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Saturday, 7 August 2021
The Month from 4.VII. - 3.VIII.2021 - Top 25 Posts
This Week, Some Years Ago, On My Blogs · 22 - 29.VII, for Some Earlier Years · But is Anyone Reading Any of It? Part I · Part II · Part III · The Month from 4.VII. - 3.VIII.2021 - Top 25 Posts · As Problems Accessing Internet Could Mount Again (there is a mask duty), I reiterate · The Week 9th to 16th of July · And the Week 17th - 24th of July? · The Week from 25th July to 2nd August
I - V
With David Palm, Mainly on Flood, Ark, Ararat 598 (4065) Continued Correspondence with Palm, Baraminology and introducing Carter, adding Carbon 14 and Lake Suigetsu 594 (3941) (same series as previous) SV: Med Borgehammar : discussionen 594 (3988) With Habermehl 2017, II 590 (3926) FR: Finale? 585 (3832)
VI - X
Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II) 584 (3815) FR: BT est un paroissien de St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, ami du Roi de l'Araucanie (même série que Finale?) 581 (3946) News Correspondence after Christchurch 558 (3947) FR: Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève 456 (665) Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve 260 (36 600 c.)
With The Turbo Dad on a Video with James Randi 232 (804) full url : version / présentation : pleins urls 82 (4290 c.) With Steven Taylor on Lorentz Transformations, Speed of Light, Distant Starlight Problem, Creation Week, Miracles 72 (2780) Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students 72 (1672) FR: Mairie d'Osny 68 (3915)
Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity 66 (11999) LAT: impressa in octavo 64 (2721) LAT: Bonum Festum Sancti Olaui 47 (66) FR: De retour + conditions d'utilisations ultérieures + régistre français 44 (5214) Drew Gasaway Attacking QAnon - and Himself 43 (532)
FR: À SSPX News (même série que Finale? et que BT est un paroissien de St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, ami du Roi de l'Araucanie) 40 (3884) Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" 38 (3048) Pseudoquote identified. What De Romano Pontifice, book IV, chapter V really says (quote) 34 (2690) FR: ... contre Enthoven (Kant Spinoza) ET un/une critique athée, on PEUT prouver l'existence de Dieu 33 (1186) SV: svar om religionsfrihet, friskolor, tvångsomhändertaganden 32 (1449)
How is Chick erroneous about where we got the Bible from? 26 (678) Answering a Meme About Catholic and Orthodox 24 (819) Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like. 23 (6433) Answering GRRM on JRRT's character Aragorn 23 (1059) Index in stephani tempier condempnationes 23 (2263) Whom did Christ call "that fox"? 22 (923)
But is Anyone Reading Any of It? III 22 (31) Accusative and Dative for English speakers ... 21 (1307) Brenda Weltner Considers the Apocalypse Has More Story-Lines than One 21 (835) Dealing with "Trail of Blood" Claims 20 (224) Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part II, Lebanon to Puerto Rico 20 (15818)
Bora Zivkovic, Geocentrism, physical age of Adam, Septuaginta, Moon landing or hoax 20 (830) Why the Guestbook Spam? Possible Explanation 19 (1510) Index to English Crea-vs-Evolu-series 19 (1241) Drew Gasaway Tried to Demonise Young Earth Creationism 19 (25) Non, Noël ne "coincide pas plus ou moins" avec les Saturnalies! (et Toussaints n'est pas Samhain, voir commentaires) 17 (144) Life in the Middle Ages was Usually Not Miserable, and in Europe Involved No Cholera 17 (19) Astrology may well be astrolatry, BUT not because of geocentrism "of Babylonians" or of extra month in Pagan Greek calendar. 16 (155)
How Sly is the Pope? 16 (32) Where I Get a Dislike to Mark Stahlman 15 (625) The City Lights Went Out, Did They? 15 (2743) Bonum Festum Visitationis BMV apud Elisabeth 15 (21) Bonum Festum Sancti Iacobi 15 (21) Answering Paul S. Pavao, Part I 15 (361) Le premier message sur ce blog fut en mars 2008 ... And ... this last one is from June 2012. Ensemble ça fait 633 messages et encore d... 15 (639) What's the deal? C'est quoi ce truc? 15 (1016) Continué 15 (2502)
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