Thursday 24 March 2022

Mussolini vs Putin

A quote in Italian:

La legge sull'aborto del 1930
Codice penale italiano (1930), Libro II, Titolo X: Dei delitti contro la integrità e la sanità della stirpe (Art. 545. Aborto di donna non consenziente. Chiunque cagiona l'aborto di una donna, senza il consenso di lei, è punito con la reclusione da sette a dodici anni. Art. 546. Aborto di donna consenziente. Chiunque cagiona l'aborto di una donna, col consenso di lei, è punito con la reclusione da due a cinque anni. La stessa pena si applica alla donna che ha consentito all'aborto. Si applica la disposizione dell'articolo precedente: 1. se la donna è minore degli anni quattordici, o, comunque, non ha capacità d'intendere o di volere; 2. se il consenso è estorto con violenza, minaccia o suggestione, ovvero e` carpito con inganno. Art. 547. Aborto procuratosi dalla donna. La donna che si procura l'aborto e` punita con la reclusione da uno a quattro anni. Art. 548. Istigazione all'aborto. Chiunque fuori dei casi di concorso nel reato preveduto dall'articolo precedente, istiga una donna incinta ad abortire, somministrandole mezzi idonei, è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a due anni).

Italian penal code, 1930. Book II, Title X: on crimes against the integrity and health of the offspring. (Art 545. Abortion of non-consenting woman. Whoever causes the abortion of a woman without her own consent, is punished by reclusion between seven and twelve years. Art. 546 Abortion of consenting woman. Whoever causes the abortion of a woman with her consent, is punished with reclusion from two to five years. The same penalty is applied to the woman who consented to abortion. The disposition of the previous article is applied: 1. if the woman is younger than fourteen years, or, in any case, has no capacity to understand or will; 2. if the consent is extorted by violence, menace or suggestion, or otherwise is obtained by fraud. Art. 547 Abortion self-procured by the woman. The woman who procures herself an abortion is punished with reclusion from one to four years. Art. 548. Instigation to abortion. Whoever outside the cases of concurrence in the crime foreseen in the preceding article, instigates a pregnant woman to abort, giving her apt means, is punished with reclusion from six months to two years.

Has Russia anything similar? Well, to the article 548, yes. It not only forbids informing about abortion, but also informing about herbal medicines or otherwise alternative medicines. Let's be clear, the pretense that Russia is fighting abortions, with 353 legal abortions per 1000 live births in 2018 and back in 2016, it was 391, and still no one is even suggesting anything like a ban on abortion.

I think the laws in Austria under Dollfuss and Schuschnigg would also have been a better protection for the unborn than present Russian legislation. Perhaps even better than Il Duce's from 1930. But even these would have been a good job applied to those Swedish parents who during 5 weeks pstered a 13 year old daughter until she agreed to abort (along with her boyfriend, soon enough an ex, and comrades and teachers).

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Gabriel

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