Tuesday 19 March 2019

I don't think these page views are coincidence, do you?

Anyone else feel, in my forty blogs, the page view numbers multplying 13, 17 and 21 turn up a bit often statistically speaking to be just coincidence, and early on, often?

13 & multiples
Two LifeSpans Too Short in Five Items (18.III.2019, 13, 10th) Now dethroned by The More Extreme Variations or Deviations (19.III.2019, 13, 7th) ... über üble Nachsager der katholischen Frömmigkeit (18.III.2019, 104, 8th) Just Promoting (18.III.2019, 13, 36th) 3 Ehealter der Frauen in der Ahnentafel Marie von Badens (18.III.2019, 143, 6ster) Responsum (18.III.2019, 52, tertium) With David Palm, Mainly on Flood, Ark, Ararat (18.III.2019, 130, 3rd) 6 (18.III.2019, 143, 42nd) Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si tu découvrais qqc contre Jésus ou l'Église Catholique? (18.III.2019, 91, 4e) Géocentrisme, ma vers. 1 (18.III.2019, 221, 2e) 9 Verdad Hispánica (enlaces, 2 videos) (18.III.2019, 52, 6to) "L'heure n'est plus aux secrets d'initiés" (18.III.2019, 39, 9e) Hunnius Redivivus on Apostolic Succession (18.III.2019, 39, 5th) 12 Pas misérable? (18.III.2019, 65, 17e) Yes, as Said ... (18.III.2019, 39, 2nd) A Problem with Ivugi Community, as Portrayed by John Davis (18.III.2019, 39, only one) 15 3-IX-2004, Carrión de los Condes - El Palomar, Ledigos (18.III.2019, 52, 17e) praesenti infinitiuus, praeteriti imperfecti conjunctiuus (18.III.2019, 130, 20um 6um) ”closet cases”? (19.III.2019, 117, 28th) 18 Polska från Paris (19.III.2019, 52, 4th) Kryptops palaios (19.III.2019, 65, 11th) Sköna Maj, välkommen ... (19.III.2019, 26, 11te) 21 Fibonacci Numbers in Square Diagrams (19.III.2019, 117, 23rd) Encore sur le débat (19.III.2019, 117, 12e) Francesca Stavrakopoulou on Moses ... (19.III.2019, 52, 28th) 24 Réponse à FSSPX sur Josué et Galilée (19.III.2019, 65, 27e) Le Retour de Don Quichotte (19.III.2019, 39, 4e) Difference between fairy tale and legend, illustrated from Hungary (19.III.2019, 130, 15th) 27

17 & multiples
Einige "Kommies" vergleichen Kreationisten mit Holocaust-Leugner - andere auch? (18.III.2019, 17, 4th) For the Rosary (18.III.2019, 17, 104th) Es gibt Ungläubige, von denen ich wünsche sie wären als Christen gestorben (18.III.2019, 85, 26ster) 3 XIX Personal Hypno Dictionary (18.III.2019, 17, 12th) With Anthony Zarrella on Metaphysics of Science (18.III.2019, 340, 16th) Perceived Needs (18.III.2019, 153, 7th) 6 Happy Easter - Joyeux Pâcques (18.III.2019, 51, 20e) Géocentrisme, ma vers. 1 (18.III.2019, 221, 2e) The Idol and the Spell (18.III.2019, 102, 65th) 9 C'est connu que les Inklings n'aimaient pas Disney - étaient-ils trop snobiques pour le film animé? (18.III.2019, 34, 30e) Little inspiration for Moses in Genesis, none for Luke in either book? (18.III.2019, 17, 13th) Matin, passe une fille. (18.III.2019, 85, 47e) 12 Comparing Inaccuracies : A. N. Wilson on CSL / Shrinks on Patients (18.III.2019, 136, 10th) 14-VIII-2004, Nantes ... La Corniche (18.III.2019, 102, 14e) Vella de la Navidad de Nuestra Señora, 7-IX-2004, Mansilla Las Mulas - León (18.III.2019, 204, 4e) 15 21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo (18.III.2019, 306, 1er) primae et quintae declinationis substantiva (18.III.2019, 153, 5um 10um) Litavisk kulturhistoria, problem 1 (18.III.2019, 867, 4rde) 18 Looking for the Pope ... (bis) (19.III.2019, 204, 10th) Read an Article on Musical Tastes (19.III.2019, 34, 5th) One Lifespan Too Short in Five (19.III.2019, 17, 12th) 21 Ofta skrifver jag andra språk än svenska (19.III.2019, 34, 5te) Getting a logo or URL for a poster the right distance of letters. (19.III.2019, 17, 1st) Réponse à Volbach, qui voulait démontrer la fausseté du Judaïsme et du Christianisme (19.III.2019, 102, 5e) 24 Various Responses to Carrier (19.III.2019, 51, 11th) Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo (19.III.2019, 493, 2nd page) Ai-je des soucis avec les Cathos de France? (19.III.2019, 51, 28e) 27 Intriguing, Iran tops last week's visitors here too! (19.III.2019, 289, 2nd) Ma chère Postilla in libros Geneseos par St. Thomas, serait-elle par Pierre de Jean Olivi? (19.III.2019, 136, 13e) 29

21 & multiples
Sharing on Morocco Murder (18.III.2019, 21, 82nd) (18.III.2019, 126, 51ster) X Demons and hypnosis? (18.III.2019, 21, 27th) 3 Correspondence with Tas Walker on C14 Re-Calibration Problems (18.III.2019, 84, 43rd) This is Not going to be about Astrology for its Own Sake (18.III.2019, 84, 4th) On n'aime pas forcément les pd (18.III.2019, 63, 180e) 6 "Putting the cart before the horse" (18.III.2019, 126, 29e) Tea yes, Tilak no (18.III.2019, 147, 51st) Prophétique, Hypsis? (18.III.2019, 42, 11e) 9 Between Vigilantius and the Waldensians (18.III.2019, 147, 93rd) On veut bien m'aider (18.III.2019, 42, 59e) Well, I was after all ... (18.III.2019, 84, 4th) 12 Retro in indicem morphologiae verbalis (18.III.2019, 147, 1mum) Die 8vo Dec. (18.III.2019, 567, 2ndum) Valse Triste (19.III.2019, 42, 13th) 15 Pourquoi je n'ai pas pu signer (19.III.2019, 84, 19e) Nigersaurus taqueti (19.III.2019, 63, 10th) Websites, Societies and Clubs (19.III.2019, 147, 23rd) 18 Danskere i Paris (19.III.2019, 42, 20nde) An Ahnentafel Kit (19.III.2019, 63, 12th) .... sur l'évolution (pas si prouvée que ça) (19.III.2019, 126, 7e) 21 Carrier's Entire List (19.III.2019, 42, 15th) J'avais oublié (19.III.2019, 336, 4e) Travel and pilgrimages, food, languages (19.III.2019, 315, 5th) Ninos et Sémiramis (19.III.2019, 126, 12e) 25

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