Saturday, 6 August 2022

Have you heard the expression "von Neumann chain"?

Here is wikipedia:

In his 1932 book The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, John von Neumann argued that the mathematics of quantum mechanics allows the collapse of the wave function to be placed at any position in the causal chain from the measurement device to the "subjective perception" of the human observer. In 1939, Fritz London and Edmond Bauer argued for the latter boundary (consciousness).[1] In the 1960s, Eugene Wigner[2] reformulated the "Schrödinger's cat" thought experiment as "Wigner's friend" and proposed that the consciousness of an observer is the demarcation line that precipitates collapse of the wave function, independent of any realist interpretation. See Consciousness and measurement. The mind is postulated to be non-physical and the only true measurement apparatus.[3]

Let me requote the last phrase :

The mind is postulated to be non-physical and the only true measurement apparatus.

This short wiki paragraph (unless you count it as a longer one involving two interrupting quotes) has three footnotes, which I will proceed to give you:

[1] F. London and E. Bauer, "La théorie de l'observation en mécanique quantique" (1939), English translation in Quantum Theory and Measurement, edited by J. A. Wheeler and W. H. Zurek, Princeton University, Princeton, 1983, pp. 217–259. ISBN 0-691-08315-0
[2] Wigner, Eugene; Henry Margenau (1967). "Remarks on the Mind Body Question, in Symmetries and Reflections, Scientific Essays". American Journal of Physics. 35 (12): 1169–1170. Bibcode:1967AmJPh..35.1169W. doi:10.1119/1.1973829. Archived from the original on 2013-01-12. Retrieved 2009-07-30.
[3] Schreiber, Z. The Nine Lives of Schrödingers's Cat.

I am actually also on this video, where at or near 3:32 I heard the phrase I looked up:

The Measurement Problem
2nd Août 2014 | InspiringPhilosophy

Oh, a second of August - an anniversary back into time of when Pope Michael died this year.

Now, I am not going to argue out how this is fatal for materialistic scientism, for now I leave it to you. I got a much more urgent interest in von Neumann chains than that, which is why I stopped the video.

I suppose von Neumann, I am certain the video, were discussing the submicroscopic.

Isn't there a similar ... macroscopic ... thing?

We can measure the distance from house to tree by walking. Let's ignore the historic discovery of the metre system (like Kipling's Just so Stories ignore the historic actual origin of the alphabet, to make a rather fun philosophic point). And as below is a story, it won't be signed, I might have to change details in rewriting./HGL

Our story.

A man is fairly large. His wife is a bit shorter. They take full strides for a fairly long distance and count their strides. She takes three strides the man takes two all over the distance. He's Mayson (no, not Mason, like the lodge Kipling went to! so he insisted on the y after a). She's Teresa. They decide that the unit they want to measure in strides is a 1 where she walks 1.5 and he walks 2 each stride. They call the unit 1 May-Ter.

He decides to count the distance from just below the veranda to the tree, shortest way. He walks 6 strides. "The tree is 12 May-Ter away"

She repeats, to give independent evidence. Nine strides. No, she counted one twice. Eight. "Yeah, the tree is 12 May-Ter away"

And ultimately, they ended up measuring from the house to the mountain, from the mountain to the next, and came to be pretty good map makers.

Their sons added some new methods of measuring, beyond striding, and one involved using mirrors to see the exact angular difference with which an object is seen from "two eyes" - if they are not normal distance in the face, but one May-Ter apart. This is the next method in the "von Neumann chain the other way round" if I may count the expression as comprehended in this context. The first three of the five were Merrick, Caleb, Theodore, and shortened Mer-Ca-T:ore as name for a map project, while the other two were Kyson and Lawrence, and a Ky-Law became 1000 May-Ter. Needed for same project.

Need I mention, Theodore was not named for a certain Masonic president, much as that was often asked, but of a distant great grand father from before that president's time, one each generation.

To measure across Ocean's they added a third method, measuring distance by chronometer and knots (something they learned from saylors, but translated into May-Ter and Ky-Low per the normal clock (which also was invented well before their time. So, they measured the earth.

As Bell and a few more were already around, or even dead, they agreed to look at the moon from Africa and Brazil an evening, using the same geometric method (they had had a talk with chief Sohcahtoa), but measuring sighting angles with rods to the ground and a very non-mirror approach to using angles. As they had a phone connexion, they phoned each other and yelled from receiver to receiver "now" and rushed out from phone to garden (both buildings just one floor) and stuck a long stick into the ground, pointing straight at the moon. They had decided Merrick and Lawrence go to these destinations, assisted by Kyson and Caleb, while Theodore was at home with the parents.

As the distance of Moon to Earth varies from perigee (close to the ground) to apogee (away off the ground) in the moons walk around the zodiac, but the full and new moons vary as moon walk and sun walk around the zodiac get on same or opposite sides of earth, sightings of continuous full moons will vary in size, and eventually will bring you all distances of the moon to earth.

And as their parents (now old, and looking at the moon, waiting at the phone for new measures from Brazil and Africa) had once taken not one, but two measures of the distance from verandah to tree, next time Merrick and Kyson would not draw grass straws about who would do it, they would rather be one at the phone and one in the very nearby (1.75 May-Ter away) garden, and same for Lawrence and Caleb. In each pair the one on the phone shouted out when it was time to push the stick down.

There was not a total confirmation, but not a total refutation either. One of the measures was a bit imprecise, but the method had worked. They'd have to wait to the next full moon to get a confirmation for the right value. Wait ... yet another slight discrepancy?

May (yeah, Mayson) and Ter (Ter ... eesa) got a bit tired of waiting while four of their five were away. So they had a couple of friends who had received them after one tired measurement of stridings come over from Tennessee, all the way up to Niagara Falls across the Canadian border at Niagara Falls, where May and Ter were living. The friends - surprise - brought along a daughter, Danna, who married Theodore after another few months. They started to wonder what they were going to call the final correct distance to the moon - Theo-Dann? Oops, they heard of a case when someone had tried to name a business line "Lothlorien" and read Lord of the Rings and learned about Tolkien's copyright hawk, Christopher (who has reasons to hate certain very abusive derivatives) - "we can't name it Theo-Dann after all" said Theodore - "right, sounds too much like Theoden" said Danna.

But before they got around to wondering whether they could at least name their baby Eomer or Eowyn, and someone came up with there just maybe being a Theo-logical reason to prefer a saint name, the measures for moon distance were starting to repeat with exactitude, so the distance to the moon was decided as varying between so many Ky-Laws and so many extra May-Ters at apogee to so many Ky-Laws and so many extra May-Ters at perigee, and how this interacted with the already known lunar cycle of the lunar month.

When they had this, they planned to get an extra body in as well, next observation, for which they could predict the exact distance to the moon. The stick pointin in one direction, to the moon, was also pointing in the other one, to the Sun, below them. The distance between Brazil and African was peanuts, like one May-Ter to the distance between two mountain tops. So, from each they would now use the down direction as leg of an angle, to get the angle to the Sun, between Africa-Brazil (slight discrepancy being very negligible on the scale), Moon-side facing Earth and Sun, Sun. They would calculate the distance to the Sun.

In Brazil and Africa some people had been mumbling. Gay people were not exactly popular, so, two men (not too obviously similar, not twins) living together for so long.

In both countries at the same time (yeah, the phone was around before the brothers Mer-Ca-T:ore and Ky-Law), the measure was interrupted. Castration or marriage with local girls. Neither batch of the family in any three countries was racist, both just happened to be not just Catholic themselves, but also living in a Catholic village, the measure was postponed for a next-month wedding (they didn't quite relish the alternatives mentioned by the natives, but the girls were pretty too and despite the own advanced age (by now) of Merrick and Caleb, sufficiently young (under thirty) for all four, and as the project had taken so much energy in previous years, none of the four had a previous love interest, so, one cannot pretend it was quite a shot gun wedding, despite certain words having been said. It may be added, they may have been liturgically rather Kumbaya, they may have been socially rather far from some Black-Feet supporters of Monseigneur Lefebvre in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, but the family I described did believe all the dogmas about the sacraments and the rest, wouldn't have married Protestant, Jew, Muslim, or even Orthodox without some hesitation, and all three batches (yes, even a parish in Niagara Falls) had the luck to have priests who were ordained before 1969 by bishops consecrated before the Council, said the relevant part of the Mass in Latin, didn't distribite Hosts into hands, and - in Latin - said "pro multis" and Pope Michael hadn't pronounced on the invalidity either ... they may have been technically Novus Ordo, but they weren't near being Apostates.

When computers looked to most like R2-D2 or C3PO or big machines where scientists feed in long hole-card-strings of coded data rather than PC and internet, four people each continent of South America and Africa went to their measure devices from the wedding party, and phoned each other when the Full Moon was midway over the Atlantic. They took a quarter of an hour (same 1/4 of an hour "universal time" and different ones after the time zones to do the pinning of sticks and writing down of angles correctly before going to bed, and the cross Atlantic phone call included "congratulations, we are now married, we heard that so are you" before the measuring signal.

And an extra cross-Equator or cross-both Equator and Atlantic to Niagara Falls, where Theodore and Danna heard the good news AND the angle (somewhat in advance of them in wife's pregnancy by hubby, I said they were Catholic, and as they had wasted no free time on porn, they did actually wait until the wedding night, all five couples).

During the following days, Mayson and Teresa were discussing "so, we were asking, how far is the tree and the sun, darling ...." "yes, and you told me we should start with the tree" "and we now know the distance from us to the sun - we'll see around baptismal tides whether she has a perigee and apogee too - measured and translated into our strides from this veranda to this tree" "which isn't aging as fast as we" "well, we are getting grandchildren, but not too many wrinkles yet"*

As children arrive, you may ask both how they had managed to follow up this hobby so many decades, and how the new children were going to be fed. The answer to the first is something too long to tell in these paragraphs, but fairly obvious if you know The Kelleys, except in their case, it wasn't singing, it was striding for measures, the house in Niagara Falls already belonged to them by inheritance from either Merrick's or Teresa's parents, and not too manyt taxes on inheritance or real estate property for personal use (despite Canada being somewhat worse than US on such matters) and the second case, well, part is, the guys knew this game, part is, the new inlaws contributed (a Tennessee family for Niagara Falls, while each brother to Theodore had more than just the actual parents to the wife, and in a country where house and food and clothes are cheaper than in Niagara Falls.

Something happened. A Journalist, Keevin O'Seamus, he had made a name in infiltration of some Malthusian and malfeasant facility on more than one locality, stumbled on their story.

By the birth of their babies, Canada, Brazil, a certain country in Africa, perhaps no longer same frontiers, perhaps no longer same name, adopted the May-Ter system. With the Ky-law extension. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Spain and obviously Portugal too followed suite and so did Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland (canton by canton). Many governments decided to offer a little money to the family (little compared to the budget) and some wanted to print a good map and asked the five brothers for permission for that.

One country, sorry, big nation, didn't. When it came up in the Senate a certain Biden voted with a motivation "no, they are crazy, let's stick to old miles and feet instead and try to get a common unit over all fifty states" and it was done so. You see, one day in Arizona Bar in a town called California Ridge in Neo-Mexican Valley County in the state of Textas, he was just getting up from the chair when one of the family (perhasp "Lawrence low attention") went along striding.

"You are crazy, good for nothing they should build a high wall here!"**

US didn't ask for the Mer-Ca-T:ore map either, so they are bad at geography, like when Batman slapped Robin for saying "Switzerland - where the ice bears walk in the capital, right?"

So, having time left, money to spend, having spent all the steps in their von Neumann chain from Mayson's and Teresa's strides across their home garden to the angulation (thanks to a reservation chieftain Sohkahtoa) between Earth, Moon and Sun, they didn't know how to get further.

They did some reading. The guys in Niagara Falls bought appropriate number of copies of The Hobbit and of the Lord of the Rings in Three volumes from companies contracted to the publishers of Christopher T. on behalf of his recently dead pa. In languages that could be read in Brazil and Africa*** and with appropriate copyright paid to Christopher T. and associates.°

When they had taken the reading and getting to know each other as far as they could and got to know some of the nationals of the new brides as well, one brought some machine written pages by a very unknown Paolo Coelho who had just completed a new production of Teatro da Educação. They came to be somewhat less interested after seeing the title of his second work, a few years later on.

But sooner or later - well before Christopher and Lobelia° or their cousins across the Equator were born, or before their cousin in Niagara Falls - Pharamund, an oblique reference to Faramir, but without Christopher T. having a copyright (just in case) since it's from the Merovingian family line prior to Clovis°° - had begun to talk, obviously talks started to get to how one could go on somewhat later, perhaps when their children grew up, to get a bit further, beyond the distance of the Sun.

And with so many telephones across a triangle on the globe, soon someone (not necessarily in the family, but a connexion of a connexion, less than six degrees of this in unbroken succession from either Senator Biden or this family) had stated something about Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Standard Candles.

And in Niagara Falls, where the half garden not including veranda to tree walk had been named Hen Cop Gaggle Lim. (but shares were sold locally, not on Wall Street) a discussion was beginning to form around an old and very dear subject of interest (or some shrinks of Senator Biden's persuasion might term it monomany or delusion or idée fixe, but there were so few of those in Canada, they didn't yet risk to get forced medication for it.

"So, let's start where we ended.

"It seems, measuring the distance to the Sun by triangulation ..."

He was interrupted by a chorus of "SOHCAHTOA, SOHCAHTOA, SOHCAHTOA!" since at the mention, they got nostalgic about their old friend from South Dakota who was such a good geometry teacher, and who was more than just mayor among his own in what was more than just a city to them, but less than a city district to closest administrator of the normal US system.

"And now, believing that the Earth moves around the sun each year, that the earth has a perihelium and an aphelium, rather than the sun an apogee and perigee like her brother the moon, we use this distance from Earth to Sun as half the distance of Earth to Earth at two opposite times of the year ..."

He coughed. People had time to think "when we measured to the Moon, we had telephones to get the distance triangulations - SOHCAHTOA - taken within just a few seconds!"

"The distance from Earth to Earth at two opposite times of the year ... which together with two angles will give us: ..."


"... exactly.

"The two angles to a star are then angle from Earth along the Earth to Earth line ..."

Pause. Yeah. "The Earth to Earth line" - and the lack of "same second" precision.

"... at aphelium, to its angle from Earth - just very slightly different - along the Earth to Earth Line at perihelium, the one close to St. John's and the other close to Christmas."

Pause. The God's gift to Theodore via Tennessee was just eating an eel fricassée, she had relatives "coming down the mountain when she comes, driving six white horses when she comes" and eel fricassees are as popular there as predicting the worst and hoping for the best. She opened her mouth and put in:

"Look, we have heard Earth to Earth line, can we skip "to" and call it, very officially Earth-Earth-Line, but EEL for short?"

Before Mayson or Teresa could answer, the rest had already made a somewhat loud choir:


"Done!" (Forget which one of the tired but happy old couple who had opened the mouth this time, the other was not contradicting.)

Theodore (who was not less fond of eel fricassée) gave an extra reason, whone none was needed any more:

"Given that the 'two positions of Earth' are not just twice our last experiment ..."


"... from each other, but six months, rather than six seconds, I think the concept deserves such an acronym : it's a slippery one!"


"Yeah, but let us explain the line of thought of ..."

"Gaah!" - little Pharamund just woke up, and Danna had to open her blouse to give some milk ...

"... of Henrietta Swan Leavitt - do call your next daughter Henrietta or Swan if you don't get a boy, she seems to be a decent person, whatever you say of the theory! - like ..."

Wife Teresa a bit exhausted after the sidenote on Danna's next daughter gave the word to her long standing husband, who still walked two strides when she walked three, just a little slower than back those walks to the tree.

"... like this angle NOT being c. 20 arc seconds per half year back and 20 arc seconds per half year through, that being aberration ..."

"Well, our inlaws in Africa could tell us what we need to know of rain being diagonal if you aren't still, so the 20 arc seconds are aberration at different diagonal angles for a moving Earth IF it has a movement along the EEL."

"And, this means, the actual different angle is measured not directly, like the May-Ter distanced mirrors we used ..."

Pause. No one interrupted with a reference to their geometry teacher in an enclave of the US territory who was not a regular US citizen, in South Dakota.

"... but INDIRECTLY, taking the direct measures as a kind of background noise and measuring the spots that stick out from it."

"Which one of them is largest?"

"According to these reports, zero point 75 arc seconds, the brightest star in the Centaur - which our friends in Brazil may see but we won't, we found the earth is round!"

"It's too late to do examples from the Sioux's geometry lessons, what is the result?"


"The exact distance light needs four years to go, Henrietta (or someone she copied) calls the distance a light year - our last experiment is eight light minutes)."

"But if the real triangulation from us is only from what sticks out against triangulation, most stars are too far to be measured? Or is there a next link in the von Neumann chain?"

At the mention of von Neumann chain, they exchanged the Amerindian tonality of a Sioux's name, for a somewhat different melody with the words:

"Marina, Marina, Marina ..."

She was the daughter of a certain John von Neumann, who was doing one, just as they from tree to sun, but the other direction from the royal point (a French subdivision of the foot, the royal foot being somewhat longer than the English one, and subdivided in twelve inches, each in twelve lines, like English subdivisions BUT, extra subdivision, somewhat useful in microscopes, each line dubdivided in 12 "points" (as a distance too small to see, unless doubled or tripled, it merited a geometrical equivalent of zero!) and down to twelfths of twelfths of it like Ångströms along light waves measuring very small objects and getting reflected in ways they look larger in. Marina von Neumann Whitman didn't look a very friendly person, when someone of the family - perhaps "Lawrence low attention"? - shhhh - shrinksssss - stepped into her, while striding a measure. Her reaction had been somewhat different from Senator Biden's.

"You - explain!!!!" (a finger pointed on his nose) "exactly what you were doing, and I won't call the police!"

"OK. Dad and mum stepped along each other, they regularly did same number of strides at a same distance, two for dad, three for mum."

"Right." She crossed her arms, interrupted, and explained : this makes the stride length the multiples 1 point 5 and 2 of the same base unit - continue!"

"Which unit they called May-Ter, after daddy Mayson - please, emm, aye, wye, ess, he doesn' want any confusion with Masons, emm, aye, ess - and Teresa."

"OK - is it somewhat similar to a yard in length?"

"Yard? Our yard is more than 14 May-Ter from verandah, across the tree to just one of the fences ..."

"More than 14 May-Ter? Like 15, 16?"

"No, no, when they have walked 14 May-Ter, they need to move the foot half a shoelength to touch the fence!"

Mrs Whitman not frowning any more. "More than 14" didn't mean they hadn't bothered to stride all the way to get the full number of strides required to get from the verandah to the fence, it means they had the "may-ter" as lowest length unit and didn't know what to call six inches. She invited the family member for lunch, bagels and root beer, since unplanned, got to a phone booth and cancelled a meeting, or two or three, and when she got back to the bench, the family member was invited to a walk through Central Park ...

"But I'll miss what I was striding!"

"Nope, I know the bench, I can point it out to the twelfth OF a mayter (or more precise) to where you put the foot in it. I'll lead you back to the spot tomorrow morning. JUSSSSSSSSSST recall the count you had made before bumoing into me"

And next morning, she had marked a cross, surrounded by a circle with a radius of 3.280839895 inches. The very local one in NYC ... it was where he had finished his last stride and marked with the number he had mentioned. When I say, she had marked, I mean it in a classic Latin sense, like Ceasar built a bridge over Lake Geneva - he didn't touch the hammer or wood or nails, unlike some heir of his, a bit nicer people who killed less Gauls, he told Roman soldiers where to do so. And likewise, Marina (Marina, Marina) had done the calculations (supposing the May-Tor to be a b i t larger than a yard and she was lucky on the milli-May-Tor as they say now) on her notepad with a fairly expensive pen, and someone else copied this onto the ground. And got more than three dollars for it.

"Hey - that's the distance that's between the fourteen May-Ter and the fence!"

She reminded herself to double the reward. What this family was doing upwards from stride length modulus, she knew he was one of five boys and the name of each girl, she knew which one he was from Merrick or Lawrence or any inbetween, and also, none (not even Lawrence) merited the nick name "low attention" when it came to explainations about length units, or - she taught the family the words, long before there was any youtube to make it more common - von Neumann chains (she honoured her - very own - father and has lived long on earth°°°). There are some reasons she didn't defend the system against Senator Biden. She was not a politician. She was on a difficult case study. Not sure if she was already in the circles of Bilderberg or not, but she was aware of them and they might not have approved if she had defended the May-Ter system in the US, as it had been founded in a few strides by total amateurs who couldn't then - unlike their son by now, when she had talked to him in Central Park - even measure six and a half inches. The tone of Senator Biden was such, she was not in a mood to expose the family member (not everyone in the Bilderberg group, which as said she knew, had her by new tender feelings for him) ... to mention approximately 1/π of her reasons. And obviously, dear math freaks, when I say approximately, 12 reasons wouldnt be 4π but less, 13 reason wouldn't by 4π of them, but more, so 4π can't be used to accurately count countables, like reasons often are.

This is the reason why the family on this evening was going:

"Marina, Marina, Marina ..."

"Yeah, OK, the next link in the Neumann chain is ..."

"... what Harriet called Standard Candles. When you know the bright star in The Centaur is 4 light years away, it is as far off as that, the Sun would look equally small. A star in The Swan, 61st, is a bit more than ten light years away and its apparent brightness and width makes you wonder, is it another Sun, or two smaller stars, the scientists have settled for the latter. Vega is again 25 light years away, and with this or that apparent brightness probably a ball of fire "twice as big across" or "eight times as thick all through" as the Sun."

"So, when our dear little friend in Dakota goes to bed, he lights a candle?"

"Exactly ... and with that candle, when there is no measurable outstanding angle to measure against aberration, the relation between how a star looks and how big it looks, Centaur type or Swan type, allows you to determine how far away it is ..."

"Wait ... isn't Vega the type of the Sun?"


"But you just said Vega was twice as wide across! How do you distinguish a Sun type star that is twice across and twice as far from one that is three times across and three times as far?"

"I don't know."

"You didn't say what constellation Vega was ..."

"A kind of guitar I suppose ..."

"You're a liar"

"Like everyman!" (Daughters in law really tie you down sometimes, really like a kind of strings, especially when Pharamond is asleep again!) "But thank you, the constellation is The Lyre ..."

"Look, when one step is an EEL ... Earth-Earth-Length and one candle is a Liar, aren't really two of the links of the von Neumann chain broken?"

"I guess you are right. Dear old Harriet, a swan from the white Lea - guess that's what Leavitt means? - did a very careful work of counting, each single type of stride measure. She could really have made the May-Ter system precise, to one thousand-th if she had known us. BUT she wasn't as good of counting the von Neumann links like the chain they are and feel carefully if a link is broken?"

"Can someone fix either of them?"

"Sure. Prove Heliocentrism, and you don't get lost closer than 25 light years away ..."


"Well, if space is made of something, see if that something displaces itself in the direction Earth is supposed to move around the Sun?"

"I think dad knows a daughter of a daughter of one of two people doing that kind of thing, we'll phone him tomorrow!"

"Wait, before we go to bed, I'm making a search plan over the library catalogue - what were the two called?"

"Michelson and Morley"

"Fine, goodnight!"

Everyone went off to bed, like from a long expected party with much food and much drink and much cheer - but no one disappeared by magic.


Michelson and Morley did do not just something like that, but exactly that, at least if "stuff the light waves are waves in" qualifies as probably also being "stuff that space is made of." No, it didn't move in the direction.

If Michelson's father hadn't left Strzelno, he might have talked to the rabbi there who might have had a more conservative view on why stars move, perhaps rather reminiscent of that of a Christian saint like Aquinas. He might have felt no need to keep "parallax" just parallactic, rather than aberration and parallax a wave and subwave from an angel to a very careful observer of the star, and he might have said - like his daughter, unless it was Morley's - well, then, then earth stands still (except when kicking for joy) and does not move. The slippery EEL just slid away into nothingness and the aether persists to surroun and earth that's stationary. He moved to US when two, and was, at the time of the experiment, agnostic about God, and therefore convinced about Heliocentrism (and standard candles).

Another man outside present borders of Poland and older family within these, a Cardinal Faulhaber once said "Es ist unglaublich, wieviel mann glauben muss, um unglaublich zo sein" - Translate to meme : "So, you think you are an incredulous sceptic? Isn't it incredible, how many things you are very credulous and unsuspecting of!"

Big and proud feetnotes:

* The couple had five boys, I am not saying they didn't have girls, just that they were less help in striding and mirroring distances, to they and their hubbies have no real place in the story. Meaning, hthey weren't content to have just five, like "no, we aren't rabbits, we ae trying to beat them like two patient turtles" in a certain story.

** Had some news he's keeping the promise very many decades later! Or? Compare here:

Biden Resumes Border Wall & Ivana Trump's Golf Course Burial | The Daily Show
2nd August 2022 | CTV Comedy Channel

*** Yeah, I know, I keep saying Africa, whiich is really a continent, for a country in Africa, but unlike Brazil it can have changed flag since then. That's the kind of place to make discoveries in, with some little help from Brazil, right?

° One of the young brides, not the best reader in the world, but a good listener to scraps and bits and pieces was at first planning to name the child Christopher Lobelia. Then she was told Lobelia was actually a girl's name. "Oh, sorry, Christopher OR Lobelia" - she had twins, they weren't homozygotic, and it was Christopher AND Lobelia. And both the names had a redemption ark. Lobelia challenged a bigger male thug with lots of helpers with her umbrella and Christopher actually published - not just wrote and rewrote but, as said - published a few stories on Beren and Luthien and of Aman where Galadriel was from and of Gondolin where they made those swords ... he had done so before this happened, but the Tenessee inlaws didn't know yet!

°° I have made a few observations on the Latin language in the time of this historic character, in the form of a dialect in that language, which is grammatically similar, but not identic to Ciceros in a dialogue:


Did you call him a "legendary one"? Well, history, like the earth, is a mighty matter of legend!

°°° Her very own, not a foster father chosen by CPS. Unlike some - you see why I won't dare mention if it was Lawrence, his family might come back from where Centaurus is spotted! - who are less lucky.

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