Wednesday 26 September 2018

Is Paul Joseph Watson Right?

Here is what he says:

Nationalism, patriotism, populism, and Christianity are all now being treated as “hateful” by Big Tech.

These companies then engage in a form of legalese where they assert they are not banning people for their personal or political opinions, but because of violations of terms of service.

But the truth is that merely holding and expressing nationalist, populist, patriotic or Christian opinions and beliefs is deemed a “violation” because such beliefs have been subjectively defined as “hateful”.

For example, PayPal announced it was banning Infowars last week because Infowars had “promoted hate and discriminatory intolerance”.

In real terms, this meant that we had opposed the teaching of transgenderism to young children in schools and criticized political Islam.

Here is where he says it:

Big Tech Has Defined Conservatism as “Hate Speech”
Paul Joseph Watson | - September 24, 2018

And, H/T to Lisa Haven!

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