Friday 30 August 2024

Good News and Bad News

There is good news about the Shroud of Turin in this video:

Shroud of Turin is REAL! Unveiling the Burial Shroud of Jesus by Dr Taylor Marshall #1123
Dr Taylor Marshall | 23 Aug 2024

There is bad news about some Protestant souls in this comment from the live chat:

My Protestant father says it can’t be real because there shouldn’t be any physical proof of the resurrection because it would nullify the need for faith and that it’s not m how God operates.

That Protestant father was a Fideist. Probably a Kantian as well.

Fundamentalists are not Fideists. We give proof, and even if we know some Atheists will reject it, we do consider the proof as proof and also as not taking away from the merit of faith.

Believing that God (exists, has created a few thousand years ago, has raised Jesus from the dead) is susceptible for proof. It is also not the faith that believes in God, putting one's trust and goal in Him. It's just a prolegomenon to it. And a useful one.

The idea of Fideists that God:

  1. wants the faithful to believe everything with no proof for anything
  2. and therefore provides no cogent proof

leads to ex-Fideist Atheists who conclude from there (supposedly) being no proof.

There is also sometimes an alliance between the two for combatting the Christians (Catholic and Protestant Fundamentalists) who do try to provide the proof we consider as readily available.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Rose of Lima

(24.VIII) Lima, in Peruvia, natalis sanctae Rosae a sancta Maria, Virginis, e tertio Ordine sancti Dominici. Ejus vero festivitas tertio Kalendas Septembris celebratur.
(30.VIII) Sanctae Rosae a sancta Maria, e tertio Ordine sancti Dominici, Virginis; cujus dies natalis nono Kalendas Septembris recensetur.

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