Wednesday 21 August 2024

Some Muslims Around Where I Am Are Really Generous

I experienced it in a good way this morning, I asked for coffee and croissant, and got about twice as much (5€), from a Muslim who has his work place across the street.


I'd be happier, if I didn't see certain things kind of expected in return of me.

I would like to share this:

Irish Priest Stabbed By Islamist Extremist in GALWAY ???
Derek Domino | 17 Aug 2024

The important line about Catholicism always getting beaten for the 1300 accused (82 convicted) abusers there were on Ireland, and Islam getting a free pass for anything, I think it is important. But do the Muslims think they have bought my silence about it?

Derek refuses to buy totally and exclusively the narrative that the 16 year old boy who stabbed the priest got radicalised online. He wants to know if he frequented a Mosque and what Muslims in the place he frequented.

I find that important too. As my written production is online, I can get unfairly targetted as a danger, or as a victim of someone else's online propaganda, if Muslims everytime blame the internet, except when they blame mental illness. And get away with it.

Have the good Muslims of my block considered I sold my right to write this when I took the 5 €?

This is why I have earlier on tried to ask the man if he wanted me to write on some particular subject. If I am free to exclude subjects I think too personal or myself too incompetent in, and am also free to draw any conclusion I want, I'm happy as a day to take subjects from the guys who give me alms, just as a video producer takes on subjects suggested by patrons on patreon. I actually did that for a while.

On my first main blog on this account, 14 posts (between April and June 2010) carry the label sur commande, but eventually this got too abused by people (probably from the medical students and such) who were a bit too interested in indirectly asking me "how are you really" ... I quit doing it.

I have asked this kind Muslim, and last time he told me, very generously, there was absolutely no need whatsoever for me to do that, that kind of exertion was not what he wanted me to do for his sake, it seemed.

But in fact, asking me to write is like asking him to sew. Either of them is more sensible than asking me to sew. If you could see my breeches and mentes, perhaps you'd agree asking me to sew is an adventurous thing at best. In fact, I'm much better at writing. It wouldn't bother me, and it would bother me less than suspecting he hoped to have bought my silence on the comparison of Derek Domino and my agreeing that internet can't be blamed for all radicalisation there is in the modern world.

When Hugh of Lincoln was killed (meaning Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, the Greater one who lived later defended Jews against a pogrom), the Jews were held accountable for the act. One Jew who converted to Catholicism and became a monk made a confession, in which he stated that this was due to a plot by some King of the Exile in Narbonne (pretty far from Lincoln). Whatever you'll believe of how Little St. Hugh died, meaning the direct perpetrators, and I think the Jews were guilty, there are two ways of taking the "plot in Narbonne" theory.

  • A, there was a plot headed from Narbonne, and systematically every year striking elsewhere, just so as to take the heat off the real culprits among the Jews in Narbonne.
  • B, Jews in Lincoln had felt slighted or even threatened, in ways that could happen again, the convert wanted to take suspicions off that track, so the Jews he had been among would have some more peace.

Either way, those judging the case were pretty surely not able to get an investigation done in Narbonne, Interpol didn't exist back then.

I believe that when Muslims say about every new terrorist "he was radicalised on the internet" or (for some who had been in psychiatry) "he had mental problems" ... that's a tactic like that convert from Judaism could have been doing in case B.

Meanwhile, I'd love for Fr. Murphy to be reading my blogs when recovering, as the stabbing wasn't fatal. I'd love for him to accept Pope Michael II, or simply just to ditch whatever allegiance he may have held to Evolution belief. Popular in the army, I believe, a thing by now having a devout Christian minority and an Evolution believing majority, and therefore also popular among army chaplains. I'm afraid some guy in Versailles, Bishop to the Armed forces, back in around 2010 or 2012, may have come to think of me, a Catholic, back then practising in the parish St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, as under the influence of Islamists, just because I opposed Evolution. As I still do. And I still do so without becoming a Muslim or a JW or a Mormon, whatever affection I may hold individuals of these confessions in.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Jane-Frances Frémyot de Chantal
Founder of the Visitation Nuns

Sanctae Joannae Franciscae Fremiot de Chantal, Ordinis Sanctimonialium Visitationis sanctae Mariae Institutricis, cujus natalis dies Idibus Decembris memoratur.

PS, it is very unlikely that videos by ISIS could have radicalised the 16 year old. At least online. Youtube would take them down very quickly. DailyMotion would take them down very quickly. They would ban the channel, and the email associated with the channel. If not, Ireland should be asking questions of youtube and dailymotion. And tumblr, or rumble, or whatever if it is available in Ireland (it is blocked in France). But arguably, blaming the internet as far as directly violent videos are concerned, no, I wouldn't believe that for a minute./HGL

PPS, it seems I confused Little Saint Hugh with Saint William of Norwich. The convert's name was Theobald./HGL

PPPS, according to the theory of E. M. Rose on William of Norwich the story of martyrdom came from a bishop attempting to spare a knight prosecution for having killed a Jewish banker. It seems back then Jewish bankers were about as popular as nowadays in the newcomers to the Holy Land the older population. [crude adult content involved]./HGL

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