Friday 10 July 2020

"John Paul II" and Srebrenica

This happened in 1994:

Mercoledì, 7 settembre 1994

While the prayer meeting of 1986 was evoked:

Come non tornare con la mente a quel memorabile 27 ottobre del 1986 quando, per la prima volta nella storia, uomini e donne di religioni e credenze diverse si sono trovati insieme con me, nello stesso sacro luogo di Assisi per invocare il dono della pace sul mondo intero? Avevo desiderato molto quell’incontro; l’avevo voluto perché, di fronte al dramma di un mondo diviso e sotto la immane minaccia della guerra, sgorgasse dal cuore di ogni credente un comune grido verso quel Dio che guida il cammino dell’uomo sui sentieri della pace.

... it was more about a new one:

Voglio ringraziare la Comunità di Sant’Egidio, in occasione di questo nuovo incontro in Assisi, per l’entusiasmo ed il coraggio con cui ha saputo raccogliere questo “spirito” e renderlo pellegrino per le vie del mondo.

So, a new Assisi prayer meeting for peace was held in 1994.

This happened in 1995: : Scenes from hell: 1995 Srebrenica genocide in photos

Could it be, the 1994 new prayer meeting was not quite pleasing to God?

If so, could it be, "John Paul II" was not a saint? And if so, could it be, the man who "canonised" him in 2014, "Pope Francis" was not Pope? That's at least my view of it.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Seven Martyred Brothers,
Sons of Saint Felicity*

* Romae passio sanctorum septem Martyrum fratrum, filiorum sanctae Felicitatis Martyris, id est Januarii, Felicis, Philippi, Silvani, Alexandri, Vitalis et Martialis, tempore Antonini Imperatoris, sub Praefecto Urbis Publio. Ex ipsis vero Januarius, post virgarum verbera et carceris macerationem, plumbatis occisus; Felix et Philippus fustibus mactati; Silvanus praecipitio interemptus; Alexander, Vitalis et Martialis capitali sententia puniti sunt.

Translation of the two quotes:

How can one not return mentally to that memorable 27th of October in 1986, when, for the first time in history, men and women of diverse religions and faiths found themselves assembled together with me, in the same sacred place of Assisi, in order to invoke the gift of peace for the entire world? I had much desired this encounter, I had willed it since, in face of a drama of a world divided and under imminent threat of war, mount from the heart of each faithful a common cry to the God who guides the way of man on the the path of peace.

Were Muslims, Buddhists, Shintoists, African adherents of religions called Animist, and so on crying out to the true God? No. Not unless God Himself interpreted some of their prayers, mistaken in conscious adress, as to Him, and that interpretation clearly does not follow from their collectivities or their rituals, it exists case by case and unknown to human observers.

I want to thank the Community of Saint Giles, in occasion of this new encounter in Assisi, for the enthusiasm and courage with which it has known to pick up this "spirit" and make it a pilgrim on the ways of the world.

So, the new meeting also happened in 1994. And that was the year before Srebrenica.

Translations and comments on this are mine. Same day./HGL

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