Friday 28 January 2022

Over 1000

Over 231 · Over 500 · Over 1000 · Over 2000 · Over 3000

Dixit Aquinas 2000 So, Dionysus was a Copy of Moses, may One Presume? 1910 Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life? 1890 Theology, Pro-life, Christ King, Saints et c 1820 verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus 1800 - 5

I think I wrote a mistaken word somewhere on youtube - or perhaps not 1690 Restoring a Christian society, fine but how? 1680 What is Expertise? Some Things It is Not. 1670 to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one) 1670 Why I Do Go "Seems Fiction" on Overpopulation Dystopias 1660 - 10

Susan has a bad fright. 1660 Anthony Zarrella's Answer 1640 In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ... 1600 Aus Chromosome/Wiki/de 1590 A Conservative Stamping Me as a Cultist 1570 - 15

Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them 1530 No, true enough Acharya, Varro did not write about Jesus ... 1510 Malfaisance de "Sécurité" 1450 Why do my Posts Right Here Not Answer YOUR Questions on the Subject? 1450 It Seems Apocalypse is Explained in a Very Relevant Part 1430 - 20

Answers about "The Forbidden Book" 1410 Comentario carlista sobre abortamiento (enlace) 1380 AronRa, did I mention you are worthless on history? 1360 Answering TheOFloinn some more 1340 Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? 1320 - 25

Palaeoherpeton decorum 1310 Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) 1300 Marc Robidoux avide de me juger comme mégalomane ... 1290 Me and Roger Pearlman on Genesis 11:3 1280 Partagée, cette vidéo 1270 - 30

A Case for Considering Western Atheism as Protestantism Losing Christianity 1260 Prolog: Litavens kulturhistoria, uppsats - intro & innehåll 1250 Ten Extra-Biblical Writers or Sources on Reign of Tiberius (Silent Historians Argument Revisited) 1230 BEVAR CHRISTIANIA 1210 St Augustine was - Literally - a Young Earth Creationist and Geocentric, and he was Right 1210 - 35

"et lux non loqui" 1200 "Here are three chords ..." 1200 On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists 1190 What did Early Christians Believe About Greek and Roman Gods? 1180 Correcting Theodore Gracyk's analysis 1170 - 40

Hormis le décors, qu'est-ce qui a changé depuis l'époque du Moyen-Âge ? 1160 Dm (guitar) 1140 C (guitar) 1130 Why do Some Christian People Find my Geocentric View of the Universe Heterodox? 1030 Two rebuttals of Kalaam rebutted 1130 - 45

Kalam, Loftus & Lindsay 1120 Answering Barbara Smoker's Path from Rome 1120 Great Bishop of Geneva, Apostle of Savoy 1120 G7 (guitar) 1100 If you read old texts - did people really do things like that back then? 1100 - 50

Les Limites Auparavant Reconnues en France ... 1090 Religion au paléolithique - évolutionnisme dans la vidéo, créationnisme dans mes commentaires 1080 Debate with John Médaille on Geocentrism 1080 A "Biblical" Heliocentric Misciting Holy Scripture 1070 Amicabilité, apologétique 1070 - 55

Jeans de PRÉSENT: Madiran oui, Cochet non ... 1060 Answering Three Points in a Paper by Carrier 1060 Non-replies 1050 Francophone8 me répond en français, on continue ici 1050 Litavisk kulturhistoria, problem 1 1050 - 60

Ave Verum Corpus Natum ... 1040 Is there Creation Science on This Blog? 1040 J'avais vu un très mauvais vidéo à propos la Statue de Ste Jehanne 1040 Index posts, other blogs - messages index, autres blogs 1040 Géocentrisme, version 2 1040 - 65

If you wish to correspond with me 1040 Jean Paul II vu par Sodalitium 1995 1030 Against Abortion Even After Rape - Yes! 1030 Science et Culture - Après 2000 1020 - 69

1 comment:

  1. 2000 + 1910 + 1890 + 1820 + 1800 + 1690 + 1680 + 1670 + 1670 + 1660 + 1660 + 1640 + 1600 + 1590 + 1570 + 1530 + 1510 + 1450 + 1450 + 1430 + 1410 + 1380 + 1360 + 1340 + 1320 + 1310 + 1300 + 1290 + 1280 + 1270 + 1260 + 1250 + 1230 + 1210 + 1210 + 1200 + 1200 + 1190 + 1180 + 1170 + 1160 + 1140 + 1130 + 1030 + 1130 + 1120 + 1120 + 1120 + 1100 + 1100 + 1090 + 1080 + 1080 + 1070 + 1070 + 1060 + 1060 + 1050 + 1050 + 1050 + 1040 + 1040 + 1040 + 1040 + 1040 + 1040 + 1030 + 1030 + 1020 = 89710
