Tuesday 6 June 2023

A Grifter? Me?

Grift · A Grifter? Me?

Some have perhaps pretended I am a grifter. What the accusation generally is worth as such, independently of specific cases, I have already dealt with.

Now, some people might consider me as one.

  • I'm homeless, so I am obviously lying about being learned
  • I have no computer or cell phone, so I am obviously lying about blogging
  • I don't / didn't have the money to pay for a site, so I am obviously lying about having one
  • I have been offered quite a lot of unqualified jobs, so I am obviously lying about looking for work
  • I have a fairly large sum (but no regular income) on my account, so I am obviously lying about having no money
  • I am not a priest, so I am lying about competence in theology
  • I have been given the chance to be a "true prophet" by taking no money, when I ask for money this was obviously a bluff on my part
  • my prophecies are obviously worthless, since only false prophets (grifters by definition!) ask for money
  • my compositions aren't my own since I play no instrument.
  • besides, I admitted I got out of prison in 2000, so I am obviously dishonest

Now, let's break each down a bit, shall we?

  • "I'm homeless, so I am obviously lying about being learned"

    The question isn't, how does a homeless guy get to obtain and assimilate learning, from his homelessness. He probably doesn't, since sleep privations and stress are very huge obstacles to for instance learning a language.

    The question is, can a learned man become homeless?

    Perhaps by having other reference points than Academia only, less adaptability and (if you like) more integrity than some of the other guys involved, and therefore to do well in the subjects, but not be at home among the people and what they agree on.

    Perhaps by having to confront non-Academics that think even less of him, both being strangers to his other reference points, and despising the ivory tower of Academia?

    And how can he stay homeless? Well by both Academics and "ivory tower despisers" outside his country on top of this despising him for having become homeless.

  • "I have no computer or cell phone, so I am obviously lying about blogging"

    Have you heard of cyber cafés and libraries?

    They have computers. Libraries often (but not always), cyber cafés always.

  • "I don't / didn't have the money to pay for a site, so I am obviously lying about having one"

    Truer before than now, I have some money on my account, but I don't have a card to do online payments in.

    This is confusing the category paid site (personalised URL, like "nov9blogg9.com" or "nov9blogg9.fr" instead of nov9blogg9.blogspot.com, paywall to make certain pages available only by paying a subscription, possibility to insert an mp3) with site (including blogs, that are free, and lack all the enumerated features).

  • "I have been offered quite a lot of unqualified jobs, so I am obviously lying about looking for work"

    That's like saying I've been seen drinking alcohol, so I am obviously lying about becoming a Muslim. I never said I intended to become a Muslim and I never said I was looking for unqualified work. I have said I am a Catholic and also more than once that I am looking for a book publisher (since I don't have a paywall, that is my main hope of making any substantial money from my writing).

  • "I have a fairly large sum (but no regular income) on my account, so I am obviously lying about having no money"

    The cardboard signs don't say "I have no money" or "I am hungry" or "I am looking for work" like the signs of so many other homeless, they show the URL I want to highlight, often one with the latest post on it - and while the difference of blogs may be a hazzle to a newcomer to them to find my work, they are a boon to the one looking for a specific thing, like:

    • a debate
    • in English
    • with Matthew Myers
    • on the topic of Geocentrism and Tradition
    • conducted on FB

    A debate conducted on FB =>
    HGL's Facebook writings

    And yes, the one I refer to is on top over there:

    HGL's F.B. writings : Geocentrism, Tradition and Science

  • "I am not a priest, so I am lying about competence in theology"

    The thing priests really have monopoly on is certain sacraments. I can't say Holy Mass. I can only assist it. Or, when I can't, say the prayers and spiritually unite myself to the Mass said elsewhere by an actual priest.

    Unlike ordination, a degree in theology confers no extra ability, and it only means some studies have been made, and I have made some studies myself, even if I have no degree in theology for it.

  • "I have been given the chance to be a "true prophet" by taking no money, when I ask for money this was obviously a bluff on my part"
  • "my prophecies are obviously worthless, since only false prophets (grifters by definition!) ask for money"

    A layman who writes in the hope of getting published and claims no personally received revelations for the truth, is not Gehazi if he hopes to get money from book publishing. When Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote The Everlasting Man, kind of a modern version of City of God, and he got royalties for copies sold of the book, he was not Gehazi.

    When Henry M. Morris wrote (parts of) The Genesis Flood, and got royalties from that, he was not Gehazi.

    Trying to categorise me along with seers in Garabandal or Medjugorje, 1) as not yet approved seers, who shouldn't promote visions before approval, and 2) as making an actual claim of prophecy and therefore being Gehazi if taking money for any service provided in connexion with it, is a double whammy move to stop me from being a writer, like Chesterton and Morris. The people who do that are not grifters, it's a major swindle, since depriving me, via the people they confuse and the social control they build up around me, from my honest livelihood. Someone can be simply obeying a superior, honestly believing the superior without checking, but somewhere along the line, if someone's making this kind of criticism, and I think someone is, this is a major swindle.

  • "my compositions aren't my own since I play no instrument."

    One can compose theory first. And I know a fair bit of music theory.

    And no, I don't have any studio for recording it, my blog only shows sheet music and TABS (plus some discussions about my compositions and others' or music in general).


  • "besides, I admitted I got out of prison in 2000, so I am obviously dishonest"

    You go to prison for other things than swindles or thefts, like acts of violence, if the judge doesn't consider them legitimate defense. I disagreed with my judges in the second trial, tried to push it to supreme court, was stopped by guards, all of this in 1998. I came out, legally, in 2000, and have not had a prison sentence since then, nor did I have any prison sentence before this occasion. That I am aware of.

    Living in the street is exposing me to lots of provocations, and I have been doing that since 2004. If my "act of violence" were not just not an act of self defense, but actually the act of a very violent man, as some would claim, how come I haven't committed another one since I came out? It's been 23 years that I am out of prison, minus less than one month. We are June 6, I came out (served to)** June 30, 2000.

So, is there any other*** reason someone thinks I might be a grifter?

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Norbert from Xanten°

PS, two weeks later I am in Bremen, and have not been doing much writing since the 6, since on journey, on these blogs./HGL

* As with the other blog, it's pretty obvious why the sheet music is on that blog and not on this one here, which is my main blog.

** The actual release day counts as a day served. If you are in prison or any associated facilities in the morning, but not in the evening, that is 1 day. It's not zero days, because you woke up as a captive. It's also not 1/2 day, since that doesn't exist.

*** When I was a parishioner in St. Nicolas du Chardonnet and regularly came also to their soup kitchen, I met two girls from Bismarck, upstate New York, near the Canadian border. I am not sure how the doubt about my being the real writer of my blogs came up, but we agreed on a sign to show I was it, namely I spoke of a recipy, and then next few sessions on the computer involved my publishing this:

Recipes from Home and Abroad : Knödel / Knoedel / Knedlici are NOT REALLY dumplings

Sorry, it was not Bismarck, but Pottsdam, also NY. And it seems it was "Twinkle Bell near Pottsdam" as a test whether I would detect the falsehood. I did, looking at my comments from back then.

In 2017, for a homeless day shelter, I think St. Ambroise, where I was not a parishioner, to people French and not US American, I think this was to repeat this test:

Recipes from Home and Abroad : Comment expliquer KROPPKAKOR à un francophone?

The first recipe is about Semmelknödel, which I made myself, they are simpler, the second about Kroppkakor, a dish made by my grandmother. These two recipes are not identic, nor from the same country.

° But he died in Magdeburg. It is also the national celebration of Sweden today.

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