Some might think it immodest of me to compare myself to Donald Trump - but I am actually comparing the criticisms. Not the persons.
I think of George McClellan. He brought superior forces to Antietam. Fortunately for Lee, he also brought himself. Trump brings himself to everything.*
There are two ways of bringing oneself to things.
There is the McClellan way and the Chesterton and C. S. Lewis way.
Wonder whose is whose, between me and Mark Shea ... wonder also whose will in the end be whose about Donald.
He could ignite war or international crisis or inflict untold wreckage on the economy by January 15.
I think there are people who have thought that of me since 5.II.1998. Or soon after. Remember, that was in a calmer world - so to speak - before 11.IX ("9-11" as you like to call it). Balkan war was ended. Putin not yet trying "to make Russia great again" (without using any of his now 12 years as either president or prime minister to abolish abortion). The Muslim ally was not seen as saviour against the Muslim enemy and so the Muslim ally had less to boss about in society (but a bit too much for me in Sweden that day, on a very local level).
I think things like secret memos running that text "he could ignite" have been said about me too.
He is, like the Joker, an agent of chaos.
People who are very unfamiliar with St Thomas Aquinas, with Chesterton, with the actual deep culture (and not just glamour of popular novels) of the Inklings, with Creationist and Geocentric claims (no, Creationists are not saying fossils were planted to test our faith, and if angels are dancing out the "parallaxes" with the stars they direct - a task of angels not mentioned in Baltimore 4, btw, but mentioned in St Thomas Aquinas and in Riccioli - that is not primarily in order to fool astronomers and through them everyone else, if only because astronomers don't run what everyone else believes and because the parallaxes have not been seen for a very long time and are not even directly seen, only comparatively seen, for each star compared to all the surrounding ones, or most) in other words, a man totally considering my geekitude as ultra weird nerditude could say similar things about me.
They are always surprised, because they never learn the things I am about.
He has been cocooned from consequences all his life.
For my part, I have been cocooned from the conséquences I wanted - like blog posts of mine read on paper objects called books one paid for or courtships of mine leading to one actual marriage or letters of mine being answered by facts relevant to the argument. I have not asked for such sheltering.
It seems Macron could have people preparing new excuses for such cocooning now.
France vs. fake news offers test case for democratic dilemma
I have made scoops about mammalian chromosome numbers refuting Evolution of mammals from one common ancestor. About geologic column in the main (excluding palaeo-marine environments) having only one fossiliferous layer, mostly, at least for vertebrates. About a rise in carbon 14 levels being feasible as explanation for carbon dates extending back beyond Creation 5199 BC. About Göbekli Tepe being Babel. And yesterday about wheat being a mutation "near Göbekli Tepe" and therefore around the time of Babel. With the consequence that Cain could not have sacrificed wheat and the words of the Novus Ordo new offertory are off. Plus older scoops involving geocentrism doing away with the distant starlight problem (16 years and some ago, linking to a newer version or consequence). And of angelic movers being traditional, despite claims on it being heterodox.
I have also done a few less glamorous scoops on how this homeless blogger is treated while accessing internet : here, here, here.
Some have been hushing up my blogs socially by claiming fake news, and further demeaning me by claiming I am spreading them for others, by being gullible, rather than actually making the scoops. They would just dream of a situation in which they could claim their measures were protecting me from being sued for fake news!
As for Trump, millionaires might on occasion be sheltered from seeing how some of their plans for particulars wreak havoc in their life. In my case I think the sheltered ones might be quite other than Trump and much nearer.
But he appear, like a man with a death wish, driven to expose himself to more and more opportunities for consequence to finally catch up with him. That’s why I just cannot believe it will end well for him.
If I have Jewish origins (in part) and a Catholic faith, Zionist near ones and a Palestinian - primarily Christian Palestinian - allegiance about the Holy Land, there are Jews who say that of me.
If I am not a National Socialist, but an Austrofascist and on Franco's side 1936-39 (yes, as a history geek I tend to be on one side of wars, like TV audience are on one side of a rugby match), well, guess who is going to mistake that for racism and guess who is resenting my unsupport of Azaña? Target groups of National Socialism (including but not limited to Jews) who cannot see the difference between Hitler and his allies, and Spanish Emigrants who settled abroad after 39 (there are some in France).
If I insist Our Lord Jesus Christ was the Messiah, there are groups awaiting some other Messiah instead who would target me for that too. Whether they want to groom me for the role or just want the suspicions to centre on me while someone else is in the wings.
It is interesting, while both Tolkien and Shea had/have Jewish friends, and both were/are disgusted with Hitler even as a person, apart from his non-painting especially post-painting and post-WW-I work, Tolkien was content to call Hitler an ignorant or ignoramus, but Shea has to call him a dunce too. Retrospectively.
I don't think I and Trump are really the same type, I would have preferred Marco Rubio or Rick Santorum - or Pat Buchanan.
But somehow we seem to end up getting similar critics. One of them, but a publically very silent one about my person or my blogs being Mark Shea. He is probably in the logic "let's not give him a platform". A Pharisaic and Masonic logic. Platforms aren't reserved for those who are right, and as to those who are wrong, they don't naturally divide into those who deserve a refutation and those who should be given no platform - at least if able to express themselves.
Because, you see, I can't comment under Mark Shea's blog, he has blocked my successive emails from his inbox, when I post links to my criticisms of his work - sometimes appraising - to his author page on FB he doesn't answer, it seems he has some kind of criticism about me he's keeping back and "cocooning" me from actually hearing.
And it could be, some of his rants about Trump are indirect and friendly lessons to me, in his intention. Like the one about "being cocooned" - for that I have been, against my wishes. Mostly. If someone had a real affront to forgive, I don't mind that. If it is one I would admit as being such, of course, and not just my refusal to agree or to take him as a "father figure".
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Paul the First Hermit**
* Read more at : The Alleged Intelligence of Trump
January 12, 2018 by Mark Shea
(If someone would like to post a link to my post under that, it would be appreciated).
** An example of the perfidy I refer to is the type who would take my identification of today's date, January 15, with St Paul the First Hermit, because it is his feast day, as an identification of myself with him, like me not knowing who I was. But I don't think Mark Shea will sink that low. Another example is setting automatic correct on such parameters that I need to decapitalise common English words like "under" manually. Or the new strategy of FB to divide me from my friends by irritating meddling in our communications:

Picture is from where I did not post any link on Mark Shea's wall, which was inaccessible, but the statuses invole one double failed try to post a comment with a link in it. And no, Tim Locks has not been expressing any irritation at my links, so I don't think it is his initiative.
Some might also consider it fake news that a certain type of atheists like a certain type of Evangelicals are gang hecklers:
HGL's F.B. writings : I am not sure you know Artur Sebastian Rosman
HGL's F.B. writings : Up Against Evangelical Hecklers
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