Friday 27 May 2022

Shooting in Uvalde

Shooting in Uvalde · I Read Up on the Aftermath of an Awful Shooting

I read this:

Le fils, Abraham, allait au lycée avec le tireur, sans le connaître vraiment. Il ne savait rien de son parcours familial violent, ou des brimades qu'il subissait de ses camerades, notamment pour son bégaiement.

Libération, Friday 27th of May 2022, page 7 (continuing an article from previous page).

It means, "[t]he son, Abraham, went to highschool with the shooter, without really knowing him. He knew nothing of his violent family background or the bullying he underwent from his comrades, notably for his stutter."

Some are asking why mass shootings are more common in the US. Well, there was one in Mexico a few years ago, that's not US, not same gun laws. Same thing for Germany, Winnenden 2009:

23.07.2009 - 15:57 Uhr
Der Tag nach dem Blutbad von Winnenden – Amokläufer Tim Kretschmer (†17) hatte seine Tat nicht angekündigt, keinen Abschiedsbrief hinterlassen. Kriminologen und Psychologen versuchen, ein Motiv für das Massaker mit 16 Leichen zu finden. Tatsächlich soll es jetzt Ansatzpunkte für ein Motiv geben, teilte die Polizei mit. Details sollen am Mittag bekannt gegeben werden.

... Fabienne B. (12) lernte Tim über einen Freund kennen, sagt: Der Amokläufer habe sich gemobbt gefühlt. Erst vor drei Wochen habe er ihr einen Brief gezeigt: „Er schrieb seinen Eltern, dass er leidet und nicht mehr weiter kann.“ Mitschüler hätten sich über ihn lustig gemacht, die Lehrer hätten ihn ignoriert.

Bild : Amokläufer schrieb Frustbrief an Eltern

It means : "[t]he day after the massacre in Winnenden - the guy-who-went-amuck Tim Kretschmer (†17) hadn't preannouced his deed, hadn't written any good buy letter. Criminologists and Psychologists are trying to find a motive for the massacre with 16 dead bodies. Indeed, there seem now to exist some starting points for a motive, the police announces. Details will be given from noon.

... Fabienne B. (12) came to know Tim via a friend, she says: the guy-who-went-amuck had been feeling bullied. Only three weeks earler he had shown her a letter: "he wrote his parents telling he was suffering and could bear it no more." Comrades had been making jokes and teachers had ignored him.

So, you want German restrictions or Mexican restrictions on guns? How about a world wide ban on states forcing school attendance?

In Germany it is especially cynic, the Victors in 1945 took away so much else of National Socialism, bad things that should be taken away, like eugenics, and sometimes good things, like banning the Bavarian royalist party, which the National Socialists had also banned, but, they did not ban school compulsion, despite this being a heritage from Hitler and Bohrmann back in 1938, the Reichsschulgesetz. I wrote on this with the title Wann hat Hitler mal endlich vertiggetötet? which translates like "shouldn't Hitler be done with killing by now?"/HGL

PS, Canada has fortunately banned schools causing mass death by TB, and enforced attendance at them for First Nations, but it seems schools in other formats with enforced attendance for "everyone" (residing in the general area) are also causing mass deaths, in Uvalde, Winnenden and other places. Shouldn't Canada speak up against school compulsion? Wait, they might be hampered by a JP-III/HGL

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