Thursday 28 March 2019

Je ne sais pas ...

... a-t-on voulu me harceler, à Nanterre U, ou a-t-on voulu me permettre de documenter que oui, en effet, je blogue réellement de la Bibliothèque Universitaire?

Après quelques harcèlements comme ceux-ci:

ça s'est arrêté, peut-être parce que j'avais déjà une documentation pour moi, peut-être parce que j'avais une documentation contre quiconque aurait géré cet harcèlement.

Le suivant cas fait moins doute:

Je fais partie de mes blogues en fonction de réponses à des choses lues sur Academia, notamment par mon ami Damien Mackey, un académicien de l'Australie.

Donc, en m'excluant de regarder ceci, j'ai été handicapé dans une partie de mon activité comme écrivain.

Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
Sts Martyrs de Césarée

Caesareae, in Palaestina, natalis sanctorum Martyrum Prisci, Malchi et Alexandri. Hi tres, in persecutione Valeriani, cum in suburbano agello supradictae urbis habitarent, atque in ea caelestes martyrii proponerentur coronae, ultro Judicem, divino fidei calore succensi, adeunt, et cur tantum in sanguinem piorum desaeviret, objurgant; quos ille continuo, pro Christi nomine, bestiis tradidit devorandos.

Et encore, peut-être en poisson d'Avril?

Ceci, un cinq avril, commence à ressembler à du harcèlement:

Surtout que j'ai dû fermer encore quatre demandes d'authentification./HGL

Ici, encore une demande abusive semble lié à une "paranoïa" à propos les Inklings (C. S. Lewis et J. R. R. Tolkien):

Il y a des Musulmans dans le personnel de sécurité à Nanterre Université, et il y a des Communistes parmi d'autres dans le personnel. Je me sens concerné que la présence Musulmane en Occident ait pu empêcher que La Dernière Bataille par C. S. Lewis soit télévisé, comme je trouve l'analyse probable. Et il y a eu d'occasions quand des bibliothécaires ont mis Narnia et Le Seigneur des Anneaux sur un forme d'Index librorum (pas identique à celui de l'Église catholique: ils n'ont jamais été nommés sur l'Index librorum prohibitorum proprement dit)./HGL

Que disais-je tout alors? Voici:

Et encore une volonté de documenter que je fréquente la lecture du site de la FSSPX (comme de CMI)?

J'avais pourtant nullement caché ce genre de lectures, ça m'arrive vraiment de temps en temps de les annoncer, en faisant un commentaire sur tel ou tel article où je suis pour une fois en désaccord important.

De toute manière, il y a eu pas mal de demandes d'authentification abusives, et voici un sur un de ces sites:

Avec en prime une autre, une minute plus tard, quand j'étais en train de rédiger l'impression écran./HGL

Et je devrais peut-être signaler que de répondre à des questions quora n'est pas un acte illicite. Ce n'est pas une chose qui devrait être interrompu par ce genre de demandes d'authentification abusives.


Et je vous ai épargné pas mal entre les temps./HGL

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Should NZ Have Exiled the Christchurch Mosque and Attending Members?

New blog on the kid : Should NZ Have Exiled the Christchurch Mosque and Attending Members? · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : News Correspondence after Christchurch

I don't agree with the shooting.

But, I just found out, "the Mosque had radicalised" two men who became Jihadist terrorists.

A man basically radicalises himself whichever way he wants, and not always in bloody ways.

However, in this case, two men, "al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones, killed by a drone, and Christopher Havard," became terrorists after attending Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, the one where Tarrant committed a killing spree.

I have this news from United Nelsonia, a nationalist organisation promoting independence for Nelson Province, which seems to have been annexed to New Zealand during 19th Century. In other words, they are close neighbours to where this happened, they have ambitions which would normally keep them from flat out lying about things, so, presumably this is true.

Quoting the next words:

The boys were in Yemen with the guys who trained the Charlie Hebdo killers. A 2014 story at (now scrubbed from the internet) quotes a mosque attendee who says, “A visiting speaker from Indonesia talked about violent jihad and plenty shared his views.” Three questions: How many news reports have you read these details in? If you’d known that this mosque was a terrorist factory, would it have changed your feelings about the news at all? Finally, how does it make you feel to learn that the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?

I am glad I did not consider all the killed Mosque attendants as "innocent", except they are so in a normal penal procedure.

When it comes to immigrants of Muslim religion, I consider it possible and not over the top to expel a local community from which grave repeated misdemeanors or even felonies (of anti-majority hatred) have been perpetrated.

Now, to the three questions:

How many news reports have you read these details in?

It is now, as I write this line, 26.III.2019, 11 days after the shooting on Friday 15.III.2019. United Nelsonia, giving its FB presence some news stories, is the first medium which tells me this side of the story.

If you’d known that this mosque was a terrorist factory, would it have changed your feelings about the news at all?

I still feel bad about the shooting, but one could readily imagine a just government in Christchurch taking the attendants into custody, giving them choice of destinations in Muslim countries, giving them trustees for selling their property in Christchurch, and sending them away on planes quickly after the original news about Daryl Jones and Christopher Havard became known.

Finally, how does it make you feel to learn that the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?

Supposing United Nelsonia is honest on this issue, this seems a major move to media dishonesty.

I don't "feel" much, I think modern media can on some levels be expected to do this.

But here is one media outlet which has not deleted its reference:

Al Qaeda video shows NZ drone victims
4:56 pm on 21 April 2016

Copyright © 2016, Radio New Zealand

Now one detail.

The news on United Nelsonia's page is from March 18. It cites verbatim a note by Milo Yiannopoulos from March 16. But the image under Milo's comment is not of the two men, the image under United Nelsonia's post is, and so is the Radio New Zealand article's image.

Between Milo on March 16 and United Nelsonia on March 18, there is a news story from March 17:

Milo Yiannopoulos Claims Christchurch Mosque Had Links to Radical Islam
Sputniknews : Asia & Pacific
13:56 17.03.2019(updated 13:59 17.03.2019)

It does not feature the image of the two men. It does not quote Milo's three questions (which I started out answering before I knew they were Milo's). So, United Nelsonia has to have accessed Milo's post either directly or via Sputniknews (which did not, in its present shape, it was updated, quote all of it). But he has also to have accessed (and can easily have done so) the image on that article on Radio New Zealand.

This implies, he knew of at least one news medium which was not covering and deleting references to the fact.

And he is still accepting the story that :

the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?

I was going to ask if he was robotically repeating what he had been told, despite evidence to the contrary. But there is another possibility. How many other stories have been deleted, if this one is still there? He said "deleting stories" - indefinite as to exactly how many - not deleting all of them.

I did notice trying to save a backup for the story of RNZ on webcitation, and failing:

I also got no webcite to my given mail, just checked that too.

Sputniknews has this comment:

He cited a 2014 story by news site (now deleted, an archived copy is available here). It reported that two young Australian men, Daryl Jones and Christopher Havard, were radicalised by preachers at Al-Noor.

And the archived copy is this link:

And - like webcite a bit - web archive is not showing anything but a white page:

So, there is at least some blacking that is being done on at least the level of internet.

I don't see eye to eye with United Nelsonia on all things, like their/his age limits (they are on the 18 years trip), but I think they have told some important things in regards to this affair. No, you can't shoot people just because some guys years ago became terrorists among them, but government can put such communities into planes away from New Zealand or whereever.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Castulus, martyr

Romae, via Lavicana, sancti Castuli Martyris, qui, cum esset zetarius Palatii et hospes Sanctorum, a persecutoribus tertio appensus, tertio auditus, et, in confessione Domini perseverans, missus est in foveam, ac, dimissa super eum massa arenaria, martyrio coronatus est.

Update: It seems, there were two Mosques in Christchurch, both Al Noor and the Linwood mosque.

The peace from RNZ does not state (as it is now) which mosque the two men went to. I have a vague memory of it saying Al Noor when I posted link, but just to make sure, I asked the people over at the Mosque which Mosque it was the two men had "converted" to Islam./HGL

Or, are. Both are still there./HGL

Monday 25 March 2019

Bonum Festum Annuntiationis

Beatae Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae,
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Is the Median Likely to be Correct?

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty · Is the Median Likely to be Correct?

Let's take fifteen items. The following are the likelihoods of overall all correct, one or two in deficit or excess:

overall correct
one lifespan in deficit
one lifespan in excess
two lifespans in deficit
two lifespans in excess

And the following are the likelihoods of each of minimum, lower quartile, median, higher quartile and maximum being correct:

= 0.92284623643389001647747623232692248
lower quartile
= 0.90567961833184941798449959605929867
= 0.92247223095350467350482677091964878
higher quartile
= 0.90567961833184941798449959605929867
= 0.92284623643389001647747623232692248

For each of these, I added together

all correct + with one lifespan in excess (calculated ratios) + with one lifespan in deficit (mirrored) + with two lifespans in excess (calculated ratios) + with two lifespans in deficit (mirrored)

As to all correct, needs no presentation.

As to one lifespan in excess or two lifespans in excess, calculated ratios, I'm coming to it. As to one or two lifespans in deficit, mirrored, this means the calculated ratios were placed other way round, median to median minimum and maximum swapped, quartiles swapped. I was too lazy to do an extra calculation for making one or two lifespans deficient in years.

For all correct, each of above got 1 full time the known 53.25 %. For deficient or exsessive 1, each ratio was multiplies with the likelihood of 1 in excess or deficit, 19.46 % in 15 items, as we know starting from assumption deficit and excess are equally likely at 2.5 % for each item, and correctness is 95 % probable. And similarily for the ratios related to two in excess or deficit, to the multiplication with 3.49 % likelihood.

Now, how did I calculate the ratios?

I decided an empiric method, starting with 15 theoretically possible lifespans. Chosen at semirandom.

The correct values for these are 30 at minimim, then 35, 35, then 40 and 42 around lower quartile, then 45, 50, then at median you have 52, then 55, 56, then around higher quartile you have 60 and 62, then 70, 71, last at maximum you have 73.

I used an order in which they didn't come in numeric order, but in a scrambled on, so I had to swap to order of magnitude each time, so as to avoid swapping from an order I was OK with, and possibly forgetting to swap. I then added together.

For faults, I used only excess, and then for deficit, I mirrored the values.

One fault starts with 60 (the first in "preliminary order") becoming 65 and ends with 45 becomong 50.

Two faults starts with 60 and 62 becoming 65 and 67 and then 60, 62, 30 becoming 65, 62, 35 and so on.

The ratios for getting correct values were - as I could count them - for one in excess 14/15 for minimum, 13/15 for each of lower quartile and median, 12/15 for each of higher quartile and maximum. I presumed the swaps would be roughly valid for one in deficit. And, for two in excess, same process of mirroring applies, the ratios were, and I did some counting mistakes, for minimum 92/105, for lower quartile 81/105, for median 80/106 (sic, my bad), for higher quartile 66 /105 and for maximum 64/104 (sic, my bad).

So, in getting correct median values, it is not just a matter of whether none or one or two values are off, but also how likely that is to be reflected in the median, which is less likely.

This means, when I made median values about series of wikipedian biographies, even with 95 % correctness per item, a correct median in 15 items is as likely as 92.25 %.

And while with 30 items (I might be back on that one tomorrow, today is a holiday) the likelihood for none or one excess or deficit sinks and for two excess or deficit rises, the median, quartiles and extremes make up less of the spectrum, so errors are less likely to be reflected.

For 15 items, you have unitary extremes and middle, at values number 1, 8 and 15, and binary quartiles at 4 and 5 around lower, at 11 and 12 around higher. This means 7 in 15 values are possible hits for errors in the overall views.

For 30 items, you have unitary extremes and quartiles, at values number 1, 8, 23 and 30, and a binary median with values 15 and 16 around it.

Now, 6 values in 30 are clearly fewer than 7 values in 15, so, the median, quartiles and extremes for 30 values should be even less likely to be wrong than for 15.

As I have already done several statistics from wikipedian lifespans, I can tell you a median of 52 is really on the lower side, for premodern times. On the other hand, this is in contexts with either ancestor bias or professional bias. You don't become ancestor of anyone if you die at 5, and you neither become king or painter if you die at 5. This means you have in both types of bias an exclusion of infant and child mortality. The medians are not what age you could expect to live to when you were born (and in fact you were hardly calculating life expectancy at that point, even if your parents were), it's more like what you could reasonably expect to live to if you already married and got children (in some cases a wife of 12 died at or just after giving birth, even so the medians are definitely above "45" as often cited) or if you already were active in a profession. In cases when I have instead calculated "children of" the overall lifespans, reflecting life expectancy at birth, are clearly somewhat lower, perhaps 45 or so.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Annuntiation of Our Lady

Sunday 24 March 2019

Inutile pour le gouvernement ou ses représentants de faire de la provocation inutile envers la population musulmane

Je pourrais comprendre un governement qui dit stop à l'immigration, je ne comprends pas un gouvernement qui dit en effet humiliation inutile et illégale envers les immigrés dejà en place.

Aujourd'hui, j'ai entendu une femme qui disait que les cours de langue arabe comme langue d'origine ne sont pas là à l'école que fréquentent ses fils.

J'imagine pourtant, qu'il y a davantage que cinq élèves qui seraient intéressés.

En Suède, une matière peut être inhibé si seul quatre la choisissent, et avoir un horaire réduit si c'est sept ou moins. J'ai pris "cinq" comme exemple, par rapport à ce qui se passe en Suède.

Je peux comprendre que telle directrice ne voudrait pas avoir d'élèves qui ne maîtrisent pas le français parce que trop insérés dans un contexte arabophone.

Mais, pédagogiquement parlé, la conclusion est erronée. J'ai beaucoup à reprocher l'école suédoise, mais presque pas sur le plan de pédagogie des langues (hormis le fait de négliger certains aspects litéraires, mon "système du passé simple" est presque auto-didacte en français). Or, ils savent pertinamment que, ce qui se passe en cas pareil, ce n'est pas d'apprendre mieux la langue majoritaire car moins la langue d'origine. Au contraire, on risque d'avoir au lieu de bilinguisme fonctionnel (tvåspråkighet) une mi-incompétence dans les deux langues (halfspråkighet) si la langue d'origine, celle parlé à maison, n'est pas enseignée.

Il y a certes des situations dans lesquelles "le fait d'apprendre deux langues à la fois" porte en soi un risque de le mélanger. Or, la phrase est ambigue, et le risque existe pour une des acceptations de cette phrase, pas pour d'autres.

  • En début d'apprentissage,
  • si les deux langues sont semblables entre soi et non avec la langue maternelle.

En apprentissage continuée, comme c'est par définition le cas pour la langue d'origine, comme c'est par définition aussi le cas pour la langue majoritaire, sauf pour des arrivants très récents, on aura déjà répéré les fines nuances entre deux langues semblables, genre "iglesia" et "igreja" étant español et portugais, pas l'inverse, et en plus, le français et l'arabe ne sont pas, croyez-moi, tellement semblables que le risque existerait même en début d'apprentissage.

Dans ce cas, pourquoi existe-t-il un mi-apprentissage pour ceux qui grandissent entre deux langues sans instruction? Parce que, l'immersion à elle seule ne garantit pas une suffisante compétence ni dans l'une ni dans l'autre. Surtout pas à celle apprise plus tard dans la vie. On a besoin d'apprendre la langue aussi comme un système. Et pour comprendre le système d'une autre langue, on a besoin de l'apprendre dans la sienne.

Et le risque de prendre l'occasion pour indoctrination salafiste? Moins grand dans une école, et moins grand si on prend des professeurs d'Arabe des Maronites ou Melkites, qu'il y a en région d'Île de France.

Hans Georg Lundahl
III. Dimanche du Carême

Friday 22 March 2019

From Fifteen to Thirty

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty · Is the Median Likely to be Correct?

From the table on From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way, I extract:

overall correct

one lifespan in deficit

one lifespan in excess

two lifespans in deficit

two lifespans in excess

three lifespans in deficit

three lifespans in excess

Would these add up adequately so as to not just be near hundred %, but also have square and cube near hundred %?

+ 0.19457948503687863317008595913649
+ 0.19457948503687863317008595913649
+ 0.03491280835932598368558101356028
+ 0.03491280835932598368558101356028
+ 0.00392996417819589468205813318492
+ 0.00392996417819589468205813318492
= 0.99934706004946300861665979027747

0.999347060049463008616659790277472 = 0.99869454642950502448207384608942
0.999347060049463008616659790277473 = 0.99804245886175778042684226880683


Now let's take "the squares" of this, and here the results are:

overall correct

one lifespan in deficit

one lifespan in excess

two lifespans in deficit

two lifespans in excess

three lifespans in deficit

three lifespans in excess

four lifespans in deficit

four lifespans in excess

five lifespans in deficit

five lifespans in excess

six lifespans in deficit

six lifespans in excess

So, for an initial assumption of 95 % chance of each wikipedian life having a correct lifespan, and 2.5 % for it deviating in either direction, for thirty of them, for the first time in these calculations, I get a chance of the "overall sum" being correct at less than 50 %, namely 36 %, but for the deviations one up or one down, 22 % each. Meaning, the chances for none or just one lifespan deviating in 30 add up to 80 %. If we find even 2 lifespans overall deviation acceptable in 30, we get a probability of 96 %, and if you could find three up or three down acceptable too, the certainty of acceptable result is over 99 %.

This means, I have not made a major blunder in taking wikipedian articles and the lifespans of known persons of the past in these.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Paul of Narbonne

Tired as I was, I misdated 22.II instead of 22.III, this is now corrected, however, St Paul of Narbonne is from today's martyrology, not from back in february:

Narbone, in Gallia, natalis sancti Pauli Episcopi, Apostolorum discipuli, quem tradunt fuisse Sergium Paulum Proconsulem. Hic, a beato Apostolo Paulo baptizatus, et ab eo, cum in Hispaniam pergeret, apud Narbonem relictus, ibidem Episcopali dignitate donatus est; ibique, praedicationis officio non segniter expleto, clarus miraculis migravit in caelum.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Worst Pope? Don't Think So

Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment : "The worst pope ever"?

To be the "worst Pope ever" one needs to be Pope. Now, if you had asked about worst Antipope ever .... notice there are three consecutive sixes in the post-ID, I didn't put them there.

Could Not Sign

Here is the petition:

PETITION: Tell the UN to help stop abortion of Down Syndrome babies

I Live in France

This country is supposed to be Catholic, at least by tradition.

It so happens, in Sweden, which was once Catholic but has been Lutheran much of the time since Reformation (now more or less apostatised from Christianity), Muslims are twice the number of Catholics.

At least, out of 8.5 or 9 millions x years ago, I recall Catholics as being 160,000 and Muslims as being 300,000 or more.

I come from Malmö, which is a place where there are quite a few Muslims. Last few years I still lived there, I lived in one of the Muslim densest areas of Malmö, namely Rosengård.

It might seem Muslims have kept some kind of check on me since I left as well. You see, I started my carreer as internet content provider up there.

Today, I found certain things on youtube:

I'll not link to the video, but so you can see how this recommendation just might offend me, here is part of the description:

The Roman Catholic Church boasts over two billion followers and is one of the richest organised religions in the world - in fact, the Roman Catholic Church is one of the richest corporations in the world. Historically - the Church has committed crimes against humanity on huge levels, and they are rarely held accountable for them... but in this Documentary series, we will clear out their skeletons in the deepest and darkest catacombs.

As you can see, the channel name actually has an English part and an Arabic part. Citing the Arabic part:

قناة الرايات السود المشرقية

Here is what I saw when looking this up in Google translate:

So, the channel of Oriental black flags can be probably considered as a Muslim channel.

Now, before some Muslim says I am being paranoid, I have no readers, no one would care what I think, this recommendation came from pure friendliness, take a look at my stats:

20 mars 2019 16:00 – 21 mars 2019 15:00

Total 876
177 + 172 + 154 + 152 + 65 + 57 + 24 + 20 + 17 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

Ukraine 177
1 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 88 + 2 + 61 + 12

France 172
4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 11 + 18 + 9 + 12 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 98 + 1 + 2

États-Unis / United States 154
27 + 3 + 3 + 18 + 4 + 1 + 13 + 15 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 30 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 20

Russie / Russia 152
4 + 1 + 23 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 5 + 41 + 19 + 4 + 7 + 5 + 22 + 5 + 2

Italie /Italy 65

région indéterminée / undisclosed region 57
3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 4 + 5 + 20 + 1 + 2 + 3

Pologne / Poland 24
11 + 3 + 7 + 3

Allemagne /Germany 20
14 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1

Thaïlande / Thailand 17

Royaume-Uni / UK 8
5 + 1 + 1 + 1

Estonie / Estonia 5
1 + 4

Inde / India 4
1 + 1 + 2

Australie / Australia 3

Liban / Lebanon 2

Turkménistan / Turkmenistan 2

Portugal 2

Géorgie / Georgia 1

Grèce / Greece 1

Irlande / Ireland 1

Corée du Sud / South Korea 1

Bulgarie / Bulgaria 1

Nicaragua 1

Roumanie / Romania 1

Hong Kong 1

Canada 1

Chine / China 1

Turquie / Turkey 1

Slovaquie / Slovakia 1

Pages vues hier 887
/ pages viewed yesterday 887
0 + 72 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 25 + 143 + 24 + 0 + 5 + 35 + 0 + 11 + 22 + 0 + 96 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 204 + 5 + 13 + 1 + 15 + 9 + 0 + 21 + 0 + 14 + 0 + 148

Pages vues le mois dernier 50943; soit 1698,1 par jour
/ pages viewed last month 50943; or 1698.1 per day.
3518 + 107 + 76 + 127 + 1318 + 39 + 855 + 1010 + 891 + 947 + 332 + 20295 + 593 + 403 + 283 + 145 + 106 + 80 + 105 + 210 + 79 + 185 + 154 + 14 + 13 + 4971 + 177 + 465 + 497 + 32 + 1131 + 305 + 265 + 1708 + 3667 + 1459 + 47 + 18 + 512 + 3676 + 128

Also, look at context. This comes a few days after Christchurch massacre.

It also comes after months of Protestants trying to tell me about the same thing, like Catholicism starting with Paganism, and after my refuting these soundly.

And Muslims watching that. Because, I did part of it online.

And, since part of my existence is begging, while I am waiting for someone to start printing and making money from my writings (yes, I already gave a general licence), and part of the places where I beg, like yesterday, are where Muslims are likely to see me, well, probably someone yesterday (when I put two "links"/URLs to two blogs of mine in French in a visible place, if not before) might have had some ideas on how to improve me in order to later on improve my situation.

It so happens, I don't appreciate this.

It so happens, this morning, I asked for "café allongé et pain au raisin" and the Muslim bakery owner (how many bakeries are owned by Muslims in the Paris region?) pretended to hear "café allongé et croissant" instead. It would have been cheaper, but it is also less in my habits and less good for my stomach. I took offense, the bakery owner told me not to shout, and when I complained about his attitude told me to leave.

Yesterday, I was begging outside another bakery, not far from where I left the note with the two URLs. I had been given a restaurant check on 6€ and was trying to use it as I saw fit. The bakery owneress, wife of owner, I presume, went a little wild with the keys, I think she may have cheated me out of a few cents with the "avoir" which said I could have for 90 cents more later. Part of what I had ordered was not pressed and some I hadn't ordered was pressed more than once. However, "lait" (milk) was pressed without me having ordered it or gotten it, but later outside, someone offered me a litre of milk. Not ideal if you don't have a fridge, in my view. Last time I had milk, after drinking about half, the other half went bad. Either way, the bakery owner's wife wanted to offer me instead of the "avoir" one croissant. I declined. When I had sufficient cents for the coffee, that is ten cents more, I got in and got a coffee, and the baker offered me a "pain au chocolat" along with it for free, while it was generous, it was possibly part of why I slept ill this night and was in a bad mood when confronting the other baker this morning. And part of why I am also in a bad mood now, while I was getting this recommendation.

Please note carefully, even if I had been in a good mood, I don't think I would have appreciated the recommendation of this video.

You see, I am Catholic and intend to remain so. Rejecting Vatican II, rejecting Bergoglio, and a few more has nothing to do with rejecting Catholicism, with me. This is why some people think I need more schooling. And intending for me to have no escape room from getting more of it, they make sure their clubs keep reading my blogs as much of a secret as they can.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Benedict of Nursia

Obviously, the following one was not exactly by a Muzz:

Also "Recommandée pour vous" = recommended for you = for me./HGL

However, I found it somewhat less offensive, I am for instance not immediately seeing a Muslim jumping onto the bandwaggon of some Hislop or some Evangelical rehash of Hislop, which has been refuted thousand times over in inter-Christian debate and where I am dealing with the last diehards. It doesn't show me a lot of Muslims kissing the Evangelicals' worst fanatics' arsehole, as that video, which I also signalled./HGL

While less offensive, it still was offensive. Here is my answer to it in two parts:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Answering "Jesus is a Myth" video, part I

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Answering "Jesus is a Myth" video, part II

I came across Edwin Benson's lampooning of Panera Cares again

New blog on the kid : Are Some Conservatives Trying to Tell me "Socialism Doesn't Work"? · I came across Edwin Benson's lampooning of Panera Cares again · HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Is Anticapitalism a Condemned Socialist Heresy?

He seems to think*, a phrase penned by Karl Marx is automatically wrong because Marx penned it - or even just because Marx drew wrong conclusions from it:

In 1875, Karl Marx penned his most famous line, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” The idea was not original, but his precise wording is seared into the consciousness of every socialist and pseudo-socialist in the world.

It so happens, Popes have condemned socialism of the Marxist kind.

It so happens, Popes have a tradition of being very precise about what they condemn.

Pope Leo X for instance never said "I condemn the 95 theses of Luther". At least not in his preserved documents. He did say he condemned the 41 theses enumerated in Exsurge Domine. It can be stated that Lutherans have claimed Exsurge Domine was unjust, since lots of the theses stated in that document were not verbatim stated in the same words by Luther. If so, Pope Leo was asking Luther to remove suspicions of having intended the ones. And Luther showed a clear unwillingness to condemn these.

However, this means, if Marxist socialism is faulty because of the idea "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," then one can expect this idea to be adressed directly in one encyclical condemning Marxist socialism.

So, I did a little test on searching:

from each according to his ability to each according to his need

First a false hit**, Misericors Dei Filius, Pope Leo XIII, because one paragraph featured both "according to" and "his ability", but not in the same sentence.

Next, Quam Singulari by Pope St Pius X twice features "according to his", namely:

2. A full and perfect knowledge of Christian doctrine is not necessary either for First Confession or for First Communion. Afterwards, however, the child will be obliged to learn gradually the entire Catechism according to his ability.

3. The knowledge of religion which is required in a child in order to be properly prepared to receive First Communion is such that he will understand according to his capacity those Mysteries of faith which are necessary as a means of salvation (necessitate medii) and that he can distinguish between the Bread of the Eucharist and ordinary, material bread, and thus he may receive Holy Communion with a devotion becoming his years.

So, "from each according to his ability" or "... capacity" apparently is OK in some contexts.

Next, Ecclesiam Dei on St Jehosaphat, by Pope Pius XI.

18. We invite most sincerely the Schismatics to join with Us in this unity of the Church, and We desire also that all the faithful, following the teachings and in the footsteps of St. Josaphat, may strive, each according to his ability, to cooperate with Us towards the achievement of this purpose. May all realize, too, that unity is not so much promoted by discussions or by other artificial means, as by the example of a holy life and by good works, especially those dictated by charity towards our Slav brethren and all other Easterners. This, too, is the thought of the Apostle St. Paul when he writes: “Be of one mind, having the same charity, being of one accord, agreeing in sentiment. Let nothing be done through contention, neither by vain glory; but in humility, let each esteem others better than themselves: each one not considering the things that are his own, but those that are other men’s,” (Philippians ii, 2, 4).

The other "according to his" was about God, according to His Holy Will:

24. Under his guidance and patronage let us especially devote ourselves to honoring the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the pledge and chief cause of unity, that mystery of the Faith which, because of their belief, enabled the Eastern Slavs who, even while they were separated from the Roman Church jealously preserved their faith and love for it, to avoid the impieties of the worst heresies. From it, too, we may hope for those fruits which Holy Mother Church prays for in all confidence at the celebration of this August Mystery, that “God may deign to grant us the gifts of unity and peace, which are represented mystically under the offerings of bread and wine.” (Secret of Mass of Feast of Corpus Christi) United, let the Latins and Easterners implore, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, this grace of God; the Easterners “praying to Our Lord for the unity of all,” the Latins praying the same Christ, Our Lord, that “taking into consideration the faith of His Church, He may deign to bring it peace and unity according to His Holy Will.”

And, we come to an Antipope, probably, who in 1959 wrote Ad Petri Cathedram.

81. Once when a terrible schism was rending the seamless garment of the Church, Bishop Theophilus of Alexandria addressed his sons and brethren with words of pastoral zeal. We take pleasure in addressing these same words to you: “Dearly beloved, we have all been invited to heaven. Let each, then, according to his abilities imitate Jesus, our model and the author of our salvation.

90. We repeat this prayer, as does the whole Catholic world in union with Us. We are spurred by a burning love for all men, but also by that interior humility which the gospel teaches. For We know the lowliness of him whom God raised to the dignity of the Sovereign Pontificate, not because of Our merits, but according to His mysterious designs. Wherefore, to all Our brethren and sons who are separated from the Chair of Blessed Peter, We say again: “I am . . . Joseph, your brother.”[40] Come, “make room for us.”[41] We want nothing else, desire nothing else, pray God for nothing else but your salvation, your eternal happiness.

101. “But may . . . God supply your every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus,”[51] that you may reap rich harvests and gather rich crops from the fields you have cultivated by your toil and your sweat.

So far, no condemnation of the sentence by Marx. It is a bit like looking for "Jesus rose from the dead" as said by Luther among the condemnations by Leo X. Since Jesus rose from the dead, Leo X was not likely to censor that.

In fact, we have 5th Ecumenical council saying:

Our great God and saviour Jesus Christ, as we are told in the parable in the gospel, gives talents to each one according to his ability, and at the proper time asks for an account of what has been done by each one. If the person to whom only one talent has been given is condemned because he has not worked and increased it, but has only preserved it without diminishment, how much more serious and more frightening must be the condemnation to which the person is subjected who not only fails to look after himself but scandalizes others and is a cause of offence to them ? It is clear to all believers that when a problem about the faith comes up it is not only the heretical person who is condemned but also the person who is in a position to correct the heresy of others and fails to do so.

Ooops, was Our Lord and God a socialist?

Quadragesimo Anno has three "according to his":

126. Although pained by the injustice and downcast in fatherly sorrow, it is so far from Our thought to repulse or to disown children who have been miserably deceived and have strayed so far from the truth and salvation that We cannot but invite them with all possible solicitude to return to the maternal bosom of the Church. May they lend ready ears to Our voice, may they return whence they have left, to the home that is truly their Father’s, and may they stand firm there where their own place is, in the ranks of those who, zealously following the admonitions which Leo promulgated and We have solemnly repeated, are striving to restore society according to the mind of the Church on the firmly established basis of social justice and social charity. And let them be convinced that nowhere, even on earth, can they find full happiness save with Him who, being rich, became poor for our sakes that through His poverty we might become rich,[58] Who was poor and in labors from His youth, Who invited to Himself all that labor and are heavily burdened that He might refresh them fully in the love of His heart,[59] and Who, lastly, without any respect for persons will require more of them to whom more has been given[60] and “will render to everyone according to his conduct.”[61]

(in 136) Those who are engaged in producing goods, therefore, are not forbidden to increase their fortune in a just and lawful manner; for it is only fair that he who renders service to the community and makes it richer should also, through the increased wealth of the community, be made richer himself according to his position, provided that all these things be sought with due respect for the laws of God and without impairing the rights of others and that they be employed in accordance with faith and right reason.

(end of 137) And the workers, sincerely putting aside every feeling of hatred or envy which the promoters of social conflict so cunningly exploit, will not only accept without rancor the place in human society assigned them by Divine Providence, but rather will hold it in esteem, knowing well that everyone according to his function and duty is toiling usefully and honorably for the common good and is following closely in the footsteps of Him Who, being in the form of God, willed to be a carpenter among men and be known as the son of a carpenter.

In Rite Expiatis, paragraph 34, we have an observation which includes the full phrase (or half of it) in an economic context:

To these rules were added others of no less importance; for example, on the duty of hearing Mass; of attending meetings called on certain fixed days; on the giving of alms by each according to his ability to help the poor and, especially, the sick; on the performing of the last rites for dead members; on the manner of exchanging visits in case of illness; on the manner of bringing back to the ways of virtue those who had fallen or were obstinate in sin; on the duty of not refusing the offices and functions assigned to each and to fulfill these with care; on the manner of settling disputes.

Rerum Novarum has:

31 It cannot, however, be doubted that to attain the purpose we are treating of, not only the Church, but all human agencies, must concur. All who are concerned in the matter should be of one mind and according to their ability act together. It is with this, as with providence that governs the world; the results of causes do not usually take place save where all the causes cooperate.

And another according to before:

20. Of these duties, the following bind the proletarian and the worker: fully and faithfully to perform the work which has been freely and equitably agreed upon; never to injure the property, nor to outrage the person, of an employer; never to resort to violence in defending their own cause, nor to engage in riot or disorder; and to have nothing to do with men of evil principles, who work upon the people with artful promises of great results, and excite foolish hopes which usually end in useless regrets and grievous loss. The following duties bind the wealthy owner and the employer: not to look upon their work people as their bondsmen, but to respect in every man his dignity as a person ennobled by Christian character. They are reminded that, according to natural reason and Christian philosophy, working for gain is creditable, not shameful, to a man, since it enables him to earn an honorable livelihood; but to misuse men as though they were things in the pursuit of gain, or to value them solely for their physical powers — that is truly shameful and inhuman. Again justice demands that, in dealing with the working man, religion and the good of his soul must be kept in mind. Hence, the employer is bound to see that the worker has time for his religious duties; that he be not exposed to corrupting influences and dangerous occasions; and that he be not led away to neglect his home and family, or to squander his earnings. Furthermore, the employer must never tax his work people beyond their strength, or employ them in work unsuited to their sex and age. His great and principal duty is to give every one what is just. Doubtless, before deciding whether wages are fair, many things have to be considered; but wealthy owners and all masters of labor should be mindful of this — that to exercise pressure upon the indigent and the destitute for the sake of gain, and to gather one’s profit out of the need of another, is condemned by all laws, human and divine. To defraud any one of wages that are his due is a great crime which cries to the avenging anger of Heaven. “Behold, the hire of the laborers . . . which by fraud has been kept back by you, crieth; and the cry of them hath entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath.”[6] Lastly, the rich must religiously refrain from cutting down the workmen’s earnings, whether by force, by fraud, or by usurious dealing; and with all the greater reason because the laboring man is, as a rule, weak and unprotected, and because his slender means should in proportion to their scantiness be accounted sacred.

Were these precepts carefully obeyed and followed out, would they not be sufficient of themselves to keep under all strife and all its causes?

I think Pope Leo XIII actually paraphrased "to each according to his need" in this paragraph. Certainly, he makes it the duty of employer, not of state or of violent protest. But he makes "to each according to his need" an actual duty.

Here we have, again in non-financial context:

6. Since Jesus Christ has proclaimed that the special sign of discipleship with Him is that we “have love one for another” (John xiii, 35; xv, 12) can we give a mark of greater love for our neighbors than to assist them in putting behind themselves the darkness of error by instructing them in the true faith of Christ? As a matter of fact, this type of charity surpasses all other kinds of good works inspired by love just as the mind surpasses the body, heaven surpasses earth, eternity surpasses time. Every one that acts thus, inspired by love and according to the full measure of his ability, demonstrates that he esteems the gift of faith in the manner that one should esteem it.

It's from Rerum Ecclesiae.

So what about the encyclicals against socialism and communism?

Rerum Novarum is already cited. Divini Redemptoris actually has 16 occurrences of "according".

9. The doctrine of modern Communism, which is often concealed under the most seductive trappings, is in substance based on the principles of dialectical and historical materialism previously advocated by Marx, of which the theoricians of bolshevism claim to possess the only genuine interpretation. According to this doctrine there is in the world only one reality, matter, the blind forces of which evolve into plant, animal and man. Even human society is nothing but a phenomenon and form of matter, evolving in the same way. By a law of inexorable necessity and through a perpetual conflict of forces, matter moves towards the final synthesis of a classless society. In such a doctrine, as is evident, there is no room for the idea of God; there is no difference between matter and spirit, between soul and body; there is neither survival of the soul after death nor any hope in a future life.

Quoting 12 in full, because it actually cites the phrase:

12. What would be the condition of a human society based on such materialistic tenets? It would be a collectivity with no other hierarchy than that of the economic system. It would have only one mission: the production of material things by means of collective labor, so that the goods of this world might be enjoyed in a paradise where each would “give according to his powers” and would “receive according to his needs.” Communism recognizes in the collectivity the right, or rather, unlimited discretion, to draft individuals for the labor of the collectivity with no regard for their personal welfare; so that even violence could be legitimately exercised to dragoon the recalcitrant against their wills. In the Communistic commonwealth morality and law would be nothing but a derivation of the existing economic order, purely earthly in origin and unstable in character. In a word. the Communists claim to inaugurate a new era and a new civilization which is the result of blind evolutionary forces culminating in a humanity without God.

Ah, wait, the problem was not voluntary adhesion to a principle like "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The problem is ... the collective society sees this as an occasion to draft people, to force them to give according to their full ability and to receive no more than they need, or rather actually less. This involves numbers both 2 and 3 of "according".

15. How is it possible that such a system, long since rejected scientifically and now proved erroneous by experience, how is it, We ask, that such a system could spread so rapidly in all parts of the world? The explanation lies in the fact that too few have been able to grasp the nature of Communism. The majority instead succumb to its deception, skillfully concealed by the most extravagant promises. By pretending to desire only the betterment of the condition of the working classes, by urging the removal of the very real abuses chargeable to the liberalistic economic order, and by demanding a more equitable distribution of this world’s goods (objectives entirely and undoubtedly legitimate), the Communist takes advantage of the present world-wide economic crisis to draw into the sphere of his influence even those sections of the populace which on principle reject all forms of materialism and terrorism. And as every error contains its element of truth, the partial truths to which We have referred are astutely presented according to the needs of time and place, to conceal, when convenient, the repulsive crudity and inhumanity 540 of Communistic principles and tactics. Thus the Communist ideal wins over many of the better minded members of the community. These in turn become the apostles of the movement among the younger intelligentsia who are still too immature to recognize the intrinsic errors of the system. The preachers of Communism are also proficient in exploiting racial antagonisms and political divisions and oppositions. They take advantage of the lack of orientation characteristic of modern agnostic science in order to burrow into the universities, where they bolster up the principles of their doctrine with pseudo-scientific arguments.

OK sounds like he would have disagreed with Panera Cares? Not to me.

In paragrapg 29 we are again reminded that the "Commie phrase" cannot be all the measure according to which, because there are other "according tos":

29. But God has likewise destined man for civil society according to the dictates of his very nature. In the plan of the Creator, society is a natural means which man can and must use to reach his destined end. Society is for man and not vice versa. This must not be understood in the sense of liberalistic individualism, which subordinates society to the selfish use of the individual; but only in the sense that by means of an organic union with society and by mutual collaboration the attainment of earthly happiness is placed within the reach of all. In a further sense, it is society which affords the opportunities for the development of all the individual and social gifts bestowed on human nature. These natural gifts have a value surpassing the immediate interests of the moment, for in society they reflect the divine perfection, which would not be true were man to live alone. But on final analysis, even in this latter function, society is made for man, that he may recognize this reflection of God’s perfection, and refer it in praise and adoration to the Creator. Only man, the human person, and not society in any form is endowed with reason and a morally free will.

30. Man cannot be exempted from his divinely-imposed obligations toward civil society, and the representatives of authority have the right to coerce him when he refuses without reason to do his duty. Society, on the other hand, cannot defraud man of his God-granted rights, the most important of which We have indicated above. Nor can society systematically void these rights by making their use impossible. It is therefore according to the dictates of reason that ultimately all material things should be ordained to man as a person, that through his mediation they may find their way to the Creator. In this wise we can apply to man, the human person, the words of the Apostle of the Gentiles, who writes to the Corinthians on the Christian economy of salvation: “All things are yours, and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.”[12] While Communism impoverishes human personality by inverting the terms of the relation of man to society, to what lofty heights is man not elevated by reason and Revelation!

Same in paragraph 34:

The Church does not separate a proper regard for temporal welfare from solicitude for the eternal. If she subordinates the former to the latter according to the words of her divine Founder, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be added unto you,”[18] she is nevertheless so far from being unconcerned with human affairs, so far from hindering civil progress and material advancement, that she actually fosters and promotes them in the most sensible and efficacious manner.

39. This, Venerable Brethren, is the doctrine of the Church, which alone in the social as in all other fields can offer real light and assure salvation in the face of Communistic ideology. But this doctrine must be consistently reduced to practice in every-day life, according to the admonition of St. .James the Apostle: “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”[21] The most urgent need of the present day is therefore the energetic and timely application of remedies which will effectively ward off the catastrophe that daily grows more threatening. We cherish the firm hope that the fanaticism with which the sons of darkness work day and night at their materialistic and atheistic propaganda will at least serve the holy purpose of stimulating the sons of light to a like and even greater zeal for the honor of the Divine Majesty.

In context, St James is especially speaking of good prayer : neither unconstant, nor impatient.

43. Nevertheless We cannot deny that there is still much to be done in the way of spiritual renovation. Even in Catholic countries there are still too many who are Catholics hardly more than in name. There are too many who fulfill more or less faithfully the more essential obligations of the religion they boast of professing, but have no desire of knowing it better, of deepening their inward conviction, and still less of bringing into conformity with the external gloss the inner splendor of a right and unsullied conscience, that recognizes and performs all its duties under the eye of God. We know how much Our Divine Savior detested this empty pharisaic show, He Who wished that all should adore the Father “in spirit and in truth.”[24] The Catholic who does not live really and sincerely according to the Faith he professes will not long be master of himself in these days when the winds of strife and persecution blow so fiercely, but will be swept away defenseless in this new deluge which threatens the world. And thus, while he is preparing his own ruin, he is exposing to ridicule the very name of Christian.


45. But the poor too, in their turn, while engaged, according to the laws of charity and justice, in acquiring the necessities of life and also in bettering their condition, should always remain “poor in spirit,”[29] and hold spiritual goods in higher esteem than earthly property and pleasures. Let them remember that the world will never be able to rid itself of misery, sorrow and tribulation, which are the portion even of those who seem most prosperous. Patience, therefore, is the need of all, that Christian patience which comforts the heart with the divine assurance of eternal happiness. “Be patient, therefore, brethren,” we repeat with St. .lames, “until the coming of the Lord. Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, patiently bearing until he receive the early and the later rain. Be you therefore also patient and strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”[30] Only thus will be fulfilled the consoling promise of the Lord: “Blessed are the poor!” These words are no vain consolation, a promise as empty as those of the Communists. They are the words of life, pregnant with a sovereign reality. They are fully verified here on earth, as well as in eternity. Indeed, how many of the poor, in anticipation of the Kingdom of Heaven already proclaimed their own: “for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven,”[31] find in these words a happiness which so many of the wealthy, uneasy with their riches and ever thirsting for more, look for in vain!


49. But charity will never be true charity unless it takes justice into constant account. The Apostle teaches that “he that loveth his neighbor hath fulfilled the law” and he gives the reason: “For, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal . . . and if there be any other commandment, it is comprised in this word: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”[36] According to the Apostle, then, all the commandments, including those which are of strict justice, as those which forbid us to kill or to steal, may be reduced to the single precept of true charity. ...


66. In addition to this individual apostolate which, however useful and efficacious, often goes unheralded, Catholic Action must organize propaganda on a large scale to disseminate knowledge of the fundamental principles on which, according to the Pontifical documents, a Christian .Social Order must build.

OK, a whole document dedicated on refutation of a certain type of socialism, and not a single condemnation of the phrase, as such, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Note, Panera was not drafting rich customers to eat there and pay double price, so poorer could eat half price or for free, Panera Cares was not a collectivity. Somehow, what Edwin Benson finds wrong with the phrase doesn't seem to quite resonate with the Popes.

Why did I return to this? Well, you see, I was reading a much better essay by Plinio Maria Solimeo on The Only Divorce-Free City in the World.***

And before it was finished, Return to Order site had put in, as a distraction, a link to This is How Panera Found Out That Socialism Does Not Work* - so, I will take a look at how the failure was analysed:

Unfortunately, Mr. Shaich’s faith in this premise proved overly optimistic. Eater Detroit describes Panera Cares’s short history. “[T]he restaurants weren’t financially viable… Panera Cares was reportedly only recouping between 60 and 70 percent of its total costs. The losses were attributed to students who “mobbed” the restaurant and ate without paying, as well as homeless patrons who visited the restaurant for every meal of the week.”

In 2017, Panera was sold to a conglomerate. Mr. Shaich left the company the following year. The new owners pulled the plug on Panera Cares. On February 15, the lights went out.

Well, "the new owners" and "sold to a conglomerate" sounds like reasons why things don't work out for the best in Capitalism. Typical such.

The same human and economic forces that ate away the altruism of Panera Cares has consumed Venezuela.

No, or if so, this would be a very great accusation against international capitalism, as far as Venezuela goes.

Venezuela, however, is not about voluntarily fulfilling an ethos of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Venezuela is about :

a collectivity with no other hierarchy than that of the economic system. It would have only one mission: the production of material things by means of collective labor, so that the goods of this world might be enjoyed in a paradise where each would “give according to his powers” and would “receive according to his needs.”

Now, that happens to be wrong. It also happens to be sth which Panera Cares was not about.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Benedict

In monte Cassino natalis sancti Benedicti Abbatis, qui in Occidente fere collapsam Monachorum disciplinam restituit ac mirifice propagavit; cujus vitam, virtutibus et miraculis gloriosam, beatus Gregorius Papa conscripsit.

Update, I was tired yesterday, and so forgot to put blockquotes around the sentence beginning "The same human and economic forces", which is by Edwin Benson, not me, as you can see from my answering "No" in the next paragraph./HGL

* This is How Panera Found Out That Socialism Does Not Work
By Edwin Benson

** Papal encyclicals in general from:

Papal Encyclicals Online

In particular most cited one, here:

Divini Redemptoris
On Atheistic Communism
Pope Pius XI - 1937

*** The Only Divorce-Free City in the World
By Plinio Maria Solimeo

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Bonum Festum Sancti Ioseph

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

In Judaea natalis sancti Joseph, Sponsi beatissimae Virginis Mariae, Confessoris; quem Pius Nonus, Pontifex Maximus, votis et precibus annuens totius catholici Orbis, universalis Ecclesiae Patronum declaravit.

I don't think these page views are coincidence, do you?

Anyone else feel, in my forty blogs, the page view numbers multplying 13, 17 and 21 turn up a bit often statistically speaking to be just coincidence, and early on, often?

13 & multiples
Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items (18.III.2019, 13, 10th) Now dethroned by The More Extreme Variations or Deviations (19.III.2019, 13, 7th) ... über üble Nachsager der katholischen Frömmigkeit (18.III.2019, 104, 8th) Just Promoting (18.III.2019, 13, 36th) 3 Ehealter der Frauen in der Ahnentafel Marie von Badens (18.III.2019, 143, 6ster) Responsum (18.III.2019, 52, tertium) With David Palm, Mainly on Flood, Ark, Ararat (18.III.2019, 130, 3rd) 6 (18.III.2019, 143, 42nd) Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si tu découvrais qqc contre Jésus ou l'Église Catholique? (18.III.2019, 91, 4e) Géocentrisme, ma vers. 1 (18.III.2019, 221, 2e) 9 Verdad Hispánica (enlaces, 2 videos) (18.III.2019, 52, 6to) "L'heure n'est plus aux secrets d'initiés" (18.III.2019, 39, 9e) Hunnius Redivivus on Apostolic Succession (18.III.2019, 39, 5th) 12 Pas misérable? (18.III.2019, 65, 17e) Yes, as Said ... (18.III.2019, 39, 2nd) A Problem with Ivugi Community, as Portrayed by John Davis (18.III.2019, 39, only one) 15 3-IX-2004, Carrión de los Condes - El Palomar, Ledigos (18.III.2019, 52, 17e) praesenti infinitiuus, praeteriti imperfecti conjunctiuus (18.III.2019, 130, 20um 6um) ”closet cases”? (19.III.2019, 117, 28th) 18 Polska från Paris (19.III.2019, 52, 4th) Kryptops palaios (19.III.2019, 65, 11th) Sköna Maj, välkommen ... (19.III.2019, 26, 11te) 21 Fibonacci Numbers in Square Diagrams (19.III.2019, 117, 23rd) Encore sur le débat (19.III.2019, 117, 12e) Francesca Stavrakopoulou on Moses ... (19.III.2019, 52, 28th) 24 Réponse à FSSPX sur Josué et Galilée (19.III.2019, 65, 27e) Le Retour de Don Quichotte (19.III.2019, 39, 4e) Difference between fairy tale and legend, illustrated from Hungary (19.III.2019, 130, 15th) 27

17 & multiples
Einige "Kommies" vergleichen Kreationisten mit Holocaust-Leugner - andere auch? (18.III.2019, 17, 4th) For the Rosary (18.III.2019, 17, 104th) Es gibt Ungläubige, von denen ich wünsche sie wären als Christen gestorben (18.III.2019, 85, 26ster) 3 XIX Personal Hypno Dictionary (18.III.2019, 17, 12th) With Anthony Zarrella on Metaphysics of Science (18.III.2019, 340, 16th) Perceived Needs (18.III.2019, 153, 7th) 6 Happy Easter - Joyeux Pâcques (18.III.2019, 51, 20e) Géocentrisme, ma vers. 1 (18.III.2019, 221, 2e) The Idol and the Spell (18.III.2019, 102, 65th) 9 C'est connu que les Inklings n'aimaient pas Disney - étaient-ils trop snobiques pour le film animé? (18.III.2019, 34, 30e) Little inspiration for Moses in Genesis, none for Luke in either book? (18.III.2019, 17, 13th) Matin, passe une fille. (18.III.2019, 85, 47e) 12 Comparing Inaccuracies : A. N. Wilson on CSL / Shrinks on Patients (18.III.2019, 136, 10th) 14-VIII-2004, Nantes ... La Corniche (18.III.2019, 102, 14e) Vella de la Navidad de Nuestra Señora, 7-IX-2004, Mansilla Las Mulas - León (18.III.2019, 204, 4e) 15 21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo (18.III.2019, 306, 1er) primae et quintae declinationis substantiva (18.III.2019, 153, 5um 10um) Litavisk kulturhistoria, problem 1 (18.III.2019, 867, 4rde) 18 Looking for the Pope ... (bis) (19.III.2019, 204, 10th) Read an Article on Musical Tastes (19.III.2019, 34, 5th) One Lifespan Too Short in Five (19.III.2019, 17, 12th) 21 Ofta skrifver jag andra språk än svenska (19.III.2019, 34, 5te) Getting a logo or URL for a poster the right distance of letters. (19.III.2019, 17, 1st) Réponse à Volbach, qui voulait démontrer la fausseté du Judaïsme et du Christianisme (19.III.2019, 102, 5e) 24 Various Responses to Carrier (19.III.2019, 51, 11th) Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo (19.III.2019, 493, 2nd page) Ai-je des soucis avec les Cathos de France? (19.III.2019, 51, 28e) 27 Intriguing, Iran tops last week's visitors here too! (19.III.2019, 289, 2nd) Ma chère Postilla in libros Geneseos par St. Thomas, serait-elle par Pierre de Jean Olivi? (19.III.2019, 136, 13e) 29

21 & multiples
Sharing on Morocco Murder (18.III.2019, 21, 82nd) (18.III.2019, 126, 51ster) X Demons and hypnosis? (18.III.2019, 21, 27th) 3 Correspondence with Tas Walker on C14 Re-Calibration Problems (18.III.2019, 84, 43rd) This is Not going to be about Astrology for its Own Sake (18.III.2019, 84, 4th) On n'aime pas forcément les pd (18.III.2019, 63, 180e) 6 "Putting the cart before the horse" (18.III.2019, 126, 29e) Tea yes, Tilak no (18.III.2019, 147, 51st) Prophétique, Hypsis? (18.III.2019, 42, 11e) 9 Between Vigilantius and the Waldensians (18.III.2019, 147, 93rd) On veut bien m'aider (18.III.2019, 42, 59e) Well, I was after all ... (18.III.2019, 84, 4th) 12 Retro in indicem morphologiae verbalis (18.III.2019, 147, 1mum) Die 8vo Dec. (18.III.2019, 567, 2ndum) Valse Triste (19.III.2019, 42, 13th) 15 Pourquoi je n'ai pas pu signer (19.III.2019, 84, 19e) Nigersaurus taqueti (19.III.2019, 63, 10th) Websites, Societies and Clubs (19.III.2019, 147, 23rd) 18 Danskere i Paris (19.III.2019, 42, 20nde) An Ahnentafel Kit (19.III.2019, 63, 12th) .... sur l'évolution (pas si prouvée que ça) (19.III.2019, 126, 7e) 21 Carrier's Entire List (19.III.2019, 42, 15th) J'avais oublié (19.III.2019, 336, 4e) Travel and pilgrimages, food, languages (19.III.2019, 315, 5th) Ninos et Sémiramis (19.III.2019, 126, 12e) 25

Monday 18 March 2019

From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty

Same method as previous, except left hand we get probabilities out of the larger list, -10 to +10, and right hand from smaller one, as previously, -5 to +5.

overall correct

one lifespan in deficit

one lifespan in excess

two lifespans in deficit

two lifespans in excess

three lifespans in deficit

three lifespans in excess

four lifespans in deficit

four lifespans in excess

[one in 3248]

five lifespans in deficit

five lifespans in excess

[one in 56 365]

six lifespans in deficit

six lifespans in excess

[one in 1 289 304]

seven lifespans in deficit

seven lifespans in excess

[one in 38 192 660]

eight lifespans in deficit

eight lifespans in excess

[one in 1 453 663 545]

nine lifespans in deficit

nine lifespans in excess

[one in 71 103 754 001]

ten lifespans in deficit
[supplied from following due to obvious error]

ten lifespans in excess

[one in 4 506 921 268 321]

eleven lifespans in deficit

eleven lifespans in excess

[one in 376 992 024 215 252]

twelve lifespans in deficit

twelve lifespans in excess

[one in 42 993 113 201 578 875]

thirteen lifespans in deficit

thirteen lifespans in excess

[one in 7 081 094 892 340 158 934]

fourteen lifespans in deficit

fourteen lifespans in excess

[one in 1 883 757 585 964 912 280 702]

fifteen lifespans in deficit

fifteen lifespans in excess

[one in 1 073 741 824 000 000 000 000 000]

+ 0.19457948503687863317008595913649
+ 0.19457948503687863317008595913649
= 0.92166151497441925188138149678707

So, in fifteen wikipedian articles, with initial assumption (as the word is used) of 95 % chance of each being correct, 2.5 % of each having an excessive and 2.5 % of each having a decicient lifespan, the chances are for either no overall deficit or excess, or only one unbalanced lifespan in excess or deficit, 92.17 %.

The article was updated to change decimal commas to decimal points./HGL

From Five to Ten, the Long Way

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty

My method was this.

First I used a lot of <dt> with "overall correct" in the middle, and then ten to each side ranging from "one more" to "ten more" and from "one less" to "ten less".

Then I worked inward, inserting a lot of <dd> as follows : one under each ten, two under each nine, three under each eight and so on, into eleven under the "overall correct".

Then I worked in space, plus sign, space and new line after each <dd>.

Then I expanded " + " to " + () * ()".

Then I inserted (+5) in every space where I had planned to deal with the eventuality of all five lifespans in excess and so on.

Then I started to change the (0) to 0.7845092578125 which I had copied from the post Summary for Five Lifespans. And so on for the rest, which can here be seen in process.

I had to change the English decimal points to European decimal commas, you can on "eight more" see the three multiplications done, and on "six more" the five multiplications not yet done and on "seven more" the third multiplication is being done.

When all the multiplications were done, I got rid of the <dd> before remaining plus signs (I had deleted the plus sign before the first in each multiplication).

On "six more" you can see the five terms have already been added together and on "five more" the six terms are still separated, different ligns, plus signs.

When this was all done, I changed "more" to "lifespans in excess" and "less" to "lifespans in deficit". Voilà, here is the table, I just need to change back to decimal points again! Done./HGL

all ten lifespans in excess

nine lifespans in excess

eight lifespans in excess

seven lifespans in excess

six lifespans in excess

five lifespans in excess

four lifespans in excess

three lifespans in excess

two lifespans in excess

one lifespans in excess

overall correct

one lifespans in deficit

two lifespans in deficit

three lifespans in deficit

four lifespans in deficit

five lifespans in deficit

six lifespans in deficit

seven lifespans in deficit

eight lifespans in deficit

nine lifespans in deficit

all ten lifespans in deficit