Tuesday 28 May 2024

Who's Lying?

The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See
Double Down News | 10 April 2024

This is anyway pretty certain:

36 Israeli children were killed on October 14:36 the 7th and this understandably got widespread International media coverage at this stage I 14:43 think over 14,000 Palestinian children have been killed and you would expect the outrage and the 14:51 coverage to be proportionately greater and it's not in future people will look back at what is 14:57 being done which is essent the flattening of a whole series of towns and the mass murder 15:03 of thousands and thousands of unarmed civilians almost half of whom are children and they will 15:08 be absolutely bewildered by How the West allowed this to happen under its very noses with weapons 15:17 that were being supplied by the West

On a train trip, I met a man who had an A, a hyphen, and a number tattooed to his arm. Ma and me heard his story, about Auschwitz, which he had survived. I do not recall the number.

I do recall how as back then absolutely believing the Holocaust happened exactly as described, I was shocked. And rightly so.

Ma told me, this is what happens when a society starts to marginalise and demonise a group. Today, the marginalised and demonised groups are what can be labelled as Antisemites. Including some who really are that./HGL

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