Statistic Chances for Correct Statistics from Insecure Items ... · Zero Polarity on Five Item Statistics · One Lifespan Too Short in Five · One Lifespan Too Long in Five · Method for Good Choice · Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items · Two Lifespans Too Long in Five · The More Extreme Variations or Deviations · Summary for Five Lifespans · From Five to Fifteen? · From Five to Ten, the Long Way · From Five and Ten to Fifteen, the Long Way · From Fifteen to Thirty
My method was this.
First I used a lot of <dt> with "overall correct" in the middle, and then ten to each side ranging from "one more" to "ten more" and from "one less" to "ten less".
Then I worked inward, inserting a lot of <dd> as follows : one under each ten, two under each nine, three under each eight and so on, into eleven under the "overall correct".
Then I worked in space, plus sign, space and new line after each <dd>.
Then I expanded " + " to " + () * ()".
Then I inserted (+5) in every space where I had planned to deal with the eventuality of all five lifespans in excess and so on.
Then I started to change the (0) to 0.7845092578125 which I had copied from the post Summary for Five Lifespans. And so on for the rest, which can here be seen in process.

I had to change the English decimal points to European decimal commas, you can on "eight more" see the three multiplications done, and on "six more" the five multiplications not yet done and on "seven more" the third multiplication is being done.

When all the multiplications were done, I got rid of the <dd> before remaining plus signs (I had deleted the plus sign before the first in each multiplication).
On "six more" you can see the five terms have already been added together and on "five more" the six terms are still separated, different ligns, plus signs.

When this was all done, I changed "more" to "lifespans in excess" and "less" to "lifespans in deficit". Voilà, here is the table, I just need to change back to decimal points again! Done./HGL
- all ten lifespans in excess
- 0.000000000000000095367431640625
- nine lifespans in excess
- 0.0000000000000362396240234375
- eight lifespans in excess
- 0.00000000000619792938232421875
- seven lifespans in excess
- 0.0000000006282863616943359375
- six lifespans in excess
- 0.000000041808933734893798828125
- five lifespans in excess
- 0.00000190862355194091796875
- four lifespans in excess
- 0.000060551236301422119140625
- three lifespans in excess
- 0.00131891675301361083984375
- two lifespans in excess
- 0.01890052839397144317626953125
- one lifespans in excess
- 0.161509563970111846923828125
- overall correct
- 0.6364169771591907501220703125
- one lifespans in deficit
- 0.161509563970111846923828125
- two lifespans in deficit
- 0.01890052839397144317626953125
- three lifespans in deficit
- 0.00131891675301361083984375
- four lifespans in deficit
- 0.000060551236301422119140625
- five lifespans in deficit
- 0.00000190862355194091796875
- six lifespans in deficit
- 0.000000041808933734893798828125
- seven lifespans in deficit
- 0.0000000006282863616943359375
- eight lifespans in deficit
- 0.00000000000619792938232421875
- nine lifespans in deficit
- 0.0000000000000362396240234375
- all ten lifespans in deficit
- 0.000000000000000095367431640625
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