Sunday 16 June 2024

The Ultimate Pro-Abort : a Man who Wants to Not Take Care of His Own Child

When feminists declare that women’s only hope for freedom and equality is to have the opportunity to abort all unwanted unborn babies, they are giving in to the cultural agenda that accords men the right to impregnate women but absolves them of the responsibility to care for the children they father. The abortion solution agrees that men are not responsible for the children they conceive, and moreover declares that neither are the women. Abortion not only kills innocent human life; it keeps the players in the male game playing. It is a women’s white flag of surrender, saying, we can’t beat them so we have joined them.[4]

Sourced: [4] Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, “Where Do We Go From Here? A Pro-life Call to Arms,” Douglas Groothuis, Christianity That Counts (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995), 110.

Found in the widower's, Douglas Groothuis' post about his late wife as a writer:

What a Writer She Was
By Dr. Douglas Groothuis

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