Saturday 16 March 2019

One Lifespan Too Short in Five

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty

Dito as for previous./HGL

CCCCS -1 0.02036265625
CCCSC -1 0.02036265625
CCSCC -1 0.02036265625
CCSSL -1 0.0000141015625
CCSLS -1 0.0000141015625
CCLSS -1 0.0000141015625
CSCCC -1 0.02036265625
CSCSL -1 0.0000141015625
CSCLS -1 0.0000141015625
CSSCL -1 0.0000141015625
CSSLC -1 0.0000141015625
CSLCS -1 0.0000141015625
CSLSC -1 0.0000141015625
CLCSS -1 0.0000141015625
CLSCS -1 0.0000141015625
CLSSC -1 0.0000141015625
SCCCC -1 0.02036265625
SCCSL -1 0.0000141015625
SCCLS -1 0.0000141015625
SCSCL -1 0.0000141015625
SCSLC -1 0.0000141015625
SCLCS -1 0.0000141015625
SCLSC -1 0.0000141015625
SSCCL -1 0.0000141015625
SSCLC -1 0.0000141015625
SSSLL -1 0.000000009765625
SSLCC -1 0.0000141015625
SSLSL -1 0.000000009765625
SSLLS -1 0.000000009765625
SLCCS -1 0.0000141015625
SLCSC -1 0.0000141015625
SLSCC -1 0.0000141015625
SLSSL -1 0.000000009765625
SLSLS -1 0.000000009765625
SLLSS -1 0.000000009765625
LCCSS -1 0.0000141015625
LCSCS -1 0.0000141015625
LCSSC -1 0.0000141015625
LSCCS -1 0.0000141015625
LSCSC -1 0.0000141015625
LSSCC -1 0.0000141015625
LSSSL -1 0.000000009765625
LSSLS -1 0.000000009765625
LSLSS -1 0.000000009765625
LLSSS -1 0.000000009765625


0.02036265625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 = 0.10222232421875


Due to discrepant sum with following, the table was remade from the larger one, and a new sum will be calculated here./HGL


New sum: 0.02036265625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.02036265625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.0000141015625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 + 0.000000009765625 = 0.10223642578125

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