Monday 3 September 2018

1500 Sales Before Republication, Chiré?

I mentioned in my correspondence to Chiré, that any paper edition would be a republication of what I already published on internet.

They answered among other things, they want to sell about 1500 copies (their normal size of an edition) before making a republication or new edition.

Well, part is, they don't want to lose money on having copies lying around, which is normal, but irrelevant to what I mentioned, and part is also that they want to know the first edition has reached 1500 readers.

Here is where this post comes in, I have collected a few which have so many readers or more:

1) musicalia : Sonata Nemetodurica

2) Recipes from Home and Abroad : impressa in octavo

3) Φιλολoγικά/Philologica :Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity · 4) The City Lights Went Out, Did They?

5) New blog on the kid :Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? · 6) St Augustine was - Literally - a Young Earth Creationist and Geocentric, and he was Right

7) Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera :Why do Some Christian People Find my Geocentric View of the Universe Heterodox? · 8) Father Filippo Anfossi was right against Giuseppe Settele

9) HGL's F.B. writings :Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" · 10) Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like. · 11) Three links related to dating questions (with some discussion) · 12) Attacked on "Evolution of Languages Disproves Tower of Babel" Subject Again · 13) I am not sure you know Artur Sebastian Rosman

14) deretour :Παιδόφιλος; Ἐγώ;

15) Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere :I posed a Question on Quora : If God had been a policeman and Abraham a criminal, would God have been guilty of "conspiracy to crime" or "provocation to crime" even if intending fully to stop Abraham from killing Isaac, under current US law? · 16) Anthony Zarrella's Answer · 17) Why I Do Go "Seems Fiction" on Overpopulation Dystopias · 18) About Amtrak Accident · 19) Opening a Debate with Helge Fauskanger on JW (Trying to, on quora)

20) Creation vs. Evolution : AronRa, did I mention you are worthless on history? · 21) I Like "Miacis Cognitus"

All of these 21 articles have in common:

  • 1500 or more page views (I have skipped a lot where the p v were between 1000 and 1500 and even more between 500 and 1000);
  • they are not "pages," they have not been promoted by putting them visibly as tabs ("onglets" in French) in the header field of the blog (if I count those that have been so promoted, I get another pretty slick batch and we are about doubling the above);
  • I have excluded what one could call "administrational" posts, which are interesting about my blogging habits but boring to readers who are reading it on paper.

One is in French, one in Old Greek, one is a diagram, one is a music score, the rest are in English texts.

More than one but far from all are debates which involve other debaters' words. Normally they should be getting a share for what they wrote too.

Chiré is of course publishing in French, so, pubishing any of these would involve a translation - and obviously their translator would have monopoloy and be giving them monopoly on their translation - and conversely, if they find me an English language publisher, that one could have a monopoly on the English translation of the French post ...

Donc, pardonnez-moi l'anglais, mais j'imagine que vous lisez l'anglais aussi ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Pope St. Pius X

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