Sunday 19 May 2024

Index XLVIII ENG, Easter to Pentecost

This page is part of the Index Indicum

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Index XLVII, ENG, Candlemass to Easter 2024 Index IL, ENG, Pentecost to Assumption

Bonum Festum Paschale · Annuntiationis · Sancti Ioseph · Sancti Georgii · Sancti Joseph Opificis · Inventionis Crucis · Ascensionis Domini · Pentecostes Christifidelibus lectoribus exoptavi.

Sharing: Satan Is 100% Afraid Of The Immaculate Virgin Mary · Heschmeyer on Marriage and Church, Sharing · Sharing on Candace Owens

Easter Week is Over, Easter Season is Not · Sharing from Babylon Bee

Wikipedia searches are not exactly relying on AI

[Published on Pentecost Day:] New blog on the kid: Can Old Earthers Still Believe Mankind Was Created 10 000 Years Ago? · Creation vs. Evolution: Why is Fr. Robinson against Young Earth Creationism? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: SSPX News (feat. Andrew and Fr. Robinson) Try to Defend Old Earth Creationism · Fr. Robinson, Part 2 · Fr. Robinson Attacking Biblical Chronology (But Not Special Creation of Man) (the last one was actually for the afternoon, but here we go)

Assorted Retorts: Rise of Loneliness · Mormons and Muslims Have Similarities · Yes, Christianity Traditionally Permits 12 Year Old Women to Marry — No, Not Three Year Old Girls · Let's Hope Alicia Hernandez is Not Around Where I Am · Brett, Formerly Miss Cooper, Had Some Things to Say · New blog on the kid: Japan Went the Wrong Way

Debate with Introibo

Someone Shutting Down Inconvenient Truths?

Sharing from Christine Niles (with Steven Mosher) on China · Sharing on Palestine (Omar Baddar / Kim Iversen)

IDF Likely KILLED This Little Girl, Investigation Uncovers, Sharing

New blog on the kid: 7 Day Adventists in Putin's Russia · There is a Certain Brand of Orthodox · Is Someone Accusing me of the Faults of the Gospel's Pharisees? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Asking Me For Patience is Stupid — and NOT Because I am Impatient, But the Patience I Have is Ill Used By Others · I'm Glad CSL Got Out of his Belsen Situation at Wyvern

Sharing on "Brain Death" · Four points by John Deighan

Sharing Oasis Plan, Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

How Antidepressants Stole Her Childhood — Sharing an Interview by Allie Beth Stuckey with Brooke Siem · Too Much Psychiatry in Some Fascisms : Italy · Prison and Psychiatry

BRICS = Ten Kings? · Some Men Who Hate Christianity Will Blame Anything On It

New blog on the kid: Sharing on Mar Mari Emmanuel · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Michael Lofton on Stabbing, Censorship and Islamophobia ... · Words From Mar Mari Emmanuel

Are These Mormons Risking to Become Catholics?

I thought I had been wrong about the feast of St. Joseph ...

Blackrock and Ukraine

Excess Deaths (sharing) PLUS Another Story

Ottawa, Michigan, Don't!

"Pagans of Novgorod"

Production Palm Sunday to End of April 2024

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