Sunday 30 June 2024

Production June 2018 (71 posts)

Production June 2012 (68 posts) · June 2015 (53 posts) · June 2018 (71 posts) · June 2021 (40 posts) · June 2024

Blooper, Carrier! · Il y a dix ans (FR) · Prima Via, with a Franciscan · Continuum Dialectal et Ancien Français, avec Linguisticae ... (FR) 10695
Why Joel Baden is Wrong 598
Comment contacter une paroisse à propos une chose écrite dans un blog, s'ils bloquent les liens internet? (FR) · If You Get a 13 Year Old Girl Pregnant ... 630
Mariages entre St Louis IX et Françoise de Rohan : une lignée (FR) · Was the Question Too Inflammatory for the Forum? · More on Why he is Wrong - and Where he is Right · Jordan Peterson No Fan of Homeschooling (What do you Exspect? He's a Shrink). I'm Not a Fan of Him 2913
Alain Bentolila attaque l'orthodoxie (FR) · URL in Blackletters Multiplied : Creation vs Evolution · On Marcel Lefebvre and "Traditionalist Dissent" 8958
Can Six Days or Eve from Side of Adam be a Metaphor? · 1 - 8 . VI . 2008 - 2015 · India Also Has Bad Child Welfare (Link) · Gegen einen Pseudo-Geschichtler und Pseudo-Gelehrsamheits-Geschichtler über Renaissance, Galileo, Newton und Schießpulver (DE) · Back When Antimodernism Was an MSN Group · À l'époque quand Antimodernism était un groupe MSN ... (FR) 4057
La victime (si telle) de mon tir est en vie (FR) · Austrofascism, as Some Call It ... and Italian Fascism · Charles A. Coulombe Wavering on the Flood Issue · Responding to "Critics of Pope Francis, What’s your End-Game?" · Overview / Vue d'ensemble (ENG/FR) 1847
Abraham et Ein-Gedi selon Genèse 14 - et carbone 14 (FR) · Freedom for Sharibu! · Commenting on CMI, Two Videos 1624
Does Humani Generis say we must subject to a future judgement of the Church as if there was none already pertaining to the matter? · If you read old texts - did people really do things like that back then? · Delete Article 13! (Link) · Normal Bakery vs Art Bakery · On Catholics Believing Evolution 7515
What did the Allocution Say? · His Grandparents had Warned Him, Right ... 969
Is Bergoglio a Heretic? · Just Sharing This Video - On Free Speech 1037
How Much was Shinar Devastated by the Flood? · You Find a Fossil Whale Here, a Fossil Pterosaur There ... · En Suède on a eu pas mal de capotes, même pillules et avortements, vous savez ... (FR) · Douglas Gresham at Liberty University 2666
To the Episcopal Conference of US ... 478
CMI has a Long Ice Age in a Shortish Ussher Chronology · Carrier's Entire List · Des choses à changer dans cette vie d'écrivain (FR) 3702
La logique existe (FR) · Encore un billet de blog = encore un France Loto? (FR) · Sveriges närvaro mina bloggar (SV) 1420
For my Part, I have a Shorter Ice Age in a Longer St Jerome Chronology · Did Arnobius Deny that Celestial Bodies are Alive? 1521
Sous Mussolini, les trains marchaient ... (FR) · How do I say NO to Masonry? · That Blogs Are Credible Sources - At Least on Pocahontas' Real Story 448
David Wolf is Good 1252
Demesmaeker appelle Poutine (FR) · Mohammed and Joseph Smith Revisited 337
Bonum Festum Sancti Ioannis Baptistae (LAT) · Date carbonique 3200 avant Jésus-Christ - trop tôt pour Amorrhéens? (FR) · Carbon Dating Debate 3356
Horrible News from Japan · She Died of a Fever and No One Could Save Her ... 749
Answering William P. Lazarus 4253
Answering Carter and Cosner on Eden · Tommy Robinson? · Dionysus as Mangled Moses Revisited · XX - Resuming Journal 2018 (13+) 1484
Spero heri vos habuisse bonum festum Sanctorum Petri et Pauli (LAT) · Read an Article on Musical Tastes · On Folded Steel and Related Subjects · Tolkien's Letter to German Censors, Two Looks · XXI - Reaction to Alicia's Fidget Spinner (13+) 2527
Total 10695 + 598 + 630 + 2913 + 8958 + 4057 + 1847 + 1624 + 7515 + 969 + 1037 + 2666 + 478 + 3702 + 1420 + 1521 + 448 + 1252 + 337 + 3356 + 749 + 4253 + 1428 + 2527 = 64980 64980 / 30 = 2166 words per day 64980 / 24 = 2708 words per day

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