Friday 31 May 2024

Production May 2024

Production May 2024
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Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024 Production June 2024

Bonum Festum Sancti Joseph Opificis (LAT) · Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14 (FR) · Flood Related
Tovia Singer Fails to Discredit the Gospels
Bonum Festum Inventionis Crucis (LAT) · Some Men Who Hate Christianity Will Blame Anything On It · Drinking in Moderation is OK · Isdal Woman, Speculations and Rambles · Was Sungir 1 Magog? · Sharing on the Trinity in the OT · "ichniéparek" et l'IA (FR)
Aliens, Catechism called "CCC" · Statistiques de deux semaines (FR) · Statistiques de 8 jours (FR) · Narcissism and Selfishness do NOT Define Sin
Perú, Conquistadores, ¿Peró antes? (ESP) · Sylvester Joseph Hunter on Genesis, Henry Morris on 15 Cubits · Japan Went the Wrong Way · Scandale policière (FR) · Geographic Spread Before Babel? · No, Papacy is NOT the Antichrist, David King!
A Dialogue Under One Comment · What Are False Visions? · Debate with Introibo · Beowulf, le monstre mal compris Grendel (FR)
Trent Horn Came Out Attacking YEC Argumentation · Trent Horn Answers Allie Beth Stuckey (and I Compete With Him)
Bonum Festum Ascensionis Domini (LAT)
No, Evolution and Original Sin Are Not Compatible, At Least Trent Horn Did Not Show Them So · Frau Meier (DE)
Let's Hope Alicia Fernandez is Not Around Where I Am · Hitler was a Commie under Kurt Eisner and Once More · Papauté, épiscopat, succession apostolique (FR) · Statistiques d'une semaine (FR) · 13th or 14th Nisan, the Last Supper? · "Protestants Are Their Own Popes, Hans Georg is His Own Pope, Therefore Hans Georg is a Protestant" (Refellitur)
Yossef Ovadia maudit Israël (FR)
Wikipedia searches are not exactly relying on AI
Statistiques d'un mois (FR) · Pardon, Delorme, vous venez de m'appeler "nul" ? (FR)
Et Rochette m'avertit contre ceux qui me pensent vraiment nul, dans le sens populaire ... (FR)
Pentecost Sunday
Bonum Festum Pentecostes (LAT) · Index XLVIII ENG, Easter to Pentecost · Index XLVIII, FR, Pâques à Pentecôte (FR) · Hélicopter de Président Raïssi Accidenté (FR) · Can Old Earthers Still Believe Mankind Was Created 10 000 Years Ago? · Why is Fr. Robinson against Young Earth Creationism? · SSPX News (feat. Andrew and Fr. Robinson) Try to Defend Old Earth Creationism · Fr. Robinson, Part 2 · Fr. Robinson Attacking Biblical Chronology (But Not Special Creation of Man) · Nice Try, Ely Lassman, Nice Try! · If Joseph's Pharao was Amenhotep III, what would that do to carbon dates? · Carbon Dating : A Creationist Expert, Myself
Sleep Privation is Torture · Joseph in Bethlehem · Nuns of Belorado~Orduña, Poor Clares! · Allie Beth Stuckey is Sometimes Wrong
Brett, Formerly Miss Cooper, Had Some Things to Say · Yet Another Reason to Prefer Pope Michael II
Some Topics with William Lane Craig
A Patristic Point About Protestantism · S'il y a des gens qui me prennent pour transgenre, prétendent que je veuille être identifié comme femme, ce sont des menteurs ou incompétents (FR) · Can We Get Her Out?
A Catholic View of Alcohol · Dora Moutot (ENG/FR) · Language Emergence — How Does it Work? · Some Sense with Bishop Williamson · She Was Not Javan, and Never Grew Up, But She Was of His Lineage
Bonum Festum Sanctissimae Trinitatis (LAT) · Sharing · A Christian Lady is Converting to Catholicism · Heliocentrism, No Thanks! · Ruslan Made Two Videos, I Find Them Good · Heliocentrism, No Thanks!
La Louisiane aurait mieux faire de les bannir, ces saloperies ... (FR) · Calling Creationists Racist, with No Evidence · Statistiques, l'Octave de Pentecôte (FR) · Pearl vs Mohammed Hijab
Mémoire de mes jours en tant que vieux-terrien (FR) · I think Feeney was Wrong on St. Dismas (at least some Feeneyites are) · Who's Lying?
Biblical Age of the Earth, Dr. Robert Carter and Myself · Dr. John Lennox Erroneously Thinks Deep Time is Just About Genesis 1 · Old Blog Censored · Isabelle PARIENTE l'a dit (FR) · John MacArthur is Right On Some · Travelling's Not Radical? · Holly Oardway on Tolkien · Best Source Tying Genesis 1 to Not Much Longer than 24 Hour Days
Bonum Festum Sacratissimi Corporis Christi (LAT) · Contra Petrovich ... and Against Those who Warn me Against Myself
Production May 2024 · Levels of Stonehenge


  1. For sample, I counted my publication output in word counts from the days 1, 4, 7 and so on up to 31. This is eleven days.

    Two of them with nothing published, I think they should be counted, as leading up to the great output on Pentecost Day.

    72333 words / 11 different days = 6576 words per day.

  2. Views for all blogs, May:

    2850 + 5410 + 8711 + 223 + 385 + 52 + 887 + 1542 + 2848 + 938 + 86 + 159 + 681 + 69 + 319 + 2111 + 88 + 2423 + 132 + 76 + 85 + 110 + 87 + 136 + 135 + 118 + 134 + 169 + 95 + 252 + 896 + 1853 + 122 + 1473 + 638 + 547 + 2164 + 111 + 1004 + 111 + 81 + 147 = 40458
    40458 / 31 = 1305 per day

  3. For days 2, 5, 8 etc. up to 29th, ten different days, I get 28 904 words, making it 2890 words per day.

    The samples together are 101 237 words, or 4821 words per day.

  4. A third and remaining sample, days 3, 6 up to 30. 31 548 words, 3155 words per day.

    All three samples together are or 4283 words per day.

  5. Sorry, the first sample was counted too soon. 1008 words were added on the 31st.

    101 237 + 1008 + 31 548 = 133 793 words.
    133 793 / 31 = 4316 words per day.
