Tuesday 30 April 2024

Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024

Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024
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Production 1.III to Palm Sunday Production May 2024

Bonam Dominicam in Palmis (LAT) · Before the Dawn · Statistiques d'une semaine (FR) · For Some Who Believe "Francis" is Pope · Oceanic Deep Water Waves in Whole Gale : Whitecaps on a Lake, But Bigger · Inklings on the Fall
Putin Lied to Tucker Carlson? · Look at This · Traditional Publishing Does Not Mean Already Existing Publishing Houses · Does This Writer Read?
Palestinian Origins · Do Historic Books Have Metaphors?
[Calculation on paper commented on] · Joe Heschmeyer Gives an Excellent Case for the Church Needing Infallibility (We are Both Papists, so Think the Infallibility Resides in some capacity in the Pope) · Why Don't I Share Lutheran Admiration for Luther? · Christ is King of the Jews
Maundy Thursday
Bonum Triduum Paschale (LAT) · Suis-je malbouché dans le quartier ? (FR)
Good Friday
Whaddo You Meme ?? Tried to Give His POV on Christ is King · Colin (Not a Pastor) on Fight For Truth Had a Better Take · Musiktheorie och musikhistoria i skolpligtens Sverige
Index XLVII, FR, Chandeleurs à Pâques 2024 (FR) · Index XLVII, ENG, Candlemass to Easter 2024 · Il y a des situations cocasses (FR) · She's holding a Rosary · Other Revision of I-II ? · Sharing : Isabel Brown
Easter Day
Bonum Festum Paschale (LAT) · Some Responses to Candida Moss (Beginning of Video)
Easter Monday
Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts · Gary Bates' Egyptian Matches Bungle the Carbon Rise · Sharing from Babylon Bee · Someone Shutting Down Inconvenient Truths?
Pour le petit détail, je suis Suédois, pas Anglais (FR) · Quelqu'un prétendait ne pas savoir ce que mon panneau voulait dire (FR) · Missing Human Faces in Cave Art? · Disagreeing with Sarfati on Two Items · Sharing from Christine Niles (with Steven Mosher) on China
Catholic Central — Not So Catholic on This Issue · 7 Day Adventists in Putin's Russia · Sprache entsteht nicht aus Nicht-Sprache (DE)
Does Gwledig Simply Mean Nationalist? · There is a Certain Brand of Orthodox · Zerfallsfactoren (DE) · Freitags-Fasten (Nicht Morgen) (DE) · Why Chesterton Was Right · Sir Colin Humphreys Basically Agrees with Me on Last Supper · Pretended Debunking of Mariology — Debunked · Sharing "I asked young adults why they are Catholic (This is what they said)" · Sharing on "Brain Death"
Sharing Oasis Plan, Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche · Evaëlle, Samara, proviseur de Maurice Ravel ... (FR) · Is Someone Accusing me of the Faults of the Gospel's Pharisees?
Asking Me For Patience is Stupid — and NOT Because I am Impatient, But the Patience I Have is Ill Used By Others · Christ is King of the Jews, even if Tovia Refuses to See That · LXX / Vetus Latina as per Julius Africanus : Pre-Flood Period 2262 Years
Voltaire and Marx Were NOT Medieval Historians · Test if You Can Post a Link From Here on Facebook! · Israelites at the Exodus · Answering Caleb Mahoney, Mainly · Mormons and Muslims Have Similarities · Tovia tried to counter ...
Bonum Festum Annuntiationis (LAT) · Four points by John Deighan · In Case Someone Accuses Me of Losing the Faith
Easter Week is Over, Easter Season is Not · I am a Patriot, Not a Nationalist · Welsh Viking on Medieval Peasants — He's Occasionally Inaccurate or Off
I May Feel Like Exonerating Mike Gendron, But I Won't Admire Him · Answering Jimmy Akin on Things
Oriktigt angifvande af händelseförlopp (SV) · How Antidepressants Stole Her Childhood — Sharing an Interview by Allie Beth Stuckey with Brooke Siem · I'm Glad CSL Got Out of his Belsen Situation at Wyvern · BRICS = Ten Kings? · Yes, Christianity Traditionally Permits 12 Year Old Women to Marry — No, Not Three Year Old Girls · Given the Amount of Posts I Spend on Contradicting CMI
Marzipan-Pause und ... Short Cuts | Science | p. 18 (FR)
Marzipan-Pause und ... a bisserl Aufräumen ...
Solutrean and Clovis, According to "Other Revision of I-II?" · Can Biblical Recalibration Save the Solutrean Hypothesis? · How Welsh is the US? · Jimmy Akin Up to Tycho Brahe · Correspondences on Carbon Dating, Often Davidic and Exodus Times
"Extraordinary Claims ..." — Have you Ever Heard That Slogan? · Sharing on Mar Mari
Age Difference
Bonum Festum Sancti Ioseph (LAT) · Are These Mormons Risking to Become Catholics? · Moderne Theologen (DE) · Michael Lofton on Stabbing, Censorship and Islamophobia ... · Statistiques d'un mois, les 30 jours vers le 16 avril 2024 — les pays · Statistiques d'un mois, les 30 jours vers le 16 et 17 avril 2024 (selon les blogs) — les posts
Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan · He Used Geocentrism as Example of a Wrong Scientific Consensus · Skolpligt? Nej tack! · I thought I had been wrong about the feast of St. Joseph ... · Sharing on Palestine (Omar Baddar / Kim Iversen)
130 Anathemas of Trent; the 5 First of Them · Words From Mar Mari Emmanuel · A Discussion on one of the subjects of Glossa Ordinaria "Mary is the New Eve" · Not Strawmanning Opponents
20 and 21.IV.2024
I was starting to collect the last posts I made
without noticing it was already the 21st ...
Bac + 5 ? Oui et non (FR) · Blackrock and Ukraine · Comment apprendre une poësie par cœur ? (FR) · Mar Mari said "how dare you?" · Anthony Stine, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Hilaire Belloc and Myself on the Endtimes · On Slavery · Excess Deaths (sharing) PLUS Another Story · Enveloppe trouvée (FR) · Au "spectateur impuissant" (FR)
Le Hamas n'a pas fait son attaque de la Cisjordanie (FR) · Kim Iversen was overall pretty correct, wrong on some detail, though, Naftali Bennet was wrong · Angels, Hierarchies, Tradition, Resurrection · 130 Anathemas, Session VI, Justification · "Vakro" = Växjö, Damien ? (FR)
Bonum Festum Sancti Georgii (LAT) · Avec bonne volonté, mon projet n'est pas irréalisable (FR) · Sharing on Candace Owens · Jeremy Sherman Rambles Without a Due Look on Ultimates · PC Language, Enslavers, Shrinks · Turek Ill-Informed on More than One Controversy Around S. C. "Apocrypha" · Two Language Related · Sharing: Satan Is 100% Afraid Of The Immaculate Virgin Mary · I Had a Dream : a Discussion About Human Skeleta
With Jeremy Sherman PhD
Heschmeyer on Marriage and Church, Sharing · Pour Jean des Cars ... (FR)
Adam, Eve, and Early Humans (amp; More Weird Questions) - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World — I listened and commented · Where is Jeremy Sherman from? · Two Bad Items of Theology · 4 Shocking Things in the Bible, that Didn't Shock Me ..... · Parmi mon lectorat, ou encore leurs amis, une portion ici me poursuit (FR) · "Pagans of Novgorod" · There Was a Time ... Social Networks were Stabler, and Internet Did Not Exist
London Storm Pretends to be at least remotely serious (about the Flood) — Roughly First Half of Video · Too Much Psychiatry in Some Fascisms : Italy · Is AronRa Incapable of Distinguishing Carolus Linnæus from Ernst Haeckel?
When the True God Revealed Himself (sharing) · Y a-t-il des Suédois qui poussent à me traiter de, soit toxicomane, soit fou ? (FR)
Nope, Tolkien was not a warlock (nor a promoter of them) · Bible and Geocentrism · Protestants Don't Have the Council of Trent to Guide Them
Prison and Psychiatry · Ineptitude of Introibo on Anthropology · Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024

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