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Friday, 5 April 2024
Is Someone Accusing me of the Faults of the Gospel's Pharisees?
New blog on the kid: 7 Day Adventists in Putin's Russia · There is a Certain Brand of Orthodox · Is Someone Accusing me of the Faults of the Gospel's Pharisees? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Asking Me For Patience is Stupid — and NOT Because I am Impatient, But the Patience I Have is Ill Used By Others · I'm Glad CSL Got Out of his Belsen Situation at Wyvern
Here is what providentially turned up:
Can you be too religious?
Gopher Catholic | 5 avr. 2024
Here is what I wrote below it:
Some guys have prayed for me to hear you.
They make an equivalence between my apologetics and pharisees talking a lot. They maybe make an equivalence between my using alcohol — on my view not to an abusive level — and my not looking for work as in employment — I have 12000 + blogposts and could start printing tomorrow to support other families as well as my upcoming one — and "not practising" ... obviously some guys take "Protestantism is not the real Christian Church" and "Theistic Evolution is not Genuine Catholicism" and consequently "John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis are and were not Popes" as "extremism" .... it is a real Classic when Protestants are around, like when Wesley was telling Catholics their bitter attitudes about the Penal laws were "unforgiving and un-Christian" but he didn't lift a finger to free them from that oppression. You probably had a real reason to do this video. It was not to be used as criticism of what I am doing.
Equally, some take a preference of Catholic politics, like liberty of homeschooling and ban on abortion, over Protestant and Masonic policies, or even Socialist ones, as "extremism" ... if you are a Catholic citizen, and not just a Catholic devotee, that's "extremist" ... if you say to a society that not only its recent legislations are wrong, but the world view they build it on or pretend to build it on (real building blocks more like certain interests), then you are a) and "extremist" and b) showing off a "very great degree of devotion" so that you oblige yourself to a very high standard in practising.
In fact, the persecution such people constitute have made practise impossible, and my beef with un-Catholic policies is not that they are distasteful to my highly devout tastes, like waltz was distasteful to St. Clement Mary Hofbauer or saying "OMG" to St. Lewis IX, it is that some souls and that might include my own, are prevented from even basic Catholic living, as in getting efficiently rid of mortal sins. And by efficiently, I do not refer to get rid of one for a week through confession, and then fall back into it, because my circumstances prevent the easier way to Catholic virtue.
Does this kind of format (not necessarily personal venting against people praying for the wrong things for me) appeal to you? Like a video link, and then a comment or more?
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Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
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