will quote that heresiarch's relevant comment.

5.And God called the light That is, God willed that there should be a regular vicissitude of days and nights; which also followed immediately when the first day was ended. For God removed the light from view, that night might be the commencement of another day. What Moses says however, admits a double interpretation; either that this was the evening and morning belonging to the first day, or that the first day consisted of the evening and the morning. Whichever interpretation be chosen, it makes no difference in the sense, for he simply understands the day to have been made up of two parts. Further, he begins the day, according to the custom of his nation, with the evening. It is to no purpose to dispute whether this be the best and the legitimate order or not. We know that darkness preceded time itself; when God withdrew the light, he closed the day. I do not doubt that the most ancient fathers, to whom the coming night was the end of one day and the beginning of another, followed this mode of reckoning. Although Moses did not intend here to prescribe a rule which it would be criminal to violate; yet (as we have now said) he accommodated his discourse to the received custom. Wherefore, as the Jews foolishly condemn all the reckonings of other people, as if God had sanctioned this alone; so again are they equally foolish who contend that this modest reckoning, which Moses approves, is preposterous.

The first day Here the error of those is manifestly refuted, who maintain that the world was made in a moment. For it is too violent a cavil to contend that Moses distributes the work which God perfected at once into six days, for the mere purpose of conveying instruction. Let us rather conclude that God himself took the space of six days, for the purpose of accommodating his works to the capacity of men. We slightingly pass over the infinite glory of God, which here shines forth; whence arises this but from our excessive dullness in considering his greatness? In the meantime, the vanity of our minds carries us away elsewhere. For the correction of this fault, God applied the most suitable remedy when he distributed the creation of the world into successive portions, that he might fix our attention, and compel us, as if he had laid his hand upon us, to pause and to reflect. For the confirmation of the gloss above alluded to, a passage from Ecclesiasticus is unskilfully cited. ‘He who liveth for ever created all things at once,’ (Sirach 18:1.) For the Greek adverb κοινὣ which the writer uses, means no such thing, nor does it refer to time, but to all things universally.

Noting partly that he actually condemns the one moment creationism, which I do not, and he correctly states that κοινὣ means something other than the Classical meaning of "simul" ... as I already noted.

But when it comes to accomodate, the question is of Moses accomodating the expression:

// We know that darkness preceded time itself; when God withdrew the light, he closed the day. I do not doubt that the most ancient fathers, to whom the coming night was the end of one day and the beginning of another, followed this mode of reckoning. Although Moses did not intend here to prescribe a rule which it would be criminal to violate; yet (as we have now said) he accommodated his discourse to the received custom. Wherefore, as the Jews foolishly condemn all the reckonings of other people, as if God had sanctioned this alone; so again are they equally foolish who contend that this modest reckoning, which Moses approves, is preposterous //

Nothing about God accomodating his revelation to the capacity of understanding of the then audience. However, there is a further use of "accomodate" here:

// For it is too violent a cavil to contend that Moses distributes the work which God perfected at once into six days, for the mere purpose of conveying instruction. Let us rather conclude that God himself took the space of six days, for the purpose of accommodating his works to the capacity of men. //

Calvin is speaking of our capacity for a regular work week, and God accomodating His actual past action to giving a model for it.

Nowhere do we have any hint of Calvin holding to what I would consider as later being known as "accomodation theory" - rather he is accusing his opponents of it, those holding to a one moment creation.

10:07 Thomas Burnet was heterodox, but here you are following Michael Roberts.

10:18 Thomas Hobbes (I suppose you mean him, not William Hobbs) is on the Index.

10:28 Immanuel Kant and John Wesley were non-Catholics and Kant is on the Index.

You cannot pretend it was the dominant view "at the time" unless you add "among progressive Protestants" - which Kant and Wesley both were, though in different directions.

I note you haven't tried to shoehorn Dom Augustin Crampon into this theory.

10:49 "very few theologians actually opposed this idea"

Geological "evidence for long ages" was in the Catholic world basically ignored up to Lyell, and from then on, there were three schools up to 1890's ... all in the Fundamentalist spectrum, and literalism holding its own (though eventually retreating) along gap theory and day age theory.

As to ignoring Ussher, Haydock actually gives the Ussher chronology in the margins of the Bible chapters.

11:49 James Douglas, inventor of the day age theory, according to you, was an Anglican clergyman, a heretic.

Father George Leo Haydock didn't use that.

11:53 I cannot find Richard Main.

I note he would not have been able to print that in a Catholic publication in 1865.

12:04 "at this point in history, very few Christians who had left writings behind, held to a Young Earth Creationist view"

This is absolutely not the case for the Catholic world.

A Council of Cologne condemned the work of Darwin and dogmatised Young Earth Creationism.

12:32 "a strict six-day was never the dominant view, and was the official positioon of no Church in Europe or America (until the late twentieth Century)"

I'm sorry, but that sentense alone is excellent reason to not promote Michael Roberts.

Philip Rayment
Very true.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@Philip Rayment Did you read my actual comment or just the quote? It was in italics and you had to click to see all of the (technical) comment.

Philip Rayment
@Hans-Georg Lundahl
"Did you read my actual comment or just the quote?"
My response was to your non-italicised comment on the quote, i.e. about Roberts.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@Philip Rayment Thank you very much!

There are too many others who would have done the reverse!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@Philip Rayment Happy Easter!
Christ is risen!

Philip Rayment
@Hans-Georg Lundahl
"Christ is risen!"
He is risen indeed!

12:50 Asa Gray promoted Darwinian evolution? Not a Catholic.

"Gray's paternal great-grandfather had arrived in Boston from Northern Ireland in 1718; Gray's Scotch-Irish Presbyterian ancestors had moved to New York from Massachusetts and Vermont after Shays' Rebellion."

From wiki.

12:54 James McCosh "McCosh was born into a Covenanting family in Ayrshire, and studied at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, obtaining his M.A. at the latter, at the suggestion of Sir William Hamilton, for an essay on stoicism. He became a minister of the Church of Scotland in 1834"
James Dwight Dana "Dana was born February 12, 1813, in Utica, New York.[3] His father was merchant James Dana (1780–1860) and his mother was Harriet Dwight (1792–1870). Through his mother he was related to the Dwight New England family of missionaries and educators including uncle Harrison Gray Otis Dwight and first cousin Henry Otis Dwight."

"Harrison Gray Otis Dwight (1803–1862) was an American Congregational missionary."
Henry Otis Dwight "In 1867, Dwight returned to Istanbul as a missionary for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, where he edited publications of the Turkish language."
"The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) was among the first American Christian missionary organizations. It was created in 1810 by recent graduates of Williams College. In the 19th century it was the largest and most important of American missionary organizations and consisted of participants from Protestant Reformed traditions such as Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and German Reformed churches."

In other words, James McCosh and James Dwight Dana were also Calvinists, not Catholics.

12:59 Richard Owen is buried in an Anglican churchyard.
St. George Jackson Mivart actually did convert - but had his theology condemned by the Vatican.

13:08 "Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (November 5, 1851 – February 16, 1921) was professor of theology at Princeton Seminary from 1887 to 1921."
"Some conservative Presbyterians[1] consider him to be the last of the great Princeton theologians before the split in 1929 that formed Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church."

Also no Catholic.

13:46 Nicolaas Adrianus Rupke ... former adherent of Flood Geology, when it comes to people born 1944, this would already tend to indicate Protestant background.
Historian of Science - not the best historians of ideas outside science, or even in the sciences.

14:29 Scofield is, note it, a Protestant work of reference.

16:13 Early 20th C - 7 Day Adventists - BUT you also find the stance among Catholics.

Dei Verbum in "Vatican II" is neither the original schema prepared by cardinals (few texts were) nor the first or perhaps even second schema of the opposition.

Some conservative Catholics today hold more to a schema by Ratzinger, than to Dei Verbum as such.

But the original schema was intending to dogmatise that the Heavens and Earth and life and man had been created exactly as it was described in the Bible.

17:00 Lyell was also not an actual geological specialist.

And his arguments seem pretty close to Catholic arguments on the literalist side prior to the 1890's.

Except Price had a solution to "Pyrenees were older than Himalayas" as proposed refutation of Flood geology, which the Jesuit Émile Mangenot in 1920 took it as.

17:15 In fact, the argument seems pretty strong to me, including with much more recent discoveries in palaeontology.

If anything, Price may even have overdone the credits he should have given to "geological column" ... land vertebrates do not get layered in different fossil layers above each other.

You also do not find several layers of alternating land and sea fossils. One layer of land fossils, covered by one layer of especially smaller sea fossils is obviously totally compatible with the Flood, think I read years ago how that was the case in California la Baja ...

I did some research on fossil finds. I can say with perfect confidence that land creatures don't come in several layers.

18:13 Considering Babel as origin of Neanderthals is one bad heritage of Price that I find with AiG or CMI.

I consider them a pre-Flood race, possibly half bred Nephelim, with Denisovans or Soloensis as more fully Nephelim.

18:23 To Price's discredit he considered the universe older, you mean?

18:38 And that's a further reason to discredit Ellen G. White ... Cardinal Ottaviani would not have accepted that.

[Planets inhabited before Earth, at this point in the video].

20:23 Morris and Whitcombe had a problem with publishers - which today could have been circumvented by small scale publishing.

I find the harrassment that theologian Whitcomb had to go through for not having scientific credentials embarrassing to a country with a supposedly free speech and free press.

Conspiracy or fluctuations in culture or a bit of both, this is the kind of phenomena that makes people conclude for Illuminati conspiracies.

20:52 Vapour canopy is largely abandoned today.

Long lifespans is because pre-Flood man was genetically more perfect, and the short ones we have now are due to a post-Flood gradual degradation in lifespans and genes.

I find this a nice coincidence with my theory carbon 14 was created quicker back then.

20:58 No idea what you are talking about.

Carbon 14, what Edgar Andrews taught me, what Kent Hovind repeated when I came to Internet, and what I hold is, lower levels of C14 back before levels had risen to today's pmC values is what is responsible. If a sample is 25 pmC, it should be two halflives old right? But what if it is only one halflife old from an atmosphere of 50 pmC? Or slightly even more recent from an atmosphere lower than 50 pmC? That's where I place Babel = Göbekli Tepe.

What I have added is a calibration and the discovery this involves a more rapid production of C14 than now, which fits more mutations and shortened lifespans, and which also fits the colder weather of the post-Flood ice age.

22:58 1970's.

Jesus Revolution and other hippies.
Creationists are YEC.
Eugenics forced sterilisation is abolished - in some ways a very good time.

Tolkien and Franco died then - perhaps they were praying for the young ...

23:32 "the majority of Christians"

When this involves change, it is not a Christian criterium, confer the theology of the great apostasy.

"who left writings behind had abandoned young earth ideas."

Reminded of your source being a Protestant and not reading Catholic sources. Indeed, you did not cite a single Catholic after you came to Calvin, except Sivart who was condemned by the Vatican.

23:41 "writers before the rise of modern science based their dating of the earth on the most updated research of the time"

This is simply false. They based their dating of the earth on Genesis 5 and 11, along with a non-long reading of Genesis 1 (neither gap nor day-age), along with a fairly gap free historic record from Abraham to Christ.

Or, if they weren't Christians, on other religious ideas. Khemetists and Zuist-Caldanists (Egyptising and Babylonising Neo-Pagans) can brag of a religious tradition that's much more accomodating to old earth ideas - which were directly opposed by both Origen and Augustine, I think St. Athanasius too. Brag meaning obviously before critics who prefer "geological column" or "distant star light problem" or things over the Christian timeline.

"the most updated research of the time" as a concept didn't exist.

24:55 They are not defending sth that was pivotal to Christianity ...

Why should it have been pivotal?

Is it not enough that it was the accepted interpretation of the Bible?

Sunday 26 March 2023

Today's Chesterton Quote

I'm subscribed to Mercy Trimphs, which for all days in Lent has a Chesterton quote.

Today's Quotation.

“It is an actual fact that the dispossessed have more sense of possession than those who go away because they have great possessions; and in these days do not even go away sorrowful. We all agree that the sense of ownership has been almost exterminated; but it has in fact been exterminated more by those who own too much than by those who own too little. When we appeal to the broken men, we appeal to those who have lost their homes and their happiness; but they still have more notion that happiness might be found in a home. There is more of this in the homeless poor than we can now discover in the vulgar cosmopolitan crowd of the homeless rich.”

-G.K. Chesterton (“The Cry to Capitalists,” GK’s Weekly, December 5, 1935)

As a homeless, I definitely agree with Chesterton. But I do not agree with the Chesterton society in this thing here:

Act on it.

Organize a food, clothing, and essentials drive to benefit your local homeless shelter.

Sorry guys, no. That's perhaps a good thing or perhaps not, but totally irrelevant to what Chesterton was speaking about.

He was hoping, not that people without property should have some more comforts, which they do not own, where they exist only on someone else's mercy, where they go and have to follow someone else's rules. BUT that they could get back to a situation of property.

Decentralise farming, and some homeless could perhaps start by buying up a cheap and abandoned farm somewhere.

In my case, giving me a paper version platform and not whittling down my internet one, so I can actually live off my work as a writer would be magnificent. But unfortunately, they have not been heeding that call.

Hans Georg Lundahl
First Passion Sunday

Midpoints of years Debate and Antimodernism Blogs

Midpoints of years in Creation vs Evolution · in somewhere else · in Great Bishop of Geneva! · in Φιλολoγικά / Philologica · of Gm b1 lou · on musicalia · on EN LENGUA ROMANCE EN ANTIMODERNISM Y DE MIS CAMINACIONES · three small blogs · on Three Main Blogs · Debate and Antimodernism Blogs

Two groups of my blogs overlap in the second of these: salvaging from the MSN Group Antimodernism, and hosting copies of debates held elsewhere.


Tolkien writes on a Lourdes miracle. · Kristi slägttafla (SV)
Adam is a seeker, who “abandons his mother and father” · Les vieilles constitutions de la France (FR)
"Help for safeguarding messages?" · Ämne: 2000 visits
A Thread Where First Message was by Quarefremuntgentes · Sola Scriptura or Tota Scriptura?
Seven word conquest · Commenting on de Souza's essay "De-Christianization: ..."
columniste? exploitable, alors? ... (FR) · Mémoire éternelle ... Lazare Ponticelli (FR)

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

...on classical Greek mathematics, or logarithms for use on yardsticks · Clarification to Masterlink ...
"Invalid thread": Is marriage of two people, one or both of whom is homosexual, but of opposite sex possible?
... on Hovind - Ross Debate, for Four Videos · ... on History being Kent Hovind's Weaker Subject
... on Who's the Right Pope and on Grandchildren of Reformation Finding Back to Veneration of Saints · ... on Ordeals and When Abolished
Geo/Helio, Franco, Sor Eusebia and St Joseph of Cupertino - with Ebony Manta · Howard F tries twice again ...
... on Erdogan probably not being THE Antichrist but someone else being so
... in Defense (Mainly) of Ken Ham against (mainly) Rachel Oates · ... in Defense of Inquisition Against a Non-Albigensian Admirer of Albigensians
Were Byzantines Better, Continued · ... on Golding's Famous Novel and on Youth
Adding to Father Spyridon, Adressing Putin, Promoting Jeanine
David Wood on Hating Cops · A Historian (?) on Biblical History and Denying It (first 10 minutes)
Found an Answer Unpostable · Yehoshua Feigon is Back
Early Church, Denominations


ma lettre à un droitiste (FR) · Käns igen (SV)
A modest proposal refused by intrigues, time after other ...
Catholique ou Kinsey, ceci? (FR) · Et la politique, alors? (FR)
Answering Psychiatry Friendly Comments by one GP (friend of a friend)
About Kirstie Allsopp's Advice · Justina is Smiling ...
"et lux non loqui" · Debating Mainly on Trutherism, part I, in which I presume to Teach Logic to Non-Truthers, Without Fully Supporting Truthers as Being Right
With Craig Crawford on William Tapley and on Number of the Beast (Featuring V POUTINE and COG GAY BEY) · Debate with Craig Crawford Continues
Dishonesty on part of Creationist Group Run by a Protestant? + Discussion of Apollo the Delphic · Some guys tried to make her ridiculous instead of responding intelligently
Men, Dinos, Trent, Church Fathers · Continuing with Tom Dorsey
Link Provided Below Previous Text · Shorty with William P. Lazarus on Geocentrism
C. S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll's Odd Hobby - NOT the Same
Drew Gasaway Tried to Demonise Young Earth Creationism
Two Orthodox Continue (DE) · Offener Brief eines Franzosen an den Bischof Hamburgs, Stefan Heße. (DE)

Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl

I suppose I have been shunned for not abjuring all of Eastern Orthodoxy · Three or Ten Dimensions, with Bubbaman
CMI / Carl Wieland on "Genetic Entropy" Theme
W. Sungenis/Palm on Anfossi-Settele and Bruno, part V of V
A correspondence with a fishy FB page called Scholasticum · Continuing with BG, trying to bring in history, getting a few dialogues on moral issues.
St. Nicolas du Chardonnet et PRÉSENT, en panne d'honnêteté? (FR) · First check on C14 question, no answer
With Damien Mackey on Four Rivers and Related, I to X · Continuing Previous, XI to XX - are Nile Rivers Excluded?
With Tim Stables from Catholic Answers, on Noah · Med Yvonne Maria Werner ang. hennes raderande (SV)
BT est un paroissien de St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, ami du Roi de l'Araucanie (FR) · Avec BT, Franck Abed, "l'abbé Scheffer" (FR)
Sel de la Terre et CEP (FR) · to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one)
Über Claesemanns Theorien mit Tradis in Hamburg (DE) · Chabad on Vera Cheberiak and St. Simon of Trent, feat. Luther and St. John Chrysostom (DE)

Répliques Assorties (FR)

"Créationnisme - Danger - École"
... contre la "Babel-Bibel-Theorie" · Mgr Williamson un peu trop paternaliste vis-à-vis les non-Occidentaux
Répliques sur l'Évolution · Deux arguments à propos l'évolutionnisme, entre moi et Motorsport Gigantoraptor
Avec Osée Tutonda et Jorges Airoldi - Biologie, l'Arche · Avec Skyda Kan, Samedi de Quatre-temps de Pentecôte
Philo sur Quora, III · Philo sur Quora, II bis, avec remise au niveau en culture générale
Mon temps sur Quora ne fut pas gaspillé
Université au Moyen Âge : inscription et financement (quora)
À propos de Padre Pio : "le Fascisme" est-il condamné? · Partie du débat réorganisée
Religion au paléolithique - évolutionnisme dans la vidéo, créationnisme dans mes commentaires · Communards comme preneurs d'ôtage
Pas d'âge d'or pour l'humanité

En français sur Antimodernism (FR)

Trois observations sur "l'homosexualité" · "C'est pas le boulot des parents d'enseigner"

2011 cinq blogs de pèlerinage (FR)

La première cinquième du pélérinage
23-VII-2004, Flensburg Husum et après
La seconde ou deuxième cinquième du pélérinage
9-VIII-2004, Le marché d'Audresselle à Boulogne sur mer
26-VIII-2004, Villamayor - Belorado - Paroquía de Tosantos
Dimanche le 12-IX-2004, Demeure à la ville Astorga
S Michel Archange 29-IX-2004 Sarria - Cantina da Serra - Ferreiros

Antworten nach Sorte (DE)

... über Galileo, Herrschel, Shapley · ... über üble Nachsager der katholischen Frömmigkeit
Über C-14-Datierung und Archäologie
Zum Kreationismus-Reportage Vanessa Meisingers · Einige "Kommies" vergleichen Kreationisten mit Holocaust-Leugner - andere auch?
Katholizismus und Bibelübersetzungen (Quora) · Contra Dittmar und Deschner (quora)
Joey und Patricia Kelly auf Familiensuche
Archäologie, C14, "Erdgeschichte" usw - Fortsetzung mit Werner Appel · Werner Appel beginnt eine größere Debatte
Inquisition : nicht sehr blutig · Protestantismus und Hitler


Vergleich dreier Hauptschul-Nachrichten auf Yahoo · Rechtsextrem?
Obiit · Aus Mitteilungsblatt der Priesterburderschaft St Pius X
Gratuliere Bayern · Schon gut, Christian Wulff ...
Über Kromosome
Es gibt Juden die auch so denken:
Wieso diese Leiden der Wunderlich? · Prozesse gegen Altersschwache tun die alten Untaten nicht gut
Was will denn Erdögan? · Feinste türkische Ironie
Tschuldigung, die vorige war für dem schwedischen Blog · Eine Freiheit des mittelalterlichen Leibeigenen oder nicht?
Möglich oder nicht? Von Deutschland zu Fuß nach Rußland oder China wandern ... · Muß eine Auflage von Ödön von Horváth die Austrofaschisten beleidigen?
Rund um Philippa von Hennegau - Heiratsalter der Frauen
Mit brennender Sorge - in Fraktur · Gefunden auf Beiboot Petri
Theorie über Päderasten-Crise in der Vatikan-Zwo-Kirche (Ursprung der ...) · Vielvölkerstaat
Waren deine 16 Ahnen auch Atheisten?
An Bewonern von Favoriten (10. Bez. Wien), eine Frage · Schindlers Grab


Litavisk kulturhistoria, problem 1
Die 8vo Dec. anni ecclesiastici iam MMXI
No, it is not true! Iran here too!

Kopiera oförändradt, sprid gratis (SV)

Öppet bref om ungdomars äktenskap · Fjortis' Bröllop
Kort är vårt liv
Vidarebefordradt - till jourhem och famille-hem! · Skamfläck för Sudan - och för Sverige

Vecka vij (SV)

18 october, d-dag, detta år en tisdag, arithmetik


Evighet är en nödvändighet · Om Babels torn och derefter
Kristina, innehållsförteckning till din blogg (hoppas den gillas)
Folket svarar på Esplanad-systemet · Commentars-serie begynnande med Ja till Livet
En dominican går tillrätta med Dan Brown
Videre og vigtigere hukomster fra debatter med nyhedninger (BM) (DA)
Appendix till förra tråden på FB · Till far på fars dag [i efterskott]
Allergisk mot Admin (till en groupe jag är utanför) · Atheistisk meditation öfver Harmageddon ...
Catholsk Lekman till Pingstpastor : Jorden och Universum äro 7200 År
URL, Bild - Billed · 20 land ... (NO)
Svar till Stephan Borgehammar!
Två fel i NVÖ, del 1
Nordfront försvarade Bruno · Lugna gatan
En idé om Bufdir (NO) · Svenska samhällets anti-christna fördomar ... quora
Christendom vs Spiritualitet

Midpoints of years on Three Main Blogs

Midpoints of years in Creation vs Evolution · in somewhere else · in Great Bishop of Geneva! · in Φιλολoγικά / Philologica · of Gm b1 lou · on musicalia · on EN LENGUA ROMANCE EN ANTIMODERNISM Y DE MIS CAMINACIONES · three small blogs · on Three Main Blogs · Debate and Antimodernism Blogs


Was Jesus, the Christ, Essenian? · Protestera mot elchocker (2 länkar) (SV)
A book and a site they might not want you to read ... · À propos Djihade par persuasion ... (FR)
Dieu ne s'appelle pas GADLU (FR)
Species of Vision in Fatima · Error at Fatima?
Une note en bas de page à l'Alerte de Cattenoz (FR) · Quelqu'un qui me trouve ésotérique, ou quoi? (FR)

Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera

Après l'article avant, je note quelque chose dans l'informatique (FR)
Why the Guestbook Spam? Possible Explanation
Serge Ayoub donne sa version (FR) · Jean Madiran et Kent Hovind (FR)

New blog on the kid

Quelle était la longueur d'un jour avant le quatrième jour? (FR) · Has the Vatican been Hiding Idols for Millennia?
Two Reasonings on Abortion · Did God create ALL?
Two Physical Issues for Gerard Bouw · Excessive Respect for Parental Authority
Best wishes to Cardinal Cañizares!
Les Sénateurs Communistes : Barbares Meurtriers d'Idéologues (lien) (FR)
Twelve and One are Out, One Died For Them · Just Sharing : "What Muslim 'refugees' say to each other in Austria"
US May Have a Right to Build a Wall, But Not to Include a Death Trap in it. · How to Calculate the number of possible Sudokus
Roquefortophobes ... (FR)
Index XXXIII, français. De Chandeleurs à l'Octave de Sts. Pierre et Paul, 2021 (FR) · Non à l'obligation de vaccination (FR)
Bonum Festum Sancti Olaui Regis et Martyris (LAT)

Friday 24 March 2023

Midpoints of years, three small blogs

Midpoints of years in Creation vs Evolution · in somewhere else · in Great Bishop of Geneva! · in Φιλολoγικά / Philologica · of Gm b1 lou · on musicalia · on EN LENGUA ROMANCE EN ANTIMODERNISM Y DE MIS CAMINACIONES · three small blogs · on Three Main Blogs · Debate and Antimodernism Blogs

Blog 37, HGL Hypno Journal (ENG, 13+)

IV Continuing Journal March 28 2017
XXV - Alicia helps to set a goal?
XXXI Three Reactions to one Stephanie Dillon Video (Text) · XXXII : Three Things on Trope Talk Amnesia, Including one Hypno-Related
XXXVII - Hypno Fails · XXXVIII - Alicia saves the day!
XLI - Catholicism and Hypnosis · XLII Hypnosis in the Inklings
XLV Why Counting Down? · XLVI - Related on Other Blog

haïku (FR, 13+)

Je crois: Dieu me tient

Recipes from Home and Abroad

Hygiène sur la rue ... (FR) · Blanda badvatten ... (SV)
Fromage de Cumin, ma recette (FR)
Drawing a Tricorner Hat, thank you Dylan!
Quelques astuces en culture générale (FR) · Resurs om sjelfhushållning (SV)
Thank God for Iceberg Salad
I was looking for Classical Greek Lexicon, but Google suggested Classical Greek Salad · Some more Construction Limits!
They call it Schorle or G'spritzt
Les artistes (peintres, graveurs ...) - avec un peu de patrons ou mécènes et autres connexes (FR) · Survival Tip, if you can find a cave by the seashore
From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals · Part II, from reproducible originals to books you can turn the pages of
Comment expliquer KROPPKAKOR à un francophone? (FR)
How does one use diagrams for webs or similar anyway?
Getting a logo or URL for a poster the right distance of letters. · Farce de fricassé (FR)
Washing in Laundries? A Tip ...
How to Tunnel Through a Mountain with Pre-Modern Equipment · Salade d'un sdf (FR)

Qu'est-ce que Jacques Arnould entend par "foi" ?

Jacques Arnould fait une histoire et philosophie des sciences atroces · Peut-être raisonne-t-il à très longs traits ... · Fait-il partie de gens qui me fictionnalisent, malgré moi-même ? · Problèmes en théologie ... · Prendre pour magistère ce qui n'en est pas ... · La présomption de Jacques Arnould · Qu'est-ce que Jacques Arnould entend par "foi" ? · Jacques Arnould peut avoir une intention noble

Fois après fois, il définit la foi par rapport au premiers moments vécus à partir d'avoir notice de la résurrection, à savoir par Ste Marie Madeleine, par St Pierre et St Jean.

Il définit la "foi" quasi comme leur audace de croire davantage que ce qu'ils avaient, tangiblement, de certitude.

Est-ce qu'il accorderait "foi" à Huet, ou à quelqu'un convaincu par lui, dont la Demonstratio Evangelica contient ces définitions, ces axiomes et ce résumé? Les voici :

Déf. I : « Un livre est authentique quand il a été écrit par l’auteur à qui on l’attribue et environ dans le temps qu’on lui assigne ».

Déf. II : « Un livre contemporain est celui qui a été écrit environ dans le temps où sont arrivés les événements dont il parle ».

Déf. III : « L’histoire est le récit d’événements déjà arrivés au moment où on les raconte ».

Déf. IV : « La prophétie est le récit d’événements futurs, qui n’étaient pas encore arrivés au moment où la prophétie a été faite, et qu’il est impossible de prévoir à partir de causes naturelles ».

Déf. V : « La religion est celle qui ne propose à croire que des choses vraies ».

Déf. VI : « Le Messie est l’homme-Dieu envoyé de manière divine par Dieu pour sauver les hommes, et prédit par les prophètes dans l’Ancien Testament ».

Déf. VII : « La religion chrétienne est celle qui déclare que Jésus de Nazareth est le Messie, et qui admet pour vrai tout ce qui est écrit à son sujet dans les livres sacrés de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament2 ».

Ax. I : « Un livre est authentique quand il a été cru tel dans tous les temps sans interruption depuis sa publication ».

Ax. II : « Une histoire est vraie quand elle rapporte les faits comme ils sont rapportés par d’autres auteurs contemporains, ou qui vivaient dans des temps rapprochés des faits qu’on rapporte ».

Ax. III : « Une prophétie est vraie quand ce dont elle a prédit l’avènement est réellement arrivé ».

Ax. IV : « Tout don de prophétie vient de Dieu1 ».

Les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament ont été écrits dans le temps et à l’époque qu’on leur assigne, ainsi que par les auteurs auxquels on les attribue ; il s’ensuit que l’histoire et la vie de Jésus de Nazareth ont été prédites dans l’Ancien Testament longtemps avant qu’on en trouve l’accomplissement dans le Nouveau. En admettant donc que les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament ont été écrits dans le temps qu’on leur assigne et par les auteurs auxquels on les attribue, et que les prophéties concernant Jésus de Nazareth et contenues dans l’Ancien Testament ont reçu leur accomplissement dans le Nouveau, il faut nécessairement admettre que les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament sont vrais. D’un autre côté, si les prophéties de l’Ancien Testament concernant Jésus de Nazareth ont reçu leur accomplissement dans le Nouveau, et si les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament sont vrais, il faut en conclure que Jésus de Nazareth est le Messie2.

Cité à partir de
LÆRKE (Mogens), « La méthode géométrique dans la Demonstratio evangelica de Pierre Daniel Huet», Éthique, politique, religions, n° 8, 2016 – 1, La religion philosophique des Lumières, p. 49-67
DOI : 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-06300-1.p.0049

Jacques Arnould ne le trouverait peut-être pas trop génial - où est-ce que ça nous laisse avec la liberté subjective de croire ou ne pas le faire, comme l'avaient, apparemment, les premiers le matin de Pâques?

J'avais, comme dit dernier volet, lu jusqu'à page 51.

Je ne relis pas le déjà lu ce matin, mais je lis en diagonale ce qui suit ...

Plusieurs fois, il nous parle du matin de Pâques, de Sainte Madeleine, de Saint Pierre et de Saint Jean, de l'annonciation que le Seigneur est resuscité, et de l'absence de preuve tangible en ce moment.

Une fois il mentionne St. Thomas le Jumeau. Une fois il parle de "matin de Pâques et les jours suivants", et de "Pentecôte" ... nulle part, il ne parle du fait que les jours qui suivaient étaient 40, truffés de rencontres avec le Seigneur, truffés de preuves tangibles aussi pour ceux dont la foi n'était pas sous la reproche soufferte par Saint Thomas.

Il semble prendre le titre de son livre dans le sens de "Dieu se dispense de nous fournir de vraies preuves et nous demande quand même de croire" ou "nous invite quand même de croire" .... il est donc très accomodant envers ceux qui nient qu'il y ait des preuves pour Dieu. S'il pense que Lyssenko se soit trompé, il est davantage accomodant envers les Marxistes qui critiquent Pie XII. Et envers Dawkins - comme j'ai lu en diagonale, je n'ai pas encore capté la nuance où il trouve que celui-ci dépasse les bonnes bornes, il y a un tel moment pour Jacques Arnould.

Peut-être imagine-t-il que les apparitions de Notre Seigneur seraient explicables en principe comme des phénomènes neurologiques. Mais dans les récits, dans les évangiles et autre part, il y a plusieurs facteurs qui vont contre cette théorie. L'exégèse catholique traditionnelle de l'Ancien Testament (y compris des 11 premiers chapitres de la Genèse) vient en ce qui excède l'exégèse synagogale débutante des quarante jours que Jésus parle aux disciples. Les hallucinations ne sont pas fameux pour des discours structurés.

Et l'idée que des gens aient falsifié les récits en rétrospective n'est pas soutenu par d'arguments pertinents, sauf le scepticisme généralisé vis-à-vis des miracles ...

Pourtant, les spéculations sur la neurologie qui me paraissent assez bidon, par exemple de la part de Dawkins, si ma mémoire ne me trompe pas, l'impressionnent davantage Jacques Arnould que la sciences des créationnistes. Il les compare gaiement à Lyssenko. Celui-ci n'était pas un généticien, mais Georgia Purdom, Nathaniel Jeanson, Gene Jean Lighter, le sont.

Il peut s'attarder sur Jacques Monod, sans de noter que son mécanisme proposé pour les nouveaux gènes, était génétiquement impossible. Et qu'on pouvait le connaître déjà en son temps. J'ai lu un Que sais-je? sur la cellule des mêmes années que Le Hasard et la Nécessité. Il y est clairement marqué que chaque être d'une espèce sexuée reçoit chaque gène (hormis les chromosomes sexués) en deux exemplaires, dont l'exemplaire paternel et l'exemplaire maternel sont distincts, mais Monod imaginait l'origine de nouveaux gènes fonctonnelles accélérable par la combinaison d'une mutation du père avec une mutation de la mère. Non, non, la mutation du père reste sur le chromosome paternel, la mutation de la mère sur le chromosome maternel.

En fait, il semble que Jacques Arnould ait loupé sa vocation, il aurait dû être artiste, il pense quasi tout en images, et non en arguments. Par exemple, il pense "science" dans l'image de scientifiques en consensus, et "créationnisme" dans l'image d'une image publicitaire un peu émotive (et sans de noter que sa critique de cette image loupe l'eugénisme et ses liens presque directes avec le Darwinisme), et dans l'image du Musée de la Création, et sans doute, la Résurrection dans l'image du matin de Pâques. Car, les 40 jours entre ce matin et l'Ascension, c'est un peu moins facile de résumer dans une image.

C'est grâce à des théologiens qui certes peuvent imaginer mais aussi peuvent raisonner, que nous avons des choses telles que la Demonstratio evangelica de Pierre Daniel Huet - ou, puisqu'il est tellement sensible à la neurologie, les preuves de Dieu en Miracles par C. S. Lewis ... si la pensée humaine n'était que neurologie, on n'aurait pas de raisons de la penser accédant à la raison dans un quelconque sens objectif, et donc pas non plus à s'y fier pour la neurologie. Non plus.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Gabriel

Festum sancti Gabrielis Archangeli, qui ad annuntiandum Incarnationis divini Verbi mysterium a Deo missus est.