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Friday, 3 July 2015
Two Physical Issues for Gerard Bouw
1) When was the created plenum created? Day 2? Or instant 1?
2) Does ethereal mean "low density" or sth else?
For those who do not know at all what I am talking about, which is not the case with Gerard Bouw and a great deal of his audience, I recommend hearing a speech by Gerard Bouw on subject, which ties in with this great Geocentric Physicist's faith and - Geocentrism. Robert Sungenis also appreciates. For those already knowing Gerard Bouw's take - enjoy!
To the first:
a) must the firmament dividing water from water be the plenum or could it be an expanse of plenum, but plenum already existed?
b) what exactly is the firmament as expanse, especially as it pertains to its dimensions?
c) is there a Biblical cue that the plenum was created in instant 1?
Let's proceed:
1 a) The firmament as an expanse cannot be empty void. If it were, it could not divide the waters from the waters. There must be the force of the plenum in it. That much is certain. [NB, on the general theory of physics as proposed by Bouw it must be the plenum. On any reasonable view, it cannot be absolute void.]
However, the firmament cannot be formally identical to the plenum.
That is like saying the waters below it and the waters above it contain no superdense Planck particles.
1 b) The firmament as expanse would extend from sea level or Titicaca level to cloud level, but also from cloud level to the level of whereever Astronomers get so many spectrometric indications of Hydrogen molecules and Water molecules in space.
Therefore part of space is outside or above it, namely Empyreic Heaven, and part of the space is inside or below it, like the cores of the Earth.
It is possible that every part of this extension there is some Earth atmosphere.
If not, which is more probable, either atmosphere is a byproduct of it, or there are two firmaments, the one with lower extension of which is Earth atmosphere.
Or if we get into anything like electromagnetic universe that some Maxwell fans fancy, the firmament created on day 2 may be electromagnetic processes in the ether as luminiferous ether, i e firmament is luminiferous ether. Hell is far below it, and there is no light in Hell.
Anyway, I think Hydrogen molecules VERY high up (and much denser than astronomers think if the universe is smaller) are water in the Biblical sense, thus "waters above the firmament". Moses had no word for hydrogen, but as nearly every language I know has for it a word meaning waterish or waterstoff (Hydrogenium = what will generate water, Gk and Lat, though Mn Gk is Υδρογόνο, Wasserstoff, Waterstoff, Väte (Sw) and Vetni (Icel) mean wetness, Danish with some originality has Brint, because it burns in oxygen, but earlier it was vandstof ...), the proper word for hydrogen in hebrew would be the Hebrew for water. Just because of that Mn Hebrew will have some other word for it I suppose.
I will not get too much into whether it's more atmosphere or more electromagnetism, though the latter seems more probable, but the important thing is that its extension is smaller than that of the universe. IN other words, it is NOT the plenum. Not God's plenum, but not the created plenum either.
1 c) There is a Biblical cue plenum was created earlier.
Genesis 1: [1] In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. [2] And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.
Verse one speaks of creating two things, Heaven and Earth.
Verse two calls only the second of them "void" or "empty". Meaning perhaps the first of them isn't. Heaven as mentioned in verse one in many Catholic exegetes co-implies all the spirits God created, both Michael who was saved and Satan who was lost when "somewhat later" (the first moment over which they had free choice) they were tested.
But this doesn't exclude Heaven taken in itself being the created plenum that extends all over the universe. This even becomes necessary for those exegetes who hold angels were not created as early as verse 1. I am not one of those.
2) Ethereal could be conceived as meaning "low density" only as soon as air is conceived of as having less density than lead.
Aristotle and St Thomas would perhaps have differed on this take on what specific weight means.
Air and lead have same number of Planck particles per cubic cm. Each is either loaded "heavy" or loaded opposite quality "light". IN lead more of them are loaded heavy.
To a Medieval the four observable elements have either as Earth and Water the load "heavy" or as Air and Fire the load "light". Ether is even lighter than Air and fire. [The difference between water/air as moist and earth/fire as dry might ultimately be another setting with binary polarity, not denying that numbers of atoms and atom numbers of those numbers are usually fitted to it.]
Ether would be ether all Planck particles set on light. And the setting "heavy" may be the empty one. Even if that is not how it feels when we fill sacks. But then again, it is air that is squeezed out of sacks, when you fill them with things, and it is air which has many Planck particles set on "light".
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
Transfer of Relics of
St Thomas Apostle from India
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