Friday 26 November 2021


URGENT! Dear family in Christ, please pray for us in Vienna, Austria, as the govt. is enforcing lockdown for unvaxxed next week! God bless! Maranatha Jesus!

Surviving a lockdown is possible, but it is uncomfortable.

Even while the people who made the request are not Catholic, the fact they resist vaccination is a reason to pray for them, both for endurance and wellhap during this persecution, and for becoming Catholic, but not with Bergoglio's sect.

Someone pretended that we cannot oppose Bergoglio, since no bishops were sedevacantist prior to 1981 and since Pope Leo XII had stated that the peaceful acceptance of a pope by all the bishops is a sign he is truly pope.

Thuc had made consecrations as early as 1976, which was not quite in line with peaceful acceptance of Paul VI. Lefebvre had refused to comply with orders given by Paul VI, which was also not quite in line with peaceful acceptance of him. Remember, the quote from St. Robert Bellarmine on resisting a Pope who attacks the faith, it involves a comparison with resisting a Pope with arms if he attacks your body. So, the theologoumenon by St. Robert invoked for Lefebvre's resistance is incompatible with a peaceful acceptance of Paul VI.

But there seems to be some kind of document by Leo XII that actually opposed vaccination too ... /HGL


LifeSite : EXCLUSIVE: Alexander Tschugguel tells LifeSiteNews he will resist COVID tyranny in Austria

LSN: I think I saw on your Twitter account that you showed a picture of the Gezundheitspass [health pass] of the Nazi era.

AT: I did not post the Nazi Gezundheitspass; someone else did. What is quite interesting is that the Gezundheitspass is exactly what we have to show right now to live a so-called normal life. And not even that: the Gezundheitspass now expires every fourth month, so after four months, you have to get another vaccination, another shot, another shot…

Note, it's actually spelled Gesundheitspass. The English z sound is always s in German, because the letter z is always ts in German./HGL

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