Friday, 20 December 2024

I seem to have been slightly wrong about Alexandra Kollontai

I had been used to thinking, since about 20 years ago, she had been Komsomol chief and in that quality stated "to have sex is like having a glass of water, to me" ...

Here is what wiki has to say:


Born Alexandra Mikhailovna Domontovich
31 March 1872
Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire

OK, sounds like she was 45 when the Russian Revolution broke out. Not exactly young enough for Komsomol.

Next, the Komsomol and the glass of water aren't pure figments of someone's debrided imagination, they are actually someone (whom I read and trusted) taking her words in a story as autobiographical:

A common myth describes her as a proponent of the "glass of water" theory of sexuality.[57] The quote "...the satisfaction of one's sexual desires should be as simple as getting a glass of water"[58] is often mistakenly attributed to her.[59] This is likely a distortion of the moment in her short story "Three Generations" when a young female Komsomol member argues that sex "is as meaningless as drinking a glass of vodka [or water, depending on the translation] to quench one's thirst."[60] In number 18 of her Theses on Communist Morality in the Sphere of Marital Relations, Kollontai argued that "...sexuality is a human instinct as natural as hunger or thirst."

So, will this have any kind of impact on some society which I have a relation to? I'm not Russian ... well, yes. She was a diplomat in Norway and in Sweden, for the Soviet Union.

And while in Sweden she supported and influenced RFSU. And no, it's not so much "free love" in the sense of I Am Curious (Yellow), it's the rejection of marriage, Alexandra Kollontai being a pendant to Almqvist with Sara Videbeck and the Chapel, a rejection of marriage as lifelong and exclusive.

How did I get to think of and look up Alexandra Kollontai?

Well, it seems she had a somewhat parodic pendant in Sue Ellen Browder ... according to herself (Sue Ellen, not Alexandra), in her Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women's Movement. Whom Lois McLatchie-Miller evoked in her open letter to Lily Phillips.

Another bad influence of Alexandra Kollontai on Sweden:

The workers' state needs new relations between the sexes, just as the narrow and exclusive affection of the mother for her own children must expand until it extends to all the children of the great, proletarian family, the indissoluble marriage based on the servitude of women is replaced by a free union of two equal members of the workers' state who are united by love and mutual respect. In place of the individual and egoistic family, a great universal family of workers will develop, in which all the workers, men and women, will above all be comrades. – Alexandra Kollontai (1920), Communism and the Family

There are people who really think they are the mother not just of the own children, but of the neighbours' children all the way down the street and around two more corners. The Kollontai promoted them. Sweden has them. Alexander I did less damage to Finland or Sweden than Alexandra did to Norway* and Sweden.** I consider it especially grotesque when they are critical of the children's own mother and have more social leverage than she has.

A pendant to the non-exclusivity of wifehood is obviously the non-exclusivity of motherhood. When I left Sweden for Austria in 1977 (with voyages to US and UK, same and next year), I was not yet a Christian, had a long way to go before puberty, and these things didn't matter to me. Since I came back in 1980, being a Christian, having seen Austria, a country where at least you wouldn't speak of contraception and where abortion on demand had been illegal, and still remains rare to this day, I have never been reconciled to what Alexandra Kollontai did to my country. I left it in 2004.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Ember Friday

Alexandra Kollontai, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* 25 October 1927 to 20 July 1930 ** 20 July 1930 to 27 July 1945.

Un certain Laurent Bourrou vient de lâcher une critique de tous les livres sacrés

La question portait sur les "miracles du Coran" mais il généralise pour tous les livres sacrés. Y compris donc la Sainte Bible.

Oui, c'était sur Quora, mais il a désactivé soit en général, soit pour moi, la possibilité d'ajouter des commentaires.

La réponse ne sera donc pas sur Quora et ensuite Répliques assorties, mais ici :

"On aurait pu imaginer que quand on a un livre d'inspiration divine et qui est sensé guider les fidèles pour des siècles et des siècles c'est une bonne occasion de leur donner un petit coup de pouce en leur parlant, des microbes, non ? En leur donnant, sinon la recette pour les antibiotiques, mais au moins le conseil de faire bouillir l'eau ?"

L'Ancien Testament parle de prendre de l'eau courante.

Genre, les colonies bactérielles ne sont pas tellement intenses quand elles se font disperser par des mètres cubiques de l'eau par seconde.

Un cours de bactériologie aurait pu être davantage facilement abusé, conférez ce que certains affirment sur des couvertures vendues aux Indiens, auparavant contaminés par variole, que les Européens survivaient plus facilement, ayant depuis des siècles un système immunitaire adapté. Ou ce que certains disent sur un laboratoire de Wuhan.

Jusqu'ici, ma réponse. Un peu de commentaire supplémentaire. Laurent est depuis 20 ans ingénieur en IA, donc en "intelligence artificielle" ... C'est assez possible qu'il est, comme athée, typique de ce milieu de métier. C'est possible que des gens faisant "les routes" éléctroniques, d'inspiration communiste, défont ce genre de routes pour certains. Pour moi, c'est sûr que pas mal de ce type, lui y compris ou pas y compris, ont essayé de me bloquer le lectorat, pas moins sur place.

Il y a une autre réponse.

La terre en tant que corps dans l'espace est un globe. Mais terre se dit aussi (en français, en latin, et en hébreu) des corps dont les roches ou sables ou produits de décomposition se trouvent secs à plein air plutôt que d'être submergés sous l'eau. Une île est une terre assez limité, mais quand on s'approche de quelque chose plus grande, on peut parler de continent. La terre en a cinq habités. Combien de coins extérieurs ? Les Océans atlantique et indien, même ensemble, n'égalent pas l'Océan pacifique. De Bissau à Sao Paolo, par avion, la distance est 5 185 km. Dont presque la moitié au-dessus de la terre. Et le tout très diagonal, presque d'un angle de 45° par rapport aux axes nord-sud ou est-ouest. 2592.5 km environ par l'Atlantique, est ceci est dans l'axe est-ouest à diviser par la racine carrée de 2, donc 1833 km.

Entre Lima et Hong Kong, l'angle est beaucoup plus proche de l'axe est-ouest, la totalité est par mer, et la distance est de 18 355 km. Dix fois de plus.

Je pense qu'on peut faire le cas que, si on voudrait regarder les continents comme des parties d'un seul continent, en partie encore submergé après le Déluge, l'Ocean pacifique serait nécessairement une limite. Dès qu'on dit ça, est-ce ce supercontinent n'a pas automatiquement, par définition, quatre coins ? S'il se trouve entre le Pacifique occidental est le Pacifique oriental, n'a-t-il pas par définition quatre coins ? La France est entre l'Allemagne est l'Atlantique, pourtant la France n'est pas un carré ou rectangle, mais un hexagone. LE continent aurait pu aussi être un hexagone ou pentagone ou heptagone.

Je dirais, il a quatre coins. Au Sud, les coins sont encore très bien marqués. C'est Cap Horn et Hobart.

Au Nord, il y a de divers endroits sur l'Alaska et sur la Sibérie du Nord-Est qu'on pourrait choisir, j'ai pris à vue d'œil sur la carte, Point Barrow et Anadyr. Entre les deux il y a certes une convexité, mais elle ne forme pas un coin, surtout pas un coin d'un angle comparable à l'angle à Point Barrow entre Cap Horn et Anadyr ou à Anadyr entre Hobart et Point Barrow. De fait, la convexité a davantage le caractère d'un arc de cercle que de deux lignes droites se rejoignant dans un angle qui serait convexe par rapport aux continents. La ligne entre Cap Horn et Hobart est par contre concave. Ni Afrique, ni Inde, ne vont aussi loin au Sud que cette ligne. Et les lignes entre Cap Horn et Point Barrow, entre Anadyr et Hobart, sont un peu en forme d'un S. Avec surtout partie d'Alaska qui dépasse la ligne.

Alaska comme la convexité au nord de la ligne sont des endroits peu habités. Combien des Canadiens vivent au nord de Baffin Island ? Combien des Norvégiens vivent au nord de Lofoten ? Combien des Russes vivent à Mourmansk ou plus au nord ? Et pour retourner à Point Barrow, combien des États-unisiens vivent dans l'Alaska ?

733 391 vivent dans l'Alaska, dans les États-Unis au total, ce sont 340 110 988. Donc, 0,2 %.

Je pense qu'on peut estimer que la terre habité a quand même quatre coins. On n'est pas obligé de prendre Point Barrow pour la ligne nord mais Westdahl sur la Péninsule d'Alaska pour la ligne ouest, vu le bas nombre de personnes qui habites la moitié occidentale de l'Alaska. Si on le faisait, Point Barrow et Westdahl ne deviendraient pas deux coins distincts. Westdahl à Anchorage, c'est 1143 km. Anchorage à Point Barrow, c'est encore 1163 km. 2306 km en total, donc. C'est vrai qu'entre Point Barrow et Anadyr il y a juste 1277 km ... mais c'est la ligne par le Pacifique. La ligne de nord est beaucoup plus longue. La distance entre Point Barrow et Tromsø est 4343 km et Tromsø Anadyr encore 4 977 km. 9320 km ensemble, quatre fois plus grande. La distance entre Point Barrow et Cap Horn par terre (essentiellement par la côte) est 15 080 km, six fois et demi plus grande. Peut-être cinq fois si on allait en avion. Pas de quoi chipoter si on est prêt à considérer la France comme un hexagone.

Or, la Bible parle certes de quatre coins d'une manière qui peut parfois être interprêté comme quatre directions cardinaux. Isaïe 11:12 pourrait par exemple être traduit "quatre quartiers" (c'est la traduction en anglais). En français, Crampon donne "quatre bouts" ... mais en Apocalypse 7:1, on parle très clairement de quatre points sur la terre. Pas juste de directions. Or, ces points existent. Que Wellington et Auckland, Nouméa, Baffin Island, Jan Mayen et Mourmansk, que ces endroits se trouvent en dehors des lignes droits entre les quatre points énumérés, ne va pas influencer que Le Continent n'ai pas quatre coins. Le mot hébraïque, kanaph, peut d'ailleurs se traduire aile, mais en connexion avec bâtiments, on parle des quatre points d'un bâtiment. Donc, des quatre coins. Les quatre occurrences du pluriel kan·p̄ō·wṯ ou cinq avec bə·ḵan·p̄ō·wṯ, il y a quatre coins des vêtements dans la loi, il y a Isaïe, il y a Job (37 et 38), il y a Ézechiel 7:2, avec le rectangle de la terre sainte, probablement (la Péninsule Sinaï étant à l'époque Édom).

Humainement, aucune possibilité pour ces auteurs de savoir que la terre avait quatre coins. Mais elle l'a.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Vendredi des Quatre Temps

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Yes, Christmas is Correct

The following pastor very obviously will be celebrating Christmas, but under the impression that the real date doesn't really matter.

This ANCIENT DOCUMENT Reveals When Jesus Was REALLY Born
Brandon Robbins | 18 Dec. 2024

Let's see if I can change his mind ... at least I left the following comment:

5:59 I'm looking at your diagramme. I note that Jeoiarib is marked in Av, like in the year when the temple was destroyed.

If the courses in that year and the courses in the year when St. John was conceived were the same you have a point.

However. You have given the normal Jewish year exactly 48 weeks. 354 days by seven = NOT 48. It's 50 weeks and 4/7 of a week.

Second, the Jewish calendar had leap years.

This means one year in two or three was an extra month, an extra 30 days. 384. 54 weeks and 6 extra days. Plus the times when a year is deficient or excessive by one day.

So, a Jewish year is neither exactly 48 weeks, nor exactly 48 + 3 weeks. The course of Jehoiarib or Abijah are going to shift from year to year.

7:37 Your document for sheltered flocks from October to March is from what writer?

You see, Columella in Rome and Pumbedita Academy in Pumbedita lived under other climates.

Pumbedita is a city that is no more. Its site has been identified with Fallujah and Sippar. 33°21′N 43°47′E respectively 33°03′32″N 44°15′08″E.

Bethlehem is 31°42′16″N 35°12′23″E. A bit further South, plus closer to the Mediterranean, so milder winters.

Rome has comparable distance to the Mediterranean, but is way further North. 41°54′N 12°29′E.

We simply cannot transfer info about shepherds from Pumbedita or Rome to Bethlehem.

The shepherds staying up suggests lambing season. Do you know when the lambing season is in the Holy Land?

I find this info:

The lambing season in first-century Israel, due to the existing breed of sheep then, occurred from late March to mid-April. Shepherds would typically only watch flocks in the open at night during the lambing season. December would have been too cold and probably too rainy for the shepherds to be out at night watching their flocks.

However, this is a Nazarene ministry. They have no "about" page, so we cannot know where they are based.

However ... there is some other info, and these guys actially have shepherds right now:

At the southern end of Mount Carmel, between Zikhron Ya’akov and Binyamina, lies Ramat Hanadiv – Gardens and Nature Park – over an area of about 450 hectares, dedicated to the memory of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. At the heart of the Memorial Gardens buried the Baron and his wife. The contrast between the meticulous Gardens and the Mediterranean Nature Park around them, is one of the wonderers of Ramat Hanadiv.

Mount Carmel is in Galilee, right, a bit further North?

Winter is the busiest season in the pen – it’s kidding and lambing season.

From late November to late March there will be a number of births each day; between 100 and 200 kids and lambs will be born here.

Last time I checked, December is in that interval.

8:55 "To them, it didn't matter" ... only follows if you think their selection of very few facts into very thin booklets was what they counted future generations to have access to, from all the time that the Apostles spent with Jesus.

The normal blog for a post this format would be Assorted Retorts, go there for more like this if you liked it.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

I Think Some People May Think I'm a Scrupulous Person Trying to Keep Private Vows and Suffering From That

Most people who think that never knew me (that would include psychiatrists involved in some stay at such hospitals, I do not confide in such persons).

Some who may be manipulating lots of others may be people who knew me more than 20 years ago.

My writing is not a monastic duty, it is not a byproduct of a monastic duty of contemplation. It is not a pastoral duty of a missionary.

My writing is writing ... as in engaged writing of a writer. I'm a Geocentric whether I prayed 153 Hail Mary's on a full 15 mysteries Rosary or I hurried past even saying three Hail Marys before going to bed, and woke up with a curse on the persons who woke me up too early. I'm a Young Earth Creationist, both situations. I enjoy writing for my convictions, I hate being censored. And pretending "he's sharing too much of his contemplation" from an Orthodox who thinks erroneously I have monastic duties, and pretending "poor guy, he thinks he has to be a monk to please God, even if he doesn't like it" are both incorrect.

If in 1998 I had been allowed to leave for a monastery, I would probably have made adequation to the private vow (made in a dangerous situation) by doing a year's novitiate, and I would probably have left or been told to leave and obeyed. If I had at least not been transferred from prison to forensic psychiatry, I could have calmly dealt with the issue when going out. In psychiatry, I was forced to give SOME kind of account (remember, that's not the same as confiding) about my intentions, and that involved telling I considered it my duty to try out a monastery. I was told to write then and there, and got a refusal.

As far as I am concerned, that refusal settles it. I'm free to marry. I did not feel a need to delve on it when I was getting liberated. Some guy may have got the idea I need to be cured of a scrupulous haunting of a ghost of a vocation that simply doesn't exist. That would explain a lot, and those types banding together with Catholic clergy in some kind of condominate, that has destroyed my life since I got out, in 2000. To be clear, I was not judged as too mentally ill to live a normal life when I got out, just to be too disturbed to be safe in prison. Per se, there was no need to get me a follow up, on any sane way of seing it.

However, the guys who pretend I'm a scrupulous guy, just like the guys who think I'm some kind of monk who hasn't learned the worth of silence, both have been active in isolating me, and therefore both have stopped me from marrying.

They kind of destroyed my position in Sweden just after I came out of prison, for instance by legislating (in 2000) that a man judged for a violent or sexual crime cannot be hired as a teacher. Maybe some think this makes sense. Does it still make sense if the "violent crime" either was or was at least seen as self defense? I got out free from the first trial, for putative self defense. I got 3 years 6 months in the second trial, for grave mistreatment alternatively attempt of unpremeditated homicide (what it would have been if the policeman had not been trying to get me into a mental hospital), and when I got out, I was not told to go to a psychologist or take medication, I was simply under a supervision that was supposed to end in 2006.

Now, 2006 is 18 years ago.

Keeping me under supervision when I have done no more violent crime, even presumed such, makes no sense. But my act of self defense clearly does make sense, I was defending myself against people who are as eager to keep treating a presumed "not quite sane" guy as the Wiesenthal Center is to catch a Nazi criminal of the type which the Denazification processes in the American Zone considered Hauptschuldige, but one who got away and has them for judge or jury instead of Patton's judges.

For those who think I actually made some sexual crime, I was in two court trials for one act, done 5th February 1998, and that act was the act of self defense. Not against the policeman as an agent of justice, but against the policeman as "lending his hand" to the process of psychiatry. It's called "handräckning" in Swedish. I do believe in justice, I do believe criminals often are people who deserve to be punished, and I do also believe that punishment is limited by ill deserts. But I do not believe in psychiatry. Those people know no limits, because they imagine their own acts totally beneficient and the least reserve their victim, "beneficiary" has of being their beneficiary just proves he is ill and needs even more help. I am aware psychiatry was a harder place to be in before the 1970's. But I am also aware, outside the East Block, much fewer people went there.

By bad guesses, they can ruin lives.

So can people who somehow get the idea that if they back off from someone they think is mad, that's because of some corruption. Trump just made a speech about Muslim Terrorists. I'd like to use similar words about Muslims who think I'm mad, who think they would do me a favour by getting me to a country where I would be likelier to get into conflicts with people who would (just as the people of a certain school district in the country-side) be likely to resolve the conflicts with psychiatry, that is by pushing me back to a neverending story of lost freedoms and imposed "friendships" I don't see as such. People who try too hard to fix someone else are likely to ruin him. By the way, Muslims are not alone, and not all Muslims seem to do that. But those who are not Muslims, how do they get such a talent for putting people in a Dhimmi status?

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts. Rufus and Zosimus

Philippis, in Macedonia, natalis sanctorum Martyrum Rufi et Zosimi, qui ex illorum numero discipulorum fuerunt, per quos primitiva Ecclesia in Judaeis et Graecis fundata est; de quorum etiam felici agone scribit sanctus Polycarpus in epistola ad Philippenses.

PS, I wonder how many of my readers from India are comparing me to a certain K. C. Paul.

The 24th KIFF honoured him by making a movie on him, named Surjo Prithibir Chardike Ghore (Sun Goes Around The Earth) directed by Arijit Biswas. According to the news article of Ei Samay Sangbadpatra published of 11 November 2018, the film concentrates more on the strong belief of K.C. Paul and his character rather than his concept. Paul's name in the film is TC Paul. KC Paul has promised to hand leaflets to all his audience and lecture on his geocentric concept.

I'd be horrified for that kind of thing to happen. I'm trying to mediatise my concept, not my person. Like Robert Sungenis. I actually became a Geocentric a year before the latter. I'm not offering a kind of reality show or contest about character. I'm offering debate about the arguments./HGL

Merci, c'était très bon, les trucs ... coréens ?

Un onigiri saumon mayo. Une forme de "sushi" mais non coupé et au milieu il y avait de choux rouges ou quelque chose.

Et les muffins, j'ai apprécie./HGL

Curieux ou curieuse sur les statistiques ?

C'était pour une semaine, et le 21 il y aura pour deux semaines./HGL

PPS, la dernière semaine, il y avait 1306 pages vues par jour./HGL

PPPS, just in case we deal with some Japanese person who contacted me over quora, asking:

What does “Son'na bakageta al promptlyde jikan o muda ni horrendshite iru toki” mean?

According to google translate, which can be manipulated, this is supposed to mean:

"When you're wasting your time on such a ridiculous route"

I think my time is least wasted if people respect my choices. It's not ridiculous to avoid a country where one was an outsider even if one was a countryman and a citizen. In fact, if someone wants to talk to me about my choices, why not get where I am, when I'm there and ask?

Ideally not too many asking the same question, like Sunday morning, between waking up and getting away to the library, four people asked me how I am. A bit too much. No, I don't mean "ça va ?" which is a greeting./HGL

Kamala's Murders Are Over? Colorado, change that law!

Colorado is Preventing Women from Choosing Abortion Pill Reversal
Alliance Defending Freedom | 17 Dec. 2024

Monday, 16 December 2024

Il y a des gens qui harcèlent quelqu'un en ligne ?

Hier soir, j'ai été "face à" une dame qui s'agaçait pour ce genre de choses.

Je mets "face à" entre guillemets parce que, entre nous, il n'y avait pas juste une table de bibliothèque, mais aussi deux ordinateurs.

Je n'ai pas vérifié si elle avait raison, si elle était folle (probablement pas) ou si elle faisait semblant pour me signaler la folie de supposer telle chose. Si je l'avais fait, j'aurais dit le conseil de documenter des propos en ligne, par exemple sur un blog.

Les blogs de débat sont surtout là pour documenter les arguments que j'ai affrontés, genre que quelqu'un avant de me faire une leçon sur l'état de l'Arche au propos du Wyoming, il pourrait aller sur le blog:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere
et chercher le mot Wyoming

J'y trouve illico le post d'il y a 7 ans, Ark Question on Quora : In Comes a Cook. J'y note que Michael Kestner illico sur ma première réplique me dit : "I would advise you to not speak so angrily or authoritatively about things which you clearly have no understanding." C'est à dire, il m'attribue, gratuitement, de la colère dans la réponse.

Mais je parlais de harcèlements, et les arguments, y compris par des hommes qui me trouvent tout aussi nul que le fit Michael Kestner, je ne les compte pas comme des harcèlements.

Prenons une autre recherche. Sur le post DYOR = Do Your Own Research (Some Guys are Afraid of Written Debate) j'ai calqué un dialogue en ligne, mes arguments contre potholer et mes répliques à ceux qui m'ont voulu contredire.

Atypical Chad a un canal youtube avec des clips très courts. NinjaMonkeyPrime a un canal vide. Il intervient plus qu'une fois. Ed T. qui me fait une remarque incompréhensible sauf dans la mesure qu'il me comptait comme la personification de l'effet Dunning Kruger a un canal vide sauf pour un portrait, celui d'un vieil homme, au moins environ mon âge. Ben Podborski a un canal au moins pas anonyme, mais vide. Sur FB, je vais sur un des profils Ben Podborski pour demander si c'était lui. Zift Ylrhavic Resfear et Marco ont, les deux, canals vides.

Dans cet échange, NinjaMonkeyPrime est intervenu trois fois. Une de ces trois fois, il me dit quelque chose qui révèle sa motivation :

You can't be serious. If someone makes a bogus claim in a debate it might take hours of research to determine the errors or even lies. Debate favors the scammer.

Les deux autres remarques par le même sont désobligeants, m'attribuant incompréhension quand j'essaie de problématiser, et m'attribuant un discours incompréhensible parce qu'il n'a pas lu (ou son anglais est trop terre à terre pour me lire en anglais). Une autre occasion, le même m'a fait un filibuster pendant des heures :

No, Genesis 1—11 was NOT taken as Non-Literal History in Patristic Times

Mais allons sur le concept de canal vide ou en anglais empty channel, je vais aussi sur empty youtube channel et gaslighting, sur psychotic, sur shrink :

... to Unbalanced Anti-YEC "priest" and his defenders, part II · ... on Hell Fire (Yes, it Exists) · ... on Child Abuse and Enemies of Catholicism (and Why Some of Them Want Me Locked Up) · ... on Responsability (Neither a Virtue, Nor - at least not totally - in the Bible) · ... on Eclectic Media's Blunders in Philosophy while Making Nephelimfree That Reproach

... on How Fossils Matter (le harcèlement n'était pas en ligne) · Someone Considered Me Psychotic, Because I Know Cultural History of Early XX C. Better than He · ... on Bugs in Paris · ... in Defense (Mainly) of Ken Ham against (mainly) Rachel Oates · Bible Tampered With or Put Together by Nicean Council? Nope ... (quora)

... on Identity of Authors of the Bible, the Hagiographers (quora, own answer to own q) · On the Transhumanist and Psychiatric part of debate (continued from previous) (ici, je ne souffrais pas harcèlement, mais discutait la psychiatrie) · Continuing with Dave Robson · Responding to AronRa on Politics · Jordan Peterson No Fan of Homeschooling (What do you Exspect? He's a Shrink). I'm Not a Fan of Him (aussi critique de la psychiatrie)

... on Misdefining Paedophilia, bis · Back to Misdefining Paedophilia - as in even defining it is misdefining it · In Answer to Zack Kopplin, from 2013 · What Kind of Prepper Am I? · Methodology on God : Lynne Atwater is Worse

CMI Took on Nephelim (Mostly Good) · David Wolf on "Paedophilia" (Whatever That Means) - with my Comments (aussi en discussion sur les psychologues) · Is Jenna Moreci Confirming Mark Lipschitz? (j'avais deviné la possibilité que la vidéo avait été commandité par un psychologue ou psychiatre, encore une fois, pas harcèlements par eux en ligne, sauf à la limite par ce moyen détourné) · Rudeness Won't Disprove the Flood or Prove Oparin · Two People Playing at Pseudo-Empathy or Pseudo-Understanding

Declining an "Offer" from Recovering from Religion · Back with MagnificentXXBastard · To Some, Fighting "Paedophilia" As Such Primes All Other Decencies · Continuing with J7b Second · Fed Up with J7b Second's Harrassment

FFAF - Trent Horn takes on Narcissists with a Psychologist · Richard Greene Continued · Two Videos with the Godwin Point in them ... (encore une fois, je discute un psy, je n'en suis pas harcelé dans ce post) · And Bill Nye Sucks at History of the Earth and Universe - He Doesn't Read the Bible (or Believe It) · A Video with Danny Faulkner, a Debate with YouToobeism

Debate with Shane Wilson and ReiperX
 Jimmy Akin starts OK - till he gets started on the subject of Hell fire · David Chord seeked an answer on Holy Thursday and Good Friday · Reason & Theology Reviews a Debate · Other Thread Under Same Video · There are Other Debates Too

GMS argues and doesn't argue against logical validity of 3 proofs for God · James Martin is Wrong · The Dark Side of a Specific Evolutionist (three strawmen, totalitarianism) · Sclera, Communication, Evolution, Bible · Is "ben green" a Shrink or Just a Jerk? Anyway, the Consensus of Catholic Bishops is More Impressive than Pseudo-Consensus (actually bare majority) of Scholars

Yes, St. Paul Wrote Pastorals, Yes, Apostolic Succession Holds True · Allie Beth Stuckey Too (encore une fois, pas subi harcèlement, mais discuté le phénomène) · Holding up what she says on Creationists as a Mirror for Evolutionists (including herself) (dito) · Before Watching the Clip (je ne suis pas sûr pourquoi celui-ci est apparu dans la recherche) · Lennox, Atkins, Me (je discute les psys)

Brian Holdsworth on the Vortex Vacuum (also to Those who Think me a Detractor) (je mentionne en passant) · I Was Never Abused in THIS Way by Priests (je mentionne à la fin) · Patterson Defined Slavery (j'évoque le sujet) · Not Yet Heard Bishop Pivarunas, But Did Leave Comments (le post est apparu à cause d'une homonymie) · More on Susan (j'évoque le sujet)

Missing Human Faces in Cave Art? · Let's Hope Alicia Hernandez is Not Around Where I Am · Mitis et humilis corde, month (je mentionne en passant) · Moon Landing, Not TOTALLY Proven, and Even If Completely True, No Proof Against Geocentrism (j'apprécie le fait que les canaux youtube ne soient pas vides) · Fifth Fifth, a Few Arguments and Strawmen to Round it Up (j'évoque le sujet)

More Tolkien and Maybe Lewis Too (je trouve une question posée telle) · 1st 1/3 of a Trent Horn Policies Video · Be-Ware of Kallistos, Sometimes Wrong · What about Crusades, Almsgiving, Christian States? (j'évoque le sujet) · Guess what turned up in my feed? (le harcèlement est la suggestion de la vidéo)

On pourrait en conclure que tout le monde m'adresse de cette manière, ce n'est pas le cas. Il s'agit de 66 posts sur, pendant ces années, un total de 2373 sur ce blog. Et pour 18 d'entre eux, je ne suis pas ciblé. Par contre, il y a d'avantage avec des canaux vides. TheJabberwocky28 sur One Comment, a Bit Prematurely Under a Long Video. Or pineapplepenumbra on Saying No to the Antichrist. Il y a une raison pourquoi je note qu'il y a des canaux vides pour des commentaires désobligeantes.

Christopher Cudworth, Mark Robidoux, Lynne Atwood, pas anonymes, au moins pas en apparance, mais pas mal d'autres oui. J7b Second, que j'ai bloqué, NinjaMonkeyPrime que je n'ai pas encore bloqué. Crazykoke Broz n'est pas le pire et n'est au moins pas revenu ... sous ce nom. David Chord, comme Asaph Vapor, sont des anticatholiques et Protestants. Pas mal d'autres semblent êtres d'athées, du genre

2024 (478) 2018 (238)
2023 (396) 2017 (212)
2022 (281) 2016 (69)
2021 (148) 2015 (52)
2020 (124) 2014 (110)
2019 (197) 2013 (68)

478 + 396 + 281 + 148 + 124 + 197 + 238 + 212 + 69 + 52 + 110 + 68 = 2373

Le but premier, de documenter mes arguments et quels arguments des autres que je confronte est donc largément encore prioritaire. Y compris sur les posts donnés.

Par contre, je pense avoir prouvé, le gaslighting en ligne, ça existe. Si la dame se trouvait devant un tel, je lui conseille de documenter, copier les profiles et les commentaires./HGL

Saturday, 14 December 2024

"On nous fait passer pour des folles"

Les mots sont de Stéphanie. Mère de Darius.

Celui-ci, enlevé par les ASE. Elle se plaint des choses qu'on fait au foyer, les Gendarmes la mettent en HP.

Un peu comme Plaza de Mayo.

Madres de Plaza de Mayo. La historia: Las locas de la plaza (1977) - Canal Encuentro
Canal Encuentro | 22 mars 2021

Grâce à Dieu, en France, il y a au moins UNE manif. Probablement interrompue par une ou deux ambulances que j'ai vues en sortant du cyber.

En Suède, il n'y en a même pas ça.

Je suis pour les services publiques. Services avec un R. Mais certaines choses sont sévices publiques. Les DDAS à l'époque, les ASE maintenant. Sévices publiques. L'abus invite à la pédocriminalité.

Et celles de la Suède, que je sache, sont encore pires.

Comme fasciste, ça me rebute d'appeler la Junta un régime fasciste. Le Duce n'aurait pas fait ce genre de choses, au moins pas avant la République de Salò (mais qui était le Salaud ?). Mais ça semble à ce que la parole était plus libre en Argentine, même alors, qu'ici, vu le peux que j'ai vu sur ce thème avant. Et, depuis aujourd'hui, la parole est plus libre ici qu'en Suède.

Et l'Envers des affaires leur donne la parole en n° 13.

L'Envers des Affaires n°13

Merci, Karl Zéro.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Nicais de Rheims

With a Little Help from MathQueen!

First, the actual video:

Can you crack this beautiful equation? – University exam question
Math Queen | 7 Dec. 2024

Then, my simplified resumé of the steps:

2x + 8x = 130
2x + (23)x = 130
2x + (2x)3 = 130
2x = y
y + y3 = 130

5 = y?

5 + 125 = 130!

5 = y, yes!

2x = 5.
log(2x) = log(5)
x*log(2) = log(5)
x = log(5)/log(2)

And now, some application to Carbon dating. How do I exactly derive a time implication from a pmC value or perhaps better its decimal counterpart. Imagine I want to know how much 70 pmC is worth, or 0.7 times the "modern carbon [14] level corrected for pre-industrial values"? Can I do this in this way?

0.5(x/5730) = 0.7
log(0.5(x/5730)) = log(0.7)
x/5730 * log(0.5) = log(0.7)

x = 5730 * log(0.7) / log(0.5)
x = 2948.5042803145152554

0.5(2948/5730) = 0.7000427025825161
0.5(2949/5730) = 0.699958024872583


Thank you very much!/HGL

PS, let's test it for a calibration. I want to know, what year and what pmC I need to get 4000 BC or as close as possible. I'll ignore the "graph curvature" of the surrounding plots. It's on the III—IV table, so, revised:

2039 BC
78.209 pmC, so dated 4089 BC
2022 BC
79.035 pmC, so dated 3972 BC

It looks like I need two or three of the latter to balance the former.

(2039 + 2022 + 2022) / 3 =
(78.209 + 79.035 + 79.035) / 3 =

(2039 + 2022 + 2022 + 2022) / 4 =
(78.209 + 79.035 + 79.035 + 79.035) / 4 =

Now, let's calculate:

(2039 + 2022 + 2022) / 3 = 2028 BC
(78.209 + 79.035 + 79.035) / 3 = 78.76 pmC or 0.7876

x = 5730 * log(0.7876) / log(0.5)
x = 1974 (extra years)

1974 + 2028 = 4002 BC

2039 BC
78.209 pmC, so dated 4089 BC

2028 BC
78.76 pmC, so dated as 4002 BC

2022 BC
79.035 pmC, so dated 3972 BC

Thank you again, Susanne!/HGL

PPS, I note that fractions are necessary, replace them with pmC values in the percent form, and it won't work./HGL

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Bonum Festum Sanctae Luciae

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Syracusis, in Sicilia, natalis sanctae Luciae, Virginis et Martyris, in persecutione Diocletiani. Haec nobilis Virgo, cum eam lenones, quibus, jubente Paschasio Consulari, tradita erat ut a populo castitati ejus illuderetur, ducere vellent, nullatenus per illos moveri potuit, nec funibus additis, nec boum jugis plurimis; deinde vero, picem, resinam ac fervens oleum nil laesa superans, tandem, gladio in gutture percussa, martyrium consummavit.

How Many in More or Less Mental Health Care are Crooks?

Here it seems there are some in a Children's Hospital:

This Doctor Warned Against Child Transition. Now The DOJ Is Ruining His Life | Ep 1113
Allie Beth Stuckey | 11 December 2024