Thursday 3 March 2022

A Kind of "Power Structure" that Catholicism, Traditionally, Isn't

I was watching:

Marvel's Act One Problem
27th Febr. 2022 | Just Write

I heard a phrase at something after nine minutes, which made me go back to the beginning of the section and hear it over again, just so I could get the quote right and attribute it to the right film.

"the amnesia idea is important to this film's" (MCU : Captain Marvel) "idea of power structures telling you who you are and what your limitations are"

I can't see much better ways of defining the ethics of Mind Kontrol Ultra or Illuminati than this. It's not Catholic.

But when Vatican II-ers want to define me as a "prophet for Pope Francis' new and superior spirituality" or a nut case, and FSSPX-ers want to define me as "a penitent" or "a priest candidate" or "a monastic vocation" or a dangerous lunatic or perv, which I don't seriously doubt, even if others new to my situation may do so, for a while, that reminds me so of Jews and Muslims and Protestants and Esoterics who define me either as a prospective convert to their causes, or as self-destructive (for "hanging around" Vatican-II-ers and FSSPX-ers of said description), or of Evolutionists and Satanists who think my next move is ditching Christianity, or if it isn't, I'm self-limiting ... Catholicism used to give men freedom to chose their vocation, what happened to that? And those who held someone's position as heterodox used to tell him, fairly brutally at times, rather than play at Gatekeeping in order to keep him back, what happened to that?/HGL

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