Tuesday 9 October 2018

Utoya, the Good and Bad News Since

Good news:

Review: Norwegian massacre '22 July' is brilliantly handled

There is a film, and I hope Emma Martinovic gets a feature in it (she's Norwegian born Croatian and on top of saving her own life when swimming away also saved that of a little boy).

Bad news:

Human rights court rejects Norway mass killer's appeal

While I think Breivik would have deserved death penalty, had Norway had it, and I don't think the sum of years is over the top, I have sympathy for people doing time, if they are ill treated.

Breivik is held in a three-cell complex in Norway where he can play video games, watch TV and exercise. He has complained about the quality of the prison food, having to eat with plastic utensils and not being able to communicate with sympathizers.

They should be able to buy him things eaten with fingers like sushi or drunk from a bowl, like miso soup, once in a while.

Playing video games, watching TV and exercising is a bit inadequate for a human existence. Even that of a murderer, supposing he was not hanged, which in this case he was not.

And if he is not the only far right criminal in prison, and some others are serving sentences too ... I can relate to security questions, his potential of planning atrocities with them if so allowed, but a life should not be too shred to pieces over security questions.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Giovanni Leonardi

And, sorry, I meant Utøya, of course, I was too much in haste for the extended ascii for ø./HGL

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