Monday 29 July 2024

Should We Protest Against Satan-Inspired Clothing?

I think so.

Sure, in a society not confessionally Christian on the level of state power, Etsy's items may be legal. That doesn't make them moral.

Young Earth Creationism is legal (outside North Korea, possibly), and yet Evolutionists are way louder in their protests and way shriller in their arguments than the TFP protest against Etsy is. Some guys think there are YEC who are only YEC due to an undue appreciation of Kent Hovind's thesis, and put a "debunking" of it online. I like some of his arguments, like the reminder about a carbon 14 rise, the idea of the post-Flood world as a Gilligan's island situation, some more, but, given his attitude to Church Fathers, I don't like his thesis. I'm still a YEC. And I am putting up with what's being said against YEC.

And one more. There is a debate on whether Satan finds more pleasure in making deluded souls worship just any false god that's not the true God, or whether he prefers it's himself. I think the latter is the case. I think Nimrod was a technocrat and close on or directly Satan worshipper, but he was not a more or less pious idolater to false gods like Hindoos are (some of their false gods being true men, I think Rama and Hanuman may have been Regma and Nimrod, in memory of Nimrod before he went really bad, before the tower). The pre-Flood world, too seems to have seen real Satan worship. Confer the cannibalistic rites we find remnants of in Atapuerca, Solo river on Java, and some more. There is a difference between that type of Satanism and the guys who would buy such baby-clothes, I hope, but still./HGL

Here is John Horvath's message about it:

Hi! Etsy is selling Satanic baby cloths and onesies, which include messages like “Hail Satan” and “Godless Heathen”! CLICK HERE to get more information and to sign the petition to have these products removed. Thank you!

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