Sunday 23 June 2024

If a Pope Makes a False Move, Can One Oppose Him?

Under duress, Pope Liberius signed the III Sirmian formula, and it is said (in the Liber Papalis) that as a result Felix II began to be Pope, while Liberius was still alive.*

When Pope John XXII misspoke about the Beatific Vision, a saint threatened to withdraw obedience, if he didn't change his mind, John XXII decided to look into it and on his deathbed recanted the error, while the saint continued to obey, as John XXII wasn't openly repeat offending.

1988 was 18 years after Marcel Lefebvre had founded the SSPX, and 12 years after its continuation involved defying a probably invalid suspension a divinis.

2024 is 36 years later.

How long can one consider the papacy as held by people who refuse to recant what one also considers as errors? Will the new bishops* also continue to say "una cum papa nostro Francisco"?

It's 53 years (the Hail Mary's of a third of the Rosary) that the FSSPX exists and this basically to resist a false move made by an actual Pope whom one is still hoping will recant his errors. And now it's the fourth man in that position.** Last year, a different man became second in a different position, that being Pope of the Vatican in Exile.

I think by now, whether you prefer Francis or Michael II, I think you should prefer either over saying "una cum" and making it mean "pro" ...
/Hans Georg Lundahl

* He stepped back when Liberius cleared himself, and after Liberius became St. Felix II, same source.
** Rorate Caeli: First Public Acknowledgement of the Consecration of New Bishops for the SSPX - Letter by SSPX France Superior: Get Ready
By New Catholic at 6/20/2024 03:08:00 PM

*** Fifth, if you count "John Paul I".

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