Saturday 15 May 2021

France Closer to Hell?

mail dot com : Tensions rise as Palestinian march aims to defy Paris ban

PARIS (AP) — Marches in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were being held Saturday in a dozen French cities, but the focus was on Paris, where riot police got ready as organizers said they would defy a ban on the protest.

Then* the COVID Apartheid:

Le Parisien : Les Français plébiscitent le pass sanitaire. Selon une étude que nous dévoilons en exclusivité, 68% des Français sont favorables à ce que le «certificat vert numérique» soit une condition impérative pour se déplacer au sein de l’Union européenne. Et pour ceux qui auraient déjà été contaminés mais pas vaccinés, voici ce qu'il faut savoir.

My Translation : The French are favourable to a "sanitary passport". According to a study which we reveal with exclusivity[link], 68 % of the French are favourable to making a "digital green certificate" into a mandatory condition for travelling within the European Union[link]. And for those who have already been contaminated but not vaccinated, this is what you need to know [link].

This is not funny. Supporting Zionism to the point of forbidding (on part of police prefect Didier Lallement) support rallies for Palestinians and supporting COVID Apartheid are so close to fulfilling Biblical prophecy of the most dire kind. Don't be fooled to believing the mark of the beast needs a technology not yet on the market so we are safe, or Protestants getting raptured, so we are safe, or involves any longstanding "idolatry" so if you aren't Catholic (for those taking that as idolatry) you are safe. Don't be fooled into believing laying siege on Hebrews who speak Arabic, even if Muslims, is OK, because they don't have the Jewish religion or recent ancestry having it./HGL

* From notifications by Le Parisien, sent to my mail.

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