Sunday 4 August 2024

Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market

New blog on the kid: Tolkien's Politics · I Thought That Decree Was by Franco · Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolkien Supported Franco's Side in the 36—39 War · Prince Caspian · Lord of the Rings: Motivations for Fandom · Tolkienophobes, Buzz Off! · Tolkienophobe Identified? · J D Vance-Phobes? · Crooks' (or Yearick's?) Body Gone · Sharing On The Shooting

I have several issues with Sweden, like the education system. Or the powers of CPS, shrinks and addictologists. Very excessive, though they might be lower than when I was young. those things are much of it a mixture of Marxist at its worst and bourgeois at its worst.

Economically, Sweden is however Corporativist, like Fascist Italy, like at least partly Franco Spain.

Mats Andersson is not my worst kind of Swede. I'm pretty happy to see him on English Quora, and when I see people on Swedish Quora that make me cringe at the prospect of returning to Sweden, he's not one of them.

He answered this question:

Would it be perfectly reasonable for an employer in Malmo like H&M to require all staff, apart from Swedish & English, to also be fluent in Danish & German, & even Polish for the managers? Cater for all the customers, especially coming over on ferry?

He had not misunderstood the question, it was actually about the mall in Malmö, so about cashiers, not about main office (H&M has its main office in Stockholm) and relations to malls around the world.

Perhaps he underestimates the non-study competence that already exists in Malmö in the three languages discussed, Malmö and Ystad being two of the biggest Polish cities around the Baltic and there being lots of Germans in Malmö, plus half the population (except perhaps immigrants) being used to going over the ferry to Denmark, but suppose Danish, German and Polish had been really a question of invested studies rather than of "competence for free" (that can be promoted), here is part of his answer:

And the employer can’t suddenly ask this from existing employees who were hired for a job that didn’t require this. The employer cannot legally simply up the requirements of an existing position and fire anyone non-compliant. They can try, but no employment court would find such a demand to be anything but laughable; the employer would be forced to to hired back the employees and pay them damages.

Well, thank God for employment courts. That's part of what I love with Fascism. If you think Uncle Scrooge has too much power over Donald Duck, you are the kind of anti-capitalist that I am. Some Swedes find the solution in Communism, I think Corporatism is a better dose of hinders on laissez-faire Capitalism.

Hans Georg Lundahl
XI LD after Pentecost

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