Saturday 4 February 2023

Disagreeing with Ray Comfort about Heliocentrism and Imputed Justice

Here is a video by Ray Comfort:

Think the Bible Isn’t Scientific? This Video Will Change Your Mind!
Living Waters, 1 Febr. 2023

Here are a few of the things I commented under it, because I disagreed with something someone said. This may get updated with debates under some points:

6:56 It doesn't presuppose a revolving earth it just presupposes a round earth and day and night revolving, whether it's earth or sun that does the rotation.

There are other indications that it's the Sun that moves each day, like Psalm 103 (I think you number it 104) and even clearer Joshua 10:12.

If earth is what usually rotates, then it was the only time in the Bible that a miracle worker was wrong about the miracle he was working.

Plus Habacuc refers back to it as Sun and Moon standing still in their orbits or in their habitations and not phenomenologically as seen from earth.

7:19 Yes, that's another of the prooftexts against Heliocentrism. Psalm 18 (or as you number, 19) is clearly Geocentric.

7:28 The movement through space as taught by recent cosmology cannot be what is meant, since it is _very minute compared to the overall size of space, and not circular.

As a Geocentric, the psalm is not true because the Sun moves from one edge of the universe to the opposite, but it is true because the Sun moves in circles - a yearly circle against the daily movement, around the zodiac, and a daily circle along the daily movement that is visible on a sundial (if you don't care to try to look directly into it).

8:45 A year is the time required for the Sun to travel around the Zodiac.

8:50 The seasons are caused by the Zodiac and the Sun's position in it extending both North and South of the heavenly equator.

9:44 Biblically speaking, Y-chromosome Adam has to be Noah.

10:04 Mitochondrial Eve also wasn't Eve, she was the last matrilinear common ancestor of Noah's three daughters in law.

11:02 Neither oral tradition, nor manuscript tradition work like the telephone game.

Part of the game is, you only hear the message exactly once ("listen very carefully, I vill say zis only vunce" in 'Allo 'Allo!) and then you have to reproduce it very quickly without having the time to reason about what you could have misunderstood.

That's a good spoof on what happens when you spread rumours too quickly before doublechecking, but it has no bearing on tradition, where only those who have shown themselves qualified to transmit it accurately are chosen to carry on the tradition, be it as scribes or be it as story-tellers, which there could have been between Adam and Abraham.

12:17 "old testament promised to destroy death" ...

1) Genesis 3:15, crushing of the serpent head ...
2) Hezechiel, these bones shall live ...

Are there more?

12:20 I did know the NT tells us how Christ died and conquered death, rising from the dead as first fruit of resurrection.

14:24 All these things have I considered in my heart, that I might carefully understand them: there are just men and wise men, and their works are in the hand of God: and yet man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or hatred:
[Ecclesiastes 9:1]

15:10 Guilty on judgement day is not just about whether one did sth, but also whether the writ of accusation is still there - or blotted out.

There are so many scenes in the revelations of St. Bridget where a soul is being judged, and the Devil proceeds to open a scroll to find all of the writing smudged. And crying out to God "it's not fair, he was mine" - and God answering : "no longer."

Those scenes often involve the person repeating what the angel and Elizabeth said to Mary in Luke 1.

15:18 "the Bible says, God's wrath abides on every single person"

I think you forgot the reference for that one.

17:19 Death in the Bible is, most usually, the wages of sin.

And the wages of sin is, without exception, death.

But Christ and Mary both died, without having any sin, either committed by themselves or inherited from the first human sinner who was Adam.

For Christ, one can say, He paid for others' sins, for Mary it is simply She wanted to die because Her Son had died - and it was granted.

17:30 "the Catholic Church owes you an apology"

Hmm, I honestly suspect their parish priest is not in Communion with the late Pope Michael, which means he isn't totally a Catholic priest.

The Vatican Two Sect owes them an apology, you mean.

18:28 "the moment you do that" [trust in Christ] "you've got God's promise, He'll forgive every sin ..."

Is that what the Bible says? What book, chapter and verse? I think you leave sth out.

18:42 You stated as definition of grace : "God forgiving" because "He is good."

You insert that definition into Ephesians 2. And you are omitting verse 10.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus in good works, which God hath prepared that we should walk in them.

19:44 How about coming to the conclusion he should get around to marry his girlfriend and start making babies?

21:03 "I feel He's more accepting"

I mentioned the Vatican Two Sect owes them an apology, but who is their priest? James Martin or sth?

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