Saturday 8 December 2018

Kudrowophobe? Phoebephobes? You should have a talk about the term ...

Stan Lee probably neither Free Mason nor Satanist · Kudrowophobe? Phoebephobes? You should have a talk about the term ...

Lisa Kudrow ... I came across a man who could be described as typically phobiac of you or of Winona Ryder. Would you take a talk with Jennifer Aniston on what to call such a man?

No, I didn't talk to him personally. It's just a video on the internet, so I don't even know if it's a man or a woman. Anyway, I am annoyed that such a thing as Lisa-Kudrow-as-Phoebe-phobia should ... btw, I'm waiting for your and Jennifer's verdict on terminology, that's the kind of thing you were discussing on Friends ... infect a man who presumably was trying to do a good turn in fighting against the bad influence of Soros or sth.

I am not against people taking offense at George Soros, I do myself. I am not against taking offense at Hollywood directors dissing Christianity, promoting Aztek idol worship as at least partially a solution ...

Jack frees Will and duels Barbossa, while Elizabeth and Will fight off Barbossa's crew. Barbossa stabs Jack, but the latter is revealed to be under the curse, having taken a piece of gold from the chest of Cortés. Jack then shoots Barbossa, and Will drops both coins into the chest, with his and Jack's blood on them. The curse is lifted, causing Barbossa to die from Jack's gunshot; the rest of Barbossa's crew, realizing that they are no longer immortal, surrender and are arrested.

... as I said, promoting Aztek idol worship as at least part of a solution and lambasting Jerry Bruckheimer (who's German Jewish) for Curse of the Black Pearl.

But someone who was trying to prove Mel Gibson's point for him, somehow missed Jerry Bruckheimer and of all people focussed on naming as many as possible, including you, Lisa Kudrow!

Friends is set in New York. It has six main characters including the bar tender, only two of them are played by Jewish actors and that is about as exotic as using two Italian actors born in France for something set in Marseille!

You are one of them. Now, I might be a kind of Antisemite (a bit like Brother Nathanael, if you know who I mean, but I am not a monk). But I am not a Phoebephobe. If I want to have respect for Christianity, I don't complain about your playing Phoebe, I sign a protest against the Comedian Canteloup who made a gross joke about the Holy Family. I don't care if he's Jewish or not Jewish : the point is he's disrespected Christianity. And probably some Jew had a bit too much of a chuckle at that. And probably (unless you are very unlike your screen character) that Jew is not you. So, why would anyone have any kind of trouble with you having played Phoebe?

I mean, is the guy trying to make Antisemites look bad? Or something? Just when one was kind of coming over the memories of a certain man who should have remained a painter (don't you agree, he was a marvellous painter, nearly better than Chagall?) in comes Mr. ... well, you discuss with Jennifer what to call such a guy ... and makes Antisemites look bad again! Do you think it's a Jewish shill actually trying to?

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary

PS, arguably Verbinski who has collaborated with Bad Religion four times over could be as responsible as Bruckheimer. And Verbinski doesn't seem to be Jewish ... I mean for Black Pearl, responsible for Black Pearl. I need a coffee./HGL

PPS, for other readers, no, the other Jewish actor in Friends is not Jennifer Aniston, she's Greek and god-daughter of Telly Savalas (Aristotelis Savalas). The other Jewish actor is David Schwimmer, who played Dr. Ross Geller./HGL

PPPS - how about Cudroviphobe? Kudrophobe?/HGL

PPPPS - while on topic of Verbinski, Gurewitz is Jewish, but so is Weintraub. I think Karate Kid is as well known if not better than Bad Religion. I also think Karate Kid is not bad culture. Living up to a line like "I am the man who will fight for your honour" is hard, but attacking it as immoral is impossible./HGL

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