Saturday 16 March 2019

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ...

Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty

As wikipedian articles are not reputed a quite certain source, as I have nevertheless often used several for statistic purposes (most often age of death for people attaining adulthood, very much less often child mortality and in between age of marriage), I have made what some would consider an error in research.

First, with errors in wikipedia, those in birth and death years are not the most probable ones, especially if taking into account several articles, united by threads others can not very clearly have foreseen. So, I have assigned, beforehand, for each article (on an average) 95 % probability of giving a correct lifespan, 2.5 % for giving too short and 2.5 % for giving too long a such.

I have therefore made a list of 243 combinations, which is 35. On each level, I have put a C, and an S, and an L (meaning correct, too short, too long, and involving a reference to a favourite author of mine, C. S. Lewis).

Then I needed to copy this list onto three different notepad documents.

On one, I kept all from CCCCC (all five correct), via SSSSS (all five too short) to LLLLL (all five too long).

On one, I deleted all C, made all S inti -1, made all L into +1. Then I proceeded to add together.

On the last one, I made all C into *0.95, and all S as well as all L into *0.025. In order to copy such a row onto the calculator, start with putting in a 1, since otherwise the first "*" will be read as "0*" in analogy of "+" being read as "0+". Here is a picture from that ongoing process:

It took time, and I often paused to do sth else, while saving the finished work in some document I could reaccess. Same observation for putting first the polarity (0 = no overall deviation, + 1 = one life too long unbalanced, - 1 = one life too short unbalanced and so on) and then the probability after each combination.

For the immediate result of that, see below. I'll do some more, be back in a while./HGL

CCCCC +0 0.7737809375
CCCCS -1 0.02036265625
CCCCL +1 0.02036265625
CCCSC -1 0.02036265625
CCCSS -2 0.000535859375
CCCSL +0 0.000535859375
CCCLC +1 0.02036265625
CCCLS +0 0.000535859375
CCCLL +2 0.000535859375
CCSCC -1 0.02036265625
CCSCS -2 0.000535859375
CCSCL +0 0.000535859375
CCSSC -2 0.000535859375
CCSSS -3 0.0000141015625
CCSSL -1 0.0000141015625
CCSLC +0 0.000535859375
CCSLS -1 0.0000141015625
CCSLL +1 0.0000141015625
CCLCC +1 0.02036265625
CCLCS +0 0.000535859375
CCLCL +2 0.000535859375
CCLSC +0 0.000535859375
CCLSS -1 0.0000141015625
CCLSL +1 0.0000141015625
CCLLC +2 0.000535859375
CCLLS +1 0.0000141015625
CCLLL +3 0.0000141015625
CSCCC -1 0.02036265625
CSCCS -2 0.000535859375
CSCCL +0 0.000535859375
CSCSC -2 0.000535859375
CSCSS -3 0.0000141015625
CSCSL -1 0.0000141015625
CSCLC +0 0.000535859375
CSCLS -1 0.0000141015625
CSCLL +1 0.0000141015625
CSSCC -2 0.000535859375
CSSCS -3 0.0000141015625
CSSCL -1 0.0000141015625
CSSSC -3 0.0000141015625
CSSSS -4 0.00000037109375
CSSSL -2 0.00000037109375
CSSLC -1 0.0000141015625
CSSLS -2 0.00000037109375
CSSLL +0 0.00000037109375
CSLCC +0 0.000535859375
CSLCS -1 0.0000141015625
CSLCL +1 0.0000141015625
CSLSC -1 0.0000141015625
CSLSS -2 0.00000037109375
CSLSL +0 0.00000037109375
CSLLC +1 0.0000141015625
CSLLS +0 0.00000037109375
CSLLL +2 0.00000037109375
CLCCC +1 0.02036265625
CLCCS +0 0.000535859375
CLCCL +2 0.000535859375
CLCSC +0 0.000535859375
CLCSS -1 0.0000141015625
CLCSL +1 0.0000141015625
CLCLC +2 0.000535859375
CLCLS +1 0.0000141015625
CLCLL +3 0.0000141015625
CLSCC +0 0.000535859375
CLSCS -1 0.0000141015625
CLSCL +1 0.0000141015625
CLSSC -1 0.0000141015625
CLSSS -2 0.00000037109375
CLSSL +0 0.00000037109375
CLSLC +1 0.0000141015625
CLSLS +0 0.00000037109375
CLSLL +2 0.00000037109375
CLLCC +2 0.000535859375
CLLCS +1 0.0000141015625
CLLCL +3 0.0000141015625
CLLSC +1 0.0000141015625
CLLSS +0 0.00000037109375
CLLSL +2 0.00000037109375
CLLLC +3 0.0000141015625
CLLLS +2 0.00000037109375
CLLLL +4 0.00000037109375
SCCCC -1 0.02036265625
SCCCS -2 0.000535859375
SCCCL +0 0.000535859375
SCCSC -2 0.000535859375
SCCSS -3 0.0000141015625
SCCSL -1 0.0000141015625
SCCLC +0 0.000535859375
SCCLS -1 0.0000141015625
SCCLL +1 0.0000141015625
SCSCC -2 0.000535859375
SCSCS -3 0.0000141015625
SCSCL -1 0.0000141015625
SCSSC -3 0.0000141015625
SCSSS -4 0.00000037109375
SCSSL -2 0.00000037109375
SCSLC -1 0.0000141015625
SCSLS -2 0.00000037109375
SCSLL +0 0.00000037109375
SCLCC +0 0.000535859375
SCLCS -1 0.0000141015625
SCLCL +1 0.0000141015625
SCLSC -1 0.0000141015625
SCLSS -2 0.00000037109375
SCLSL +0 0.00000037109375
SCLLC +1 0.0000141015625
SCLLS +0 0.00000037109375
SCLLL +2 0.00000037109375
SSCCC -2 0.000535859375
SSCCS -3 0.0000141015625
SSCCL -1 0.0000141015625
SSCSC -3 0.0000141015625
SSCSS -4 0.00000037109375
SSCSL -2 0.00000037109375
SSCLC -1 0.0000141015625
SSCLS -2 0.00000037109375
SSCLL +0 0.00000037109375
SSSCC -3 0.0000141015625
SSSCS -4 0.00000037109375
SSSCL -2 0.00000037109375
SSSSC -4 0.00000037109375
SSSSS -5 0.000000009765625
SSSSL -3 0.000000009765625
SSSLC -2 0.00000037109375
SSSLS -3 0.000000009765625
SSSLL -1 0.000000009765625
SSLCC -1 0.0000141015625
SSLCS -2 0.00000037109375
SSLCL +0 0.00000037109375
SSLSC -2 0.00000037109375
SSLSS -3 0.000000009765625
SSLSL -1 0.000000009765625
SSLLC +0 0.00000037109375
SSLLS -1 0.000000009765625
SSLLL +1 0.000000009765625
SLCCC +0 0.000535859375
SLCCS -1 0.0000141015625
SLCCL +1 0.0000141015625
SLCSC -1 0.0000141015625
SLCSS -2 0.00000037109375
SLCSL +0 0.00000037109375
SLCLC +1 0.0000141015625
SLCLS +0 0.00000037109375
SLCLL +2 0.00000037109375
SLSCC -1 0.0000141015625
SLSCS -2 0.00000037109375
SLSCL +0 0.00000037109375
SLSSC -2 0.00000037109375
SLSSS -3 0.000000009765625
SLSSL -1 0.000000009765625
SLSLC +0 0.00000037109375
SLSLS -1 0.000000009765625
SLSLL +1 0.000000009765625
SLLCC +1 0.0000141015625
SLLCS +0 0.00000037109375
SLLCL +2 0.00000037109375
SLLSC +0 0.00000037109375
SLLSS -1 0.000000009765625
SLLSL +1 0.000000009765625
SLLLC +2 0.00000037109375
SLLLS +1 0.000000009765625
SLLLL +3 0.000000009765625
LCCCC +1 0.02036265625
LCCCS +0 0.000535859375
LCCCL +2 0.000535859375
LCCSC +0 0.000535859375
LCCSS -1 0.0000141015625
LCCSL +1 0.0000141015625
LCCLC +2 0.000535859375
LCCLS +1 0.0000141015625
LCCLL +3 0.0000141015625
LCSCC +0 0.000535859375
LCSCS -1 0.0000141015625
LCSCL +1 0.0000141015625
LCSSC -1 0.0000141015625
LCSSS -2 0.00000037109375
LCSSL +0 0.00000037109375
LCSLC +1 0.0000141015625
LCSLS +0 0.00000037109375
LCSLL +2 0.00000037109375
LCLCC +2 0.000535859375
LCLCS +1 0.0000141015625
LCLCL +3 0.0000141015625
LCLSC +1 0.0000141015625
LCLSS +0 0.00000037109375
LCLSL +2 0.00000037109375
LCLLC +3 0.0000141015625
LCLLS +2 0.00000037109375
LCLLL +4 0.00000037109375
LSCCC +0 0.000535859375
LSCCS -1 0.0000141015625
LSCCL +1 0.0000141015625
LSCSC -1 0.0000141015625
LSCSS -2 0.00000037109375
LSCSL +0 0.00000037109375
LSCLC +1 0.0000141015625
LSCLS +0 0.00000037109375
LSCLL +2 0.00000037109375
LSSCC -1 0.0000141015625
LSSCS -2 0.00000037109375
LSSCL +0 0.00000037109375
LSSSC -2 0.00000037109375
LSSSS -3 0.000000009765625
LSSSL -1 0.000000009765625
LSSLC +0 0.00000037109375
LSSLS -1 0.000000009765625
LSSLL +1 0.000000009765625
LSLCC +1 0.0000141015625
LSLCS +0 0.00000037109375
LSLCL +2 0.00000037109375
LSLSC +0 0.00000037109375
LSLSS -1 0.000000009765625
LSLSL +1 0.000000009765625
LSLLC +2 0.00000037109375
LSLLS +1 0.000000009765625
LSLLL +3 0.000000009765625
LLCCC +2 0.000535859375
LLCCS +1 0.0000141015625
LLCCL +3 0.0000141015625
LLCSC +1 0.0000141015625
LLCSS +0 0.00000037109375
LLCSL +2 0.00000037109375
LLCLC +3 0.0000141015625
LLCLS +2 0.00000037109375
LLCLL +4 0.00000037109375
LLSCC +1 0.0000141015625
LLSCS +0 0.00000037109375
LLSCL +2 0.00000037109375
LLSSC +0 0.00000037109375
LLSSS -1 0.000000009765625
LLSSL +1 0.000000009765625
LLSLC +2 0.00000037109375
LLSLS +1 0.000000009765625
LLSLL +3 0.000000009765625
LLLCC +3 0.0000141015625
LLLCS +2 0.00000037109375
LLLCL +4 0.00000037109375
LLLSC +2 0.00000037109375
LLLSS +1 0.000000009765625
LLLSL +3 0.000000009765625
LLLLC +4 0.00000037109375
LLLLS +3 0.000000009765625
LLLLL +5 0.000000009765625

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