Thursday 13 June 2024

Göbekli Tepe Right Now: Tourism Over Archaeology

Göbekli Tepe Right Now: Tourism Over Archaeology · I Wrote Something Critical of the Handling of Göbekli Tepe

Here is an overview of the situation:

You Won’t Believe This Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update
Bright Insight | 10.VI.2024

Here is a very salient quote:

The video links this to Davos 2016. Here are some quotes of mine prior to and the first after Davos 2016, and a link giving its date.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Look at Mathematician and Physician Ulam, project Orion - even more feasible if the universe is small, right? See video if you do not know what I am talking about:

Except, God would not let it happen. If you look at Göbekli Tepe, that might have been a space launch, or rather: intended to be one. I e, that rather than a ziggurat may have been the Tower of Babel.

Now, if a space ship gets outside solar system and into stellatum or past stellatum, into the region where the Seraphs and the Blessed Virgin Mary adore Jesus Christ, God and the good angels are not letting it do damage.

However, to have launched such a thing with the much smaller population back then, would have meant drafting just about everybody into the project.

That way, had it succeeded, any ruler doing that would have been "omnipotent" on earth. In human society. Hence:

"and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

Sunday 12 January 2014

This means that the Young Earth Creationist standpoint on Carbon 14 is that dates "older than creation" (like pretty obviously post-flood Göbekli Tepe being dated 15.000 years or something before present) only point to the fact that when organic material was alive, the Carbon 14 level was not yet completely up to the balancing level but still rising and still at a lower level.

Monday 19 October 2015

4132 0.388859 2117 av. J. Chr. daté comme 9917
 daté comme 9600 av. Jésus-Christ, début de niveau III de Göbekli Tepe
 daté comme 10. millénaire av. Jésus-Christ, débuts de Jéricho
4062 0.415932 2047 av. J. Chr. daté comme 9297

... Pour Göbekli Tepe et pour Jéricho, c'est assez intéressant. Par contre, les pharaons égyptiens sont trop tard, et l'Exode se tient d'une Égypte prédynastique. J'aurais vastement préféré que l'Éxode soit datable à environs 1700 av. Jésus-Christ.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Si on compare les deux tables, celle-ci ne carre pas avec l'identification entre l'Ur d'Abraham et l'Ur de Woolley*. L'Ur d'Abraham devait alors être plus vieux encore que l'Ur de Woolley et aussi daté (si daté du tout!) plus vieux. Selon cette table ici-même, le début de l'époque d'Uruk, daté à c. 4000 avant Jésus-Christ, devait être plus récent que 2015 avant Jésus-Christ. Car 2015 avant Jésus-Christ serait daté plus vieux que c. 4000 avant Jésus-Christ. Car, pour que cet ans soit datable à 4000 avant Jésus-Christ, selon ceux qui prennent le taux pour constant, il aurait dû être le taux présent multiplié par 0,78125 ou 25/32. Mais selon cette table ci, le taux en 2015 avant Jésus-Christ était seulement de 0,4503689395448877. Si elle avait été de 0,5 exactement, ça aurait ajouté exactement une demi-vie. 4030 avant le présent aurait été 4030+5730, soit 9760 avant le présent. Avec seulement 0,45, ce serait datable à encore plus vieux. En fait, ça serait datable à l'époque de Göbekli Tepe.

Il y a ceux qui pensent que la Tour de Babel a pu être, non pas le ziggourat d'Ur (celui d'Ur de Woolley), mais Göbekli Tepe. Cette "ville" ou fonctionalité abandonné est just 12 km à Nord-Est d'Urfa, aussi connu comme Édesse, et il y a des traditions qui disent qu'Urfa était le vrai Ur des Chaldées. uisque le site est encore habité, il ne peut pas avoir été creusé autant que l'Ur de Woolley, il pourrait y avoir des couches non découvertes d'habitations en pierre ou briques. Les archéologues retiennent des couches excavées datées à 1200 avant notre ère. Notons que si le taux avait été 31/32 en 1100 ou 32/33 en 1200, alors une Troie détruite en 1184 aurait pu être datée à 1275, comme c'est le cas pour la chute de Troie VI. Mais dans cette table ici-même, le taux pour 3189 avant le présent, pendant la Guerre de Troie, n'est pas 0,9696 etc. mais uniquement 0,81 du taux présent, et la datation devait être davantage décalé que Troie VI. Donc, les couches Hourrites à Urfa devaient être un peu plus jeunes en réalité que 1200 avant Jésus-Christ.

Attendons, voici un renseignement que fait prometteur pour Urfa. Après un renseignement sur Abraham, voici:

Quoiqu'il en soit, il est certain que la ville est habitée depuis près de 13 500 ans. Les Hourrites bâtissent une forteresse sur l'actuel site d'Urfa autour de 3500 av. J.-C., puis les Assyriens et les Hittites prennent contrôle de la ville ...

Tuesday 27 October 2015

A somewhat steady rise between Flood and 2500 BP is possible, but in that case Abraham "would have been dated at birth" to far older than Woolley's Ur and we might try Urfa instead. Which is not necessarily a problem if Göbekli Tepe is Tower of Babel and if Biblical Erech could be Urkesh instead of Warka. Just sent a mail to those excavating Urkesh.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

1977 0.321093022797379586456694012405243601100100963187785473507192927
3992 *0.61699
3992 0.198111184135755231047915638713911249442751293277231759299202964 13400
1977 avant Jésus-Christ daté comme 11 385 avant Jésus-Christ (Abraham en jeune capable de voir Göbekli Tepe, mais pas l'Ur de Woolley).

Thursday 14 April 2016

The thing is, if Göbekli Tepe was the Tower of Babel, it looks very much more like a ramp for rocketry than like a skyscraper.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Actually, there has been a spurt. Cosmic radiation would have been stronger at Flood then now, I calculated roughly twenty times stronger. At least if Abraham's Ur is the one found by Woolley, south of Baghdad. COULD also be Urfa/Edessa in Turkey, near Göbekli Tepe.

NOW ... twenty times stronger sounds much. But we have 0.39 milliSieverts per year in medium from cosmos around the globe, twenty times that is 7.8 mSvs per year, not much more than total background radiation in Princeton.

Here is link one of that essay series.

New blog on the kid : Datation de Carbone 14, comment ça carre avec la Chronologie Biblique

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1:26:17 or sth "on top of what I believe was a ziggurat structure" ... what about Göbekli Tepe? Some have identified it with location of paradise and even "origin of paradise myth", some have not, I think some before me have considered it as at least one candidate for Tower of Babel. But finds have suggested sth very odd about it. Ziggurats may have come later, when GT failed, as a reminder, a bit like how Pergamon Altar of Zeus (some identify seat of Satan with another temple in Pergamon, that of Sarapis) was taken to Berlin, some have suggested not for merely museal reasons. Whatever one may think of Prussian élite, among Babel builders such a move might have been popular.

13 janv. 2016 (La Tribune)

La 46e édition du Forum économique mondial à Davos du 20 au 23 janvier fera le point sur l'accélération des progrès technologiques et l'impact du numérique sur l'économie et la société. Au programme également, les grands défis mondiaux en terme de paix et de sécurité et la crise des réfugiés en Europe.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

6:17 Michael Oard says Ice Age was 1300 BC? I have a suspicion he might be wrong. You see, Göbekli Tepe is considered "just after Ice Age", and is dated c. 11.000 BC by C14 uniformitarian misdating. BUT it is probably the remains of the Tower of Babel, so ice age occurred between Flood and Babel. On the Christmas proclamation we get 2957 BC for Flood, and as it is based on LXX (St Jerome made the calculations before turning to the Vulgate, one might presume as at least possible, or preferred LXX material over his own Vulgate material, also possible and in keeping with admonitions by St Augustine), I confer with another version of LXX chronology (presumably the one giving Christ born 5508 rather than 5199) to get what that means in centuries: Peleg 529 - 868 (after Flood):

Creation vs. Evolution : Longevity Charts as per LXX

One may also state he considers Palaeolithic, not just Neolithic, as post-Babel. I consider Palaeolithic as pre-Babel and humanity as having political and linguistic unity before Babel but with at least occasional geographic spread. I consider the Cro Magnon in Dordogne were a kind of expedition force for pre-Babel or early-Babel humanity. I even consider parts of Neolithic as pre-Babel, Natufian might be such, where agriculture was, not as evolutionists claim "invented", but rather rediscovered with test crops after Flood.

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Letter A of ex oriente - III - explanation and results

On the other hand, one can certainly say Oard has a point from Book of Job, which I was not quite duly considering, perhaps.

Job can not be dated pre-Babel, and he seems to have seen ice age while it was expanding. Especially he cannot be dated pre-Babel if he is identic to Jobab in the genealogy of Esau. And even if not, he may have been living in Edom while it was already Esau's territory.

So, I cannot get views of mine either confirmed or refuted for the next 20 years. If I wanted to go there myself, I could walk around as a tourist, being spoken to by a tourist guide, and not being allowed to enter into deeper discussions. Being there in a team, with full voice in the chapter, no, there are not that much digs, won't happen.

For my part, I think Davos may well have held an eye on my blogs, and deliberately arranged it, but if you don't think so, fine. At least admit, the decision didn't come at the best moment for me.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Anthony of Padua

Patavii sancti Antonii Lusitani, Sacerdotis ex Ordine Minorum et Confessoris, atque Ecclesiae Doctoris, vita, et miraculis, ac praedicatione illustris, quem, uno post illius obitum anno nondum expleto, Gregorius Papa Nonus in Sanctorum canonem retulit.

(He's also called, after his birth place, St. Anthony of Lisbon, and in the Martyrology quote, St. Anthony the Portuguese ... he was a Franciscan.)

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